Photos and unknown photo index
Acker, George and Chris' house in Bedford, Iowa [ca 1900] from Julia Blair
Ahrens Drug Store
Aid, Erma and Marion from Edna Brooks Hipsley photos
Aid, John and Eva Robbins marriage picture from Mark J. Aid
Allen, William T. and wife Hannah Nelson
Armstrong, Margaret Virginia and husband from Bill Hunter
Bailie, Bill, Mary and Les Galey from Steve Bailie
Barton, Glenn's great grandfather??
Barton, Yetta
Beadle, Vesta Gold from Joanne Saliby
Picture: 2 of Bedford Main Street, #8969, B 10-10-1985
Picture: Bedford Court Street & courthouse, #8974, B 10-17-1985
Bedford, Iowa: clipping of brick paving street, left side
Bedford, Iowa: clipping of brick paving street, right side
Bedford, Iowa: clipping of hitch rail east side of courthouse square
Bedford, Iowa: clipping showing courthouse with dirt street
Bedford, Iowa: clipping of Main Street with horses
Bedford, Iowa: clipping of Main Street with aerial artist performing
Bedford, Iowa: clipping west side of Court Street with gas lights
Bedford, Iowa: clipping of Main Street with 1912 snow
Bedford, Iowa: clipping of north side of Main Street in 1912 snow
Bedford, Iowa: churches and courthouse from Lorelei Rusco
Bedford, Iowa: Baptist Church, back, from David Shedlock
Bedford, Iowa: Baptist Church, back, from David Shedlock
Bedford, Iowa: Main Street with horses
Bedford, Iowa: Main and Central Streets
Bedford, Iowa: Main and Court corner in 1912 snow
Bedford, Iowa: opera house (John J. Clark building)
Bedford, Iowa: courthouse and jail
Bedford, Iowa: Pennsylvania Street
Bedford, Iowa: Cobb Lake, back, from David Shedlock
Bedford, Iowa: Christian Church, back, from David Shedlock
Bedford, Iowa: Citizen's Bank
Bedford, Iowa: Courthouse, back, from David Shedlock
Bedford, Iowa: Court Street (1930's)
Bedford, Iowa: Court Street with dirt
Bedford, Iowa: another Court Street with dirt
Bedford, Iowa: Court Street with pump in street
Bedford, Iowa: Court Street looking south
Bedford, Iowa: Court Street (1950's)
Bedford, Iowa: Bedford from Pipe Stand
Bedford, Iowa: depot from Mike Avitt : another photo
Bedford, Iowa: library postcard, back from David Shedlock
Bedford, Iowa: Main Street with street lights
Bedford, Iowa: Main Street with street lights and cars from Lorelei Rusco
Bedford, Iowa: Methodist Church, back, from David Shedlock
Bedford, Iowa: High School (1920's)
Bedford, Iowa: High School, back, from David Shedlock
Bedford, Iowa: Parade July 4, 1911 from Lorelei Rusco
Bedford, Iowa: Presbyterian Church
Bedford, Iowa: Presbyterian Church, back, from David Shedlock
Bedford, Iowa: Presbyterian Church, back, from David Shedlock
Bedford, Iowa: Presbyterian Church, back, from David Shedlock
Bedford, Iowa: 6th, 7th, and 8th grade picture of 1914
Bedford, Iowa: Skylark Cafe from Mike Avitt
Bedford, Iowa: shady drive from Lorelei Rusco
Bedford, Iowa: soldier monument at courthouse, back, from David Shedlock
Bedford, Iowa: soldier monument at courthouse, back, from David Shedlock
Bedford, Iowa: Storm of 1909 from Lorelei Rusco
Bedford, Iowa: Street band, 1914 from Steven Francis
Bedford, Iowa: Street scene of 1907
Bedford, Iowa: matchbooks from Cobb Oil Company and Emmert Motor Sales
Bedford, Iowa: matchbook covers from Emmert Motor Sales
Bedford, Iowa: parade
Bedford High School - Band picture
Bedford High School - Glee Club
Bedford High School - original high school building from Lorelei Rusco
Bedford High School - Class of 1915
Bedford High School - Class of 1935 reunion
Bedford High School - pictures and memorabilia from 1942 and 1943
Bedford High School - graduation program of 1882
Bedford High School 1913 summer school from Lorelei Rusco
Bedford Public School Building from Lorelei Rusco
Bedford school - 7th grade 1946-7 from Don Parsons
Bedford, Iowa picture: taken by B.F. Maxwell - two women and child
Bedford - Grandmothers and Great-grandmothers group - from Sharon Jones
Bedford picture of couple - found in building on Main Street
Bedford - unknown young couple - from Sharon Jones - needs identifications
Bedford - older couple - from Sharon Jones - needs identifications
Bedford - unknown family - from Sharon Jones - needs identifications
Bedford - young man - from Sharon Jones - needs identifications
Bedford, Lenox and Clearfield photos - unidentified
Bell, 6 daughters of George - from Herb Bell
Biers Auto pictures
Blackburn, Edna from Sharon Jones
Blockton, Iowa calendar from Lorelei Rusco
Blockton, Iowa depot from Mike Avitt
Blockton, Iowa depot and flood of 1909 from Mike Avitt
Blockton, Iowa: first primary room school from Lorelei Rusco
Blockton, Iowa: grammar school from Lorelei Rusco
Blockton, Iowa: intermediate school from Lorelei Rusco
Blockton, Iowa: high school students from Lorelei Rusco
Blockton, Iowa J.N Freeland store from Lorelei Rusco
Blockton, Iowa Park from Lorelei Rusco
Bloom, Sylvia, 1918
Blue Grove baseball team from Joanne Saliby
Boatman, Clyde and mother Ida from April Bertolini
Boatman, Henry Westley from April Bertolini
Boham, Lloyd and Morrow friends - Camille Boham Farkas
Boham, Lloyd and baby girl - Camille Boham Farkas
Bolt, Edward, Lavina, & Paul photo from Chuck Hutchinson
Bolt, John family photo from Chuck Hutchinson
Bowerman, H.K. and Annie
Burch, Edna from Janice Wald
Burwell, Kittie Eby ?? from Linda Rocco
Campbell, Violet
Clark, Mildred
Carlson, C.J.A., farm photo
Carlson, Victor, farm photo
Chandler house - from Audrey Haverkamp
Chandler & Chamberlin group from Audrey Haverkamp
Chandler, Lee and Gordon [Wallace] from Audrey Haverkamp
child taken at Clarinda
Clayton, Arch and group from Lenox, Iowa
Clayton, Arch and Ira's Restaurant, Lenox, Iowa
Clayton, Arch and Mattie
Clayton, Arch, Mattie, Ellis, Elden, and Naomi
Clayton, C.A. and second wife, Nancy "Kitty" Barnes
Clayton, David E., son Ora G. and grandson Ralph Clayton
Clayton, Ora, Alva, Mary, Elza
Clayton, Ora's family
Clayton, William and Martha's children from Deena Frank
Clearfield, Iowa band 1, band 2, and band 3 from Linda Wheeler
Clearfield, Iowa band in street from Lorelei Rusco
Clearfield, Iowa Clearfield Cemetery 1908 from Linda Wheeler
Clearfield, Iowa Commencement program - page 1 - page 2 from Linda Wheeler
Clearfield, Iowa Dr McCall's house from Linda Wheeler
Clearfield, Iowa Clearfield Elevator from Linda Wheeler
Clearfield, Iowa high school building from Mike Avitt
Clearfield, Iowa bible class 1907 from Mike Avitt
Clearfield, Iowa insurance building from Linda Wheeler
Clearfield, Iowa Jas Crew & Sons Co, general merchandise from Linda Wheeler
Clearfield, Iowa Methodist Church fire 1909 from Linda Wheeler
Clearfield, Iowa school building from Linda Wheeler
Clearfield, Iowa school class from Linda Wheeler
Clearfield, Iowa street from Mike Avitt
Clearfield, Iowa street 1909 from Linda Wheeler
Clearfield, Iowa street 1910 from Mike Avitt
Clearfield, Iowa street scene (front of card) (back of card) from Gary Ross
Clearfield, Iowa street scene (1) from Gary Ross
Clearfield, Iowa parade 1907 from Lorelei Rusco
Clearfield, Iowa Presbyterian Church from Linda Wheeler
Clearfield, Iowa street 1910 from Lorelei Rusco
Clearfield, Iowa street 1910 from Lorelei Rusco
Clearfield, Iowa street fair from Mike Avitt ; Street Fair (2)
Clearfield, Iowa street "trolley" from Linda Wheeler
Clearfield, Iowa nameplate on a telephone: Leo V. Myers, Clearfield, Iowa
Clearfield, Iowa U.P. Church from Mike Avitt
Cobb, Thomas "Benton" and Deida "Ann" Stark from Sharon & Ed Malcom
Cole, Nathan
Combs, Audrey and Wilbur Cox wedding picture from Audrey Haverkamp
Combs, Cora and Nell from Janice Wald
Combs, Ruby Peterman's photo album picture of an unknown woman
Combs, Ruby Peterman's photo album picture of 3 men: maybe Dougherty or Slaight's
Conway Crossing Gravity 1919
Conway early picture: Mike Avitt
Conway, Iowa street scene
Conway Methodist Church
Conway school picture - can you identify any of the kids?
Conway school recess - Lloyd Boham and?
Conway school picture - about 1936 from Kerry Landers
Conway school girl's basketball team - from Kerry Landers
Conway school girl's basketball team 2 - from Kerry Landers
Conway school girl's basketball 3 - from Kerry Landers
Conway school girl's basketball 4 - from Kerry Landers
Conway school girl's basketball5 - from Kerry Landers
Conway school girl's basketball6 - from Kerry Landers
Conway school 3 girls basketball - from Kerry Landers
Conway school - state girl's basketball - from Kerry Landers
Conway school - 4 girls going to state basketball - from Kerry Landers
Conway school - Jeannette Norton 1939 - from Kerry Landers
Conway school - Home Economics class - from Kerry Landers
Conway school - Juniors of 1936 - from Kerry Landers
Conway school - band - from Kerry Landers
Conway school - grade school pupils - from Kerry Landers
Conway School - Jeannette Norton - from Kerry Landers
Conway school - Mildred Norton - from Kerry Landers
Conway school - orchestra - from Kerry Landers
Conway school - all students 1936 - from Kerry Landers
Conway school - 3 girls - from Kerry Landers
Conway school - Conway 25 - from Kerry Landers
Conway school - Conway 531 - from Kerry Landers
Conway school - 1936 senior girls - from Kerry Landers
Conway school - 1936 girls - from Kerry Landers
Conway school - 1936 junior high - from Kerry Landers
Conway school - 1937 faculty - from Kerry Landers
Conway school - 1937 third & fourth grades - from Kerry Landers
Conway school - 1937 fifth & sixth grades - from Kerry Landers
Conway school - 1937 seventh & eighth grades - from Kerry Landers
Conway school - boys basketball 1937-1938 - from Kerry Landers
Conway school - boys basketball 1938 - from Kerry Landers
Conway school about 1939 - from Kerry Landers
Conway school picnic - from Kerry Landers
Conway school play - from Kerry Landers
Conway school senior pictures 1936 - 1937 - from Kerry Landers
Conway school senior pictures 1937-1938 - from Kerry Landers
Conway school senior pictures 1938-1939 - from Kerry Landers
Conway school senior boys 1940 - from Kerry Landers
Conway school seniors in front of building 1940 - from Kerry Landers
Conway seniors 1940 - from Kerry Landers
Conway sophomores 1938-1939 - from Kerry Landers
Conway sophomores 1936-1937 - from Kerry Landers
Conway sophomores 1937 - from Kerry Landers
Cooney, Frank, farm photo
Cooney, J.P., farm photo
Country School - Platte #5 from Don Jones - Feb 2025
couple taken at Lyndon, Kansas ?
Cox, Dean from Audrey from Audrey Haverkamp
Cox, Wilbur and Audrey Combs wedding picture from Audrey from Audrey Haverkamp
Cox, Wilbur with Doris and Dean from Audrey from Audrey Haverkamp
Creswell, D.C., farm photo
Cusick, Robbie from Janice Wald
Dallas township men haying
Dallas township men sawing logs
Darnold, Annie from Janice Wald
Darnold, Doris from Janice Wald
Darnold, Emma and husband Andrew Erickson from Janice Wald
Darnold family album - 2 little girls & little boy from Janice Wald
Darnold family album - Fern? from Janice Wald
Darnold family album - 2 young men taken at Metropolis, Ill from Janice Wald
Darnold family album - says "taken in Humboldt Kansas"
Darnold, Hazel & Fern from Janice Wald
Darnold, James "Arthur" and Cora M. Combs wedding picture from Janice Wald
Darnold, Letha Genevieve from Janice Wald
Darnold, Lillie? from Janice Wald
Darnold, Lillie from Janice Wald
Darnold, Lillie and nephew from Janice Wald
Darnold, Minnie from Janice Wald
Darnold, Minnie, Annie and Em from Janice Wald
Darnold, George Burton and Lillie Mae Johnson wedding from Janice Wald
Darnold, Minnie or Em in wedding picture from Janice Wald
Darnold, Rose from Janice Wald
Darnold, Russell & Opal from Janice Wald
Darnold, Selvin Sylvester "Cell" from Janice Wald
Daugherty School students ca 1949/50 from John Hunter
Davis, Al, farm photo
Dirrim, L.A., farm photo
Dougherty, brothers: son of Gideon and Elizabeth
Dougherty, Elizabeth Mahan 100th birthday picture and article
Dougherty, Elizabeth Mahan ?? is this a picture Elizabeth?
Dougherty, Slaight and Peterman: 4 generation photo in 1915
Dugan, George family
Dugan, siblings ?
Dunn, G.L., farm photo
Dunn, Louisa and grandson, Darrell Dunn [Pat O'Dell]
Dunn, William Edmund [Pat O'Dell]
Dunn, William, Louisa, Roy & Willie [Pat O'Dell]
Dunn, Roy and Willie [Pat O'Dell]
Dunn, Willie [Pat O'Dell]
Dunn, Willie [Pat O'Dell]
Dunn, Will [Pat O'Dell]
Dunn, Will, graduation [Pat O'Dell]
Dunn, Will and Louisa's farm [Pat O'Dell]
Dunning, Frank's House, back of card, Bedford, Iowa from David Shedlock
Edwards, S.B., farm photo
Eighmy, Carroll C.
Eighmy, Belle Jackson
Eighmy, Belle
Eighmy, Bill
Eighmy, Will
English, P.B., farm photo
English, T.W., farm photo
Enick, Harry from Janice Wald
Evans, John K. [Rev] and children photo from Jane Evans
Evans, William Franklin and family from Jane Evans
family picture taken at O.H. Park, Clarinda, Iowa ?
family picture taken at F.J. Heaton, New Market, Iowa? who are they - from Don Parsons
Fitch, J. Ashley from Louise Novinger
Fitch, Mary with sons Hugh and Worth from Louise Novinger
Flowers, Archie, Yetta, Dale and Jaunita
Flowers, Archie & Yetta Barton wedding license from Dale Flowers
Folk Henry with children from Pat O'Dell
Foster, Dean and Florance
Franklin, Blanche from Lorelei Rusco
Frost, Mata and Clarence Johnson from Janice Wald
Fryer, F.B., farm photo
Gaddis, Harvey & Faye from Lorelei Rusco
Galey, Mary and Les and Bill Bailie from Steve Bailie
Gant, Charles, Florence, Mary, Russell, Mable, Orval, Ethel, Alma
Gant, Mary Almira Allen Mapes - from Roger Gant
Gerard, A., farm photo
Ginn, Charles and Cora Ginn [nee Barngrover] from Nancy Franklin Scott
Ginn, William Ellis and sons from Nancy Franklin Scott -
girl, taken at Bedford, Ia
Glassgow, Manie and Belle with Margaret Virginia and Jesse Hughes from Bill Hunter
Glassgow school about 1900
Glassgow school about 1902?
Glassgow school - boys and girls
Glassgow school - girls
Glasgow school - boys
Glassgow, Grace Nevin
Gold siblings from Joanne Saliby
Gold, Vernon from Joanne Saliby
Graves, Elida M. [Lyde] Redmond from Chuck Hutchinson
Graves, Isabella Buffington from Chuck Hutchinson
Graves, Israel Washington from Chuck Hutchinson
Graves, Joseph Buffington from Chuck Hutchinson
Graves, Mary Margaret Wright & children - from Chuck Hutchinson
Gravity High School building
Gravity High School from Lorelei Rusco
Gravity High School - Class of 1911???
Gravity High School - 1920's
Gravity High School - 1920's (2)
Gravity High School - 1920's (3)
Gravity High School - basketball boys 1943-44
Gravity High School - basketball girls ca1926
Gravity High School class of 1943 - freshmen
Gravity High School class of 1943 - sophomores
Gravity High School class of 1943 - juniors
Gravity High School class of 1943 - seniors
Gravity, Iowa Main Street from Gary Ross
Gravity, Iowa Main Street / (two) from Lorelei Rusco
Gravity, Iowa: Methodist Church from Lorelei Rusco
Gravity, Iowa: Postal Workers
Gravity Legion Hall group
Gravity Railroad Station 1903
Gravity, Iowa: school teacher
Gravity, Iowa: shaded walk from Lorelei Rusco
Greenlee family photo - Sherry Scott - need help identifying people!
Greenlee, Harley and Mary Ann - Sherry Scott
Greenwell, William, farm photo
Gridley, H.W., farm photo
Guss, Iowa 1912 from [Leo] and Normalee Miller
Guss, Iowa Cemetery ca 1905
Guss Maple Grove Methodist Church - Connie Walters
Guss, W.H., farm photo
Hargadin, Charles and Frances Burrows marriage from Lorelei Rusco
Hargadin family - Charles, Frances, Beth from Lorelei Rusco
Hargadin girls - Jesse Faye, Frances, Clara Elizabeth "Beth" from Lorelei Rusco
Hargadin house [section 26, Wash twp] old / newer from Lorelei Rusco
Hargadin, Jessie "Faye" from Lorelei Rusco
Harris Family Reunion - from Linda Vincent and Linda Kestner
Harris Family Reunion (2) - from Linda Vincent and Linda Kestner
Havens, W.M., farm photo
Hazen, Dee and wife Laura Oxley
Healy's Shetland ponies, back from David Shedlock
Heinsfurter, H.H., farm photo
Hembree, Martha Dougherty
Hembree, William's grown children
Hill, John (Jack) and Lucy Franklin Hill and their boys, Bertie and Otto
Himiller, John, farm photo
Hinton, James & Eliza Jane Ritenberg - parents of James L. Hinton
Hinton, James Livingston
Hoover, Daniel
Hosman, Cassius and Mary Lou from Deena Frank
Hosman, Cassius & Mary Lou family from Deena Frank
Hosman, Cassius, Mary Lou and son, Thomas Dillon from Deena Frank
Houck, Walter and Sue's pictures - unidentified
Hughes, Amy from Juanita Fields
Hughes, Jeremiah T. from Juanita Fields
Hunter family - Faye, Duane, Minnie, Ethel, John, Mary from John Hunter
Hunter, brothers - Doud, Ralph, John, Blaine
Hunter, Giles family picture from Bill Hunter - need help on identifications
Hunter, John Roy and Dollye Bell Wilsey wedding picture, ca1908
Hunter, John Roy and Dollye Bell Wilsey, 50th wedding anniversary 1958
Hutchinson, Eldora Graves from Chuck Hutchinson
Hutchinson, family group from Deena Frank
Hutchinson family photo - unidentified - from Deena Frank
Hutchinson, Malinda Brown - from Chuck Hutchinson
The Hutchinson Girls (circa,1903) - Mary, Martha, Lavina, Amy, Ethel, Blanch & Adelia
Hutchinson, John Albert family - from Deena Frank
Hutchinson, Mary Lou and Martha Rebecca - twins - from Deena Frank
Hutchinson, Samantha from Deena Frank
Hutchinson, William Francis from Chuck Hutchinson
Hutchinson, William Francis [Frank] from Chuck Hutchinson
Jared and Scrivner family picture: view 1 / view 2
Jenkins, Scena Viola / Scena and friend / from Cam
Jetton, Eva Fern's pictures - unidentified
Johnson/Bell group from Janice Wald
Johnson, Clarence and Mata Frost from Janice Wald
Johnson, Jeremiah Jefferson from Herb Bell
Johnson, Jerry, Lillie Johnson and May Wright from Janice Wald
Johnson, Jerry and Etta from Janice Wald
Johnson, Jonathan & Sina from Janice Wald
Johnson, Lessie son of Ed from Janice Wald
Johnson, Ora from Janice Wald
Kent, Jemima "Miam" Bell Johnson from Janice Wald
Kent, Jemima Bell from Janice Wald
Kidder, Edna - from Sharon Jones
Kidder, Willis, Edna & Flora - from Sharon Jones
Kidder, Elmer and Sarah Marble Kidder (younger) from Sharon Jones
Kidder, Elmer and Sarah Marble Kidder (older) - from Sharon Jones
Kidder, Elmer family - from Sharon Jones
Kidder, Flora - from Sharon Jones
Kidder, Sarah Elvira (Marble), circa 1875-1885 from Sharon Jones
Kidder, Sylvia - from Sharon Jones
Kidder, Willis - from Sharon Jones
Kidder, Willis Elmer & Blanche Lois Walston Kidder - from Sharon Jones
Lake of 3 Fires Bath House from Lorelei Rusco
Lake of 3 Fires boat/picnic scene from Lorelei Rusco
Lake of 3 Fires Shelter House
Lasswell, Benjamin, Jesse & John and sister Rosannah Lasswell Oxley from Steve Howard
Lenox, Iowa - unknown
Lenox, Iowa: Abi's pupils
Lenox, Iowa: Beck, Klarah
Lenox, Iowa: Bollman, John
Lenox, Iowa: child's photo
Lenox, Iowa: elevator picture taken 2004 by Mike Avitt
Lenox, Iowa: High School Senior of May 1903
Lenox, Iowa: Ida Mae Hixson Wilson and husband Frank J. Wilson
Lenox, Iowa: Main Street with horses
Lenox, Iowa: Main Street 1912
Lenox, Iowa: Main Street / (second) from Lorelei Rusco
Lenox, Iowa: Maiscel?
Lenox, Iowa: Mansfield children?
Lenox, Iowa: Marley, Will
Lenox, Iowa: Methodist Church
Lenox, Iowa: Moore, Alice
Lenox, Iowa: mother and child on postcard
Lenox, Iowa: Paige house in Lenox?
Lenox, Iowa: Presbyterian Church from Lorelei Rusco
Lenox, Iowa: school 1920 from Lorelei Rusco
Lenox, Iowa: shop with 2 people in it
Lenox, Iowa: unknown boy
Lenox, Iowa: unknown children
Lenox, Iowa: unknown children (3)
Lenox, Iowa: unknown man taken in Lenox
Lenox, Iowa: unknown woman
Lenox, Iowa: unknown woman
Lenox, Iowa: Wiand, Daisy?
Lenox, Iowa: woman and child named Cheryl?
Lenox, Iowa: Wurster, Katy and Mary
Lenox, Iowa: Wu(r)ster male-- Shirley has same picture with no name on it either
Lenox, Iowa: Zander, Florence
Lewis, Mary Jane Van Meter from Jane Evans
Lindsey School - Zetta Herron teacher - please identify kids - 1914 from Gary Ross
Lone Star County School: picture 1, picture 2, picture 3, picture 4, picture 5, picture 6, picture 7
Longfellow, Henry W.'s family photo from John Hunter
Luton Family
Mankle, Ed
man taken at New Market
McCarroll, Carita Belknap (Hedrick)
McClara, Dale from Edna Brooks Hipsley collection
McCorkle, Owen and Grace's family
McKee, Ralph - from Sharon Jones
McKee, Ralph & Sylvia - from Sharon Jones
McKim, Bertha [on left] with Mamie Reeves
Miller, Andrew from Tracy Cox
Miller, Roy family / second picture from Heather Hook
Moore, Annie Darnold and child from Janice Wald
Moore, Austin, farm photo
Moore, Edward, farm photo
Moore, Harry from Janice Wald
Moreland, J.N., farm photo
Mosley, Maria May Folk from Pat O'Dell
Mosley, Maria, husband Richard, son Carl from Pat O'Dell
Nash, Samuel Joseph and Charlotte "Lottie" Lewellen Nash from John Hunter - second picture
Nelson, Alvin, farm photo

Neville family

New Market Class of ?
New Market High School basketball team 1930-31
New Market High School Class of 1924 from Don Parsons
New Market High School football team of 1925
New Market High School Graduation of 1926: front of card, back of card
New Market High School Graduation of 1930-31
New Market High School Class [of 1931]
New Market High School Graduation of 1932: front of card, back of card
New Market History by Mrs Ray
New Market, Iowa: 4th July 1918 parade 1st prize Walker Car
New Market, Iowa: depot 1, depot 2 from [Leo] and Normalee Miller
New Market, Iowa: 5th grade class of 1931
New Market, Iowa: IOOF Building from [Leo] and Normalee Miller
New Market, Iowa: Last train 1945
New Market, Iowa: lumber yard from [Leo] and Normalee Miller
New Market, Iowa: Main Street, view 1 from [Leo] and Normalee Miller
New Market, Iowa: Main Street, view 2 from [Leo] and Normalee Miller
New Market, Iowa: Main Street [joke], view 3 from [Leo] and Normalee Miller
New Market, Iowa: Main Street - west side, north to south
New Market, Iowa: Main Street - west side, south to north from Lorelei Rusco
New Market, Iowa: people with stuck tractor
New Market, Iowa: school 1, school 2, school 3 from [Leo] and Normalee Miller
New Market, Iowa: school organization from Louise Novinger
New Market, Iowa: John H. Liggett High School from Lorelei Rusco
New Market, Iowa: store from [Leo] and Normalee Miller
Newsam, E., Mrs, farm photo
Novinger Family Photos from Louise Novinger
O'Dell, Bruce with cousins Robin, Lyman and Ezra Fitch from Louise Novinger
O'Dell, Neva - 1924 - from Louise Novinger
O'Dell, Neva's baby ]Novinger]
O'Dell, Neva and red cross parade
O'Dell, Sylvia Wilcox from Jack O'Dell
Orme, J.W., farm photo
Ormsby, Clarence - from Sharon Jones
Ormsby, Clarence Edwin (1) - from Sharon Jones
Ormsby, Clarence Edwin (2) - from Sharon Jones
Ormsby, Clarence & William - from Sharon Jones
Ormsby, Edna Rachel (1) - from Sharon Jones
Ormsby, Edna Rachel (2) - from Sharon Jones
Ormsby, Flora & Fern - from Sharon Jones
Ormsby, Lucien - from Sharon Jones
Ormsby, Lucien in Salt Lake City - from Sharon Jones
Ormsby, Margaret Ferry Brown - from Sharon Jones
Ormsby, Margaret Ferry Brown with group - from Sharon Jones
Ormsby, William - from Sharon Jones
Ormsby, William - from Sharon Jones
Oxley, Lewis and Jemima, and grandson Llewellyn Oxley from Steve Howard
Oxley, Rosannah Lasswell and brothers from Steve Howard
Oxley, William T. and Rosannah with children from Steve Howard
Pershing, Abraham from Jack O'Dell
Peterson, Emil G., farm photo
Reeves, Mamie [on right] with Bertha McKim
Rhoads, Cornelius C. from Vicky Rafn
Ridge, Minerva ?? from Janice Wald
Risser School of 1918
Robbins, Bobby - New Market baseball team 1907 from Linda Burton
Roberts, Helen Bailie dau of Oren and Lucinda, ca 1898
Roberts, Roy son of J.B. and Mary
Roberts, Ward & Effie, 25th wedding anniversary
Robinson, F.L., farm photo
Rogers, Letta, Jessie & Issel at Billings, Mt from Janice Wald
Rogers, Melvin Seymour and son Frank and daughter Carrie
Rogers, Melvin Seymour's grandsons
Rose, C.P., farm photo
Ross, George from Janice Wald
Ross, Pearl postcard picture - from Ethel at New Market - from Audrey Haverkamp
Sams, George, farm photo
Schantz, C.J., farm photo
School - Dallas Center School from Joyce Orr
School - Dallas Center students - can you identify - from Joyce Orr
School - Ladoga school pictures: Georgia Glassmann teacher, who are the students?
School - Lindsey School - Zetta Herron teacher - please identify kids - 1914
School - Titus school 1949 from John Hunter
Scott, Mrs Dr taken at Red Oak, Iowa
Seamiller, Alice: front - back
Seamands, John from kimble DaCosta <>

Sharp, Addie Floy and Jacob Clyde Brown wedding picture, 1910

Sharpsburg, Iowa depot from Mike Avitt
Sharpsburg, Iowa depot 1910 from Mike Avitt
Shepherd, Walter Theodore and Myrtle Blanch Netto wedding picture
Shipley, Clifford from Janice Wald
Shum, George's family of Gravity, Iowa
Siam, Iowa class picture
Siam, Iowa class picture 1924?
Siam, Iowa class picture 1928?
Siam, Iowa 8th grade graduation 1932
Siam, Iowa 8th grade graduation 1933?
Siam, Iowa graduating class of 1932 reunion in 1962
Silver Lake School about 1900?
Slack, J.F., farm photo
Slaight, Caroline Matilda Dougherty
Squires family photo? from Kathy Ruth
Steeves, Ferne

Stephens, Mrytle, graduation

Strickland, J.N., farm photo
Swisher, H.E., farm photo
Swisher, Peter, farm photo
Taylor County Country School - unidentified
Taylor County Sheriff's posse
Templeton, Cleo Leroy "Roy"
Templeton, James, Eva and Cliff
Thompson, Scott Winfield and Anna family
Thompson, Winfield Scott and sister Ella Thompson Plank
Thomas, Hugh's 4 sons
Thomas, Hugh's son's family - need identification
Timberlake School about 1900 from John Hunter
Timberlake School about 1912
Timberlake School, 1915
Timberlake School, 1918?
Timberlake School, 1946
Timberlake School, 1952?
Timberlake Country School - 1956 , 1957, 1958, 1959
Timberlake School
Titus school 1949 from John Hunter
Tomlinson, H.E.'s HOUSE in New Market from [Leo] and Normalee Miller
Travis, Kenneth, Gert, Leta, Earl and Merle

Travis, Maxine, Mike, Merle

Vanhorn, William and Isabelle Rippey family group
Van Valkenburg, C.P., farm photo
Van Valkenburg, John, farm photo
Waight Family Album
Washington Twp, section 29 farm picture from Lorelei Rusco
Wendling, G.F., farm photo
Wendling, George, farm photo
Wendling, H.E., farm photo
West, Sarah E. Monahan - 100th birthday - 103rd birthday
White - This is Benjamin Jackson White & Neva Raynor's wedding photo.
White - Benjamin Jackson White with Alvin White on the horse - Alexander Hamilton White & Everett White in the wagon - & Robert White (brother of George Washington White, uncle of Benjamin & Alexander)
White - George Washington White, Martha Holland-White, Benjamin Jackson White & Alexilton White. Taken in Clainda about 1900
Wilcox, Harry Earle / (two) from Jack O'Dell
Wilcox, Harry Earle and John Wesley Jr from Jack O'Dell
Wilcox, John Wesley from Jack O'Dell
Wilcox, John Wesley Jr from Jack O'Dell
Wilcox, Margaret Ella Pershing "Ella" from Jack O'Dell
Wilcox, Olive Miller from Jack O'Dell
Wilcox, Sylvia from Jack O'Dell
Williams, A.J., farm photo
Williams Bros, farm photo
Williams, J.S., farm photo
Wirth, Carrie

Wirth, Carrie, Minnie, Ray

Wirth, Charles' children: Louisa, John, Ida, Mary, Cora
Wirth, Charles' family
Wirth, Charles' grown children
Wirth, Charles' home with Walter and Mary Osburn
Wirth Family Reunion about 1950
Wirth, Floyd and Paul
Wirth, Floyd and Paul, Neil Combs
Wirth, Floyd and Paul, Boyd Novinger, Neil Combs
Wirth, John and Elzora wedding picture 1896
Wirth, Louisa and John, ca1872
Wirth, Minnie and Lee Long wedding picture 1926
Wirth sister's picture - Louisa, Ida, Cora
Wisdom, Frank from Pat O'Dell
Wise, C.H., farm photo
Wise, John Will, farm photo
Wise, M.M., farm photo
Wright, May, Johnson, Jerry, Lillie Johnson from Janice Wald
Wright, T.J., farm photo
Wurster, Harry / (two) from Shirley Goldner
Wurster, Harvey Glen from Shirley Goldner
Wurster, Howard / (two) / (three) / four from Shirley Goldner
Wurster, Pearl from Shirley Goldner
Wurster, Pearl and Harvey from Shirley Goldner
Wyckoff, C.C., farm photo
young woman in hat
Young, Amy Davis' pictures - unidentified
unknown of "Grandma," Net, Grace and baby Harold: 4-generation picture
unknown of group of kids beside a Bedford church
unknown family: photo taken in Maryville, [may be of Taylor Co, Ia or Holt Co, Mo]