Acker, George and Chris' house in Bedford, Iowa [ca 1900] from Julia Blair |
Ahrens Drug Store |
Aid, Erma and Marion from Edna Brooks Hipsley photos |
Aid, John and Eva Robbins marriage picture from Mark J. Aid |
Allen, William T. and wife Hannah Nelson |
Armstrong, Margaret Virginia and husband
from Bill Hunter |
Bailie, Bill, Mary and Les Galey from Steve Bailie |
Barton, Glenn's great grandfather?? |
Barton, Yetta |
Beadle, Vesta Gold from Joanne
Saliby |
Picture: 2 of Bedford Main Street, #8969, B 10-10-1985 |
Picture: Bedford Court Street & courthouse, #8974, B 10-17-1985 |
Bedford, Iowa: clipping of brick paving
street, left side |
Bedford, Iowa: clipping of brick paving
street, right side |
Bedford, Iowa: clipping of hitch rail
east side of courthouse square |
Bedford, Iowa: clipping showing courthouse
with dirt street |
Bedford, Iowa: clipping of Main Street
with horses |
Bedford, Iowa: clipping of Main Street
with aerial artist performing |
Bedford, Iowa: clipping west side of
Court Street with gas lights |
Bedford, Iowa: clipping of Main Street
with 1912 snow |
Bedford, Iowa: clipping of north side
of Main Street in 1912 snow |
Bedford, Iowa: churches and courthouse from Lorelei Rusco |
Bedford, Iowa: Baptist Church, back, from David Shedlock |
Bedford, Iowa: Baptist Church, back, from David Shedlock |
Bedford, Iowa: Main Street with horses |
Bedford, Iowa: Main and Central Streets |
Bedford, Iowa: Main and Court corner
in 1912 snow |
Bedford, Iowa: opera house (John J.
Clark building) |
Bedford, Iowa: courthouse and jail |
Bedford, Iowa: Pennsylvania Street |
Bedford, Iowa: Cobb Lake, back, from David Shedlock |
Bedford, Iowa: Christian Church, back, from David Shedlock |
Bedford, Iowa: Citizen's Bank |
Bedford, Iowa: Courthouse, back, from David Shedlock |
Bedford, Iowa: Court Street (1930's) |
Bedford, Iowa: Court Street with dirt |
Bedford, Iowa: another Court Street
with dirt |
Bedford, Iowa: Court Street with pump
in street |
Bedford, Iowa: Court Street looking south |
Bedford, Iowa: Court Street (1950's) |
Bedford, Iowa: Bedford from Pipe Stand |
Bedford, Iowa: depot from Mike Avitt : another photo |
Bedford, Iowa: library postcard, back from David Shedlock |
Bedford, Iowa: Main Street with street
lights |
Bedford, Iowa: Main Street with street lights and cars from Lorelei Rusco |
Bedford, Iowa: Methodist Church, back, from David Shedlock |
Bedford, Iowa: High School
(1920's) |
Bedford, Iowa: High School, back, from David Shedlock |
Bedford, Iowa: Parade July 4, 1911 from Lorelei Rusco |
Bedford, Iowa: Presbyterian Church |
Bedford, Iowa: Presbyterian Church, back, from David Shedlock |
Bedford, Iowa: Presbyterian Church, back, from David Shedlock |
Bedford, Iowa: Presbyterian Church, back, from David Shedlock |
Bedford, Iowa:
6th, 7th, and 8th grade picture of 1914 |
Bedford, Iowa: Skylark Cafe from Mike Avitt |
Bedford, Iowa: shady drive from Lorelei Rusco |
Bedford, Iowa: soldier monument at courthouse, back, from David Shedlock |
Bedford, Iowa: soldier monument at courthouse, back, from David Shedlock |
Bedford, Iowa: Storm of 1909 from Lorelei Rusco |
Bedford, Iowa: Street band, 1914 from Steven Francis |
Bedford, Iowa: Street
scene of 1907 |
Bedford, Iowa: matchbooks from Cobb Oil Company and Emmert Motor Sales |
Bedford, Iowa: matchbook covers from Emmert Motor Sales |
Bedford, Iowa: parade |
Bedford High School - Band picture |
Bedford High School - Glee Club |
Bedford High School - original high school building from Lorelei Rusco |
Bedford High School - Class of 1915 |
Bedford High School - Class of 1935 reunion
Bedford High School - pictures and memorabilia
from 1942 and 1943 |
Bedford High School - graduation program of 1882 |
Bedford High School 1913 summer school from Lorelei Rusco |
Bedford Public School Building from Lorelei Rusco |
Bedford school - 7th grade 1946-7 from Don Parsons |
Bedford, Iowa picture: taken by B.F. Maxwell
- two women and child |
Bedford - Grandmothers and Great-grandmothers
group - from Sharon Jones |
Bedford picture of couple - found in building
on Main Street |
Bedford - unknown young couple - from
Sharon Jones - needs identifications |
Bedford - older couple - from Sharon
Jones - needs identifications |
Bedford - unknown family - from Sharon
Jones - needs identifications |
Bedford - young man - from Sharon Jones
- needs identifications |
Bedford, Lenox and Clearfield photos
- unidentified |
Bell, 6 daughters of George - from Herb
Bell |
Biers Auto pictures |
Blackburn, Edna from Sharon
Jones |
Blockton, Iowa calendar from Lorelei Rusco |
Blockton, Iowa depot from Mike Avitt |
Blockton, Iowa depot and flood of 1909 from Mike Avitt |
Blockton, Iowa: first primary room school from Lorelei Rusco |
Blockton, Iowa: grammar school from Lorelei Rusco |
Blockton, Iowa: intermediate school from Lorelei Rusco |
Blockton, Iowa: high school students from Lorelei Rusco |
Blockton, Iowa J.N Freeland store from Lorelei Rusco |
Blockton, Iowa Park from Lorelei Rusco |
Bloom, Sylvia, 1918 |
Blue Grove baseball team from Joanne
Saliby |
Boatman, Clyde and mother Ida from April Bertolini |
Boatman, Henry Westley from April Bertolini |
Boham, Lloyd and Morrow friends - Camille Boham Farkas |
Boham, Lloyd and baby girl - Camille Boham Farkas |
Bolt, Edward, Lavina, & Paul
photo from Chuck Hutchinson |
Bolt, John family photo
from Chuck Hutchinson |
Bowerman, H.K. and Annie |
Burch, Edna from Janice Wald |
Burwell, Kittie Eby ?? from Linda Rocco |
Campbell, Violet |
Clark, Mildred |
Carlson, C.J.A., farm photo |
Carlson, Victor, farm photo |
Chandler house - from Audrey Haverkamp |
Chandler & Chamberlin group from Audrey Haverkamp |
Chandler, Lee and Gordon [Wallace] from Audrey Haverkamp |
child taken at Clarinda |
Clayton, Arch and group from Lenox, Iowa |
Clayton, Arch and Ira's Restaurant, Lenox,
Iowa |
Clayton, Arch and Mattie |
Clayton, Arch, Mattie, Ellis, Elden, and
Naomi |
Clayton, C.A. and second wife, Nancy "Kitty"
Barnes |
Clayton, David E., son Ora G. and grandson
Ralph Clayton |
Clayton, Ora, Alva, Mary, Elza |
Clayton, Ora's family |
Clayton, William and Martha's children
from Deena Frank |
Clearfield, Iowa band 1, band 2, and band 3 from Linda Wheeler |
Clearfield, Iowa band in street from Lorelei Rusco |
Clearfield, Iowa Clearfield Cemetery 1908 from Linda Wheeler |
Clearfield, Iowa Commencement program - page 1 - page 2 from Linda Wheeler |
Clearfield, Iowa Dr McCall's house from Linda Wheeler |
Clearfield, Iowa Clearfield Elevator from Linda Wheeler |
Clearfield, Iowa high school building from Mike Avitt |
Clearfield, Iowa bible class 1907 from Mike Avitt |
Clearfield, Iowa insurance building from Linda Wheeler |
Clearfield, Iowa Jas Crew & Sons Co, general merchandise from Linda Wheeler |
Clearfield, Iowa Methodist Church fire 1909 from Linda Wheeler |
Clearfield, Iowa school building from Linda Wheeler |
Clearfield, Iowa school class from Linda Wheeler |
Clearfield, Iowa street from Mike Avitt |
Clearfield, Iowa street 1909 from Linda Wheeler |
Clearfield, Iowa street 1910 from Mike Avitt |
Clearfield, Iowa street scene (front
of card) (back of card) from Gary
Ross |
Clearfield, Iowa street scene (1)
from Gary Ross |
Clearfield, Iowa parade 1907 from Lorelei Rusco |
Clearfield, Iowa Presbyterian Church from Linda Wheeler |
Clearfield, Iowa street 1910 from Lorelei Rusco |
Clearfield, Iowa street 1910 from Lorelei Rusco |
Clearfield, Iowa street fair from Mike Avitt ; Street Fair (2) |
Clearfield, Iowa street "trolley" from Linda Wheeler |
Clearfield, Iowa nameplate on a telephone: Leo V. Myers, Clearfield, Iowa |
Clearfield, Iowa U.P. Church from Mike Avitt |
Cobb, Thomas "Benton" and Deida "Ann"
Stark from Sharon & Ed Malcom |
Cole, Nathan |
Combs, Audrey and Wilbur Cox wedding picture from Audrey Haverkamp |
Combs, Cora and Nell from Janice Wald |
Combs, Ruby Peterman's photo album
picture of an unknown woman |
Combs, Ruby Peterman's photo album
picture of 3 men: maybe Dougherty or Slaight's |
Conway Crossing Gravity 1919 |
Conway early picture: Mike Avitt |
Conway, Iowa street scene |
Conway Methodist Church |
Conway school picture - can you identify any of the kids? |
Conway school recess - Lloyd Boham and? |
Conway school picture - about 1936 from Kerry Landers |
Conway school girl's basketball team - from Kerry Landers |
Conway school girl's basketball team 2 - from Kerry Landers |
Conway school girl's basketball 3 - from Kerry Landers |
Conway school girl's basketball 4 - from Kerry Landers |
Conway school girl's basketball5 - from Kerry Landers |
Conway school girl's basketball6 - from Kerry Landers |
Conway school 3 girls basketball - from Kerry Landers |
Conway school - state girl's basketball - from Kerry Landers |
Conway school - 4 girls going to state basketball - from Kerry Landers |
Conway school - Jeannette Norton 1939 - from Kerry Landers |
Conway school - Home Economics class - from Kerry Landers |
Conway school - Juniors of 1936 - from Kerry Landers |
Conway school - band - from Kerry Landers |
Conway school - grade school pupils - from Kerry Landers |
Conway School - Jeannette Norton - from Kerry Landers |
Conway school - Mildred Norton - from Kerry Landers |
Conway school - orchestra - from Kerry Landers |
Conway school - all students 1936 - from Kerry Landers |
Conway school - 3 girls - from Kerry Landers |
Conway school - Conway 25 - from Kerry Landers |
Conway school - Conway 531 - from Kerry Landers |
Conway school - 1936 senior girls - from Kerry Landers |
Conway school - 1936 girls - from Kerry Landers |
Conway school - 1936 junior high - from Kerry Landers |
Conway school - 1937 faculty - from Kerry Landers |
Conway school - 1937 third & fourth grades - from Kerry Landers |
Conway school - 1937 fifth & sixth grades - from Kerry Landers |
Conway school - 1937 seventh & eighth grades - from Kerry Landers |
Conway school - boys basketball 1937-1938 - from Kerry Landers |
Conway school - boys basketball 1938 - from Kerry Landers |
Conway school about 1939 - from Kerry Landers |
Conway school picnic - from Kerry Landers |
Conway school play - from Kerry Landers |
Conway school senior pictures 1936 - 1937 - from Kerry Landers |
Conway school senior pictures 1937-1938 - from Kerry Landers |
Conway school senior pictures 1938-1939 - from Kerry Landers |
Conway school senior boys 1940 - from Kerry Landers |
Conway school seniors in front of building 1940 - from Kerry Landers |
Conway seniors 1940 - from Kerry Landers |
Conway sophomores 1938-1939 - from Kerry Landers |
Conway sophomores 1936-1937 - from Kerry Landers |
Conway sophomores 1937 - from Kerry Landers |
Cooney, Frank, farm photo |
Cooney, J.P., farm photo |
Country School - Platte #5 from Don Jones - Feb 2025 |
couple taken at Lyndon, Kansas ? |
Cox, Dean from Audrey from Audrey Haverkamp |
Cox, Wilbur and Audrey Combs wedding picture from Audrey from Audrey Haverkamp |
Cox, Wilbur with Doris and Dean from Audrey from Audrey Haverkamp |
Creswell, D.C., farm photo |
Cusick, Robbie from Janice Wald |
Dallas township men haying |
Dallas township men sawing logs |
Darnold, Annie from Janice Wald |
Darnold, Doris from Janice Wald |
Darnold, Emma and husband Andrew Erickson
from Janice Wald |
Darnold family album - 2 little girls &
little boy from Janice Wald |
Darnold family album - Fern? from Janice
Wald |
Darnold family album - 2 young men taken at
Metropolis, Ill from Janice Wald |
Darnold family album - says "taken in
Humboldt Kansas" |
Darnold, Hazel & Fern from Janice
Wald |
Darnold, James "Arthur" and Cora
M. Combs wedding picture from Janice Wald |
Darnold, Letha Genevieve from Janice Wald |
Darnold, Lillie? from Janice Wald |
Darnold, Lillie from Janice Wald |
Darnold, Lillie and nephew from Janice
Wald |
Darnold, Minnie from Janice Wald |
Darnold, Minnie, Annie and Em from Janice
Wald |
Darnold, George Burton and Lillie Mae Johnson
wedding from Janice Wald |
Darnold, Minnie or Em in wedding picture
from Janice Wald |
Darnold, Rose from Janice Wald |
Darnold, Russell & Opal from Janice
Wald |
Darnold, Selvin Sylvester "Cell"
from Janice Wald |
Daugherty School students ca 1949/50 from John Hunter |
Davis, Al, farm photo |
Dirrim, L.A., farm photo |
Dougherty, brothers: son of Gideon
and Elizabeth |
Dougherty, Elizabeth Mahan
100th birthday picture and article |
Dougherty, Elizabeth Mahan
?? is this a picture Elizabeth? |
Dougherty, Slaight and Peterman: 4 generation
photo in 1915 |
Dugan, George family |
Dugan, siblings ? |
Dunn, G.L., farm photo |
Dunn, Louisa and grandson, Darrell Dunn [Pat O'Dell] |
Dunn, William Edmund [Pat O'Dell] |
Dunn, William, Louisa, Roy & Willie [Pat O'Dell] |
Dunn, Roy and Willie [Pat O'Dell] |
Dunn, Willie [Pat O'Dell] |
Dunn, Willie [Pat O'Dell] |
Dunn, Will [Pat O'Dell] |
Dunn, Will, graduation [Pat O'Dell] |
Dunn, Will and Louisa's farm [Pat O'Dell] |
Dunning, Frank's House, back of card, Bedford, Iowa from David Shedlock |
Edwards, S.B., farm photo |
Eighmy, Carroll C. |
Eighmy, Belle Jackson |
Eighmy, Belle |
Eighmy, Bill |
Eighmy, Will |
English, P.B., farm photo |
English, T.W., farm photo |
Enick, Harry from Janice Wald |
Evans, John K. [Rev] and children photo from Jane Evans |
Evans, William Franklin and family from Jane Evans |
family picture taken at O.H. Park,
Clarinda, Iowa ? |
family picture taken at F.J. Heaton, New Market, Iowa? who are they - from Don Parsons |
Fitch, J. Ashley from Louise Novinger |
Fitch, Mary with sons Hugh and Worth from Louise Novinger |
Flowers, Archie, Yetta, Dale and Jaunita |
Flowers, Archie & Yetta Barton wedding license
from Dale Flowers |
Folk Henry with children from Pat O'Dell |
Foster, Dean and Florance |
Franklin, Blanche from Lorelei Rusco |
Frost, Mata and Clarence Johnson from Janice
Wald |
Fryer, F.B., farm photo |
Gaddis, Harvey & Faye from Lorelei Rusco |
Galey, Mary and Les and Bill Bailie from Steve Bailie |
Gant, Charles, Florence, Mary, Russell, Mable,
Orval, Ethel, Alma |
Gant, Mary Almira Allen Mapes - from Roger Gant |
Gerard, A., farm photo |
Ginn, Charles and Cora Ginn [nee
Barngrover] from Nancy Franklin Scott |
Ginn, William Ellis and sons from
Nancy Franklin Scott - |
girl, taken at Bedford, Ia |
Glassgow, Manie and Belle with Margaret
Virginia and Jesse Hughes from Bill Hunter |
Glassgow school about 1900 |
Glassgow school about 1902? |
Glassgow school - boys and girls |
Glassgow school - girls |
Glasgow school - boys |
Glassgow, Grace Nevin |
Gold siblings from Joanne
Saliby |
Gold, Vernon from Joanne Saliby |
Graves, Elida M. [Lyde] Redmond
from Chuck Hutchinson |
Graves, Isabella Buffington
from Chuck Hutchinson |
Graves, Israel Washington from Chuck
Hutchinson |
Graves, Joseph Buffington from Chuck
Hutchinson |
Graves, Mary Margaret Wright &
children - from Chuck Hutchinson |
Gravity High School building |
Gravity High School from Lorelei Rusco |
Gravity High School - Class of 1911??? |
Gravity High School - 1920's |
Gravity High School - 1920's (2) |
Gravity High School - 1920's (3) |
Gravity High School - basketball boys
1943-44 |
Gravity High School - basketball
girls ca1926 |
Gravity High School class of 1943
- freshmen |
Gravity High School class of 1943
- sophomores |
Gravity High School class of 1943
- juniors |
Gravity High School class of 1943
- seniors |
Gravity, Iowa Main Street from Gary Ross |
Gravity, Iowa Main Street / (two) from Lorelei Rusco |
Gravity, Iowa: Methodist Church from Lorelei Rusco |
Gravity, Iowa: Postal Workers |
Gravity Legion Hall group |
Gravity Railroad Station 1903 |
Gravity, Iowa: school teacher |
Gravity, Iowa: shaded walk from Lorelei Rusco |
Greenlee family photo - Sherry Scott - need help identifying people! |
Greenlee, Harley and Mary Ann - Sherry Scott |
Greenwell, William, farm photo |
Gridley, H.W., farm photo |
Guss, Iowa 1912 from [Leo] and Normalee Miller |
Guss, Iowa Cemetery ca 1905 |
Guss Maple Grove Methodist Church - Connie Walters |
Guss, W.H., farm photo |
Hargadin, Charles and Frances Burrows marriage from Lorelei Rusco |
Hargadin family - Charles, Frances, Beth from Lorelei Rusco |
Hargadin girls - Jesse Faye, Frances, Clara Elizabeth "Beth" from Lorelei Rusco |
Hargadin house [section 26, Wash twp] old / newer from Lorelei Rusco |
Hargadin, Jessie "Faye" from Lorelei Rusco |
Harris Family Reunion - from Linda Vincent and Linda Kestner |
Harris Family Reunion (2) - from Linda Vincent and Linda Kestner |
Havens, W.M., farm photo |
Hazen, Dee and wife Laura Oxley |
Healy's Shetland ponies, back from David Shedlock |
Heinsfurter, H.H., farm photo |
Hembree, Martha Dougherty |
Hembree, William's grown children |
Hill, John (Jack) and Lucy Franklin Hill and
their boys, Bertie and Otto |
Himiller, John, farm photo |
Hinton, James & Eliza Jane Ritenberg - parents
of James L. Hinton |
Hinton, James Livingston |
Hoover, Daniel |
Hosman, Cassius and Mary Lou from
Deena Frank |
Hosman, Cassius & Mary Lou family
from Deena Frank |
Hosman, Cassius, Mary Lou and son,
Thomas Dillon from Deena Frank |
Houck, Walter and Sue's pictures - unidentified |
Hughes, Amy from Juanita Fields |
Hughes, Jeremiah T. from Juanita Fields |
Hunter family - Faye, Duane, Minnie, Ethel, John, Mary from John Hunter |
Hunter, brothers - Doud, Ralph, John,
Blaine |
Hunter, Giles family picture from Bill
Hunter - need help on identifications |
Hunter, John Roy and Dollye Bell Wilsey wedding
picture, ca1908 |
Hunter, John Roy and Dollye Bell Wilsey,
50th wedding anniversary 1958 |
Hutchinson, Eldora Graves from Chuck
Hutchinson |
Hutchinson, family group
from Deena Frank |
Hutchinson family photo - unidentified
- from Deena Frank |
Hutchinson, Malinda Brown -
from Chuck Hutchinson |
The Hutchinson Girls (circa,1903) - Mary,
Martha, Lavina, Amy, Ethel, Blanch & Adelia |
Hutchinson, John Albert family
- from Deena Frank |
Hutchinson, Mary Lou and Martha Rebecca
- twins - from Deena Frank |
Hutchinson, Samantha
from Deena Frank |
Hutchinson, William Francis
from Chuck Hutchinson |
Hutchinson, William Francis [Frank]
from Chuck Hutchinson |
Jared and Scrivner family picture: view 1
/ view 2 |
Jenkins, Scena Viola / Scena and friend / from Cam |
Jetton, Eva Fern's pictures - unidentified |
Johnson/Bell group from Janice Wald |
Johnson, Clarence and Mata Frost from Janice
Wald |
Johnson, Jeremiah Jefferson from Herb
Bell |
Johnson, Jerry, Lillie Johnson and May Wright
from Janice Wald |
Johnson, Jerry and Etta from Janice Wald |
Johnson, Jonathan & Sina from Janice
Wald |
Johnson, Lessie son of Ed from Janice
Wald |
Johnson, Ora from Janice Wald |
Kent, Jemima "Miam" Bell Johnson
from Janice Wald |
Kent, Jemima Bell from Janice Wald |
Kidder, Edna - from Sharon Jones |
Kidder, Willis, Edna & Flora
- from Sharon Jones |
Kidder, Elmer and Sarah Marble Kidder
(younger) from Sharon Jones |
Kidder, Elmer and Sarah Marble Kidder
(older) - from Sharon Jones |
Kidder, Elmer family - from
Sharon Jones |
Kidder, Flora - from Sharon Jones |
Kidder, Sarah Elvira (Marble), circa
1875-1885 from Sharon Jones |
Kidder, Sylvia - from Sharon Jones |
Kidder, Willis - from Sharon Jones |
Kidder, Willis Elmer & Blanche Lois
Walston Kidder - from Sharon Jones |
Lake of 3 Fires Bath House from Lorelei Rusco |
Lake of 3 Fires boat/picnic scene from Lorelei Rusco |
Lake of 3 Fires Shelter
House |
Lasswell, Benjamin, Jesse & John and sister Rosannah Lasswell Oxley from Steve Howard |
Lenox, Iowa - unknown |
Lenox, Iowa: Abi's pupils |
Lenox, Iowa: Beck, Klarah |
Lenox, Iowa: Bollman, John |
Lenox, Iowa: child's photo |
Lenox, Iowa: elevator picture taken 2004 by Mike Avitt |
Lenox, Iowa: High School Senior of May
1903 |
Lenox, Iowa: Ida Mae Hixson Wilson and husband Frank J. Wilson |
Lenox, Iowa: Main Street with horses |
Lenox, Iowa: Main Street 1912 |
Lenox, Iowa: Main Street / (second) from Lorelei Rusco |
Lenox, Iowa: Maiscel? |
Lenox, Iowa: Mansfield children? |
Lenox, Iowa: Marley, Will |
Lenox, Iowa: Methodist Church |
Lenox, Iowa: Moore, Alice |
Lenox, Iowa: mother and child on postcard |
Lenox, Iowa: Paige house in Lenox? |
Lenox, Iowa: Presbyterian Church from Lorelei Rusco |
Lenox, Iowa: school 1920 from Lorelei Rusco |
Lenox, Iowa: shop with 2 people in it |
Lenox, Iowa: unknown boy |
Lenox, Iowa: unknown children |
Lenox, Iowa: unknown children (3) |
Lenox, Iowa: unknown man taken in Lenox |
Lenox, Iowa: unknown woman |
Lenox, Iowa: unknown woman |
Lenox, Iowa: Wiand, Daisy? |
Lenox, Iowa: woman and child named Cheryl? |
Lenox, Iowa: Wurster, Katy and Mary |
Lenox, Iowa: Wu(r)ster male-- Shirley
has same picture with no name on it either |
Lenox, Iowa: Zander, Florence |
Lewis, Mary Jane Van Meter from Jane Evans |
Lindsey School - Zetta Herron teacher - please identify kids - 1914 from Gary Ross |
Lone Star County School: picture
1, picture 2, picture
3, picture 4, picture
5, picture 6, picture
7 |
Longfellow, Henry W.'s family photo from John Hunter |
Luton Family |
Mankle, Ed |
man taken at New Market |
McCarroll, Carita Belknap (Hedrick) |
McClara, Dale from Edna Brooks Hipsley collection |
McCorkle, Owen and Grace's family |
McKee, Ralph - from Sharon
Jones |
McKee, Ralph & Sylvia
- from Sharon Jones |
McKim, Bertha [on left] with Mamie Reeves |
Miller, Andrew from Tracy Cox |
Miller, Roy family / second picture from Heather Hook |
Moore, Annie Darnold and child from Janice
Wald |
Moore, Austin, farm photo |
Moore, Edward, farm photo |
Moore, Harry from Janice Wald |
Moreland, J.N., farm photo |
Mosley, Maria May Folk from Pat O'Dell |
Mosley, Maria, husband Richard, son Carl from Pat O'Dell |
Nash, Samuel Joseph and Charlotte "Lottie" Lewellen Nash from John Hunter - second picture |
Nelson, Alvin, farm photo |
Neville family |
New Market Class of ? |
New Market High School basketball
team 1930-31 |
New Market High School Class of 1924 from Don Parsons |
New Market
High School football team of 1925 |
New Market High School Graduation of 1926: front
of card, back of card |
New Market High School Graduation of 1930-31 |
New Market High School Class [of 1931]
New Market High School Graduation of 1932: front
of card, back of card |
New Market History by Mrs Ray |
New Market, Iowa: 4th July 1918 parade 1st prize Walker Car |
New Market, Iowa: depot 1, depot 2 from [Leo] and Normalee Miller |
New Market, Iowa: 5th grade class of 1931 |
New Market, Iowa: IOOF Building from [Leo] and Normalee Miller |
New Market, Iowa: Last train 1945 |
New Market, Iowa: lumber yard from [Leo] and Normalee Miller |
New Market, Iowa: Main Street, view 1 from [Leo] and Normalee Miller |
New Market, Iowa: Main Street, view 2 from [Leo] and Normalee Miller |
New Market, Iowa: Main Street [joke], view 3 from [Leo] and Normalee Miller |
New Market, Iowa: Main Street - west side, north to south |
New Market, Iowa: Main Street - west side, south to north from Lorelei Rusco |
New Market, Iowa: people with stuck tractor |
New Market, Iowa: school 1, school 2, school 3 from [Leo] and Normalee Miller |
New Market, Iowa: school organization from Louise Novinger |
New Market, Iowa: John H. Liggett High School from Lorelei Rusco |
New Market, Iowa: store from [Leo] and Normalee Miller |
Newsam, E., Mrs, farm photo |
Novinger Family Photos from Louise Novinger |
O'Dell, Bruce with cousins Robin, Lyman and Ezra Fitch from Louise Novinger |
O'Dell, Neva - 1924 - from Louise Novinger |
O'Dell, Neva's baby ]Novinger] |
O'Dell, Neva and red cross parade |
O'Dell, Sylvia Wilcox from Jack O'Dell |
Orme, J.W., farm photo |
Ormsby, Clarence - from
Sharon Jones |
Ormsby, Clarence Edwin (1) - from
Sharon Jones |
Ormsby, Clarence Edwin (2) - from
Sharon Jones |
Ormsby, Clarence & William -
from Sharon Jones |
Ormsby, Edna Rachel (1) - from Sharon
Jones |
Ormsby, Edna Rachel (2) - from
Sharon Jones |
Ormsby, Flora & Fern
- from Sharon Jones |
Ormsby, Lucien - from Sharon Jones |
Ormsby, Lucien in Salt Lake
City - from Sharon Jones |
Ormsby, Margaret Ferry Brown
- from Sharon Jones |
Ormsby, Margaret Ferry Brown
with group - from Sharon Jones |
Ormsby, William - from Sharon Jones |
Ormsby, William - from Sharon Jones |
Oxley, Lewis and Jemima, and grandson Llewellyn Oxley from Steve Howard |
Oxley, Rosannah Lasswell and brothers from Steve Howard |
Oxley, William T. and Rosannah with children from Steve Howard |
Pershing, Abraham from Jack O'Dell |
Peterson, Emil G., farm photo |
Reeves, Mamie [on right] with Bertha McKim |
Rhoads, Cornelius C. from Vicky Rafn |
Ridge, Minerva ?? from Janice Wald |
Risser School of 1918 |
Robbins, Bobby - New Market baseball team
1907 from Linda Burton |
Roberts, Helen Bailie dau of Oren and Lucinda, ca 1898 |
Roberts, Roy son of J.B. and Mary |
Roberts, Ward & Effie, 25th wedding anniversary |
Robinson, F.L., farm photo |
Rogers, Letta, Jessie & Issel at Billings,
Mt from Janice Wald |
Rogers, Melvin Seymour and son Frank and daughter Carrie |
Rogers, Melvin Seymour's grandsons |
Rose, C.P., farm photo |
Ross, George from Janice Wald |
Ross, Pearl postcard picture - from Ethel at New Market - from Audrey Haverkamp |
Sams, George, farm photo |
Schantz, C.J., farm photo |
School - Dallas Center School from Joyce Orr |
School - Dallas Center students - can you identify - from Joyce Orr |
School - Ladoga school pictures: Georgia Glassmann teacher, who are the students? |
School - Lindsey School - Zetta Herron teacher - please identify kids - 1914 |
School - Titus school 1949 from John Hunter |
Scott, Mrs Dr taken at Red Oak, Iowa |
Seamiller, Alice: front - back |
Seamands, John from kimble DaCosta <> |
Sharp, Addie Floy and Jacob Clyde Brown wedding
picture, 1910 |
Sharpsburg, Iowa depot from Mike Avitt |
Sharpsburg, Iowa depot 1910 from Mike Avitt |
Shepherd, Walter Theodore and Myrtle Blanch
Netto wedding picture |
Shipley, Clifford from Janice Wald |
Shum, George's family of Gravity, Iowa |
Siam, Iowa class picture |
Siam, Iowa class picture 1924? |
Siam, Iowa class picture 1928? |
Siam, Iowa 8th grade graduation 1932 |
Siam, Iowa 8th grade graduation 1933? |
Siam, Iowa graduating class of 1932 reunion
in 1962 |
Silver Lake School about 1900? |
Slack, J.F., farm photo |
Slaight, Caroline Matilda Dougherty |
Squires family photo?
from Kathy Ruth |
Steeves, Ferne |
Stephens, Mrytle, graduation |
Strickland, J.N., farm photo |
Swisher, H.E., farm photo |
Swisher, Peter, farm photo |
Taylor County Country School - unidentified |
Taylor County Sheriff's posse |
Templeton, Cleo Leroy "Roy" |
Templeton, James, Eva and Cliff |
Thompson, Scott Winfield and Anna family |
Thompson, Winfield Scott and sister Ella Thompson
Plank |
Thomas, Hugh's 4 sons |
Thomas, Hugh's son's family - need identification |
Timberlake School about 1900 from John Hunter |
Timberlake School
about 1912 |
Timberlake School, 1915 |
Timberlake School, 1918? |
Timberlake School, 1946 |
Timberlake School, 1952? |
Timberlake Country School - 1956 , 1957, 1958, 1959 |
Timberlake School |
Titus school 1949 from John Hunter |
Tomlinson, H.E.'s HOUSE in New Market from [Leo] and Normalee Miller |
Travis, Kenneth, Gert, Leta, Earl and Merle |
Travis, Maxine, Mike, Merle |
Vanhorn, William and Isabelle
Rippey family group |
Van Valkenburg, C.P., farm photo |
Van Valkenburg, John, farm photo |
Waight Family
Album |
Washington Twp, section 29 farm picture from Lorelei Rusco |
Wendling, G.F., farm photo |
Wendling, George, farm photo |
Wendling, H.E., farm photo |
West, Sarah E. Monahan - 100th
birthday - 103rd birthday |
White - This is Benjamin
Jackson White & Neva Raynor's wedding photo. |
White - Benjamin
Jackson White with Alvin White on the horse - Alexander Hamilton White
& Everett White in the wagon - & Robert White (brother of George
Washington White, uncle of Benjamin & Alexander) |
White - George Washington
White, Martha Holland-White, Benjamin Jackson White & Alexilton White.
Taken in Clainda about 1900 |
Wilcox, Harry Earle / (two) from Jack O'Dell |
Wilcox, Harry Earle and John Wesley Jr from Jack O'Dell |
Wilcox, John Wesley from Jack O'Dell |
Wilcox, John Wesley Jr from Jack O'Dell |
Wilcox, Margaret Ella Pershing "Ella" from Jack O'Dell |
Wilcox, Olive Miller from Jack O'Dell |
Wilcox, Sylvia from Jack O'Dell |
Wilcox???? |
Williams, A.J., farm photo |
Williams Bros, farm photo |
Williams, J.S., farm photo |
Wirth, Carrie |
Wirth, Carrie, Minnie, Ray
Wirth, Charles' children:
Louisa, John, Ida, Mary, Cora |
Wirth, Charles' family |
Wirth, Charles' grown children |
Wirth, Charles' home with Walter
and Mary Osburn |
Wirth Family Reunion about 1950 |
Wirth, Floyd and Paul |
Wirth, Floyd and Paul, Neil Combs |
Wirth, Floyd and Paul, Boyd Novinger,
Neil Combs |
Wirth, John and Elzora wedding picture
1896 |
Wirth, Louisa and John, ca1872 |
Wirth, Minnie and Lee Long wedding picture
1926 |
Wirth sister's picture - Louisa, Ida,
Cora |
Wisdom, Frank from Pat O'Dell |
Wise, C.H., farm photo |
Wise, John Will, farm photo |
Wise, M.M., farm photo |
Wright, May, Johnson, Jerry, Lillie Johnson
from Janice Wald |
Wright, T.J., farm photo |
Wurster, Harry / (two) from Shirley Goldner |
Wurster, Harvey Glen from Shirley Goldner |
Wurster, Howard / (two) / (three) / four from Shirley Goldner |
Wurster, Pearl from Shirley Goldner |
Wurster, Pearl and Harvey from Shirley Goldner |
Wyckoff, C.C., farm photo |
young woman in hat |
Young, Amy Davis' pictures - unidentified |
unknown of "Grandma," Net,
Grace and baby Harold: 4-generation picture |
unknown of group of kids beside
a Bedford church |
unknown family: photo taken in Maryville,
[may be of Taylor Co, Ia or Holt Co, Mo] |