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Marriage and Anniversary Announcements |
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Married--by Peter Larson Esq., at the residence of Severt Erickson, Estherville township, Emmet county, Iowa, on the 9th day of December, 1869, Mr. Erick Severtson, of Estherville, and Miss Anna L. Halverson, of Jackson, Minn.
The "Bold Trapper" has, at length, got caught in a snare of his own setting.--But such is life. May Erick long live to enjoy the blessings of connubial felicity, and bask in the sunshine of those unalloyed pleasures which radiate from the "blessed banns that join two loving hearts in one."
Contributed by: Ruth Hackett. Source: The Northern Vindicator, Estherville, Emmet County, Iowa, December 24, 1869.
John G. Smith and Miss Anna Davis are to be married today at 10 o'clock. They will take the noon train to Mason City, from there to New Hampton and Chicago.
Source: The Evening Northern Vindicator, Estherville, Iowa, August 30, 1900.
One of the prettiest weddings of the season occurred today at the beautiful country home of Mr. and Mrs. William Luikart, when their daughter, Miss Agnes Viola, was united in the sacred bonds wedlock to Mr. Vernon Walter Steele of Jud, N. D. Rev. J. D. Vannoy of the Federated Baptist church pronounced the words which united this happy young couple for life.
Precisely at twelve o'clock to the strains of Lohengrin's wedding march, played by Miss Anna Koehler, the wedding party took their places in the parlor which was prettily decorated for the occasion, the scheme being hearts and carnations.
During the congratulations Miss Koehler played "Whisperings of Love", after which the company passed to the dining room where a sumptuous three course dinner was served.
The bride wore a gown of white messaline silk trimmed with white silk fringe, and carried a bouquet of Kilarney roses. The groom was attired in the usual black.
The bride was born and raised in Emmett county. In fact she spent all her life on the old home farm in Emmett township. She is the only daughter of worthy pioneers. Mr. Luikart came to the county thirty-five years ago and Mrs. Luikart coming fifty years ago. Mrs. Steele graduated from the Estherville high school and Parker college of Winnebago. She taught school for six years in this county. Her estimable qualities are known to hosts of friends. She is eminently worthy of the best there is in life.
The groom is a successful business man of Jud, North Dakota. He is owner and manager of an elevator at that place, and is interested in farm lands in that vicinity. His home has been in North Dakota for about eighteen years. Mr. Steele is a young man of pleasing ways, standing high in his home community where he is best known. That he will enjoy success in a greater measure is certain.
They left for their new home in Jud, already provided by the groom, with the best wishes of all.
Enroute home they will stop for Mason City and St. Paul to visit relatives and friends.
Contributed by: Darcy Ehmann, formerly of Jud, North Dakota. Source: Jud, North Dakota newspaper, February 12, 1912. Reprinted from the Estherville Enterprise, Estherville, Iowa.
Source: Estherville Enterprise, Estherville, Emmet County, Iowa, Wednesday, June 19, 1929.
Married --at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. B. P. Stoker in Winona, Minn., on the 8th of Dec., 1869, Mr. James Thornton of Estherville, Iowa ad Mrs. Mary E. Birdlebough of Winona.
We congratulate our friend, Thornton, on the success attending his eastern mission. Such trips might prove beneficial to the health and happiness of some others we wot (?) of in this vicinity. May unnumbered blessings attend Mr. T. and his bride in this earthly pilgrimage, and one of the most important injunctions in Holy Writ be faithfully heeded by the happy pair.
Contributed by: Ruth Hackett. Source: The Northern Vindicator, Estherville, Emmet County, Iowa, December 16, 1869.
Source: The Weekly Northern Vindicator, Estherville, Iowa. January 4, 1900.
Married: Mr. Andrew K. Toft and Miss Ellen S. Mathre at the residence of the bride's parents, Dec. 15th, 1891.
Contributed by: Ruth Hackett. Source: The Northern Vindicator, Estherville, Emmet County, Iowa, December 17, 1891.
Minnie Dundas, daughter of Alex Dundas of Armstrong, was recently married at Havre, Montana, to John Van Buskirk of that country. Mr. Van Buskirk was formerly a resident of Emmet county and a suitor for the hand of Miss Dundas. Some time since he went to Montana to seek his fortune and having made a good start in that direction, Miss Dundas was persuaded to contribute largely to his fortune by giving herself to him. She went out a short time ago and they were married and commenced housekeeping on his ranch.
Contributed by: Ruth Hackett. Source: reprinted in the Estherville Vindicator and Republican, Estherville, Emmet County, Iowa, April 26, 1916, from the Algona Courier.
Married: Mr. Frank Wass, of Sibley, and Miss Gertrude Peterson, of Wallingford, at the Lutheran parsonage, Dec. 15th, 1891, Rev. Engh officiating.
Contributed by: Ruth Hackett. Source: The Northern Vindicator, Estherville, Emmet County, Iowa, December 17, 1891.
The Methodist Episcopal minister's home on South Eighth and East Maple streets was the scene of & beautiful wedding on Wednesday afternoon, February 4th, when Mr. Paul Wegner of Armstrong, and Miss Nora Hagenson of Thompson, were quietly united in marriage. The full ritualistic service including the ring ceremony was used.
Mr. Ben S. Canon, a young friend of the couple, and Miss Selma Hagenson, a sister of the bride, were present to witness the marriage ceremony and to keep things from becoming too solemn, and right well did they perform their respective duties.
After a short wedding trip to points in Iowa, the young couple will e at home to their many friends at Armstrong
Source: Estherville Democrat, Estherville, Emmet County, Iowa; February 11, 1920.
Married June 21, 1901, in this city at the residence of Everett Briggs, Mr. Richard D. Wiltise and Miss Olga H. Vestrem, Rev. M. D. Bevan officiating. These young people have been residents of Estherville for some years. They go at once to Brandon, Buchanan county, where the groom will work at the carpenter trade with his brother-in-law, expecting to return to this city in the fall.
Mr. and Mrs. L.A. Barrett are announcing the marriage of their daughter, Mildred, to Cecil Wiseman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wiseman. The ceremony was performed at Fairmont, Minn., at the M.E. parsonage by the Rev. Charles Miller.
Mrs. Wiseman was graduated for E.H.S. in 1931 and for the past three years has been teaching school. The couple will make its home on a farm southeast of Wallingford.
Cards are out announcing the marriage of Mr. Theo Wold of Jack Creek township and Miss Tina B. Knudtson at the home of the bride's mother in Swan Lake township tomorrow [Dec. 29, 1898] at eleven o'clock a.m. with Pastor H. Engh of the Evangelical Lutheran church officiating.
Source: Estherville Democrat, December 28, 1898.
A large crowd was in attendance at the Wold-Knutson [Knudtson] wedding and a good time was enjoyed by all. They received presents as follows: One set of parlor chairs, two sets of flat irons, two water sets, two dozen tumblers, two fruit dishes, three clocks, one set of dishes, tooth-pick holder, three pickle castors, one pickle dish, one dozen pie plates, one set of tea plates, one tea pot, one vinegar bottle, one bureau spread, set silver knives and forks, set of silver table spoons, set of silver tea spoons. The bride also received a black dress and gold watch and chain. We wish them happiness and prosperity.
Source: The Republican, Jan. 5, 1899.
A quiet wedding took place Tuesday evening, June 17th [1924], at the home of A. G. Valen, when his daughter Anna Marie, was united in marriage to Mr. Olof Wolden, both residents of Emmet county, Rev. T. S. Hansen of Wallingford officiating. The bridal pair were attended by the bride's sister, Ida Valen, and the groom's brother, C. F. Wolden. Mrs. Nelson, the groom's sister of Albert Lea, Minn., played the wedding march. A few relatives were present to which a three course supper was served. They left the following morning for the lakes where they will remain for a few days. They will then return to Estherville where the groom has a home prepared. He will then resume his duties as mail carrier. Best wishes and congratulations follow them.
Contributed by: Ruth Hackett. Source: The Estherville Enterprise, Estherville, Emmet County, Iowa, June 25, 1924.
MARRIED: In Estherville, Tuesday, Nov. 15, 1887 by Rev. Mr. Hayden, Mr. Charles Woods and Miss Cornelia Bartlett.
This not unexpected social event took place at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bartlett in the presence of a goodly number of relatives and friends. The ceremony was performed about 7 p.m. and immediately after a bountiful supper was served and a pleasant social time enjoyed by the assembled company.
The bride has been a resident of this town for five or six years, growing from girlhood to womanhood in our midst. Being closely identified with almost every religious and benevolent work, she has a long list of friends who wish her happiness and prosperity in her new relations. The groom who has resided here about two years is known as a fine young man -- a farmer who has changed the face of nature completely on his new farm just north of town.
Mr. and Mrs. Woods left on the 8 o'clock train for the east, to be absent several months traveling and visiting at different points.
The following is a list of presents:
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. and Warren Woods, fine clock.
Mr. and Mrs. John Woods, family Bible.
Mr. and Mrs. John Calkins, silver butter dish.
Willie Bartlett, toilet case.
Mr. and Mrs. William Bartlett, set of silver knives and forks.
Mrs. L. Barlett, Milwaukee, muff.
Mrs. Caroline Wells, set spoons.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Jarvis, water set.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Bartlett, hanging lamp.
Miss Carrie Bartlett, bedroom set.
Carlie Woods, majolica card basket.
Hallie Woods, photograph case.
E. G. Ledgard, silver pickle castor.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bartlett, center table.
Lewis and Frank Woods, photograph album.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Woods, china tea set.
Allie Coats, Idaho Ter., a beautiful tidy.
Contributed by: Ruth Hackett.
On Tuesday of this week Miss Helen Dows was married to Donald C. Woods, of Pontiac, Ill. Mrs. John Dows accompanied her daughter to Chicago where the ceremony was performed, the young people going immediately to Grafton, W. Va. the home of Mrs. Woods sister Mrs. G. W. Evans. From Grafton they will go to Cambridge. Mass., where they will make there home for the present.
Mrs. Woods was born in Armstrong and has grown to womanhood here. After attending our public schools she was graduated from St. Mary's Hall, an Episcopal young ladies school in Fairbault Minn. Later she was graduated from Lake Erie college, Painesville O. Mrs. Woods taught the past two years in the Algona high school. She will be missed in social circles in Armstrong.
Mr. Woods served in the Navy during the war and afterwards was graduated from Lake Forest college. He has since been engaged in business in Illinois.
The good wishes of a host of friends will follow these young people in their journey through life.
Contributed by: James Richmond. Source: Armstrong Journal, Armstrong, Iowa, Thursday September 24, 1924.
Mrs. Lawrence Woodyard, the former Miss Hilda Anderson is announcing her marriage to Lawrence Woodyard, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Woodyard. The ceremony was solemnized at Rock Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beaver, sister and brother-in-law of the bride, attended the couple. They will make their home in Orleans, where Mr. Woodyard owns and operates a boat livery.
Des Moines News: A simple but impressive wedding was that of Miss Ellen Loomis and Mr. Harry O. Woollett, which took place Sunday afternoon at the home of the brides's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Loomis, on North Seventh street. Mr. and Mrs. Woollett left last night for Estherville, where Mr. Woollett is connected with a grocery company. Only the immediate families witnessed the ceremony which was performed by Rev. Dr. J. Everist Cathell, the ring service being used. The bridal couple stood before the large window in the front parlor. The bride wore a beautiful gown of her own designing, of white and elaborately trimmed with valenciennes laces, made over a foundation of white taffetta. She carried bride's roses. A wedding dinner was served after the ceremony. Mrs. Woollett has been reared in this city and is very popular with her acquaintances. Mr. Woollett is a son of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Woollett and has for several years been connected with the Des Moines Drug company as a clerk. Mr. Woollett is the son of R. J. Woollett, Manager of the Northern Iowa Grocers.
Source: The Northern Iowa Vindicator, Estherville, Iowa, May 15, 1902.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Olson of Wallingford are announcing the marriage of their daughter, Dolores Maxine, to Mr. Dale O. Young, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Young of Wallingford. The double-ring ceremony was read at 6:30 Saturday evening in the Norwegian Lutheran church at Wallingford by the Rev. L. G. Hinderaker.
Miss Olson wore a yellow silk shantung dress trimmed in white with white accessories and a corsage of red roses and white daffodil lilies. Her attendant was her sister, Miss Beverly Olson, who wore a green and white flowered shantung dress and a corsage similar to the bride's.
Mr. Young's best man was his cousin, Ralph Torreson. Both men wore white carnation boutonnieres.
The church was decorated with pink roses. Miss Betty Groth sang "O Perfect Love" and "I Love You Truly" accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Hinderaker. The wedding marches also were played by Mrs. Hinderaker.
Mrs. Olson, mother of the bride, was attired in a black and white sheer dress with white accessories and Mrs. Young, the bridegroom's mother, wore navy blue sheer with navy accessories.
Following the ceremony a reception was held at the Olson home. Attending were the bridal couple, Mr. and Mrs. Young, Norma and Lorene, Miss Groth, the Rev. and Mrs. Hinderaker, L. B. Nelson, A. D. Olson, Mr. Torreson, Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Olson and their grandchildren, Alice Jean and Ethel Oldberg, and Mr. and Mrs. Olson and Beverly and Kenneth.
Mr. and Mrs. Young left for a short stay at the lakes.
The bride was graduated from Estherville high school in 1944 and the bridegroom was graduated from Graettinger high school. He now is farming with his father east of Wallingford.
Source: The Estherville Daily News, Estherville, Emmet County, Iowa, July 5, 1944.
Wednesday, January 17, at high noon, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Olson of near Wallingford, occurred the wedding of their daughter, Miss Blanch to Mr. Glen Young. Rev. T. J. Severson, pastor of the Norwegian Lutheran Church at Gruver officiated at the nuptial ceremony. Miss Leta Young, sister of the groom, was bridesmaid, and Mr. Clarence Olson, brother of the bride, acted as groomsman. Only the immediate relatives and close friends of the contracting parties were in attendance. After the brief ceremony that united the happy young couple for life an elegant wedding dinner was served. Mr. and Mrs. Young left during the day for Des Moines to spend their honeymoon. On their return they will commence housekeeping on the farm owned by O. O Refsell near Wallingford. They will be at home to their many friends after February 15. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Olson, one of the honored and respected families of Emmet county. She is a young lady of many excellent traits of character, of queenly dignity and womanly grace. She has hosts of friends and admirers who prize highly the sincerity and warmth of her friendship and all will be glad to know she is to make her future home in the community of which she has been a part for a number of years, and among people of kin and friendship whose good wishes are showered upon her in abundance. The groom is the second oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Young, a popular and highly esteemed family. He is a young man of integrity, of ability and sterling worth. He has the faculty of applying himself perseveringly and diligently to any task he undertakes and he will without question carve his niche high in the world of success. He is in every way worth of the young lady whom he has promised to love, cherish and protect throughout life. To the newly wedded couple the Times extends hearty congratulations and hopes that their wedded career will be one long, blissful honeymoon.
Source: The Graettinger Times, Graettinger, Palo Alto County, Iowa, January 20, 1917.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Young of Wallingford observed their 40th wedding anniversary yesterday and were honored at a family dinner held yesterday noon and as 200 friends and relatives attended an open house at the Young home yesterday.
All children and grandchildren of the Youngs were present for the observance and the sons and daughters presented their parents with a lamp.
The Young family dinner yesterday noon was held at the Majestic Cafe in Estherville.
Guests for the open house at the Young home in the afternoon were greeted by Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Young, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Maronde and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Krier. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Richards presided at the guest book and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Young attended the gift table.
Mrs. Young had been presented a red and white rose corsage and her wedding attendant, Mrs. Alf McCombs wore a red and white carnation corsage. Mr. Young and his wedding attendant, Clarence Olson, had white boutonnieres as did other male members of the family. All daughters, daughters-in-law, sisters, and sisters-in-law wore red and white carnation corsages.
The home was decorated with red and white carnations given by Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Olson in memory of the late Mrs. Betty Olson. The table was decorated with a double candelabra and the three tiered wedding cake.
Miss Blanche Young of Charles City presided at the punch bowl and Mrs. C. L. Torreson served coffee. The wedding cake was cut and served by Mrs. Lloyd Olson.
Decorated cookies, mints and ice cream were served by Mrs. Norman Olson, Miss Virginia Torreson and Miss Gloria Olson were waitresses assisted by two granddaughters of the Youngs, Cindy Krier and Diane Young.
Helping in the kitchen were Mrs. Duane Dallman, Mrs. Don Lundy, Mrs. Ralph Torreson and Miss Joyce Olson, all wore red and white aprons.
Relatives attending the observance other than from Wallingford came from Chicago, Ill.; Minneapolis, Ceylon and Fairmont, Minn., Waterloo, Charles City, West Bend, Graettinger, Spencer, Hartley, Thompson, Estherville, Armstrong, Marathon and Ringsted.
Source: Estherville Daily News, Estherville, Emmet County, Iowa, January 21, 1957.