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Marriage and Anniversary Announcements |
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[From the Glasgow (Scotland) Herald]
Married "At Craigard Hotel, Oban, [Scotland] on the 15th inst., (Sep. 1869) by the Rev. Donald M'Calman, Ardchatian, Alexander Mackay, Estherville, Iowa, U. S. America, to Maggie, second daughter of Ronald Maclaurin, sen.--No cards."
The numerous friends of Mr. Mackay in this county will hail the above event with heartfelt joy, and invoke ennumbered blessings on "Mack" and his bride.
From over the sea we welcome thee--
Two hearts that beat as one--
With open palms from prairie land,
We bid thee welcome home.
Contributed by: Ruth Hackett. Source: Marriage announcement reprinted in the The Northern Vindicator on 14 Oct 1869. Mackay/McKay had a general store in Estherville where he sold dry goods, groceries, crockery, provisions, boots, shoes, hats and caps, clothing, furnishings.
In Fort Dodge, on the 30th day of January 1869, by the Rev. Father Butler, Mr. Patrick Maher of Center Township, Emmet county, Iowa, and Miss Kate Jane Mooney of Fort Dodge.
Contributed by: Ruth Hackett. Source: Northern Vindicator, Estherville, Emmet County, Iowa, February 13, 1869.
Married--In Emmet township in this county, on the 28th of March, 1869, by C. W. Jarvis, J. P., Mr. Carlton L. Meeker and Miss Augusta C. Wiktrom, both of Emmet.
The printers were honored with the above notice and a bountiful supply of rare delicacies which are the indispensable appendages of the feast which long established custom demands shall be provided in the celebration of marriage rites. Such tokens of remembrance augur a prosperous future for the happy pair, and prompts us to exclaim,
Blessed are the bans that join
Two loving hearts in one
Contributed by: Ruth Hackett. Source: The Northern Vindicator, Estherville, Emmet County, Iowa, March 27, 1869.
Married--Enos A. Mills and Lena Espeset were united in marriage, Wednesday, Feb. 26th, [1902] at the home of the bride's parents three miles southeast of town. The ceremony took place at 6 p. m. A nice supper was served to the twenty-five present. The happy couple will commence housekeeping on Mr. Mills' farm five miles from Estherville.
Contributed by: Ruth Hackett. Source: Estherville Enterprise, Estherville, Emmet County, Iowa, March 5, 1902.
At Estherville today [July 10, 1902] occurred the marriage of John H. Morrice, of this place and Miss Laura Everson, of High Lake township. Rev. McLeod, pastor of Presbyterian church, performing the ceremony.
The happy young pair are well and favorably known in this vicinity having resided here for many years. The groom is one of our popular men and has friends in all parts of the country where he is known. The bride is an accomplished young lady and we might add that John made no mistake in the choice.
Mr. Theodore Myhre and Miss Bertha Olson were united in marriage at the home of the bride in Emmet township Tuesday evening, January 18th [1910]. Rev. Akre of the Norwegian Lutheran church officiating. Only immediate relatives and most intimate friends were in attendance at the wedding. Mr. Myhre is in the mercantile business in this city and is in every respect a most worthy and highly respected gentleman. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Halvor Olson (one of the oldest and best citizens of the county) and is also a sister of Mrs. Carl Olson of this city. She is a lady of many womanly graces and one who will be a helpmeet in reality as well as in name.
Mr. Myhre has rented the Jay Dunham residence in the south part of town where he and his bride will settle down to housekeeping at once.
The Vindicator and Republican joins with friends in extending hearty congratulations.
Contributed by: Ruth Hackett. Source: Vindicator and Republican, Estherville, Emmet County, Iowa, January 20, 1910.
Mr. Michael John Nally, son of Thomas Nally of this place, and Miss Mary Jane Doyle of Estherville were united in marriage at St. Patrick's church at Estherville yesterday morning at 7 o'clock, Rev. C. P. Conway officiating. Miss Mary Liddle was bridesmaid and Mr. James Collins of Emmetsburg was best man. Immediately after the marriage members of the bridal party repaired to the home of the bride's cousin, Mrs. N. Maine, where a sumptuous breakfast was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Nally left on the evening train for Tipton, Iowa, where they will spend a week visiting relatives of the bride. The contracting parties are well and variably known in their home community. The bride is said to be a very worthy young lady and has a wide circle of friends. The groom is an upright promising young man and has a good position on the Rock Island railroad as a brakeman out of Estherville. A wide circle of friends in this community and Estherville extend hearty congratulations to the new couple.
Contributed by: Cathy Joynt Labath. Source: Emmetsburg Democrat, Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, November 16, 1921.
Miss Thea Larson of Wallingford and Mr. L. Nelson of Bow Bells, N D, were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Larson, on the Thursday [December 22, 1904]. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Larson of this county and the groom is a prosperous young farmer of Ward County, N. D. They will make their home in North Dakota.
Contributed by: Ruth Hackett. Source: The Vindicator and Republican, Estherville, Emmet County, Iowa, December 28, 1904.
Another wedding of interest to local people occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Osher, northwest of town yesterday, when their daughter, Julia, was united in marriage to Mr. Alfred Nelson, son of Mr. John Nelson.
Reverend Severson of Gruver, was the officiating clergyman, and in the presence of about seventy-five guests, spoke the words that united these young people. At eleven o'clock a.m. the young couple took their places in the parlor where the ceremony was performed. They were attended by Mr. Nels Nelson, brother of the groom, and Miss Emma Osher, sister of the bride. Immediately after the ceremony was performed and congratulations were extended, a sumptuous wedding dinner was served.
The bride was attired in a handsome gown of white crepe, trimmed with white silk overlace. The groom wore a suit of blue serge.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson will commence housekeeping at once on the farm belonging to the groom's father, and which he has rented.
The bride is one of the popular young ladies in the community in which she resides, while the groom is a young man of promise and splendid capabilities and good clean habits. They have grown to manhood and womanhood in this community and their friends are many. They start married life without a handicap and with the best wishes and congratulations of all.
Contributed by: Ruth Hackett. Source: Vindicator and Republican, Estherville, Emmet County, Iowa, November 27, 1912.
Wednesday morning [JMR: 12 June 1913] at 10:00 a pretty home wedding took place at the home of supervisor and Mrs. W. H. Gibbs, where their youngest daughter, Louise, was united in marriage to Mr. Leonard Olson of this place. The ceremony was performed by Rev. D. J. McLeod and was witnessed by a few intimate friends and relatives. The Gibbs home is a place of beauty under ordinary circumstances but for Wednesday's event it had been transformed into a perfect tower of loveliness by the artistic arrangement of ribbons, ferns and flowers and amid this beauty two young lives were joined. Miss Minnie Stewart of Algona, acted as bride's maid, and Reuen Knutson was the groom's best man. The party was elaborately gowned-the bride being attired in a dress of cream serge covered with shadow lace. The groom wore a suit of blue serge. Following the ceremony a three-course luncheon was served.
The bride is one of Armstrong's most lovable young ladies. She has spent most of her life in this country and enjoys the acquaintance of practically all of our people. She has grown from childhood to womanhood here, graduated from our school, and possesses more admirable qualities than most young women do. She loved her home and Mr. Olson has chosen as a partner a young lady to grace his home who will make him happy. The groom is not as well known here as his bride. He came here about two years ago, and most of that time has been working in the country. He is a steady, industrious, young man and has the metal in him which makes model husbands.
His people live at Ellsworth, and the newly-weds left for that place Wednesday noon, making a drive to Gridley [JMR: Gridley no longer exists, but was located at the intersection of Highway 9, several miles west of Armstrong, IA and the Northwestern railroad tracks] and taking the Northwestern from there. Before returning they will visit relatives of the bride at Laurel, Nebraska. They will be away about a week. For the time being they will live with Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs.
Once again has a matrimonial ark raised anchor and set sail. We trust that it will encounter untroubled seas, and when old age overtakes them, it will find them peaceful, prosperous, happy and contented.---Armstrong Journal.
Contributed by: James M. Richmond.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Olson observed their Fiftieth Wedding anniversary with open house last Sunday, June 16 in their home.
Sponsoring the reception were their children: Willis, Neosho, Mo., Mrs. Clifford Gangestad, Ringsted; Norman, Stockton, Calif.; William, Halfa and Alvin of Ringsted.
The table was set with a white damask table cloth and decorated with a bouquet of yellow roses and shasta daisies with off-white tapers.
In charge of the guest book was Mrs. Willis Olson of Neosho, Mo., and Anita Gangestad and Cecilia Gangestad were in charge of the punch bowl.
Jolene Gangestad and Cheryl Olson placed the gifts on the gift table. Mrs. Clifford Gangestad was dining room hostess assisted by Mrs. Merritt Dale, Mrs. Albert Madison and Mrs. Dick Boyken.
Mrs. Alvin Olson and Mrs. William Olson presided at the coffee service. Waitresses were Darlene Krenz of Truman, Minn., and Charlene Gangestad.
All the couple's children were in attendance but Mr. and Mrs. Norman Olson of Stockton, Calif. The honored couple have 17 grandchildren.
Guests included relatives and friends from Neosho, Mo.; Evansville, Fairmont, St. James, Minn.; Terril, Ellsworth, Ames, Des Moines, Ringsted and Armstrong.
Contributed by: James Richmond. Source: Armstrong Journal Vol LXX, No. 25, Armstrong, Iowa, Thursday, 20 June 1963.
Miss Edith Systma of Jackson and Lewis O. Olson, son of .Mrs. J. C. Olson were married yesterday at the Estherville Lutheran parsonage. Ruby Systma, sister of the bride, acted as maid of honor and Glen E. Olson, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. The bride was dressed in brown with brown accessories and her maid of honor was dressed in a brown printed silk dress with brown accessories.
Source: Estherville Daily News, Estherville, Emmet County, Iowa; October 26, 1934.
Luther Osgood and Miss Susanna Palton Tate were united in marriage at Marseilles, Ill., Jan. 25. The groom is a large real estate owner in Emmet county and has spent a great deal of his time in Armstrong in the past few years. His many friends here extend congratulations and good wishes.
Contributed by: Diane Lavender. Source: The Weekly Northern Vindicator, Estherville, Iowa, February 8, 1900. Reprinted from the Armstrong Journal.
The marriage of Dr. B. T. Osher and Miss Gada Jones at Graettinger, Dec. 10th [1902] was considerable of a surprise to the community and to their many friends, as it was, it is said, wholly unexpected. In fact the news was not know for several days after the event took place. A few evenings later, however, they left for Chicago where they are spending their honeymoon. They will return to Graettinger in a short time where they will commence housekeeping.
The bride and groom are a very deserving young couple. The former is a charming person. She graduated from Estherville High School in 1897 and the following year she took a course in the Iowa State Normal School. Since then she has taught school most of the time, having spent part of the time in the Graettinger schools. All who know her have only the highest praise for her
Dr. Osher is a gentleman of most pleasing personality and of much more than average ability. He studied for a year in the University of Colorado at Boulder, Colorado, and later entered the University of Denver. In 1899 he graduated at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, and shortly after located at Graettinger where he has since practiced. He has been eminently successful and he has steadily grown in influence in the community in which he lives. The Democrat extends congratulations to Dr. and Mrs. Osher.
Contributed by: Ruth Hackett. Source: The Estherville Democrat, Estherville, Emmet County, Iowa, December 31, 1902.