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Marriage and Anniversary Announcements |
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Special from the Times-Republican, Mason City, Jan. 23--The marriage of Harry Dwight Page with Miss Nella Dawson will occur tonight at the Congregational Church, Dr. Rogers officiating. The announcement of the engagement was made nearly three weeks ago, and the social functions given in honor of Miss Dawson have been numerous. Both are very popular. Miss Dawson has achieved quite a reputation as a vocal soloist.
Miss Dawson is the daughter of Ex-mayor Dawson of this city and his pleasantly remembered by many of our music loving people, her voice having been heard in several of our churches at different times. May the richest of Heaven's blessings be hers, is a wish of many Estherville friends.
Contributed by: Diane Lavender. Source: The Weekly Northern Vindicator, Estherville, Iowa, Februrary 15, 1900.
Miss Hazel Potter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Byron W. Potter, and Arlo Peterson, of Dows, were married at the home of the bride's parents last Wednesday by Rev. G.F. Whitfield of the M.E. church. The bride is a young lady grown to manhood in our city. She is well known, having attended public school and business college here before she moved with her parents to Dows. Mr. Peterson is a native of Dows. While he has been with us only a short time eh comes highly recommended as a gentleman of business ability. He is now acting as manager of the Estherville Music house. Mr. and Mrs. Peterson will be at home to their friends after June 15 at 122 West Main street.
Source: The Vindicator and Republican, Estherville, Emmet County, Iowa; May 28, 1913.
Miss Fern Skow, daughter of Mrs. Kathryn Skow, of Estherville, became the bride of Mr. Gerhard Peterson, son of Alma Peterson of Wallingford at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the Presbyterian manse in Estherville.
The single-ring ceremony was read by the Rev. Claude Fausnaugh, after which a reception was held at the home of the bride's mother. The bride wore a navy blue dress trimmed with pink lace and a shoulder corsage of sweet peas. The bride was attended by her sister, Mrs. Joan Skow, who wore a wine colored dress with a shoulder corsage. The bridegroom and his attendant, Gordon Iverson, his cousin, wore blue suits with white boutonnieres.
Mrs. Peterson was graduated from the Seneca high school and has been employed at Estherville.
Guests at the reception were Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Martinson and daughters, Mrs. Kathryn Skow, Mrs. Alma Peterson, Mrs. Mary Peterson, Pearl and Maynard. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Wiuff, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Skow, Merton McKeon, Helen, Dorothy and Elizabeth Burt, and Gordon Iverson.
Contributed by: Ruth Hackett. Source: Estherville Daily News, Estherville, Emmet County, Iowa, September 2, 1941.
“Married:--On July 4th, at the Estherville, Henry Probst and Miss Freda Peters. The young couple are worthy children of prominent Lloyd township farmers and are well and favorably known throughout the community. The good wishes of a large circle of friends are bestowed upon them.
Contributed by: Diane Lavender. Source: Northern Iowa Vindicator, Estherville, Iowa, July 12, 1900. Originally printed in the Terril Tribune.
Henry Pullen and Mrs. Harriet Baldwin were married at the groom's home, this township, on last Saturday evening. Rev. S. W.Steele officiated.
Source: Emmet County Republican, Estherville, Emmet County, Iowa, April 10, 1890.
Emmetsburg Tribune: Tom Pullen and Miss Marie Gilbertson of Estherville were married in that city New Year's day [1902]. Our acquaintance with Tom has extended over many years and we hope now that he has done a good deed, that both himself and the lady of his choice will receive their full share of life's good things, for Tom is worthy of them.
Contributed by: Ruth Hackett. Source: The Emmet County Republican, Estherville, Emmet County, Iowa, January 9, 1902.
Mr. Charles Reed and Miss Lydia Riggs were married by Rev. Redlein last Thursday. May prosperity ever attend them.
Contributed by: Doreene Hansen. Source: Vindicator and Republican, Estherville, Emmet County, Iowa, March 9, 1893.
Mr. George T. Reed and Miss Mary Riggs were united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents, Sunday, March 26th, 1893, Rev. A. R. Toothacre officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Reed will soon go to their new home near Milford. Many friends join in wishing them a happy future.
Contributed by: Doreene Hansen. Source: Vindicator and Republican, Estherville, Emmet County, Iowa, March 30, 1893.
Miss Rae Fank and Mr. Edward Reinhart were married at high noon yesterday at the Fank home near Gruver. A large number of friends were present to witness the ceremony and shower theircongratulations upon the young couple.
Source: The Northern Vindicator, Estherville, Emmet County, Iowa, June 19, 1902.
Fifty years ago Mr. and Mrs. Walter Richmond of Armstrong risked the dangers of fording a raging, spring swollen stream with a horse and buggy so Mr. Richmond, a shy young man in his 20's wouldn't have to face the ordeal of a home wedding.
But times change in 50 years and hundreds of Mr. and Mrs. Richmond's friends and relatives gathered with them Sunday in the Armstrong Methodist church to honor them on their 50th Wedding anniversary.
On March 31, 1897, Mr. and Mrs. Richmond made the long wedding trip to Estherville by horse and buggy and the journey was not without mishap. In fording the swollen stream near Tuttle lake the buggy in which they were riding narrowly escaped being upset by the torrential current and it was only Mr. Richmond's skill at handling the horse and buggy that prevented his then bride-to-be from being swept out of the buggy seat...As it was their wedding luggage was found to be far from water proof and when they reached Estherville it was necessary for them to get their wedding clothes pressed before the ceremony.
Late that day they were married in the Presbyterian manse here by a Rev. Evans and next day made the long trip back to Armstrong. This time the Richmonds were not in such a hurry and drove a little farther to cross the stream on a bridge. But all this inconvenience was done so that then bashful Mr. Richmond might escape the terrors of a home wedding.
A reception was held both Sunday afternoon and evening to honor the couple with an appropriate program. Highlighting the program in the afternoon was a talk "The Passing Parade," by Supt. W. A. Ortmeyer of Armstrong schools and at night another talk "Memories of a Family Physician" was given by Dr. J. B. Knipe.
Other program numbers were the same for both receptions. Jean Tostenrud, accompanied by Mrs. Arnold Wilson, sang an anniversary song followed by "Memories of an Old Friend" written by Mrs. Martin Anderberg and read by T. E. Hayworth, who presided at the reception programs.
Mrs. Bert Bosworth sang "Silver Threads Among the Gold" and "Put On Your Old Gray Bonnet" and Mrs. Clifford Henricksen, accompanied by Mrs. C. Smith, "Sweetest Story Ever Told". The Rev. R. A. Grigsby gave a short talk, "Reveries."
The Richmonds have lived in the Armstrong vicinity virtually all of their lives. Mr. Richmond was born in a log cabin on his father's homestead in Armstrong Grove township and Mrs. Richmond, born in Eau Claire, Wis. came with her parents to Emmet county in a covered wagon when just a girl, locating in Iowa Lake township.
Mrs. Richmond attended Fairmont high school and attended State normal college at LeMars. She taught in rural schools in Minnesota and Emmet county previous to her marriage. Her maiden name was Grace Clark.
Mr. Richmond completed school work offered in distributed schools and then attended normal school at Algona. He taught briefly but found that his heart wasn't in becoming a pedagogue. He next clerked in a clothing store in Estherville and later entered into partnership in a general store in Armstrong. However he soon found his way back to the farm going to his father's place southeast of Armstrong.
The Richmonds have three sons, Wallace, Wayne and Wilbert, and 10 grandchildren-Robert, Grace Eleanor and Margaret, children of Wallace; Donald, Barbara and Delores, children of Wayne; and Joan, Jean, Jack and James, children of Wilbert. All joined with them in the anniversary celebration.
OUT-OF-TOWN relatives and guests who were present Sunday included son Wallace of Marshalltown and grandson Robert, storekeeper third class with the U.S. Navy at Manila, P.I.; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bieber and sons, Jim and George of New Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bieber, Strawberry Point; Mr. and Mrs. William Tully and two children, Lansing; Mrs. Nina Bradford, Cloquet, Minn.; Mrs. Hattie Wallace, Chippewa Falls, Wis.; Mrs. Katie Day, Rock Falls, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Intlekopher, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Intlekopher and children, Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Intlekopher, all of Granada; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Champine, Ceylon [JMR: Ceylon, MN]; Mrs. Ida Follett, Ceylon; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Prull, Ceylon; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Schoen, Truman; Mrs. G. H. West, Highland Park, Ill; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nelsen, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Godfredsen, Mrs. Oscar Christiansen, all of Ringsted; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burt of Estherville; Mrs. Blanche Clark, Muriel and Beverly, Mrs. Hattie Osmundsen, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Smith and Kenneth, all of Estherville; Oscar Christiansen, Ringsted; Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Dunkelberger, Ringsted; Mrs. Rena Follett, Ceylon; Mr. and Mrs. Ole Rovn, Swea City; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Henaman, Estherville; Mrs. Emma Petersen and Clarence Petersen, Fenton.
About 120 were present for the afternoon reception and 200 in the evening.
Following the short anniversary program, lunch of sandwiches, anniversary cake and coffee was served." {End of Article}
A caption under the photo at the top of the article:
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Richmond of Armstrong posed for this Golden Wedding anniversary picture at the reception held Sunday in the Armstrong Methodist Church. One of the three decorated wedding anniversary cakes is shown between them. More than 300 of their friends attended the receptions in honor of the couple.
Contributed by: James M. Richmond. Source: The above newspaper article was published after the 50th wedding anniversary of Walter Adam Richmond and Grace Eleanor Clark Richmond, dated about April 1947, which was believed to have been published by the Estherville Daily News, Estherville, Iowa.
ARMSTRONG--Mr. and Mrs. William [JMR: Correct name is Wilbert] Richmond, Armstrong, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with an open house March 23, at the United Presbyterian Church, Armstrong.
Hosting the event were the couples children, Mr. and Mrs. Warren (Joan) Grussing, Jean Jessen, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Richmond, and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hardecopf, all of Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. James Richmond, Naperville, Ill., and Judy Richmond, Littleton, Colo., and their families.
Approximately 200 guests gathered to help the honored couple celebrate. Granddaughters attended the guest book, dipped punch and poured coffee. Assisting in the kitchen were Anita Strong, Jennie Wagner, and Harriet Rovn.
Bill and Minola were married March 19, 1930, at Fenton, with their mothers, the late Grace Richmond and Musetta Osborn, as witnesses.
Contributed by: James M. Richmond.
MARRIED: By the Rev. W. W. Mallory, on the 23rd day of December, 1868, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Albion K. Ridley and Miss Lizzie Graham. All of Estherville. We extend to the happy pair our best wishes for a smooth and prosperous voyage over the sea of life. And after a long and useful earthly pilgramage, may they be prepared to step hand in hand "over the river," feeling Blessed are the bans that join two loving hearts in one.
Contributed by: Ruth Hackett. Source: The Northern Vindicator, Estherville, Emmet County, Iowa, December 30, 1868.
Social word was received by telegram last Friday [20 June 1924] by Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Lambert that their daughter who left here a few days previous had arrived in Los Angeles on Friday noon and that on Friday afternoon she was united in marriage to Everett Ridley, formerly of this city and a son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Ridley of this city. Miss Lambert and Mr. Ridley were school mates in the High school here. Miss Lambert went to Lindenwood college and graduated there some two years ago. After Mr. Ridley returned from the war he went to Los Angeles and has been engaged in the oil business. Miss Lambert has been an instructor in the Emmet consolidated schools for the past year but did not contract for another year. The young people were among Estherville's popular young people and have the best wishes of their many friends in this city.
Source: The Estherville Enterprise, Emmet County, Iowa, June 25, 1924.
Married: At the Lincoln House, Tuesday evening October 4th, 1887, Mr. W. H. Riley and Miss Nellie J. Lingenfelter, Rev. R. Hayden, officiating.
Both parties to this pleasant event are well known in this vicinity, the bride having resided in Estherville since childhood, and is a lady of fine accomplishments. Mr. Riley came among us some three years ago, and is recognized by all as a straightforward industrious gentleman. They departed on the evening train for a visit to Mr. Riley's relatives in Illinois. The Vindicator joins with their numerous friends in extending hearty wishes for their future happiness and prosperity.
Contributed by: Ruth Hackett. Source: Northern Vindicator, Estherville, Emmet County, Iowa, October 7, 1887.
Alpheus M. Rogers and Miss Isabell G. Dahl, both of this city, at the home of Geo. Case on North Sixth street, Tuesday January 2, 1900. Rev. W. M. Evans, pastor of the Presbyterian church, officiating. These are both Estherville young people having grown to manhood and womanhood under the eyes of our people. Mr. Rogers is a steady, industrious and well-respected young man and the bride is worthy of being the wife of the man who has chosen her. They will make their home in this city.
Source: The Weekly Northern Vindicator, Estherville, Iowa., January 4, 1900.
Today, Wednesday, June 17 [1914] will occur the marriage of Jesse Rossburg of Huntington to Miss Anna Weir at the home of the bride's parents southwest of Huntington.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Weir and is a handsome and accomplished lady possessed of innumerable graces and will make a splendid helpmate for her chosen life partner. She has been employed as a teacher in the Emmet County schools for a number of years and is a very efficient teacher.
The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rossburg of Huntington. He is ambitious and is a young man of exemplary habits. For a number of years he was employed as clerk in the Albert Myhre store at Huntington but for the past year has farmed on the W. A. Eisenhower farm east of Huntington, where the couple will go to housekeeping at once.
The many friends of this happy couple will hasten to join with the Vindicator and Republican in extending best wishes and congratulations.
Contributed by: Ruth Hackett. Source: The Vindicator and Republican Estherville, IA weekly newspaper, June 17, 1914.