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Marriage and Anniversary Announcements |
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Inman - Murray | Jensen - Lucas | Kruse - Berdahl |
Isaacson - Larson | Johnson - Robinson | Larsen - Storhow |
Jenkins - Bixby | Juhl - Ziemer | Larson - Fossum |
Jenkins - Emalie | Ketchum - Lyman | Lien - Toft |
Earl Inman and Miss Grace Murray will be united in marriage at eight o'clock this evening at the home of the bride's mother in Armstrong. Rev. Ambler officiating.
The bride was born in Armstrong Grove township and has always resided here. She has been a teacher in the Emmet county schools for a number of years and has a host of friends who wish her a long and happy wedded life.
The groom is a prosperous farmer near Ryan Lake where they will make their home.
The Journal joins with a host of friends in extending congratulations.
Contributed by: Ruth Hackett. Source: reprinted in the Estherville Democrat, Estherville, Emmet County, Iowa, November 30, 1904 from the Armstrong Journal, Armstrong, Emmet County, Iowa.
At High Lake, Emmet County, Iowa October 10, 1871, by Peter Larson, J. P., Knut Isaacson and Betsey Larson, all of High Lake. The happy couple have our best wishes for their future happiness and prosperity.
Contributed by: Ruth Hackett. Source: The Northern Vindicator, Estherville, Emmet County, Iowa, November 11, 1871.
At the home of the bride's father, in Fairview township, Emmet County, Iowa, October 16, 1869, by the Rev. J. C. Hudson, Henry Jenkins Esq. of Estherville, Iowa, to Miss Eudora Bixby of the former place.
Thus, another member of the fraternity of single blessedness has fallen in the prime of manhood and joined the throng of connubial navigators whose barques are launched on the sea of wedded bliss. May balmy breezes waft them to the sunny isles of peace, and the fragrant flowers of harmony and love garland their pathway to the far off portals of the Summer Land.
Contributed by: Ruth Hackett. Source: The Northern Vindicator, Estherville, Emmet County, Iowa, October 14, 1869.
Married--At the residence of the bride's mother March 7th, 1869 by W. Morse, J. P., Mr. Webster Jenkins of Estherville to Miss Sarah Elizabeth Emalie of Centre township.
Contributed by: Ruth Hackett. Source: The Northern Vindicator, Estherville, Emmet County, Iowa, March 7, 1869.
Amil Jensen and Ruth Lucas were united in marriage at the Union Baptist parsonage at 7 p.m. Wednesday, August 15th. The Bridal couple were accompanied by Louis Heider and Hazel Lucas. The Ring ceremony was used. Mr.and Mrs. Jensen will make their home in Estherville for the present. Mr. Jensen being in the employ of L.L. Bingham at the Cement Product Works.
Source: The Estherville Enterprise, Estherville, Emmet County, Iowa; August 22, 1917.
We were quietly feeding press last Tuesday evening when the phone rang and a voice said, “If you want a hot story, go over to Danceland and be there by ten-thirty.” We only had a few minutes to make the dance and away we went.
As we arrived, we noticed a young man and young woman rushing down the street at high speed. They jumped into a car and away they went – hitting on high!
About this time we ran onto a fellow who was on the inside and he said it was an elopement. That the girl in the case was Mary Ellen Robinson, and the man was Glen Johnson of Swea City. That they had been at the dance and that the parents of the girl were watching her.
We found on investigation that they may have been watching the young lady but apparently with no degree of certainty, for she had slipped away under their very noses and had headed west to get married, or grow up with the country.
We understand Mr. Johnson is a stockman from Swea City, purchasing for some company there. He is said to be a fine young man, but just couldn’t talk his way into the family affections. He evidently got farther along with Mary Ellen than with Pa and Ma. The young couple stole a march on the old folks but that is the way with love. It just can’t be stopped. When it starts to move in one direction, it has power to save!
They are a fine young couple and they have the congratulations of a host of young friends here and in Swea City. Regardless of the fact that they exceeded the speed limit going down our streets, may they live long and happy ever after.
Source: Estherville Enterprise, Estherville, IA, December 4, 1935.
Gayle Johnson of Swea City and Mary Ellen Robinson of Estherville were married last Wednesday, Dec.4, at Sioux Falls,S.D. They were attended by the bridegroom’s brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Johnson of Round Lake.
The bridegroom is well known here where he worked three years for C. E. Arnold, livestock buyer, who sent him to Swea City last August to take charge of the buying station there. He is an energetic young man of good character who made many friends here who extend him every good wish in his wedded life.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robinson of Estherville. While not known here generally, those who have made her acquaintance speak highly of her character and personality.
Source: Lake Park News, Lake Park, IA, December 12, 1935.
John Juhl of Emmet county, Iowa and Miss Emma Ziemer of this place [Dunnell, MN] were united in marriage last Wednesday [March 1910] at the bride's home, Rev. Ford officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August Ziemer of Lake Fremont, and is a young lady possessed of many charming qualities. The groom is an industrious young man of splendid character who is held in high esteem by all who know him. Mr. and Mrs. Juhl will begin housekeeping immediately on the groom's farm near Huntingon. Mr. and Mrs. Juhl have the heartiest congratulations and best wishes of a large circle of friends in this community.--Dunnell News
Contributed by: Ruth Hackett. Source: The Estherville Democrat, Estherville, Emmet County, Iowa, March 9, 1910.
At the home of the bride on east Des Moines street, Saturday evening (May ?, 1905) occurred the marriage of Amos Ketchum to Mrs. Genta Lyman, B. M. Scott officiating. Mr. Ketchum is the honored commander of the local post of the G. A. R. having been a Union soldier through the Civil War.
Both parties are old residents of Estherville and well and favorably known in the community. The wedding was a quiet one, only a few of the intimate friends of the families being present. Mr. and Mrs. Ketchum will make their home at his garden farm on the west side of the river.
Contributed by: Ruth Hackett. Source: The Estherville Democrat, Estherville, Emmet County, Iowa, May 10, 1905.
Carrie Berdahl and Fred Kruse were married Tuesday [December 20, 1904] in Estherville. A reception was given the young people by the bride's parents [Mr. and Mrs. Anfin Berdahl] at Gruver the same day. Their friends wish them a long and happy married life.
Contributed by: Ruth Hackett. Source: The Vindicator and Republican , Estherville, Emmet County, Iowa, December 28, 1904.
Last Wednesday at high noon Miss Ada Estelle Storhow, one of the very popular young ladies of this community became the bride of Mr. Henry M. Larsen of Chicago. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. S. A. Berge at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Storhow, west of this city, in the presence of relatives and intimate friends.
The house was beautifully decorated in pink and white, the flowers used being sweet peas against a background of palms and ferns. The same color scheme was used in the decorations of the table for the dinner which was served immediately after the ceremony. Bouquets of pink and white sweet peas and smilax adorned the table with a beautiful little bride and groom at the center.
The bride was especially charming in a gown of white canton crepe trimmed with Spanish lace with a veil of tulle and spray of lilies of the valley carrying in bouquet of white roses. Mrs. Calvin Gammon, sister of the groom, who acted as matron of honor, wore a pretty gown of orchid organdie and carried a bouquet of lavender and pink sweet peas. Mr. Gammon attended the groom. The double ring ceremony was used. Little Honore Jensen, niece of the groom, was ring bearer, and Serene Myhre, cousin of the bride, was flower girl. Lohengrin's wedding march was played by Mrs. Grover Yaberg.
Mrs. Julia Apland, aunt of the bride, and her son Newt and daughter Madeline, of Hardy, were the only guests present from a distance. Mrs. Larsen is a graduate of our high school and later completed the two year normal training course at the State Teacher's College. She taught at Dakota City and in our city schools for two years leaving that profession to take a position in the First National Bank from which she resigned the first of the year. She is a handsome and charming young lady and has made good wherever employed and has made a host of friends. The young man of her choice is worthy of her in every respect. His home was formerly at Graettinger. He is a graduate from the schools of that place and from the mechanical engineering college at Ames. He affiliated with the Adelante fraternity, and was also a member of the Tau Beta Pi engineer honorary fraternity, and Phi Kappa Phi honorary scholastic fraternity. Mr. Larsen taught school at Ayrshire and is now employed by the Western Electric Telephone System at Chicago as mechanical engineer.
The happy couple left the afternoon following the ceremony for a short honeymoon at the lakes and will return here where Mrs. Larsen will remain until they can get possession of their home at La Grange, Ill.
Contributed by: Ruth Hackett. Source: Vindicator and Republican, Estherville, Emmet County, Iowa, August 9, 1922.
Mr. Oliver Larson and Miss Inga Fossum were united in marriage last Sunday. We wish the young couple much happiness.
Source: The Northern Vindicator, Estherville, Emmet County, Iowa, April 17, 1902.
Rev. H. Engh officiated at the marriage of Miss Stina Toft and T. Lein, on Wednesday, Nov. 26. The young people start out in life full of promise and the VINDICATOR wishes them much prosperity.
Source: The Northern Vindicator, Estherville, Emmet County, Iowa, December 5, 1890.