Surname Index - I through L

This is a list of Chickasaw County surnames and volunteers who are researching the family history of these names. Please contact them to request information, or to provide information for these families.

Also check the Families Page for reports and photos of these and other Chickasaw Families.

Most genealogy software has the capability of producing a gedcom file. If you would like to provide a gedcom file for any Chickasaw County family, please send it to the county coordinator at the link above.

Family Pic

(A-C)(D-H) (I-L) (M-P) (Q-Z)
IVES Lorraine Besmer
JENKINS Kathy Taylor
JONES Susi Jones
JORANGER Jim Johnson
KEEGAN David Keegan
KEGLEY Carldine Van Allen
KELLER Betty Lau
KELLY Patrick Murphy
KILCHER Gail Murphy
KIRK Doreen Marvin
LADWIG Kathleen Garner
LANDAU Judy Mitchell
LANDON David Keegan
LARRICK Julie Crisp
LEENEY David Keegan
LEONARD David Keegan
LOCKWOOD Barb Derendal
LUNDEN Jim Johnson
LYNCH Doreen Marvin