Surname Index - D through H

This is a list of Chickasaw County surnames and volunteers who are researching the family history of these names. Please contact them to request information, or to provide information for these families.

Also check the Families Page for reports and photos of these and other Chickasaw Families.

Most genealogy software has the capability of producing a gedcom file. If you would like to provide a gedcom file for any Chickasaw County family, please send it to the county coordinator at the link above.

Family Pic

(A-C) (D-H) (I-L) (M-P) (Q-Z)
DADDOW Linda Mitchell
DAILY Doreen Marvin
DALE Jim Johnson
DANA Leonard Granger
DREW Steven C. Wehling
FELCHER Carldine Van Allen
FIMREITE Jim Johnson
FLATJORD Jim Johnson
FOLAN David Keegan
FOSSEN Jim Johnson
FOX Bonnie Fox Rule
FREEMAN Valerie Cross
FRETLAND Jim Johnson
FUCHS Bonnie Fox Rule
FULLER Valerie Cross
GABLE Sherry Steele
GALLIGAN Doreen Marvin
GEE Sherry Steele
GEORGE Clay Stubbins
GIBSON Sherry Steele
GILBERT Patrick Murphy
GJERDE Jim Johnson
GLEASON Leonard Granger
GLIENKE Bernie Glienke
GODFREY Jayne McCarley
GRAHLMAN Kathleen Garner
GRANGER Leonard Granger
GUETSCH / GITCH Kathleen Garner
HALL Penny Brisson
Claudia Groh
Mike Peterson
Betty Lau
HAUM Jim Johnson
HEMEN Gordon Bonzer
HEMPEL Gordon Bonzer
HENNAGIR Betty Woods
HEWITT Mary Ann Linder
HOUSE Leonard Granger
HOVE Jim Johnson
HUGHES Dick Offerman