IAGenWeb Project - Allamakee co.


Allamakee Journal
Announcements, thank-you notes and a log of new or updated content added to this website.

This page was updated on March 1, 2025

Do YOU have something to share??

Notes: the website is indexed (spidered) by the FreeFind search once every week, usually on Wednesday or Thursday. The newest records may or may not show up on a site search depending on when they were added. Also, if you don't think you are viewing the most recent page, try "refreshing" your browser.

2025 Thank-you notes

Everything on the Allamakee co. IAGenWeb has been contributed by volunteers! Many, many people have helped to build this website .... generously sharing family photos and data. Others have volunteered their time to transcribe old records, biographies and obituaries. If you have found something on the site that 'made your day' ...... please let our volunteers know that you appreciate their efforts. Send them a thank-you, a kudo or 'pat on the back' here. E-mail directly to the contributor, or send your notes to the Allamakee co. coordinator & your message will be posted on this page.

New & completed data-sets in 2025:
(for links to the data, see below in the monthly journal)

Added in February:
- 1860 US census, Paint Creek twp., pgs 208--220 (remaining pages to come in March)
- Allamakee co. Deaths, added 1947-1950 (The complete database contains over 18,000 deaths - more to be added in 2025)
Added in January:
- Allamakee co. Deaths, added 1937-1946


New & updated content - March 2025

Added the Iowa WikiTree to misc. research help - suggested by Shaun Boyle (3/1/25)

*Obituaries from Neighboring Counties: Clayton co. obituaries, Fayette co. obituaries and Winneshiek co. obituaries frequently have newly added obituaries. Many Clayton co., Fayette co. and Winneshiek co. residents had close Allamakee county connections so don't miss these great obituary collections!

Friends of IAGenWeb - 100% of all contributions are used to fund server space for the IAGenWeb project and all are tax deductible. To find out more, or to become a member/donor, visit their website.

New & updated content - January & February 2025

BIOGRAPHIES - misc. sources A-H * I-Z
New! Biographies of A. & C. Bernatz, G.A. Bieber, F. Conover, J. Conover, C.R. Christofferson, H.F. Fretheim, G. Haas, J.D. Hexom, P. Karberg, L. Reed SR, T.O. Storla, C.L. Topliff, E. Topliff, J.N. Topliff SR - from S. Ferrall (2/25/25)

New data-set: 1860 US census Paint Creek twp., pgs 208-212, pgs 213-216 & pgs 217-220 - from Kim Alberg (2/17/25, 2/20/25 & 2/28/25)

New! Added Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran church of Lansing, history & photos - from S.Ferrall (2/6/25)

DEATH RECORDS - index to the death records on this website
New data-sets! Allamakee co. Deaths 1947-1948 & 1949-1950 - from Richard O'Brien (02/14/ 2025)
New data-sets! Allamakee co. Deaths 1941-1942, 1943-1944 & 1945-1946 - from Richard O'Brien (01/22/ 2025)
New data-sets! Allamakee co. Deaths 1937-1938 & 1939-1940 - from Richard O'Brien (01/01/ 2025)

Updated! War of 1812 veterans w/Allamakee connections, added C. Squires - from Marilyn Rittel (2/27/25)
Updated! War of 1812 veterans w/Allamakee connections, added B. Halse - from Marilyn Rittel (2/21/25)
Updated! WWI Honor Roll entries of J. Brennan, C. Kroeger & A.F. Wiemerslage - coordinator (2/11/25)
Updated! WWII Honor Roll entry of W. Neuman - coordinator (2/11/25)

OBITUARIES (13,875+ transcribed obits) & OBITUARY INDEX (updated 02/27/2025)
*January & February contributors: S. Ferrall, Kathy Jankowski, Thomas Collins & Diane C. Dubay

Photo of 2nd & 3d grade pupils, 1964/5, added to the Krumme (Ludlow #3) country school records - from Allen Lyon (2/6/25)

New & updated content - November & December 2024

CEMETERY RECORDS - burials & gravestone photos (IGPP)
New content! Research Alerts for Oak Hill (Williams) & Oakland Main (Todd) - from S.Ferrall (12/10/24)

DEATH RECORDS - index to the death records on this website
New data-set! Allamakee co. Deaths 1935-1936 - from Richard O'Brien (12/13/ 2024)
New data-set! Allamakee co. Deaths 1933-1934 - from Richard O'Brien (11/14/ 2024)

New content! Added on Orphan page: Travers sisters - from Barbara Gannon (12/30/24)

Updated! War of 1812 soldiers, updated W. Shattuck - from S. Ferrall & Marilyn Rittel (12/9/24)

OBITUARIES (13,830+ transcribed obits) & OBITUARY INDEX (updated 12/31/2024)
*November & December contributors: S. Ferrall, Joy Moore & Brian Cunningham

New & updated content - September & October 2024

CEMETERY RECORDS - burials & gravestone photos (IGPP)
New content! Research Alert for Oakland (Stillman) - from S.Ferrall (10/7/24)
New content
! Research Alerts for Oak Hill (Candy, Deremore, Ellefson & Gee) - from Richard O'Brien (9/15/24)
New content! Research Alerts for Roese Family (Roese), Mays Prairie (White), Oak Hill (Cowles) & Oakland Main (White) - S. Ferrall (Sept 14 & 15)

New content! Added to Forest Mills church, another photo & news article about the church closing - from Connie Ellis (10/2/24)

DEATH RECORDS - index to the death records on this website
New data-set! Allamakee co. Deaths 1929-1932 - from Richard O'Brien (Oct 2 & Oct 19, 2024)
New data-set! Allamakee co. Deaths 1925-1928 - from Richard O'Brien (Sept. 10 & 20, 2024)

HISTORICAL RECORDS - includes photos, directories, general & specific township & town info. - LOTs of good stuff here
New content! Added on Farm Bureau & related page, misc. info. 1920 & 1925 - from S.Ferrall (10/7/24)
New content! Added on Orphan page: Beale; Kosbau-Krugner; Marsden-Williams, unkn-Rood & 2 unknown-Sullivan - from S.Ferrall (10/4/24)
New content!
Added to the Hall Maternity hospital, 1932 STONE birth - from S. Ferrall (10/2/24)

New data-set! CW Honor Roll - 146 Allamakee soldiers who died in the Civil War - from S.Ferrall (10/7/24)

OBITUARIES (13,805 transcribed obits) & OBITUARY INDEX (updated 10/02/2023)
*September & October contributors: Henry Brainard & S. Ferrall

New data-set! 1878 Lansing Tax-payers who pay over $50 - from S.Ferrall (Oct 14, 2024)


Friends of IAGenWeb funds server space for IAGenWeb, including the Allamakee co. website. To find out more about Friends of IAGenWeb visit their website. Donations can be made from the website.


Older Update Logs - to find items listed on the older pages please use the menu on the home page of the website:

2024 * 2023 * 2022 * 2021 * 2020 * 2019 * 2018 * 2017 * 2016 * 2015 * 2014 * 2013* 2012 * 2011 *
* 2010 * 2009 * 2008 * 2007 * 2006 * 2005 * 2004 * 2003 * 2002 *

Older Thank-you Notes

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