Allamakee Co. Reference & Resource Directory Newspapers * Vital Records
* Churches
* Funeral Homes
* Area Chambers of
Lansing - The Allamakee Journal merged with the Waukon Standard a few years ago and is now known as The Standard, based in Waukon. |
Postville - Postville Herald, PO Box 100, Postville, Iowa 52162; (563) 864-3333; e-mail; Facebook |
Waukon - The Standard, 15 First Street, N.W., P.O. Box 286, Waukon, Iowa 52172-0286; (563) 568-3431; Website |
Online archives
- free digital images Lansing newspapers - from the Meehan Memorial Library Postville newspapers - from the Postville Public Library |
Iowa Old Press - Old Iowa & Allamakee co. newspaper transcriptions! Click here Search Box or on the image to search Allamakee co. papers or all Iowa papers: |
Vital Records &
Genealogy societies
Allamakee County Courthouse;
110 Allamakee Street, Waukon IA 52172 *County government website *Recorders Office: (563) 568-2364 *Register of Deeds:(563)568-2364 *Assessor: (563) 568-3145 *Auditor: (563) 568-3522 *County Clerk: see below for Vital Records |
Iowa Vital Records Bureau *Vital records should be obtained from the state offices & NOT the Allamakee county clerk's office! |
Allamakee County Historical Society and Old Courthouse Museum, 121 Allamakee St. P.O. Box 95, Waukon, Iowa 52172; (563) 568-2954 |
IAGenWeb Special Projects - all have Allamakee co. records |
Iowa Genealogical Society - P.O. Box 7735, Des Moines IA 50322-7735; phone: (515) 276-0287 |
State Historical Society of Iowa Des Moines - 600 East Locust, Des Moines, IA 50319-0290; (515) 281-5111 Iowa City - 402 Iowa Avenue, Iowa City, IA 52240-1806; (319) 335-3916 |
Harpers Ferry - Dolores
Tillinghast Memorial Library, 234 N. 4th Street,
Box 57 Harpers Ferry, IA; 52146-0057; ph: 563-586-2524;
fax: 563-586-2524; e-mail Lansing Public Library - 515 Main, Lansing, IA 52151-0580; ph: 563-538-4693; fax: 563-538-4693; e-mail New Albin Public Library, 176 Elm Street, Box 12, New Albin, IA 52160-0012; ph: 563-544-4747; fax: 563-544-4747; e-mail Postville Public Library, 235 W. Tilden St., Postville, Iowa 52162-9457; ph: (563) 864-7600; fax: (563)-864-7600; e-mail Waterville Public Library, 82 Main Street, Box 68, Waterville, IA 52170-0068; ph: 563-535-7295; fax: 563-535-7295; e-mail Waukon - Robey Memorial Library; 401 First Ave. N.W., Waukon, IA 52172-1803; ph: (563) 568-4424; fax: (563)568-5026; e-mail |
Lansing *Burke-Thornburg Funeral Home; 490 Main St., Lansing, IA 52151; (563)538-4141 Postville Waukon |
Waukon *Chamber of Commerce -101 West Main Street, Waukon, IA 52172; (563) 568-4110; website *Waukon Facebook page Postville Lansing |
Maps - Misc.
information - Iowa
Resources - Research guides
Iowa WikiTree - this link is to the Allamakee county category, but the site includes all Iowa counties with tools to make research easy to present, and a community of family history enthusiasts. New resource! |
Quick Reference Guides,
(Quick Sheets) There are a lot of them, all downloadabe
as .pdf files. Terrific to use! |
USGS/GNIS Database - Search for Allamakee locales: buildings, parks, sloughs, post-offices, streams, churches, towns, etc. Includes places no longer in existence. A wonderful resource!! |
Iowa Place Names Past & Present - IAGenWeb Project |
DOT Maps - all kinds of Iowa maps, including county and town maps |
American Memory Collections - Library of Congress. Tons of stuff! |
The Great River - the Mississippi River home page. |
A listing of current
churches in Allamakee county, addresses, phone numbers &
links to their websites.
Click here if you are looking for
old church records or church histories & photos on this
The Allamakee
Album has many photos of churches, some that are no longer
Presbyterian Church 433 Bethlehem Dr., Postville, IA 52162, (563) 864-3840 |
Calvary Baptist
Church 1704 Green Valley Rd NW, Waukon, IA, (563) 568-6016 |
Center Baptist
Church 1555 Trout Rd, Lansing, IA, (563) 535-2000 |
Christ Community
Evangelical 411 Main NW New Albin, IA, (563) 544-4401 |
Presbyterian Church 106 S Reynolds, PO Box 8, Postville, IA 52162, (563) 864-3736 |
East Paint Creek
Synod Lutheran Church 1751 Gronna Dr., Waterville, IA 52170, (563) 535-7229 |
First Baptist Church 614 Rossville Rd, Waukon, IA 52172, (563) 568-2225 |
First Presbyterian
Church 204 W Main, Waukon, IA 52172, (563) 568-2981 |
Forest Mills United
Methodist Church 595 Forest Mills Rd, Postville, IA 52162, (563) 864-3624 |
Grace United
Methodist Church 138 2nd SE, New Albin, IA 52160, (563) 544-4972 |
Conception Church (Wexford) 1416 Great River Rd., Harpers Ferry, IA 52151 Wexford Hall - (563) 586-2543 * Wexford Parish - (563) 586-2150 Website |
Conception Catholic Church 648 Main St., Lansing, Iowa 52151, (563) 538-4171 Website |
Marion Lutheran
Church 12151 Apple Rd Postville, IA, (563) 783-7714 |
Mt. Hope
Presbyterian Church 2574 Church Road, New Albin, IA 52160, (563) 544-4343. Note: Church office has same ph# & pastor as St. John's UCC |
Old East Paint Creek
Lutheran Church 1799 Elon Dr., Waterville, IA 52170, (563) 535-7625 |
Old East
and West Paint Creek Lutheran Church 1306 Maud Rd., Waukon, IA 52172 (563) 535-7733 |
Our Saviour's
Lutheran Church 480 Diagonal St., PO Box 147, Lansing, IA 52151-0147, (563) 538-4664 |
Peace Church of
Crooked Creek PO Box 187, New Albin, IA, (563) 544-4449 |
St Ann's - St
Joseph's OFC Hall 307 W. Orange St., Harpers Ferry, IA, (563) 586-2350 |
St Bridget's
Catholic Church 135 W Williams St., Postville, IA 52162, (563) 864-3138 |
St John's Lutheran
Church 8 5th St. WE, Waukon, IA 25172, (563) 568-3623 |
St John's United
Church 2952 Wheatland Rd., New Albin, IA 52160, (563) 544-4343 |
St Joseph's Catholic Church (linked with Immaculate Conception Parish, Lansing), 114 3rd St. NE, New Albin, IA 52160, (563) 544-4855 | St Mary's - Lycurgus
Catholic Church 2096 Highway 76 N., Waukon, IA 52172, (563) 568-2818 |
St Mary's Rectory 590 Waterloo Creek Dr., Dorchester, IA 52140, (563) 568-2818 |
St Patrick's
Catholic Church 101 2nd SW, Waukon, IA 52172, (563) 568-7643 |
St Paul's Lutheran
Church 116 E Military Rd., Postville, IA 52162, (563) 864-7643 |
St Paul's United
Methodist Church 27 2nd Ave NW, Waukon, IA 52172, (563) 568-3678 |
St Peter's Christian
Community Church (formerly St. Peter's United Church of Christ) 337 1st St SE New Albin, IA, (563) 544-4449 |
St Pius Cherry Mound
Church 699 State Forest Rd Waterville, IA, (563) 535-7143 |
Salem United Church
of Christ 1097 Pole Line Rd., Waukon, IA 52172, (563) 568-3062 |
Adventist Church 706 1st Ave NW, Waukon, IA 52172, (563) 568-3815 |
United Methodist
Church 490 Center St., Lansing, IA 52151, (563) 538-4352 |
Waterloo Ridge
Lutheran Church 169 Dorchester Dr., Dorchester, IA, (563) 492-3806 |
Waterville Lutheran
Church 101 Main St Waterville, IA, (563) 535-7784 |
Zalmona Presbyterian
Church 371 Highway 9 Waukon, IA, (563) 568-3875 |
Zion United Church
of Christ 113 1st St NE, Waukon, IA 52172, (563) 568-3598 |
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Please read the book descriptions carefully prior to purchasing.
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