Allamakee co. IAGenWeb - Census Records
updated 02/28/2025


Allamakee co. Iowa
Census Records Index

If you have census records to contribute, please email your information to Sharyl

Very Important Note!
Most, but not all of these records are searched by the Allamakee co. search engine!

Allamakee county was created from Clayton co. in 1847.
Researchers of very early settlers should check these census records.

(Links will open new windows)

  • 1836 census - Wisconsin Territorial counties of Dubuque & Des Moines
    A full transcription of the first census for the area that would become the state of Iowa. The settled areas at that time were within the 1832 Black Hawk Purchase and include, in whole or in part, Clayton co. and Buchanan, Cedar, Clinton, Davis, Delaware, Des Moines, Dubuque, Fayette, Henry, Jackson, Jefferson, Johnson, Jones, Lee, Linn, Louisa, Muscatine, Scott, Van Buren & Washington counties.

  • 1838 Wisconsin Territory census
    This is the first census taken that enumerates people living in the area known as Clayton co.

  • 1840 Federal census
    Includes all Clayton co. residents and an off-site link to a census of the miner's districts.

1850 Federal Census - Allamakee co.


1854 Iowa State Census - Allamakee co.

1856 Iowa State Census - Allamakee co.

Volunteers are needed to transcribe the remaining townships on the Allamakee co. 1856 Iowa State Census

1860 Federal Census - Allamakee co.

  • Lafayette - pgs 36-57 needs transcribing
  • Makee - pg 112-147 needs transcribing
  • Ludlow - pg 166-182 needs transcribing
  • Jefferson - pg 182-208 needs transcribing
  • Fairview - pg 250-257 needs transcribing
  • Linton - pg 257-274 needs transcribing
  • Franklin - pg 274-293 needs transcribing
  • Post - pg 293-213 needs transcribing

Volunteers are needed to transcribe the remaining townships!


1860 Mortality Schedule 3
Persons who died during the year ending 1st June, 1860

All Townships

1870 Federal Census - Allamakee co.

Volunteers are needed to transcribe all townships!

1870 Mortality Schedule 2
Persons who died during the year ending 1st June, 1870

All Townships

1880 Federal Census - Allamakee co.

Volunteers are needed to transcribe the remaining townships!


1880 Mortality Schedule 5
Persons who died during the year ending May 31, 1880

  • Page 1: Center, Fairview, Franklin, French Creek, Hanover, Iowa, Jefferson & Lafayette

  • Page 2: Lansing city, Lansing, Linton, Ludlow & Makee twps

  • Page 3: Paint Creek, Post, Taylor, Union Prairie & Waterloo twps

  • Page 4: Allamakee Co. from supplemental schedule


1880 Federal Census
Family Search Website (it's free)
(opens a new brower window)

1885 Iowa State Census


1885 Iowa State Census
People born in Allamakee co. but living in another Iowa county
- arranged by surname-

This is an abandoned project. It is very unlikely that it will be continued. It does not represent all Iowa counties.

1890 Federal Census

Sadly only fragments of the 1890 Federal census and associated schedules have survived. Most researchers have been told that it was "destroyed in a fire." But there is a whole lot more to the story of the 1890 census. Follow the link below to read ........

"First in the Path of the Firemen"
The Fate of the 1890 Population Census, Part 1

By Kellee Blake

1895 Iowa State Census
Allamakee co. Iowa

Volunteers are needed to transcribe the remaining townships!

Other census years

Volunteers are also needed to transcribe these census for Allamakee county!

  • 1900 Federal Census

  • 1905 Iowa State Census

  • 1910 Federal Census

  • 1915 Iowa State Census

  • 1925 Iowa State Census

Misc. Census Items
(all off-site links open on a new page)

1950 Census Enumerators (on-site)

The 1950 Census was released in April 2022 - 1950 Census Overview at United States Census Bureau (off-site)

Iowa State Census Project - IAGenWeb Special Project (off-site)

Iowa Federal Census Projects - there are 2 different projects (off-site)
USGenWeb Census Project ** USGenWeb Census Project

Minnesota State Census Index (off-site)

