new content added 12/30/2024 (Travers)
Allamakee Co. Orphans & Orphan Train Riders
If you can add to this list, have a photo or additional information on any of the orphans or of an Orphan Train rider, please contribute it for this page. Interested researchers will find lots of information about the Children's Aide Society and life for the orphans before & after they were placed or adopted, by reading Gilbert Eadie's Biography (a new page will open) |
The Waifs
Arrival of a Company of Homeless Boys from New YorkUnder the direction and care of an agent of the Children's Aid Society, of New York, a company of boys arrived in this place on Friday afternoon last, in charge of Mr. E. Trott. The object of the Society was to provide homes for these boys, many of whom were orphans, and all more or less dependent upon a charitable public for aid.
They were taken to the City Hall, where the work of distributing them was carried on under the direction of the committee selected for that purpose, Messrs. Blum, McCormick, Rockwell, Healy and Nelson.
Mr. Trott, prior to designating homes for the children, addressed those present in regard to the aim and object of the Society he represented, its work, and the terms upon which the boys would be distributed. These were, in effect, that there were to be no written obligations; those taking them were merely expected to treat them as they would their own children. In default of this, the boys would be removed from their care.
The applicants were numerous, and forty boys could have been readily distributed among good homes, but the agent reserved the right, and took the responsibility of assigning them to such places as he thought proper, by and with the advice of the Committee.
In general, the boys were bright, intelligent and well-behaved, and all were well-dressed. Some at once attracted the attention of the people present, especially one little fellow, George Stevens, who was ill, and yet was so patient and uncomplaining that one lady, Mrs. Steiber, at once selected him for adoption. The first choice was given her by Mr. Trott, and, of course, the boy thenceforth knew a home and a mother.
One colored boy, McNear Addison, a bright eyed, polite little fellow, was selected by Mr. Schierholz, and became a general favorite with everybody.
The youngest child in the lot, Braddock Black, was taken by Mrs. Bascom, and proves the manly little fellow he appeared to be.
--- The List ---
Geo. Stork, age 12 - taken in by A.C. Hagemeier, Rossville
Sherman Jennings, age 10 - taken in by Wm. Werhan, Forest Mills
McNear Addison, age 8 - taken in by H. Schierholz
Braddock Black, age 8 - taken in by E.B. Bascom
John Garry, age 8, taken in by Conrad Steiber
John Rogers, age 11, taken in by Leopold Trentle [sic - Troendle]
Wm. Ryan, age 9, taken in by James M. Thompson
Geo. Stevens, age 9, taken in by Henry Steiber
Wm. Schaffer, age 15, taken in by Stephen Heal, DeSoto, WI
Andrew G. Merrill, age 11, taken in by L. Crane
Harry Stair, age 15, taken in by J.W. Foster
Geo W. Taylor, age 10, taken in by William Wendell
Jacob Kesselburg, age 11 - taken in by Henry Kostbauer, Waukon
Wm. Kesselberg, age 10 - taken in by Charles Kunner, Waukon
Louis Preston, age 10 - taken in by Jas. McNerney, Clear Creek
John Hooligan, age 12 -taken in by John Mooney, Village Creek
Chas. Dunn, age 11 - taken in by Michael S. Brady, New Albin
Edward King, age 12 -taken in by Patrick O'Brien, Waukon
Wm. Rude, age 12 - taken in by T.C. Medary (temporary)
Geo. Cronin, age 15 -taken in by Daniel Carr, Waukon
Henry Smith, age 11 - taken in by James Dungan
Wm. Jackson, age 12 - taken in by John Hoy
Andrew McLaughlin, age 13 - taken in by Patrick Kernon
Chas. Merker, age 15 - taken in by O.A. Ross
Chas. Ellsworth, age 15 - taken in by John Edgar
Ladislau Schoner, age 16 - taken in by John Dornbush, Eitzen, Minn.
Michael Traynor, age 12 - taken in by John C. Conrad
Edmond F. Eldridge, age 14 - taken in by John Lindstrom~Lansing Mirror, November 30, 1877; page 3
~transcribed by S. Ferrall~*~*~
Lansing, Iowa - About
twenty-eight years ago a New York Orphans home sent out
to this place a company of twenty-four boys in charge of
Mr. Trott. These boys were taken into homes here and many
of them turned out well. H. Schierholz took the colored
boy, Sam Addison,
who afterward became a dentist in Chicago; Capt. Bascom
gave a home to Braddy Black,
who is married and living in the north; Andy McLaughlin
was taken by P. Kernan of Lafayette, and others were
scattered in town and through the country. Wm. Wendel
took home with him George
Taylor and he remained with the family for
eight years, afterwards going back to New York. What was
the surprise of the family to receive a call the past
week from Mr. Taylor, now a man grown, and for fourteen
years a motorman in the city. He has only words of praise
for the kind treatment he received from Mr. and Mrs.
Wendel. ~La Crosse Tribune, January 30, 1908 |
The children are of various ages and both sexes having been thrown friendless upon the world. They come under the auspices of the Children's Aid Society of New York. They are well disciplined, having come from our farm orphanages.The citizens of this community are asked to assist in finding good homes for them. Persons taking these children must be recommended by the local committee. They must treat the children in every way as members of their family, sending them to school, church, Sabbath School, and properly clothe them until 18 years of age. Protestant children placed in Protestant homes and Catholic children placed in Catholic homes. The following well known citizens have agreed to act as a local committee to aid the agents in securing homes.
An Address Will Be Given By The Agent Robert M. Brace, Superintendent of
Emmagrafton, 105 E. 22nd St. New York City, New York,
Anna A. L. Hill, Visiting and Placing Agency, 105
E. 22nd St., New York City, New York, Clara B.Comstock,
Visiting and Placing Agency, P.O. Box 117, Des Moines,
Iowa ~source: photocopy of an advertising bill
from a 1913 Waukon newspaper |
A yellowed clipping from a 1913 Waukon paper tells the story of one of the occasions when children sponsored by the Children's Aid Society of New York City were parceled out to new homes with Allamakee County families. Oscar Rumph of Waterloo still has the "bill" advertising the event, and treasures the old clipping because he was one of the children. Strange though it seems nowadays, between 1854 and 1929, a score of New York City orphanages made a practice of sending out trainloads of children to middle western communities for distribution to new homes. Clara B. Comstock and Anna Laura Hill came with the 1913 contingent of 15 children, who were quartered at the Allamakee Hotel, given dinner, and met by a local committee. I. E. Beeman, mayor of Waukon, E. B. Gibbs, C. H. Hale, Dr. P. H. Letourneau, A. T. Nierling, and Dr. A. T. Stillman were on the committee. The children were taken to the old armory building, soon to be demolished now, located south of the Waukon State Bank building. Fifty families had applied for children, but many others came to see the children and watch the proceedings. The children were asked to give a more or less informal program, sponsors talked about the adoption plan and described conditions. The children ranged from two and a half to 16 years of age. Children were to be given good homes until the age of 18, fed and clothed, educated and sent to church and Sunday School, and treated as members of the family. Reports were to be made annually. The list of children in the yellowed clipping was as
follows: Arthur Kench,
13, and Helen Kench,
10, to the George Thompsons of Jefferson Township; Anna Travers, 14,
and Lena Travers,
9, to George Clark, Forest Mills; Frank
Riehl, 10, A. H. Gast, Linton Township; Josephine Riehl, 9, O.
B. Kelly, Rossville; Helen Riehl,
7, John Buntrock, French Creek; Margaret
Kerns, 13, Reuben Bakewell, Lansing; Oscar C. Bencke, 6,
John C. Rumph, Jefferson; Henry
Schaeffer, 14, J.J. Arnold, Waukon; Clinton Simpson, 15,
Otto Helming, Ludlow; Theodore
Piderit, 2-1/2, W. H. Robbins, Waukon; Sophia Hanson, 15, A.
D. Ingalls, Franklin; Olga
Hanson, 16, A. D. Bender, Franklin; Elsie Frederick,
16, Rev. Vernholt, Waukon. ~source: photocopy of a Waukon newspaper article |
Allamakee County Orphans & Orphan Train Riders
McNear Addison, McCune Lear 'Samuel / Sam' family: Schierholz, H. Notes: My great aunt Mattie and great uncle Herman
Schierholz adopted "McNear Addison." I always
understood that when my great uncle found him sitting on
the sidewalk in front of the Schierholz large Victorian
home on Front street, Uncle Herman asked him his name and
why he was sitting there. He told him that he was McCune
Lear Addison and that nobody wanted him. My uncle took
him in and said something like..."Well, that's a big
name for a small boy. We'll call you Sam." Sam was
an African American. He went to school in Lansing and
then my great uncle sent him to dental school in Chicago
where he married and had children. I have a letter,
written by his widow, Susie C. Addison on October 24,
1909 from Chilicothe, Ohio saying: "God came and
took my Dear Husband home to rest Tues. eve at fifteen
minutes after ten." My great aunt and uncle traveled
extensively and in my uncle's journal he mentions
stopping in Chicago on their way to Europe and seeing
Sam. He was truly a son to them. Additional information - from S. Ferrall |
Alton, P. 1880
census for Hanover Township: Both boys were adopted by Morris and Hanora Bresnahan.
Bailey, Elmer
William Forty-two years ago, Mr. and Mrs E.J.
Sadler, having no children of their own at that time
(they now have three sons and two daughters) adopted
Elmer Bailey, a 4-year old boy from an orphans home at
Des Moines, which they raised as their own and he grew up
to be a splendid young man, staying with his foster
parents for 24 years. He went west and was never heard
from until this January 1st, when a letter came locating
him at Bolden, Ariz., and saying he had been married for
8 years. The Sadlers wired him to come home if possible
which he did in a few days and is now enjoying a month's
visit at his old home here. He promises that if all goes
well he will drive back this fall with his wife and take
his foster parents back with him to spend the winter in a
warmer climate.. |
Beale, Conover 'Connie' family: Charles Paulk Conover 'Connie' Paulk Beale, son
of Washington Beale and Sarah Ann Conover was born in
Burlington, Indiana, March 9, 1854. When he was four
years of age his parents came to Waukon. His mother died
when he was five years old and he was adopted by Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Paulk. |
Oscar C. family: Rumph, John C. Notes: Oscar (born Bencke) Rumph was born March 5,
1907 in New York City, New York to Conrad and Maria
(Navarro) Benke / Bencke. He was orphaned in 1913 and
adopted in Iowa by John and Edna (Beebe) Rumph after
arriving on an orphan train. He married first to Jeanne
M. McGeough (June 7, 1932) at Waukon, and after her death
he married Mrs. Harold Lasser (January 17, 1960) in
Illinois. He lived in Waterloo, Black Hawk co. Iowa. Oscar's adopted sister, Erma V. Wilson, was also an Orphan Train Rider. According to Erma's story, Oscar played a big role in the Rumph family adopting her. |
Braddock family: Bascom, E. B. |
Buckley, Dan 1880
census for Hanover Township: Both boys were adopted by Morris and Hanora Bresnahan.
Buell, Willie Throught
the efforts of Poor Commissioner Sol Burdick, Willie
Buell, aged 16 years, an inmate of orphan asylums, has
been found a home with relatives. A week ago, the youth
was brought to Officer Burdick and his assistance was
invoked in the search for the boy's relatives. Buell said
that he believed that he had relatives at Waukon, Iowa.
Accordingly correspondence with the officials of that
town brought out the information that an uncle of the
boy's by the name of King resided at Waukon and also that
an uncle of the boy's mother lives there. Buell's father
died when he was two years old, his mother following his
father to her grave a year later. Buell will be sent to
Waukon where a home has been found for him with his
relatives who never knew where the boy might be,
believing that the youth had died or been lost in the
world. |
Clark, John family:
not given |
George family: Carr, Daniel |
Charles family: Michael S. & Mary
(McCaffrey) Brady Notes added by S. Ferrall |
Eadie, Gilbert
Gilbert Harrison Eadie, the son of John and Delia
(Kelly) Eadie, was born November 12, 1902, in New York
City, New York. Upon the death of his parents in 1911, he
was placed, together with his younger brother Walter, in
the Brace Farm School for boys in Valhalla, New York. On
July 17, 1913, a group of sixteen children, between the
ages of 1½ to 16, were placed on an Orphan Train leaving
from New York City to Pratt, Kansas. They were taken to
the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Wright. Their stay there
was only six months when Mr. Wright sold his farm and
moved to Pennsylvania. On January 24, 1914 Gilbert and
Walter were brought to Allamakee County, Iowa. They were
taken in by Dan and Nettie Kelly, both unmarried. Neither
child was adopted.
Eadie, Walter See
photo above. Walter Eadie, the son of John and Delia
(Kelly) Eadie, was born in New York City, New York. Upon
the death of his parents in 1911, he was placed, together
with his older brother Gilbert, in the Brace Farm School
for boys in Valhalla, New York. On July 17, 1913, a group
of sixteen children, between the ages of 1½ to 16, were
placed on an Orphan Train leaving from New York City to
Pratt, Kansas. They were taken to the farm home of Mr.
and Mrs. Wright. Their stay there was only six months
when Mr. Wright sold his farm and moved to Pennsylvania.
On January 24, 1914 Walter and Gilbert were brought to
Allamakee County, Iowa. They were taken in by Dan and
Nettie Kelly, both unmarried. Neither child was adopted. |
Eldridge, Edmond family:
John Lindstrom |
Ellsworth, Charles
family: John Edgar |
Esztergalyos, Laszlo Janos Photo Caption: That grin on the face of Laszlo
Esztergalyos has made him a happy part of life in
Postville, where he lives with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Hoth. Here he is working in the Hoth Hardware
Store. Laszlo, now 16, was taken from his Hungarian
home by Germans to do Nazi work. Those days are
gone -- today he is becoming as American as the bicycle,
ice cream, comics and movies that he loves here. Laszlo Esztergalyos, age 15, arrived in New York on
June 7, 1947 aboard the 'Marine Marlin' from Bremen,
Germany. Nationality listed as 'stateless', visa no.
quota 838 Hungarian. Destination: USCC, New York, N.Y. Decorah Hungarian DP Enlists in Air Force L. Jon Esztergalyos - Sandra Hall Laszlo J. Esztergalyos b. September 1931 d. July 26,
2008. Last residence: Henderson, North Carolina "Laszlo Esztergalyos was my father. The photo
(above) is the ONLY SURVIVING childhood photo. He was
surprised and smiled to see the photo and remarked
"I remember that photo being taken". Laszlo
(called Jack by his friends), joined the Air force,
became a U.S. Citizen, married several times and fathered
6 children (one who died shortly after birth). He came to
the US after a lucky escape from Dachau Prison camp. I
really miss him, but I have finally located my brother
and three sisters, nieces and nephews. Thank you for your
time and consideration. Other descendants or interested
researchers can contact me via Laszlo Eszterglyos memorial website" |
Elsie family: Rev. Vornholt |
Garrett, Jesse Leo Notes:
Jesse was born 03/20/1888 in Keosauqua, Van Buren county,
IA, the son of Oliver Perry and Sarah Catherine (Hales)
Garrett. At about 7 years old, he rode the Orphan
Train to Northeast Iowa. The 1900 Census lists him
as the adopted son of Sydney & Mary Pierce, New
Albin, IA. Then by 1915, Jesse lived with Francis
& Anna Morgan, New Albin, IA. Sibling:
N.C., Lucy, Elsie, Pennel, Aurelia, Jennie, Oliver,
Judson and L.V. Their parents divorced somewhere before
1900. Jesse married Winnifred Moore on 10/8/1913
and farmed in rural New Albin, IA. |
John family: Conrad Steiber Additional info. added by S. Ferrall: |
Olga family: A. D. Bender |
Hanson, Sophia
family: A. D. Ingalls |
Hooligan, John
family: John Mahoney |
children - Matilda 'Tilly' Irvine, Eliza
J. Irvine and Alex Irvine Children of Hugh J. & Mary Ann Irvine. Although not orphaned by both parents, the youngest 3 Irvine children were placed from Lansing into the Davenport Orphans' Home after their father Hugh Jackson Irvine, Co. H, 9th IA Infantry, was killed at Pea Ridge, Arkansas on 3/7/1862. He is buried or has a cenotaph in Black Hills Nat'l Cemetery at Sturgis, S. Dakota. The eldest child, Samuel apparently was not placed in the home, and continued to live with his mother. Mary filed for a widow pension 7/14/1862, but a dependent children pension was not filed. When Hugh Irvine enlisted the family was living in Hesper, Winneshiek co. IA. After his death, the family lived in Lansing for a time before Mrs. Irvine sent 3 of her children to the Orphans' Home, then subsequently removed to Dakota territory where she died in 1889. Mary Ann's obituary is very interesting and may give some insight into why the children were taken away or she sent them to an orphange.. Likewise of interest is the obituary of Samuel Irvine. Additional information - compiled by S. Ferrall Weekly Rocky Mountain News,
February 18, 1880 (abstracted from full article) 1880 U.S. Census, Clear Lake twp.,
Minnehaha co., Dakota Territory |
William family: John Hoy Note added by S. Ferrall |
Sherman family: William Werhan Note: Sherman is not enumerated with the Werhan family on the 1880 U.S. census. |
Johnson, Gertrude
Perry Additional information - compiled by S.
Ferrall: |
Arthur family: George Thompson |
Kench, Helen family:
George Thompson |
Margaret family: Reuben Bakewell |
Jacob 'Jake' family: Henry Kostbauer Notes added by S. Ferrall: |
William family: Charles Kunner Notes added by S. Ferrall: |
Edward family: Patrick & Marienne
(Kelleher) O'Brien Notes added by S. Ferrall: |
Kosbau, Theodore adopted name: Theodore Krugner Theodore
Henry Krugner was born in Allamakee County on May 21,
1886, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kosbau. When small, he
was adopted by relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Krugner. |
Marsden, Violet adopted name: Violet Williams "....
marriage of Miss Violet Williams, adopted daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Williams, of this place ... Miss
Williams' right name is Marsden. Her mother died in South
Lansing about ten years ago, at which time she was
adopted by the Williams'. Her father is still living. She
has a sister in Waukon. |
Andrew 'Andy' family: Patrick Kernan Notes added by S. Ferrall: |
Charles family: Oliver A. & Louisa Ross Charles Merker is not in the O.A. Ross household per the 1880 U.S. census |
Andrew G. family: Lester & Anna Crane Note added by S. Ferrall: |
Theodore aka Theodore Piderit aka William T.
Robbins Age 2½, Makee twp., arrival November 13,
Adopted by the W.H. Robbins family of Waukon when he was two years old, he took the name William Teddy Robbins. He graduated from Waukon HS in 1929. Notes: Jeremiah O'Hare was the husband of Maude
Marsden. Maude was a cousin to Ella Robbins, the
adoptive mother of Theodore 'Teddy' Piederit. |
Preston, Louis
family: James & Maggie (Cole) McNearney Not found on the 1880 census in Allamakee county |
Quince, Bella family
& place: 1) T. C. Hatten, Sidney, Fremont co. Iowa Notes: Bella (sometimes spelled Belle) and Alice
Quince were sisters and are my great-aunts. Bella and
Alice were born in NYC in 1892 and 1894 respectively.
They had an older brother William and a baby sister named
Mary (my grandmother). In 1898 William, Bella and
Alice were placed in the care of the Childrens Aid
Society. They were residents of the Five Points
House of Industry in NYC. In 1904 Bella and Alice were
taken from Five Points and boarded on an orphan train
with Rev. H.D. Clarke for placement. It is believed that
William ran away from Five Points and eventually went to
live with his father. Mary's whereabouts during this time
are unknown. Bella & Alice rode the Orphan train to
Sidney, Iowa arriving in Sep. 1904. Alice, age 10, was
placed with James Easley. Bella, age 12, may have been
placed with a family named Hatten. On Dec 9, 1904 they
were placed in Oakland, Iowa possibly to a family named
Statzell. Bella was placed 12 times in 3 years. One of
the homes may have been with a Robbins family in Waukon,
Iowa. |
Reese, Emily F.
family, place & date: 1) Parker, Chicago, Mar.
1906 Notes: After leaving Lansing, Emily was sent to a
final home in Wisconsin where she meet and married Earl
Kidder. They were married for over 70 years before their
deaths. She died Nov. 21, 1986 in Rock co., WI and is
buried in the Milton cemetery, Milton, Rock co. WI. Clark
Kidder, grandson of Emily Reese Kidder, wrote a book
called Emily's Story: The Brave Journey of an
Orphan Train Rider. The book was turned into a film
documentary which was released in the fall of 2014. The
film is called West by Orphan Train and
co-produced by Colleen Bradford Krantz and Clark Kidder. |
Frank family: A. H. Gast or Bert Gast Notes: On November 13, 1913, Frank, Josie, and Helen
Riehl came on the Orphan Train to Waukon, Iowa. Frank was
to be eleven on November 17, 1913. They were sent on the
train by the Children's Aid Society of New York City, New
York. They came to the Armory Opera House, then located
south of the Waukon State Bank, where families came to
pick out the children they wanted. Frank went with the
Bert Gast family. After a devastating cyclone on June 12,
1915, which leveled all the Gast farm buildings, Frank
was sent to the Henry Sunderman home in the Waukon area,
where he stayed until his return to New York in 1920 |
Riehl, Helen R. family:
John Buntrock Notes: Helen R. Riehl was born December 1, 1905 in New
York state and was one of the many children who came west
on the orphan train. She was raised by the John Buntrock
family in French Creek Township, Allamakee County, Iowa.
At the age of 16, she returned to New York where other
brothers and sisters resided. She married Ralph Hitchcock
and they lived all their married life in Yonkers, NY. Notes: Helen returned to New York City in 1921 and
lived with her other sisters and brothers in an
apartment. In one of the Grolier Book of Knowledge Annual
Publications, Helen had a section on Iowa with some
pictures of the Buntrock farm. One picture was of Dale
Buntrock, John Buntrock (son of Herbert & Carol
Buntrock) and Bob Hinrichs with the farm horses on the
Buntrock farm. |
Riehl, Josephine
'Josie' family: O. B. Kelley Notes: On November 13, 1913 Frank, Josie, and Helen
Riehl came on the Orphan Train to Waukon, Iowa. Helen was
soon to be eight years old on December 1, 1913, and Josie
was nine on January 9. Josephine went with the Orrie
Kelly Family in Rossville and Helen with the John and
Matilda (Hausman) Buntrock family in French Creek. Josie
became quite homesick, so Grandma Buntrock was asked if
she would take Josie, so she could be with Helen, which
she did. These two girls were raised by the Buntrocks
along with their seven boys - Fred, Martin, Oscar,
Arthur, Melvin, Allen, and Herbert Buntrock. Josie fell
in love with Oscar Buntrock and they went back to New
York to be married on November 25, 1925. They returned to
the Buntrock farm in French Creek township in Allamakee
County, Iowa where they lived for the rest of their life.
They had one son, Dale Buntrock, who lived his life on
this same farm. On June 23, 1999, at the age of 69, Dale
married Jeam Promnitz. Dale passed away in 2004. |
John family: Leopold Troendle Notes added by S. Ferrall: |
Rude, William
family: T. C. Medary |
William family: James M. Thompson Notes: William is not enumerated in the James M. Thompson household on the 1880 U.S. census |
Henry family: John Arnold |
William family: Stephen & Ellen (Miller)
Heal Note added by S. Ferrall: |
Schoner, Ladislau family:
John Dornbush |
Clinton family: Otto Helming - see 1915
census info. below |
Stair, Harry family:
J. W. Foster |
George family: Henry & Magdalena 'Lena'
(Luth) Steiber Additional information - compiled by S. Ferrall Lansing Mirror, 2/28/1890 (Thompson's Corners news correspondent): "George Stevens, of Postville, was with friends of this vicinity recently" It is unknown if this George Stevens is the same as the adopted boy by the same name. Nothing else found. |
George family: Adolph C. & Nettie (Cowan)
Hagemeier Note: He does not appear on the 1880 U.S. census in the Hagemeier family |
George W. family: William & Barbara
(Hirth) Wendel Notes added by S. Ferrall |
Anna family: George Clark 12/30/2024 - Notes added by Barbara Gannon,
granddaughter of Anna: |
Travers, Lena
Travers, Selena family: George Clark 12/30/2024 - Notes added by Barbara Gannon, grandniece of Selena: Selena Travers aka Sister Agnes Travers, was born in 1904 and died in 1992, Ramsey co. , MN. She is buried in Resurrection cemetery, Mendota Heights, Dakota co., MN |
Traynor, Michael
family: John C. Conrad |
Uhl, John family:
unknown |
unknown, Roger unknown, Thomas adopted names: Roger Sullivan & Thomas 'Tommy' Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Emmet
Sullivan became the parents of a two-months-old baby boy,
Thursday, and it would be difficult to say who is more
thrilled, the parents or his four-year-old brother Roger.
They secured both boys through St. Teresa's Baby Fold,
Dubuque. Roger was 4 1/2 months old when he was adopted
by Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan, and in a short time will have a
playmate in the person of Thomas Edward, who will answer
to the name of "Tommy Sullivan". Both
youngsters are no doubt assured of a good home and
pleasant surroundings. |
unknown, Mildred G. adopted name: Mildred G. Rood Mrs.
Martin Martinson returned home Tuesday morning from Des
Moines where she had a happy reunion with her mother whom
she has not seen since she was about three years of age.
She was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. L.J. Rood of this city
and reared her as their own daughter and since their
death she has made repeated efforts to locate her mother
whom she believed lived in Des Moines. Her mother also
had made an effort to locate her daughter. |
Van Sickle, Glen VanSickle, Glenn adopted name: Glen Bock Mr. and Mrs. C.G. Bock have adopted a boy, the little fellow arriving from Des Moines Saturday, in the care of Miss Lundbeck. ~Lansing Mirror, Friday, October 18, 1901, pg 4 (Talk of the Town column) Additional infomation compiled by S. Ferrall -Glen Vansickle, male, b. 6/21/1898 in Wapello, Louisa Co., IA; father Ira Vansickle, mother Jennie Owens ~Iowa Birth & Stillborn Ledgers, 1898 (Ancestry database) -1900 U.S. Census, Louisa co., Iowa, Wapello: Ira Vansickle, 35, widower, laborer. In his household are Norman (12), Anna (10), Joseph (8), Ira L. (4) and Glenn (1), and Anna Owens (mother-in-law) -1910 U.S. Census, Allamakee co., Iowa twp., New Albin town - in the family of Charley & Anna Bock, their daughter Emma (age 35) and Glen Bock, adopted son, age 11, born Iowa, parents born unkn. -WWI Draft Registration of Glenn Edward Bock, age 20, born 6/20/1898, RR Brakeman C.M. & St. P Road, mother Annie Bock, New Albin; dated 9/11/1918 ~WWI Draft Registration Cards, Ancestry data-base Marriage at New Albin 6/24/1919; by Walter Piper, Minister; witnesses Dr. H.Wm Snyder & J. Emma L. Bock Glen E. Bock, New Albin, age 21, born Morning Sun, IA, 1st marriage, occupation RR man; parents C.G. Bock & Annie S. Nelson to Hilda Mae Snyder, Bellerue IA, age 18, born Lexington, IL, 1st marriage; parents William Martin Snyder & Carrie Virgina Masters ~Iowa marriage records, Ancestry data-base |
Veritzen, Minnie
family: Nelson |
Weir, Henrietta
'Etta' family: Lillard Additional information - contributed by Tammy Kuhn: |
Wilson, Erma V.
family: John Rumph Notes: See Erma's story & photo below |
Likely Allamakee co.
orphan train riders contributed by Allamakee researchers.
If you have more information on any of them,
please contact the Allamakee co.
"I was going through the 1880 Census and noticed that my Gr-Gr-Grandparents Michael and Margaret Degnan had a son Peter Mullen, age 13, born in New York who had to have been adopted. Degnan's had 2 daughters I know of and they were born in Iowa. While I was looking through the census I noticed just in the Harpers Ferry area/Taylor Township that there were a minimum of 9 boys between the ages of 11 and 14. All the boys listed were born in New York. It would be great if someone knew the story behind these boys"
~contributed by Betty Palmer |
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62 And 64, Have First Meeting on left: Ethel
Adams |
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Mrs. Ethel Adams of Sea Ranch, Port Richey, Florida came to Waukon last week to visit her sister, Erma Rumph. But this wasn't just an ordinary visit; it was a momentous occasion, the first time the sisters, 64 and 62 years of age, had ever seen each other, and to make it doubly wonderful, it was on Erma's 62nd birthday. There were a few tearful moments while they greeted each other, but it didn't take long to start filling each other in on the past. The story started in New York state when the four oldest Wilson children, Wilbur, Gladys, Edith and Ethel, were placed with the Children's Aid Society in New York City, as the parents were unable to care for them in the home. After Erma's birth, she was also placed in the home and the mother died a few months later. The older children were placed in foster homes and Erma was brought to the Midwest by the social worker for the Aid Society. That family did not keep her so she was "reclaimed" by the worker while in this area in May, 1918, while checking on previous placements. The worker would stay at a local hotel and hire a livery rig to make her rounds. She had no place for a child almost four years of age, so called Mr. and Mrs. John C. Rumph, farmers living about 10 miles south of Waukon, and who had previously adopted a six year old boy, and asked them to care for the little girl for a few days. When she was ready to leave the area, she called them and they started to town with the child. Enroute, 10 year old Oscar asked where Erma was going and he was given an explanation. The child looked at his parents and said, "Why don't we keep her?" The idea took root and by the time they were at the place of delivery they had decided to take her home for theirs. It proved to have a most wonderful decision, for no natural parents with two natural children could have had a happier home. Time went on, and Oscar left for his own home, continuing to be a dutiful son, but Erma remained and during several illnesses the parents gave her loving care. When the couple became aged and moved to town, they were tenderly cared for by their daughter until the father's death at the age of 83 and the mother's death at age 97. The other children had no contact with Erma until she was about 12 years old, when they finally got an address, and since then they have been in contact by letter, phone and pictures. Gladys and Edith have made trips here to see her. It has been a busy week of visiting and catching up but one never to be forgotten. A reception was held for the sisters at the Allamakee County Care Facility in Waukon (where Erma makes her home) on Sunday, July 4, with many friends attending. ~Allamakee Journal, Lansing, Iowa, July 7,
1976 |
Iowa Orphan Train Riders is part of the Iowa History IAGenWeb special project.You will find more information at the site .. including newspaper articles, historical information, the names of orphans coming to Iowa, and much more. Click the logo to check out the website! Also ... the Orphan Train Riders has a query board.
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