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Louis H. Heitkamp

One of the prosperous and promising farmers of Burnside township who is a native son of Iowa, born not far from where he now lives, April 20,1860. His parents John H. and Sophia (Bruncher) Heitkamp, were born in Germany but married in America and settled in Webster County in 1858. They were successful tillers of the soil, and from an original purchase of 80 acres increased their possessions to 320 acres. The father died in 1895 and the mother in 1900. Both are buried in Dayton Cemetary. They were the parents of 4 sons and 4 daughters.

Louis H . Heitkamp was reared on his father’s farm and attended the public schools during the leisure of the winter months. He was married July 27, 1881 to Sophia Mohn and they had 12 children Upon starting out in the world for himself, he rented a farm in Burnside township for 8 yrs. and in 1889 bought 160 acres upon which he now lives At the time of purchase the land was raw prairie land, and a stranger to plow or implement, yet today the abundant harvest reward with an increase in toil and wise management, it is among the most desirable in the township. He bought an additional 80 acres in 1894 on the same section, engages in general farming on a large scale and buys, feeds and ships stock. He is a staunch upholder of Republican institutions and has held many offices of trust within the gift of his fellow townsmen. He is a man of broad and progressive ideas, and practical plans for the general improvement of his section and exerts a wide influence on the side of good government and high citizenship. He died in 1921 and his wife in 1938. Both are buried in the Dayton Cemetary.

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