Webster County
Biographies & Family Histories
On this page, we hope to bring to life, the stories of the pioneers, past and present,
of individuals who have molded Webster County into a fine place to live. Some names
you may have heard of before, but there were many who shaped Webster County. The
farmers, factory workers, laborers and businessmen who left their mark anonymously.
This is a blending of 2 seperate web pages, and a branch to a new one.

Also visit our IAGenWeb
Bios Board!
ALDRICH, Charles
CROUSE, William Henry
DOLLIVER, Jonathan
DOWLING, Mary Jane
GOCHEE, Elmer Peter
HOOD, Catherine & son John
KRAUS, Melchior
MORGAN, George
RUSSEL M.D., Edmond David
RYAN, James
Biographies of Politicians Buried in Oakland Cemetery
John Owen Sr.'s Story - Days Gone By
Fort Dodge Youths show how to enjoy high adventure at
low cost on 6,000-mile trip by John Owen Sr.
Jon Cook has provided his A.G.Cook Family History
A listing with names, dates & locations and Listing of names & dates
Mike B.'s Genealogy & Bios
Lenore (Dittmar) King Submitted by daughter Joni
Arthur Gilroy and Descendants
This web site is the Genealogy of the T. Russell Gilroy family and begins in Fort
Dodge with Arthur Gilroy in 1878. Collateral names are Edwards, Connett and Chick.
The Website of Karen Worrell Tracy Goodwin
Karen and her parents were both raised in Fort Dodge. Come by and check out her family and collateral lines.
The Gunther
Family Tree
This is Gary Specks web site about his Gunther family who were in Fort Dodge
from about 1854-1904. Additional Webster lines will be added when they are completed.
The McGuire Family Website
The McGuire family of Webster Co. settled south of Lehigh in 1849 and the area has
been known since then as McGuire Bend. Check out the website for more family information.
Rockeman Family and Ancestors
Record of Webster County, Iowa"
PDF Document published 1902 and includes some illistrations.
Do you have an article about a family member? Would you like to share their their
life? Please let me know and I will place them on the Webster County site. If you
find any links not working, have any corrections, changes, information to share,
a surname to post or a query, please email me from the contact
page. Please use Webster Co as the subject.