Webster County
Welcome to the Webster County IAGenWeb!
My name is Jena Patzner (Edgerton), and I am your Webster County Coordinator.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or contributions!

Fort Dodge in 1907
Hello Everyone! My name is Jena Edgerton, and I am the Webster County Coordinator. I
hope during your visit you were able to find something that will further your
family research. If you email me with a question or if you would like to
contribute information, I will do my my best to help you.
What's New, has recent updates and changes.
Research contains links to the IAGenWeb Boards and specific
Iowa research sites.
Links is a resource of cool, you guessed it! Links...
Thank you Friends for providing the space for IAGenWeb and Webster Co.
Words can not express the
gratitude we feel for the Webster County Genealogical
for all of the information they have donated to our site over the years.
If you find something useful to your family research please be sure to thank them
for their donation.
Be sure to check out Your Letters From Home, newsletters that come from the transcripts
of KVFD Radio Station program, by the same name. The WCGS has extracted (almost) every
name from each newsletter, compiling the name and date of newsletter for an
amazing collection. 1943 has been completely transcribed, 1944 through July 7 is
transcribed, the rest of 1944 & 1945
letters are available in PDF until they are transcribed.
These letters are very moving and at times sad, but they give insight to Webster
County during WWII.
IAGenWeb Leadership Team Linda Ziemann - State Coordinator Lynn Diemer Mathews
- Assistant State Coordinator
Kris Meyer - Immed. Past State Coord. Karyn Techau - Welcome Hostess
Mark Christian - Technical Team Leader
Neighboring Counties:
Northwest: Pocahontas, North:
Northeast: Wright
West: Calhoun, East:
Southwest: Greene, Southeast: Boone
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