Clayton co. IAGenWeb Obituary Index

Clayton Co. Obituary Index

'Ta - Th' surnames

Most recent update to this page was 02/26/2025
There may have been obits posted after the update. They will be added to the index as time permits

* A * Ba * Be * Bi * Bl * Bo * Br-By * Ca-Cl * Co-Cz * Da-Di * Do-Dy * E * Fa-Fl * Fo-Fu *Ga-Gl * Gm-Gy * Ha * He * Hi-Hy * I * J * Ka-Ke * Ki-Kn * Ko-Ky * La-Le * Li-Ly * Ma-Mc * Me * Mi * Mo-My * N * O * Pa-Pe * Pf-Pu * Q * Ra-Rh * Ri-Ry * Sa * Sc * Se-Sm * Sn-Sz* Ta-Th * Ti-Ty * U (includes unkn. surnames) * V * Wa-We * Wh-Wy * Y * Z *


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Taake, Christian Frederick 1831 - 1898
Taake, Ellen Sophia Marie (Buckmann) 1879 - 1934
Taake, Ernest died 1903
Taake, Ervin F. died 2000
Taake, Fred H. 1867 - 1938
Taake, Fredrick Wiliam died 1878
Taake, George Carl 1875 - 1959
Taake, Henry 1861-1959
Taake, Henry Christ Fred 1872 - 1946
Taake, Henry William 1829 - 1897
Taake, Hugo Henry William 1893 - 1934
Taake, John Frederick 1856 - 1922
Taake, Lester August Wilhelm 1905 - 1921
Taake, Louisa (Vullgraf) 1862 - 1936
Taake, Louise Bertha Mary (Wilker) 1881-1924
Taake, Lucy Emma (Buckman)1881 - 1953
Taake, Mahala J. (Kahlbaum) 1896-1979
Taake, Wilbert died 1921
Taake, Wilhelmina 1833 - 1912
Taake, Wilhelmina (Polkow) Reinke 1867-1933
Taake, Wm. 1862 - 1934
Taber, Mr. died 1898
Tackman, son died 1890
Tackman, Carolina (Fehlhafer) 1872-1939
Tackman, Charles William 1884-1957
Tackman, Frederick 1871-1946
Tackman, Genevieve Laura (White) 1922-2000
Tackman, John 1832-1895
Tackman, Kenneth Edward "Kenny" 1937-2014
Tackman, Louis G. 1880 - 1955
Tackman, Mary died 1905
Tackman, Robert 1942-2016
Tackman, Shirley 1943-2022
Taft, Amos died 1880
Taft, Elmina (Mattson) 1817-1887
Taft, George died 1930
Taft, George W. 1807-1882
Tait, Elizabeth (Grey) Brown Spencer died 1914
Take, infant died 1883
Taken, Agnes died 1950
Taken, Margaret died 1923
Talcott, Bert Jr. died 1920
Talcott, Bert W. 1872 - 1944
Talcott, Brad died 1896
Talcott, Horace P. 1835-1910
Talcott, Walter B. died 1865
Talley, Almira (Schulte) 1882 - 1955
Talley, Effie Irene 1898 - 1911
Talley, Lena (Nelson) 1862 - 1915
Talley, Morris Grant 1864 - 1934
Talmadge, Edna died 1879
Talmadge, O. G. died 1879
Tammel, Charlotte (Schmidt) 1945-2008
Tanberg, Reier died 1933
Tangeman / Tangemann
Tangeman, August 1838 - 1909
Tangeman, Bertha (Ponsar) 1852 - 1909
Tangeman, C. H. 'Cord' 1817 - 1894
Tangeman, Edward Henry 1863 - 1918
Tangeman, Elizabeth (Meyer) 1869-1944
Tangeman, Elizabeth Jane (Schierholz)1850 - 1933
Tangeman, Harry 1891-1918
Tangeman, Julius Henry 1848 - 1926
Tangeman, Louie died 1884
Tangemann, Louise (Kregel) 1862 - 1886
Tangeman, Louisa 'Iza' Schepper / Shepherd ca1822-1911
Tangeman, Margaret Georgina Wilhelmina (Koop) 1826-1906
Tangeman, Mary (Schumacher) died 1918
Tangeman, Ora (Friedlein) 1908-1938
Tangeman, Rowland 1899-1971
Tangeman, Sidonia died 1878
Tangeman, William August 1850 - 1937
Tanner, Christina 1873 - 1906
Tanner, Gordon 1872 - 1934
Tanner, Leland Galusha 1838 - 1914
Tapper, Carrie (Gilbert) 1876-1898
Tapper, Ellen (Irwin) 1814-1912
Tapper, G. W. Dr. died 1951
Tapper, James 1810-1885
Tapper, John died 1929
Tapper, John H. 'Captain' 1820-1909
Tapper, Lou. W. died 1881
Tapper, Mary L. died 1985
Tapper, Rupert Roy 1881-1969
Tapper, William J. 1870-1963
Tarbox, Frank died 1923
Tarbox, Lovina J. died 1907
Tarbox, Perry F. 1837-1909
Taschner, Christopher 1835-1922
Tauke, Loretta (Lammers) died 1973
Taves, John died 1883
Tayek, Augusta (Blietz) died 1932
Tayek, Beverly Ann (Burrack) 1942-2020
Tayek, Donald J. 1912-2000
Tayek, Edwin A. 1908-1995
Tayek, Elizabeth M. died 1994
Tayek, Evarista 1909-1928
Tayek, Florence died 2002
Tayek, Frederick Lestina 1883-1981
Tayek, Jake D. died 1997
Tayek, John 1875-1944
Tayek, Katherine (Moses) 1878 - 1973
Tayek, Leo died 1940
Tayek, Marjorie (Burlingame) 1890 - 1924
Tayek, Mary (Blaha) 1840 - 1917
Tayek, Maude (O'Connell) Todd died 1937
Tayek, Reuben died 1998
Tayek, Robert J. 1923-1988
Tayek, Ruth (Cunningham) died 1979
Tayek, Susan (Ulish) died 1939
Tayek, Vernon J. died 1987
Taylor, Byrdella (Monnahan) 1880 - 1932
Taylor, Caroline (Dana) died 1862
Taylor, Emmet died 1862
Taylor, George c1865 – 1900
Taylor, Guy died 1880
Taylor, H. B. died 1879
Taylor, Howard D. 1851-1919
Taylor, Jane B. died 1872
Taylor, Jessie died 1897
Taylor, John died 1896
Taylor, John H. 1930 - 1951
Taylor, Marion E. died 1925
Taylor, Mary died 1897
Taylor, Mary (Ingraham) 1854 - 1944
Taylor, Park died 1916
Taylor, Robert Duane died 1949
Taylor, Robert Lee died 1943
Taylor, Theresea Ann 1926 - 1937
Teaser, Judith A. (Weitz) 1941 - 2000
Teaser, Roberta R. (Brooks) 1928-1991
Teed, infant daughter died 1939
Teed, Lydia E. (Tucker) 1871-1944
Teesdale, Elizabeth (Garwood) died 1888
Teesdale, Samuel V. 1862 - 1897
Teeter, Anna C. (Cook) 1822-1915
Teeter, Marcus J. 1915-1966
Teeter, Marguerite (Fiddler) 1916-1999
Teets, Andrew died 1884
Tellefson, Elene (Larson) died 1910
Templeman, Anna H. (Brown) 1833 - 1894
Templeman, Daniel Green died 1861
Templeman, Thomas 1825 - 1912
Tenney, Alf 1839 - 1907
Tenney, Lola Janaan 1915 - 1917
Tenney, Lund James 1874 - 1942
Tenney, Merrilla (Lowe) 1846 - 1907
Tenny, Polly Ann (Chapman) 1845 - 1934
Tesar, Loretta I. (Lestina) 1937-2010
Tetrow, infant son died 1903
Tetrow, Martha (Koss) 1862-1911
Teufert, Marie Sophia Dorothea (Zengel) 1869 - 1919
Tewes, 15 mo/old died 1893
Tewes, Mary (Rademacher) died 1920
Tewes, Pauline A. (Hagensick) 1870 - 1955
Tewes, Wilhelm died 1888
Tewes, William F. F. 1894-1918
Texley, Iowa Virginia (Kellogg) 1911 - 1942
Thamann, Elizabeth Clara died 1907
Thamann, J. H. died 1881
Tharp, Jacob 1862 - 1931
Tharp, Viola E. died 1976
Thatcher, Olive died 1925
Thayer, Edward died 1897
Thayer, Katie died 1900
Thayer, David B. died 1866
Thees / Theise, George 1866 - 1893
Thein, Arlene Louise (Handke) 1928-2018
Thein, August Charles 1923-2010
Thein, Augusta Anna Marie (Hildebrand) 1889 - 1977
Thein, Carrie died 1915
Thein, Charley M. 1894 -1951
Thein, Darleen M. (Scheer) 1922-2004
Thein, Elizabeth (Stegner) 1854 - 1934
Thein, Elsie 1896 - 1917
Thein, Fred 1889 - 1953
Thein, George William 1885 - 1941
Thein, Grace Helena (Andrews) 1887 - 1934
Thein, Henry died 1917
Thein, Hubert J. died 1992
Thein, Jacob died 1897
Thein, Lawrence F. SR 1915-2004
Thein, Margaret E. (Stack) died 1895
Thein, Martin G. 1883 - 1942
Thein, Michael 1839 - 1917
Thein, Minnie (Jauert) 1860 - 1910
Thein, Phyllis Bernice 1946-2012
Thein, Richard 'little Dick' died 1902
Thein, Wilhelmina E. 'Minnie' (Jauert) 1860-1910
Theisen, Clarence J. died 2002
Thelen, Louisa died 1875
Theodor, Frederich William 1850 - 1927
Theodor, Lena (Dehn) 1850-1890
Theodor, Wilhelmine (Jahn) 1846 - 1928
Theodore, Alto O. 1909-1956
Theodore, Dorothea 1850 - 1879
Theodore, Lena (Dehn) 1866-1946
Theodore, Martha L.D. 1902-1912
Theodore, William C. SR 1869-1943
Theodore, William D. 1904-1987
Theviot, Albert 1860 - 1937
Theviot, Fred J. died 1918
Thias, Otto died 1937
Thielber, Gustave died 1902
Thiele, Lawrence 1914-1945
Thier, Lena (Miller) 1886 - 1935
Thiers, Norma L. (Knapp) 1914 - 1982
Thies, George 1879-1956
Thiese, Alfred died 1960
Thiese, Alma B. (Bruening) died 1959
Thiese, August Henry 1842 - 1916
Thiese, August W. 1867-1950
Thiese, Ewald Herman 1912-1986
Thiese, Ferdinand Fred. 1873-1944
Thiese, Ferdinand Otto 'Ferdy' 1914-1999
Thiese, Frances Esther Paulene (Dahms) died 2007
Thiese, Fred 1879 - 1927
Thiese, Gertrude L. L. (Borcherding) 1917-2000
Thiese, Henry 1871-1912
Thiese, Henry died 1903
Thiese, Herman died 1945
Thiese, Irene Vera Elise
Thiese, John 1874 - 1937
Thiese, Lawrence F. "Ike" 1929-1995
Thiese, Mabel L. (Glawe) 1916-2004
Thiese, Magdalena 1842-1919
Thiese, Minnie (Weseman) 1877-1935
Thiese, William 1835-1915
Thillen, 11 y/o child died 1885
Thillen, Anna 1838 - 1897
Thillen, Bals 1827 - 1902
Thillen, Henry died 1937
Thillen, Lena (Opitz) 1869 - 1927
Thillen, Mary 1867 - 1948
Thillen, Nicholas 1813 - 1892
Thillen, Nicholas 1873 - 1940
Thillen, Peter 1863 - 1938
Thiltgen, Jeannine E. (Moser) 1930-2002
Thoday, Allen C. 1867-1928
Thode, Alfred J. died 1940
Thoma, Anna Margaretha (Poesch) 1837 - 1907
Thoma, Anna Maria Krueger 1814 - 1892
Thoma, Charles J. 1874-1932
Thoma, Christ 1874 - 1934
Thoma, Emma C. D. (Senholz) 1873-1953
Thoma, Fred 1832 -1893
Thoma, Hertha Anna (Ruckdaschel) 1905-1981
Thoma, John 1861 - 1886
Thoma, John Paul 'Paulus' 1802-1882
Thoma, John William died 1890
Thoma, Norma died 1906
Thoma, Paul J. 1868 - 1911
Thoma, Paulus died 1882
Thoma, William 1827-1876
Thomas, Bess died 1983
Thomas, Charles B. 1890-1940
Thomas, Helen B. (Krieg) 1931-2008
Thomas, Jay died 1954
Thomas, Jennie died 1878
Thomas, Jennie (Bowles) 1859-1941
Thomas, Leroy E. 1907-1989
Thomas, Marie Elizabeth 1844 - 1904
Thomas, Mary Ann (Jefferson) 1895-1934
Thomas, Mary E. (Scott) died 1900
Thomas, Rena (Pilkington) 1915-1971
Thome, Charles 1840 - 1915
Thome, Peter 1886-1943
Thompson, daughter died 1879
Thompson, child died 1886
Thompson, Mrs. died 1891
Thompson, twin son died 1901
Thompson, Alexander died 1855
Thompson, Alexander died 1934
Thompson, Andrew 'Andy' died 1901
Thompson, Ann (Weir) 1829 - 1911
Thompson, Anton T. died 1996
Thompson, Archie Frohwein 1897 - 1974
Thompson, Barbara 1915-1927
Thompson, Belle died 1902
Thompson, Blanche 1904 - 1953
Thompson, Carl 1882 - 1938
Thompson, Catherine (Patterson) 1933-1914
Thompson, Charles 1869 - 1887
Thompson, Christina (Christofferson) 1852 - 1923
Thompson, Dale Delbert died 2003
Thompson, Daniel died 1910
Thompson, Dorothy M. (Fritz) 1915-1976
Thompson, Dugald R. 1905-1985
Thompson, Effie H. (Gottschalk) 1909-2002
Thompson, Emma Anna Elizabeth (Honn) 1899-198
Thompson, Florence Anna 1902 - 1910
Thompson, Gaylord 1926-1991
Thompson, George died 1953
Thompson, Gina (Hulverson) 1855 - 1936
Thompson, Gunder 1852 - 1915
Thompson, Gunder W. 1871 - 1914
Thompson, Halvor O. 1877 - 1957
Thompson, Hans W. 1862 - 1920
Thompson, Herman died 1897
Thompson, Herbran W. 1864 - 1939
Thompson, Imelda died 1986
Thompson, James died 1887
Thompson, James F. 1844-1905
Thompson, James K.P. died 1903
Thompson, John A. died 1902
Thompson, John J. died 1885
Thompson, John S. 1804-1891
Thompson, Joyce Vivian 1905 - 1949
Thompson, Knut 1850 - 1926
Thompson, Laura L. (Bachtell) 1857 - 1919
Thompson, Leonard G. died 2001
Thompson, LeRoy Irvin 1929-2004
Thompson, L. W. 1873 - 1937
Thompson, Mabel (Beyers) died 1892
Thompson, Maie (Gulsvig) 1915-2005
Thompson, Margarette A. 1904-1904
Thompson, Martha Dorothea (Stoecker) 1843 - 1912
Thompson, Mary Helen (Peters) 1908-1991
Thompson, Mathew Jr. died 1869
Thompson, Ole 1833 - 1911
Thompson, Ole died 1927
Thompson, Ole 1857 - 1926
Thompson, Oscar 1902 - 1934
Thompson, Oscar died 1988
Thompson, Paul Alexander 1908 - 1910
Thompson, Peter H. 1831 - 1913
Thompson, Rachel W. 1861 - 1940
Thompson, Rettelia (Thovson) 1875 - 1918
Thompson, Stener O. 1872-1949
Thompson, Stephen H. died 1879
Thompson, Susan died 1945
Thompson, Susan Watson (Muncie) 1887 - 1935
Thompson, Thomas 'Tommy' 1824-1881
Thompson, Thomas died 1903
Thompson, Thomas died 1986
Thompson, Thor K. 1880 - 1936
Thompson, Tove W. 1860-1931
Thompson, Tillman J. 1912-1998
Thompson, Vern Lawrence 1899 - 1987
Thompson, Walter 1869 - 1915
Thompson, Walter Oliver 'Doc' 1895 - 1940
Thompson, Wm. died 1902
Thompson, William W. 1868 - 1916
Thomsen, Martha Dorothea (Stoecher) 1843-1912
Thomsen, Peter H. 1831-1913
Thoresen, Ella (Johnson) 1865 - 1956
Thoresen, Herbert C. 1902-1975
Thoresen, Margarete (Barrows) 1904-1983
Thoresen, Ole 1869-1938
Thornton, Elton 'Punk' 1932-2007
Thornton, George died 1916
Thornton, George W. 1925-2008
Thornton, James died 1906
Thornton, Jane (Gordanier) 1875-1943
Thornton, Richard L. 1949-2009
Thornton, Shirley Ann (Wagner) 1937-2014
Thornton, Vern G. 1908-1978
Thorpe, Nellie J. 1883 - 1930
Thorsgaard, Mabel (Butikofer) 1922-2007
Thorsgaard, Thor Olson 1885 - 1951
Thorsgaard, Willie H. 1916-1992
Thorson, Ava (Glesne) 1887-1979
Thorson, Burton Glesne 1919-1976
Thorson, H. died 1887
Thorvig, Amund S. died 1887
Thorvig, Jorand 'Jennie' (Glesne) died 1891
Thorvig, Martha Helena 1886 - 1889
Thovson, Anna 1856 - 1941
Thovson, Eli 1820-1910
Thovson, Emma 1878 - 1965
Thovson, Gunild (Olson) 1847-1927
Thovson, Jane (Valle) Christofferson 1846-1910
Thovson, Johanna died 1888
Thovson, Lars died 1909
Thovson, Thov (Kjosa) 1843-1926
Thuerk, Mina (Ueker) died 1884
Thurber, Florilla Sophia (Truman) 1847-1944
Thurber, Frederick G. 1815 - 1893
Thurber, Henrietta (Donahe) 1875 - 1919
Thurber, Justin W. 1840-1908
Thurber, Zylphia died 1889
Thurn, child died 1894
Thurn, Albert 1894-1905
Thurn, Anton died 1893
Thurn, Bradley Lee died 1939
Thurn, Elizabeth died 1932
Thurn, Ernest Joseph 1888 - 1957
Thurn, Francis Ernest 1935-2013
Thurn, Frank J. 1876-1945
Thurn, Harlan J. died 1970
Thurn, Joe 1873 - 1953
Thurn, Victor 1935-1981
Thyer, infant daughter died 1943
Thyer, Cecil 1883 - 1933
Thyer, Charles Henry 1931 - 1932
Thyne, Agnes (Minahan) 1894-1935
Thyne, Austin 1849 - 1914
Thyne, Emmett Daniel 1890 - 1955
Thyne, Hubert died 1926
Thyne / Thynne, Jane died 1882
Thyne, Margaret Evelyn 1876 - 1948
Thyne, Mary Catherine (Henry) 1857-1924
Thyne, Patrick 1834 - 1915
Thyne, Walter J. 1892-1951
Thyne, William Alex 1884 - 1936

If you encounter a non-working link to an obituary, please report it so it can be fixed!

