Clayton co. IAGenWeb Obituary Index

Clayton Co. Obituary Index

'J' surnames

Most recent update to this page was 02/26/2025
There may have been obits posted after the update. They will be added to the index as time permits.

* A * Ba * Be * Bi * Bl * Bo * Br-By * Ca-Cl * Co-Cz * Da-Di * Do-Dy * E * Fa-Fl * Fo-Fu *Ga-Gl * Gm-Gy * Ha * He * Hi-Hy * I * J * Ka-Ke * Ki-Kn * Ko-Ky * La-Le * Li-Ly * Ma-Mc * Me * Mi * Mo-My * N * O * Pa-Pe * Pf-Pu * Q * Ra-Rh * Ri-Ry * Sa * Sc * Se-Sm * Sn-Sz* Ta-Th * Ti-Ty * U (includes unkn. surnames) * V * Wa-We * Wh-Wy * Y * Z *

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Jach, Hilda A. (Dennler) 1929-2020
Jack, David died 1893
Jack, Elizabeth (Hays) 1832 - 1927
Jack, Grace (Powell) 1861 - 1955
Jack, James died 1885
Jack, Samuel Vernon 1859 - 1922
Jackson, Edward Sheesley 1889 - 1953
Jackson, John REV died 1867
Jackson, Kimberly Kay 1965-1986
Jackson, Susan A. 1839-1875
Jackson, William H. died 1858
Jacobia, Charles died 1881
Jacobia, David 1835 - 1908
Jacobia, Florence A. (Munger) 1882-1979
Jacobia, Freddie died 1880
Jacobia, Lillian L. (Radloff) 1918-1995
Jacobia, Milo 1915-1996
Jacobia, Ray 1874-1958
Jacobia, Reka 1858 - 1953
Jacobs, Mr. died 1874
Jacobs, Elizabeth (Nolte) 1843-1911
Jacobs, Emma L. died 1989
Jacobs, Frank B. died 1907
Jacobs, Frieda Juanita died 1906
Jacobs, George M. 1873-1935
Jacobs, George Raymond died 1922
Jacobs, G. H. 1838 - 1888
Jacobs, Hilda died 1918
Jacobs, Hugo 1870-1950
Jacobs, John died 1858
Jacobs, Lizzie (Kickbush) 1878-1962
Jacobs, Mariah died 1885
Jacobs, Paulina 1882 - 1929
Jacobs, Stanley W. 1917 - 1998
Jacobs, Vivian died 1915
Jacobs, Walter G. 1868-1922
Jacobs, Walter W. 1901-1975
Jacobs, William Louis 1888 - 1951
Jacobson, infant son died 1932
Jacobson, Mrs. L. died 1932
Jacobson, Alvin L. 1957-2009
Jacobson, Anton died 1932
Jacobson, Astri T. (Olson) 1864-1924
Jacobson, Bergritte Knudtson 1839-1928
Jacobson, Charles I. 1891 - 1959
Jacobson, James E. 1907 - 1935
Jacobson, Julia (Skarshoug) died 1918
Jacobson, Oscar M. 1921-1955
Jacobson, Robert M. died 2011
Jacobson, Torgrim 1876 - 1944
Jaeger, Andrew W. 'Andy' 1953-2020
Jaeger, Bernard P. died 1897
Jaeger, Elizabeth (Kaiser) 1865 - 1935
Jaeger, Catharina (Bur) & infant died 1891
Jaeger, Fred 1901 - 1935
Jaeger, Jacob 1860 - 1938
Jaeger, Johnny died 1905
Jaeger, Joseph 1819-1899
Jaeger, Joseph died 1931
Jaeger, Katherine (Knorr) & 3 children died 1889
Jaeger, Lucille W. (Hefel) died 1986
Jaeggy, F. Xavier died 1919
Jahnke, Minnie (Meier) died 1938
Jahnke, Sophia (Hespe) Kregel 1832-1921
Jahnke, William 1824-1913
Jakway / Jakeway, George died 1891
Jakway, Martha J. (Smith) Whitmarsh 1830 - 1918
James, Amelia (Graybill) Kolker 1834 - 1922
James, Charles died 1902
James, Donna Beth (Aitchison) 1929-1987
James, Eva died 1939
James, Harold 'Joe' 1933-2020
James, Lillie (Stearns) died 1883
James, Minnie Belle (McCrum) 1877-1928
Janzig, Marian Grace died 1927
Janzig, Martha died 1915
Japp, Henry died 1935
Jaquette, Dale F."Mike" 1919-2010
Jaquette, Michael "Mick" 1944-2013
Jarman, Jesse 1944-2022
Jarms, Erva Amanda (Koth) 1884-1940
Jarms, Frank died 1946
Jarms, Frank J. 'Fran' died 1923
Jarmes, Glen J. 1910-1984
Jarms, Harold Henry 1904-1974
Jarms, Hattie (Englehardt) 1878-1945
Jarms, Helen V. (Jacobson) 1912-2005
Jarms, Henry J. 1877-1947
Jarms, Magdalena died 1939
Jarms, Marie died 1918
Jarms, Marvin Frank 1915-1957
Jarms, William Harold 1936-1945
Jaster, 2 children died 1882
Jaster, Arthur A. 1908-2001
Jaster, Carolina 1832 - 1920
Jaster, Dorothy Marie (Wistrick) 1916 -1943
Jaster, John 1820 - 1906
Jaster, Julia died 1880
Jaster, Louise 1861-1903
Jaster, Marie died 1888
Jaster, Michael died 1893
Jaster, Rudolph Wilhen Henry 1882 - 1959
Jaster, Ruth A. (Meyers) 1924-1988
Jauert, Marie 1841 - 1919
Jeffers, William Joseph 1875 - 1941
Jefferson, Ann 1815 - 1887
Jefferson, Cyrus 1849 - 1934
Jellings, Amelia (Herwig) 1880 - 1933
Jellings, Benjamin 1831 - 1897
Jellings, Clarinda died 1891
Jellings, Elizabeth (Lowe) 1838 - 1907
Jellings, James J. 1859 - 1944
Jellings, Margaret Elizabeth (Cummings) 1881 - 1923
Jellum, Albert 1872-1930
Jellum, Joran 'Jane' 1874-1894
Jellum, Mary died 1905
Jellum, Ole 1830 - 1912
Jellum, Ole died 1933
Jellum, Viel 1831 - 1914
Jemison, David M. 1868-1950
Jenkins, Arthur L. 1885 - 1909
Jenkins, Bernice 1900 - 1901
Jenkins, Chas. died 1930
Jenkins, Chester H. 1898 - 1934
Jenkins, Cicily Jane (Lochnane) 1868-1924
Jenkins, Donna died ca. 1901
Jenkins, Emma (Kords) Rau 1861 - 1934
Jenkins, George H. JR 1876-1912
Jenkins, George H. 1846-1917
Jenkins, Horace G. 1859-1914
Jenkins, Major 1806-1903
Jenkins, Nora Rosalie (Wirkler) 1904-1992
Jenkins, Walter 1878-1953
Jenkins, Walter G. 1879 - 1953
Jenkins, William H. 1869-1944
Jenne, Alma L. (Ruegnitz) 1882-1939
Jenney, Chris died 1889
Jennings, Allie E. (Walters) 1866 - 1934
Jennings, Caroline Augusta 'Lena' (Stahl) 1863 - 1892
Jennings, Earl Edwin 1891 - 1924
Jennings, Edwin C.1857 - 1941
Jennings, John Aaron 1840-1926
Jennings, Joseph M. REV 1848-1930
Jennings, Julia died 1911
Jennings, Lawrence 1843-1929
Jennings, Martha E. (Cook) Beavers 1851-1932
Jennings, Melinda S. (Harbaugh) died 1900
Jennings, Sarah Ellen 1842 - 1908
Jennings, Walter died 1898
Jennings, Zachariah 1817-1908
- see both Jensen & Jenson -
Jensen, Allie (Olsen) 1873 - 1916
Jensen, Anna G. died 1996
Jensen, Cirila S. (Slagle) 1911-2002
Jensen, Eiler/Eller C. died 1989
Jenson, Fred died 1941
Jensen, Hanna Marie (Sagen) 1895-?
Jensen, Ingeborg 1811-1895
Jensen, Jens died 1942
Jensen, Kari 1830 - 1913
Jensen, Lars 1816 - 1903
Jensen, Michael J. "Charley" 1866 - 1907
Jensen, Shirley Ann 1935 - 1937
Jensen, Walter died 1986
Jeremias / Jermier, Veronica 1839-1930
Jermier, Mike 1877 - 1957
Jerome, Albert A. died 1921
Jerome, James G. died 1869
Jessen, Agnes (Marquardt) died 1901
Jessen, Dorothy Donna (Alderson) 1887 - 1923
Jessen, Jess 1879-1951
Jessen, John died 1903
Jessen, Robert "Bobbie" died 1986
Jessen, Wilhelmina (Lamparter) 1863 - 1955
Jessen, Will 1871-1950
Jewell, infant died 1901
Jewell, Eliza Angelina (Treague) 1861-1924
Jewell, David 1825-1899
Jewell, Johannah 1840 - 1900
Jewell, John 1842 - 1922
Jewell, John H. 1863 - 1947
Jewell, Mary Lucretia (Wells) 1875 - 1943
Jewell, Roy Harrison 1888-1918
Jewell, Thomas R. 1860 - 1950
Jewell, William Earl 'Earl' 1897 - 1935
Jewett, Elias died 1917
Jewett, James died 1897
Jewett, Joe died 1916
Jewett, Margaret Matilda (Kearns) 1858 - 1933
Jewett, Mary died 1922
Jewett, Morris 1843-1917
Jewett, William 1876-1958
Johanningmeier, Alvin A. 1892-1987
Johanningmeier, Amanda died 1985
Johanningmeier, Anna Marie (Wiedenmann) 1892-1969
Johanningmeier, Arlo Heinrich 1901-1991
Johanningmeier, Carl Roy George 1917-2006
Johanningmeier, Don Louis William Fred 1926 - 1985
Johanningmeier, Eldo 1918-2000
Johanningmeier, Elmer D."Moe" 1926-2003
Johanningmeier, Helen E. (Decker) 1929-2001
Johanningmeier, Jason Maloy 1972-2002
Johanningmeier, Leo died 1929
Johanningmeier, Lucy Emma (Mueller) 1907-1972
Johanningmeier, Margaret (Koth) died 1978
Johanningmeier, Mary (Schrader) died 1939
Johanningmeier, Mildred Arlene (Carter) 1927-1999
Johanningmeier, Patricia (McCullow) 1918-1991
Johanningmeier, Shirley (Standorf) 1933 - 1984
Johansen, Alma (Nesteby) 1899 - 1944
Johansen, Caroline (Juergensen) 1834-1907
Johansen / Johnsen, Charles 1863 - 1929
Johansen, Ellen C. (Olson) 1913 - 1959
Johansen, John Christ 1871 - 1935
Johansen, John Elliot 1926-2012
Johansen, Karen Johanna (Jorgensen) 1873-1949
Johansen, John N. died 1889
Johns, William 1839-1895
Johnson, 7 y/o daughter died 1879
Johnson, male child died 1881
Johnson, child died 1890
Johnson, infant daughter died 1930
Johnson, Mrs. died 1897
Johnson, Aase Johnsen Rotegar (Wold) 1851 - 1920
Johnson, Albert Nelius 1907 - 1924
Johnson, Alma (Mueller) 1886 - 1926
Johnson, Alvin died 1935
Johnson, Alvin G. 1923-2000
Johnson, Alvin Harris 1940-2013
Johnson, Amanda (Schroeder) died 1930
Johnson, Anna (Anderson) 1838 - 1931
Johnson, Anna O. 1832 - 1909
Johnson, Arthur J. 1898 - 1983
Johnson, August 1844 - 1915
Johnson, Augusta (Stake) 1870-1943
Johnson, Benjamin 1842 - 1906
Johnson, Berniece (Glawe) died 2019
Johnson, Blaine 1896 - 1944
Johnson, Charles died 1887
Johnson, Chris 1853 - 1933
Johnson, Clyde died 1945
Johnson, Dan died 1915
Johnson, Daniel W. 1844-1923
Johnson, Doris (Portwine) died 1937
Johnson, Edward died 1951
Johnson, Eleanor died 1883
Johnson, Ellen M. (Nielson) 1839 - 1937
Johnson, Elsa died 1915
Johnson, Embert 1873-1943
Johnson, Ethelyn Burlett (Vigen) 1921-2007
Johnson, Fingar, 1827 - 1917
Johnson, Florence M. (Levenhagen) 1928-1992
Johnson, Francis John 1926-2007
Johnson, Geraldine Mae (Whittle) 1930-2007
Johnson, Gilbert 1827 - 1899
Johnson, Gunild 1864 - 1930
Johnson, Gustave died 1896
Johnson, Halvor died 1924
Johnson, Harvey Marvin 1914 - 1948
Johnson, Helen (Glawe) 1924-2009
Johnson, Henry O. 1877 - 1931
Johnson, Holly Ann 1983-1994
Johnson, Ingri (Moen) 1829 - 1915
Johnson, James died 1888
Johnson, James Arthur 1940-2008
Johnson, James L. died 1982
Johnson, Johan Benjamin 1889 - 1936
Johnson, Johanna died 1918
Johnson, John F. 1855 - 1936
Johnson, John H. 1879-1946
Johnson, Joseph died 1941
Johnson Julia died 1902
Johnson, Julius 1895-1964
Johnson, Kenneth Lewis 1931-1989
Johnson, Luena (Wikan) 1872-ca1937
Johnson, Martha died 1908
Johnson, Martin 1902-1979
Johnson, Mary (Weymouth) 1862-1951
Johnson, Mary died 1890
Johnson, Mary died 1967
Johnson, Mary Jean (Klinkenberg) 1932-2020
Johnson, Michael Sr. 1962-2008
Johnson, Milton died 1956
Johnson, Nicholas 1868 - 1942
Johnson, Nickolas1882 - 1957
Johnson, Nils 1850 - 1919
Johnson, Olavus died 1909
Johnson, Ole Sr. died 1886
Johnson, Ole 1838 - 1907
Johnson, Ole B. died 1897
Johnson, Oliver Filmore 1901-1976
Johnson, Orville N.T. 1915-1992
Johnson, Oscar Theodore 1889 - 1944
Johnson, Otto O. 1871 - 1921
Johnson, Peter 'P.O.' died 1887
Johnson, Peter S. 1892-1934
Johnson, Raymond Francis died 1918
Johnson, Sever died 1879
Johnson, Sigrid (Larson) 1856-1938
Johnson, Steven LeRoy 1945-1967
Johnson, Torger Mrs. died 1886
Jokumsen, Kathleen Marie 1948-2004
Joles, Lizzie died 1900
Jones, child died 1878
Jones, child died 1883
Jones, infant died 1897
Jones, Mrs. (Haskins) died 1890
Jones, Abram Benjamin 1852 - 1928
Jones, Addie May (Jennewine) 1866-1949
Jones, Alma Violet (Lamphier) died 1938
Jones, Alva R. 1887-1919
Jones, Alexander died 1911
Jones, Augusta (Engelhardt) 1868 - 1936
Jones, Andrew T. 1818-1876
Jones, Ann (Cook) 1836-1916
Jones, Asa 1860-1941
Jones, Benjamin F. 'Benny' died 1861
Jones, Bertha Augusta died 1891
Jones, Beulah Irene ca 1920-2005
Jones, Blanche died 1907
Jones, Cora died 1890
Jones, David Andrew died 1886
Jones, David M. 1864-1946
Jones, Dillis Daisy (Hook) 1903 - 1955
Jones, D. J. died 1880
Jones, Emma (Engelhardt) 1869 - 1951
Jones, Eva died 1883
Jones, Finley died 1884
Jones, Frances E. 1909 - 1989
Jones, Frank W. 1895-1918
Jones, Freedom 1823-1899
Jones, Freeman died 1879
Jones, George H. 1857 - 1929
Jones, Harley A. 1915-1990
Jones, Harley C. ca1925-1988
Jones, Harry Leslie 1892 - 1908
Jones, Harvey A. 1894-1981
Jones, Hattie (O'Niel) 1851 - 1910
Jones, Henry M. died 1878
Jones, Ida (Nesteby) 1897-1987
Jones, Jeff died 1932
Jones, Jessie (Moon) 1887 - 1941
Jones, John J. 1841-1912
Jones, Kelcy Camille 1983-2003
Jones, Leo C. died 1949
Jones, Leslie E. 1915-1986
Jones, Louise F. 1870-1919
Jones, Mabel (Lossing) 1878-1978
Jones, Mabel J. 1907-1908
Jones, Margaret (Harbaugh) 1843 - 1914
Jones, Marjorie L. (Ingles) 1925-2012
Jones, Mary 1811 - 1893
Jones, Mary Ann died 1947
Jones, Mary Ellen 1862-1939
Jones, Mary F. died 1890
Jones, Mary V. died 1858
Jones, Orval died 1904
Jones, Robin Ross died 2021
Jones, Sarah A. 1828-1892
Jones, Webster died 1863
Jones, William died 1915
Jones, William Harold 1899 - 1918
Jones, William Harrison 1881 - 1944
Jones, Wm. Henry 1857 - 1909
Jones, Willis 1865 - 1908
Jones, Willis W. died 1903
Jordan, A. J. died 1875
Jordan, Josephine (Seitz) died 1939
Jordan, Kate (McBride) 1833-1898
Jordan, Lemuel H. died 1886
Jordan, Mary Ann 1830 - 1923
Jorgenson, Chas. died 1908
Jorgensen, Nels Jorgen 1844-1928
Joslin / Josling, Ellen 1825 - 1926
Jost, Andrew died 1891
Jost, Caroline (McGuire) 1872 - 1910
Jost, Maria 1857-1903
Joy, Mary Jane (Nelson) 1824 - 1900
Joy, Solomon died 1910
Joyce, Amelia died 1904
Joyce, Thomas A. 1959-2021
Judd, L.T. drowned 1854
Judy, Ellen (Russell) died 1907
Judy, Henry 1858-1906
Judy, John Henry / Tschudi, John Henry 1828-1917
Judy, Laura (Doty) 1861-1894
Judy, William 1858-1944
Jung, child died 1896
Jung, Helen died 1951
Jungblut, infant died 1885
Jungblut, Edwin 1916-1917
Jungblut, Sarah 1926-1926
Jungblut / Jungbluth, Caroline 1819 - 1909
Jungblut, Elizabeth (Bertram) 1847 - 1923
Jungblut, Henry 1844 - 1916
Jungblut, John died 1947
Jungblut, John Frederick 1881 - 1947
Jungblut, John Henry 1823 - 1912
Jungblut, Lizzie (Boettcher) 1875 - 1908
Jungblut, Lorenz Ernie John 1906 - 1907
Jungblut, Sarah died 1952
Jungk, Anna F. 1877-1936
Jungk, August died 1896
Jungk, Charles 1870-1920
Jungk, Emma (Duwe) 1876 - 1911
Jungk, Lucille Louise 1908 - 1927
Jungk / Junk, William died 1941
Junk, infant son died 1902
Junk, infant son died 1905
Junk, Anna Maria 1905-1908
Junk, Caroline Las 1839-1931
Junk, Elizabeth (Andres) 1860-1928
Junk, Florence N. (Frommelt) 1902 - 1984
Junk, Jacob died 1885
Junk, John P. died 1915
Junk, Marie Ida (Fassbinder) 1898-1991
Junk, Nick 1857 - 1932
Junk, Odill died 1906
Junk, Peter P. 1831-ca1907
Junk / Jungk, William died 1941
Juran, Johanna (Fink) 1850 - 1934
Jurging, Connie (Henkes) 1947-1991
Justus, Mr. died 1888
Justus, Frank died 1886
Juvik, Johanna (Peterson) 1886-1980

If you encounter a non-working link to an obituary, please report it so it can be fixed!

