Clayton co. IAGenWeb Obituary Index

Clayton Co. Obituary Index

'Mi' surnames

Most recent update to this page was 02/26/2025
There may have been obits posted after the update. They will be added to the index as time permits.

* A * Ba * Be * Bi * Bl * Bo * Br-By * Ca-Cl * Co-Cz * Da-Di * Do-Dy * E * Fa-Fl * Fo-Fu *Ga-Gl * Gm-Gy * Ha * He * Hi-Hy * I * J * Ka-Ke * Ki-Kn * Ko-Ky * La-Le * Li-Ly * Ma-Mc * Me * Mi * Mo-My * N * O * Pa-Pe * Pf-Pu * Q * Ra-Rh * Ri-Ry * Sa * Sc * Se-Sm * Sn-Sz* Ta-Th * Ti-Ty * U (includes unkn. surnames) * V * Wa-We * Wh-Wy * Y * Z *

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Mich / Mick / Muech, Franz died 1901
Michael, Clinton 1895-1918
Michael, Verda died 1995
Michealis, Charles died 1929
Mickelson, Anna (Holmson) 1834-1924
Mickleson, Lars 1832-1900
Middleton, Vera died 1938
Miehe, Dorothy Elsie 'Dottie' 1937-2006
Miehe, Patrick Henry 1934-2007
Mielke, Adaline (Fett) 1901-1998
Mielke, Addie (Smith) 1888-1978
Mielke, Crystal June (Henkes) 1957-2003
Mielke, Donald D. 1928-1994
Mielke, Eugene Frederick 1930-2015
Mielke, Franz died 1939
Mielke, Leo A. 1889-1949
Mielke, Otto H. 1884-1957
Mielke, Raymond 1914-2000
Mielke, Selma (Elet) 1896-1992
Miell, Delancy J. 'DJ' 1989-2020
Miene, Emma Agnes (Konow) 1897-1950
Miene, Frances Augusta (Gilson) 1912-1988
Miene, Fred W. 1907-1965
Miene, Harold J.A.F. 1936-1990
Miene, Marie F. (Schutte) 1908-2004
Miene, Wayne Julius Ewald 1944-2013
Miene, Wayne Julius Ewald 1944 - 2013
Miene, Wilhelmine C. D. 1850 - 1911
Miene, William 1842 - 1919
Miene, William L. 1891-1972
Miene, William SR 1869-1928
Miersen, Bertha (Greve) 1865 - 1913
Miersen, Doris Evelyn died 2001
Miersen / Mierson, Hulda Emma Henrietta (Fritz) 1895 - 1931
Miersen, John 1864 - 1911
Mikota, Clarence Richard 1895 - 1913
Mikota, Eleanor A. died 1984
Mikota, Katherine (Schuler) died 1929
Milcks, George T. died 1950
Miles, F. M. 1858 - 1944
Miles, Harriet C. 1821 - 1887
Miles, Helen (Williamson) 1869-1915
Miles, Isaac H. 1855-1924
Miles, Mary 1862 - 1942
Milewsky, Augusta Johanna (Kirschner) 1863 - 1941
Milewsky, Donald W. died 1934
Milewsky, Frank Joseph 1863 - 1930
Milewsky, Ivanelle M. 1920 - 1999
Milford, Clara M. (Rodenberg) died 2004
Milke, Matilda 1854 - 1905
Millard, Lance E. died 1986
Miller - see also Mueller
Miller, 4 mo/old infant died 1920
Miller, Mrs. William died 1924
Miller, Alma Sophia (Maker) 1888 - 1945
Miller, Anna died 1926
Miller, Anna (Albers) 1871-1958
Miller, Anna Louise (Losch) 1870 - 1948
Miller, Arno H. died 1971
Miller, Barbara (Torrey) 1887 - 1934
Miller, Bertha (Siegele) 1868-1929
Miller/ Mueller, Bessie Dora died 1927
Miller, Caroline died 1885
Miller, Caroline (Bigler) 1870-1941
Miller, Carolyn (Zahn) 1898 - 1986
Miller / Muller, Caroline Sophia (Groth) 1841-1919
Miller, C. D. 1835 - 1910
Miller, Charles 1835 - 1918
Miller, Charles Lyle 1929 - 1944
Miller, Clara (Mayhew) 1877-1955
Miller, Cyril B. 1895 - 1925
Miller, Della Mabel (Boleyn) 1881 - 1957
Miller, Dominick 1868 - 1953
Miller, Dorothea (Meier) Behsmann 1859-1935
Miller, Dorothy Ann (Berns) 1914-2013
Miller, Edna Della (Pollard) 1874 - 1931
Miller, Edna S.E. (Henkes) 1903 - 1989
Miller, Ed died 1894
Miller, Edward 1878-1926
Miller, Elizabeth Gertrude died 1909
Miller, Elizabeth (Bass) Boynton 1826-1914
Miller, Elizabeth (Helwig) died 1929
Miller, Ellen (Stone) died 1969
Miller, Elsie (Steinfadt) 1898-1961
Miller / Mueller, Emma (Schmidt) died 1915
Miller, Etta (Phillips) died 1895
Miller, Eugene W. died 1966
Miller, Eunice D. (Schmalfeld) 1929-2004
Miller, F. G. died 1891
Miller, Frank 1861-1936
Miller, Franz died 1922
Miller, Frederick 1869 - 1940
Miller, Fred John 1891-1961
Miller / Mueller, Fritz died 1882
Miller, George died 1905
Miller, George 1837 - 1923
Miller, George died 1927
Miller, George C. died 1891
Miller, George Marion died 1917
Miller, Grover Cleveland 1884-1978
Miller, Harlin W. 1917-2003
Miller, Harriet M. died 1872
Miller, Harva Oscar 1903-1995
Miller, Henry died 1900
Miller, Henry died 1905
Miller, Henry 1867 - 1915
Miller, Herman O. 1879 - 1947
Miller, Hilda D. F. (Lenth) 1891-1978
Miller, Hilma (Kuhse) Kohrs 1919-2007
Miller, Hubert died 1934
Miller, Ida. (White) died 1933
Miller, Ilo Sarah Belle (Payne) 1887 - 1944
Miller, Ivanell died 1929
Miller, Jacob 1845-1920
Miller, James Lowell 1931 - 1999
Miller, Jane (McGuire) 1839 - 1900
Miller, Jerome Willard 1918-1928
Miller / Muller, Joachim died 1884
Miller, Joe 1870 - 1933
Miller, John 1877 - 1900
Miller, John died 1905
Miller, John 1826-1906
Miller, John 1840 - 1913
Miller, John J. died 1998
Miller, Johnnie died 1884
Miller, John Peter 1810 - 1894
Miller, John Thomas 1854
Miller, Josephine (Willmes) 1835 - 1922
Miller, Josephine Louise 1928 - 1932
Miller, Julia 1877-1928
Miller, Lawrence E. 1898-1990
Miller, Lawrence "Joe" 1916-2001
Miller, Leona Ida (Gottschalk) 1903 - 1936
Miller, Leonard 1880 - 1935
Miller, Leslie 'Earl' 1915-1996
Miller, Lorraine E. (Ponsar) 1926-1993
Miller, Louis 1858-1943
Miller, Louis E. 1900-1961
Miller, Louise C. (Thiese) Fischer 1877-1944
Miller, Mabel Marie (Siege) 1905-2007
Miller, Margaret 1883 - 1945
Miller, Margaret A. (Ruthop) 1885-1948
Miller, Mark V. 1885 - 1905
Miller, Martha Leona (Cree) 1856 - 1922
Miller, Mary (Kleiter) died 1938
Miller, Merlin Eugene 1949 - 1968
Miller, Michael 1872 - 1955
Miller, Nick 1899-1972
Miller, Peter 1841 - 1923
Miller, Peter Jr. 1867 - 1951
Miller, Philip 1875 - 1957
Miller, Priscilla 1862 - 1932
Miller, Robert died 1930
Miller, Rose 1883 - 1902
Miller, Rose 1866-1946
Miller, Ruth Leah (Kill) 1913-1992
Miller, Samuel died 1877
Miller, Sumner 1861-1928
Miller, Timothy died 1885
Miller, Van Ransler 'V.R.' died 1914
Miller, Veryle Irene 1903-1996
Miller, Wesley died 1887
Miller, Wilhelmina (Meyer) 1841-1935
Miller, William 1874-1943
Miller, William A. died 1863
Miller, William H. 1875-1938
Miller, William J. 1875 - 1939
Miller, William Jack 1918-2003
Miller, Walter W. died 2007
Miller, William Aaron 1870 - 1924
Milliman, Fred Randall 1885-1949
Millinghausen, Amelia 1860-1948
Mills, Charles D. died 1886
Mills, Frances (Lardner) died 1932
Mills, Sarah Frances (Matthews) 1839 - 1916
Milson, Samuel L. 1893-1939
Minard, Alma Ellen Edna died 2002
Minchk, Amanda Jane 1849 - 1936
Minchk, Cyril died 1931
Miner, Ruth Marie (Noggle) 1905 - 1924
Minger, Albert 1863 - 1936
Minger, Benjamin 1847-1915
Minger, Eliza A. died 1898
Minger, George Rudolph1860 - 1943
Minger, John 1827 - 1908
Minger, John "Lowell" died 1995
Minger, Rudolph died 1897
Minger, Verle died 1945
Minger, William 1872 - 1933
Minihan, Anna May died 1929
Minihan, Margaret 1876 - 1957
Minihan, Mary (Gaynor) 1845-1915
Minihan, Mary 1871 - 1944
Minihan, Mary Agnes (Sheehan) 1861 - 1919
Minihan / Minnihan, Maurice 1858-1914
Minihan, Maurice Francis 1890 - 1944
Minihan, Michael J. 1886 - 1925
Minihan, Patricia L. 'Pat' (Dougherty) 1937-2004
Minihan, Patrick died 1933
Minkel / Muenkel, Louis died 1892
Minkel, Mathilda died 1939
Minney, Caroline A. died 1992
Minney, Charles died 1933
Minney, Dewey 1897 - 1956
Minney, George died 1917
Minney, Gerald c1899 – 1916
Minney, Wilbur 1865 - 1935
Minney, William 1865 - 1936
Minnihan, Katherine (Curran) died 1901
Minnihan, Patrick 1844-1889
Minogue, father died 1924
Mintzlaff, Nellie May (Tuecke) Duwe 1888-1943
Minzie, John died 1893
Miracle, young man died 1894
Mireles, Mariamo Garcia died 1951
Missun, Wilhelmine (Lackner) Henning 1835 - 1925
Mista, Adeline Elsie (Klingman) 1907 - 1986
Mista, John, Jr. died 1938
Mista, Robert James died 1931
Mitchell, son died 1878
Mitchell, adult male died 1895
Mitchell, Charles Addison 1862-1937
Mitchell, David 1848 - 1911
Mitchell, Dennis died 1910
Mitchell, Dennis J. died 1992
Mitchell, Don Speed 1887 - 1938
Mitchell, Dorothy (Blietz) 1912-1999
Mitchell, Ella M. (Moine) 1855 - 1932
Mitchell, Emma Elizabeth (Speed) 1859 - 1935
Mitchell, George died 1926
Mitchell, Helen Evelyn 1922 - 1941
Mitchell, James Leon 1902-1995
Mitchell, James Wilbert 1868-1949
Mitchell, Jessie Roselthia 1885 - 1905
Mitchell, Joan M. (Daubenberger) 1930-1988
Mitchell, Kenneth McKinley 1896 - 1906
Mitchell, Lilly L. died 1904
Mitchell, Mary A. died 1882
Mitchell, Mary Elizabeth (Mahony) 1845 - 1921
Mitchell, Mary Elizabeth (Robbins) died 1939
Mitchell, Mary Margaret died 1954
Mitchell, Murtie died 1958
Mitchell, Sarah Elizabeth McGood (Flack) 1848 - 1935
Mitchell, Sarah E. (Flack) 1845-1939
Mitchell, Ulysses D. 1900-1933
Mittelstadt, Erma (Lubbers) Pixler 1896-1982
Mitzner, Robert died 1941

If you encounter a non-working link to an obituary, please report it so it can be fixed!

