Cherokee County Schools in 1878
State of Iowa is noted for its liberal support of educational
institutions and Cherokee County has manifested a liberality in
its settlers. She has for several years expended annually the sum of
$30,000 in the interest of the common schools. Each district voting its
own tax so that the burden is self-imposed. The county according to the
latest returns had 74 schools, in operation during 1877, attended by
1748 pupils. There are in the county 131 licensed teachers, of whom 49
held first-class certificates, and 65 second-class, and only 25
third-class. The school houses are 71 frame and 1 log, valued at
$38,760, having an apparatus valued at $2,335. The average salary for
teachers is $31 per month.This in a county that only a few years ago
had but one school house within the bonds, tells a remarkable story of
progress and efficiency.
(Source: Published by Cherokee County Historical Society from the pages of Cherokee Times - January 1878)