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March 2, 2025: Added 2024 4-H Hall of Fame Inductees for Cass County.

February 19, 2025: Added the first half of Chapter IX - Political from the 1884 History of Cass County. Also added photos of Griswold United Methodist Church c. 1927 and 1914.

February 5, 2025: Added Chapter XXXIII - Pleasant Township from the 1884 History of Cass County. [Complete Set ]

January 17, 2025: Added Chapter V - Pioneer Life from the 1884 History of Cass County. [Complete Set ]

November 20, 2024: Added one additional burial (Ortegies) to Cass Co. Veterans Buried in Iowa Veterans Cemetery (Dallas Co.).

September 30, 2024: Added undated photo of the Marne Band and news article transcription of 1935 Cass County Rural School Teachers.

September 18, 2024: Added one additional burial (Troll) to Cass Co. Veterans Buried in Iowa Veterans Cemetery (Dallas Co.).

August 12, 2024: Added transcription of a 1929 newspaper article, They Went Out When Country Called in Ninety-Eight, which lists Cass County soldiers in the Spanish-American war.

August 9, 2024: Added transcription of a 1929 newspaper article, Doctors Had Large Place in Local History, which provides a detailed history of early doctors in Cass County.

August 5, 2024: Added a 1915 photo postcard of the Cass County Fair.

July 10, 2024: Added transcriptions of all remaining pages (pages 20-31) from the 1901 Scraps yearbook. Also added 2 additional years (1908-1909) to list of Lewis High School Graduates. [Complete Set 1906-1909 ]

July 5, 2024: Added two additional burials (Ernst, Kraus) to Cass Co. Veterans Buried in Iowa Veterans Cemetery (Dallas Co.).

June 25, 2024: Added complete transcription of Historical Lewis by Pauline Franklin [ Complete Set ] and added 1899 Lewis High Commencement program. Also made a few updates to the list of Lewis High School Graduates.

June 10, 2024: Added complete transcription of the Cass Co. entries from R. L. Polk's Iowa State Gazetteer and Business Directory 1905-1906 Volume XIII [Complete Set]. Also added photos of two Unknown Atlantic women, circa the 1880's, wearing an identical floral lace shawl. Could they be sisters?

June 5, 2024: Added complete transcription of 1856-1864 Marriages - D.A.R. Records (approx. 100 records). [ Complete Set ] The majority of the marriages listed by D.A.R. are included in the 1853-1881 Cass County Genealogical Society marriage listing already online, but some are not.

May 20, 2024: Added complete transcription of the 1880 Register of Births for Cass County. [Complete Set ]

April 24, 2024: Added link to the 1915 Huebinger's Pocket Automobile Guide for Iowa, Covering Every Road in the State map of Cass County and a complete transcription of all Cass County Towns and Advertisers. [Complete Set ]

April 18, 2024: Added transcription of the Cass Co. entries from R. L. Polk's Iowa State Gazetteer and Business Directory 1918-1919 Volume XIV. [Complete Set ]

April 12, 2023: Added 2023 4-H Hall of Fame Inductees for Cass County. [Complete Set ]

April 8, 2024: Added General View of Marne, a circa 1909 postcard view showing a biplane flying above the depot.

April 2, 2024: Added transcriptions for Dewey, Galion and Lyman from the R. L. Polk's Iowa State Gazetteer and Business Directory 1908-1909 Volume XIV and 1912-1913 Volume XVI, accidentally missed when these directories were initially transcribed. [Complete Sets ]

March 27, 2024: Added 1895 Marne High School graduates, transcribed from vintage newspaper articles.

March 26, 2024: Added transcriptions of the Cass Co. entries from R. L. Polk's Iowa State Gazetteer and Business Directory 1912-1913 Volume XVI and 1908-1909 Volume XIV.

March 14, 2024: Added one additional burial (Wilson) to Cass Co. Veterans Buried in Iowa Veterans Cemetery (Dallas Co.).

March 7, 2024: Added transcriptions of two additional 1906 Compendium biographies, Robert D. McGeehon and Robert S. McGeehon. Many thanks to Chris Light for contributing!

March 3, 2024: Added 10 additional pages of advertisements (pages 74-83) from the 1901 Scraps yearbook.

March 1, 2024: Added incomplete lists of Lewis High School graduates and Marne High School graduates, compiled based from vintage newspaper articles and the 1980 Cass County History book. We hope to add additional graduates in the future, as time and research permit.

February 15, 2024: Added 4 additional pages from the 1901 Scraps yearbook: Preface (pg. 10), Humorous, Questions and Answers and Two Songs (pgs. 62-65). Also added 9 pages of advertisements (pgs. 1-9) and 3 photos (pgs. 11-13).

February 3, 2024: Updated Cass County Railroad Depots, reformatting and adding additional photos contributed by Timothy Adams.

January 12, 2024: The 1877 History of Cass County by Lafe Young has been completely reformatted and some minor errors/omissions corrected.

A bound copy of the 1901 Atlantic HS Scraps, originally owned by Mary Kringel, was recently obtained with 31 additional pages. The 1901 Scraps index has been updated to reflect the additional pages, which will be transcribed and added in the near future.

January 6, 2024: Added transcription of the Advertisements section of the 1901 Scraps Atlantic HS yearbook, and reformatted the entire 1901 Scraps.

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