2024 | Lloyd and Sharon Roberts | The commitment, passion, and contributions that ...[Continue reading] |
2023 | John and Alberta Becker | John was a 4-H member in his youth. ...[Continue reading] |
2022 | Linda and Larry Shafer | Linda and the late Larry Shafer have been ...[Continue reading] |
2021 | Dennis and Marilyn Jipsen | Dennis and Marilyn Jipsen are the ... [Continue reading] |
2020 | Dave and Julie Williamson | Dave and Julie Williamson are the true definition of ... [Continue reading] |
2019 | Duane and Gwen Weirich | Duane and Gwen Weirich have been lifelong supporters of [Continue reading] |
2018 | Steve and Laura Olsen | Steve and Laura Olsen were active leaders of [Continue reading] |
2017 | Dennis and Karen Oathoudt | Dennis was in 4-H and FFA during the 50’s and 60’s. He was [Continue reading] |
2016 | Jerry and Donna Lowers | Dependable, level-headed, reliable, detail-oriented, dedicated, [Continue reading] |
2015 | Mary Ottmar | Mary was an outstanding 4-H member who showcased her leadership [Continue reading] |
2014 | Eleanor Hoover | Eleanor’s 4-H career began when she was 10 years old in Mills [Continue reading] |
2013 | Jim and Patty Rodgers | Jim served on the Cass County fair board beginning in the [Continue reading] |
2012 | Marlene Miller | Marlene Miller, currently leader of the Cass County Cowpokes, has [Continue reading] |
2011 | Dean and Virginia Eilts | Dean Eilts began his volunteer career for Cass County years ago [Continue reading] |
2010 | Dawn Marnin | Dawn Marnin started her 4-H career as a Program Leader when her [Continue reading] |
2009 | Melodie Rubel | Melodies’ start into 4-H was fueled by her parents involvement. [Continue reading] |
2008 | Kathee and Jerry McCrory | Jerry & Kathee McCrory have combined to give over 50 years [Continue reading] |
2007 | Matt Rogers | Matt Rogers was active in 4-H as a member of the [Continue reading] |
2006 | Marlys Berry | In 1974, Marlys Berry began her 33 year career as a [Continue reading] |
2005 | Ray and Rosemary Zellmer | Ray & Rosemary Zellmer have combined to give over 50 years [Continue reading] |
2004 | LaVon Eblen | Cass County is honored to induct LaVon Eblen as its 2004 member of [Continue reading] |
2003 | Wray McDermott | For more then 50 years, Wray McDermott has given his time and [Continue reading] |
2002 | Raymond Butt | Raymond Butt has served as a 4-H club leader in Cass County for [Continue reading] |
The commitment, passion, and contributions that Sharon and Lloyd Roberts have left in Cass County have made an indelible mark on the lives of many young people and the community.
For over 30 years, they have been active 4-H parents, with all four of their sons participating in Cass County 4-H. Lloyd was a superintendent, rabbit assistant superintendent, and night guard at the county fair. Sharon volunteered in the 4-H exhibit building and assisted with check-in during judging.
They also have been generous donors for trophies and awards, establishing the Roberts Family 4-H Scholarship, open to Cass County 4-H members for over 15 years. They both volunteer for the Pleasant Noble 4-H Club and during the county fair. They are also donors to the Iowa 4-H Foundation and the Cass County Community Building and regularly attend the Cass County 4-H Foundation Pancake Supper and purchase silent auction items. Along with these volunteer opportunities, they became a host family for a 4-H youth from North Dakota.
Their service extends beyond the 4-H organization. They are the Atlantic Lions Club and Farm Bureau members, and both served on the Cass County Committee for the Iowa Sesquicentennial. Lloyd is a lifelong member of the American Legion in Griswold, having served in the Army in Korea. He is also a past member of the Griswold School Board. Sharon is a former Hospital Auxiliary Volunteer. The pair are also donors and volunteers for the Blue Ribbon Foundation at the Iowa State Fair for several years.
John was a 4-H member in his youth. John explained there was no 4-H during the war. He joined in 1936 and held project areas of Beef and Sheep. John belonged to the Union Leaders 4-H Club. John helped many leaders along the way over the years. His wife Alberta joined the same year as John in 1936. She was from south of Cumberland in Noble township and belonged to the Union Lucky Clovers 4-H Club. Alberta sewed many dresses out of feed sacks for projects and placed second at the fair to Ardith Bailey. As she and John raised their family, Alberta was a leader of the Union Lucky Clovers and always helped with baking and cooking classes. The dress revue contest was incredibly special to her, and she encouraged many sewers to join in with the “Make it with Wool” contests. Alberta loved sewing with wool and won many contests at the Iowa State level across Iowa.
John and Alberta raised grain, beef, dairy sheep, and hogs on their family farm since the 1890s. In the community, John was instrumental in starting the Pork Producers. He helped promote the Windsor chops to local restaurants when they first came out. John served on the Co-Op Board as well as the Cass County Fair Association Board for around 14 years. On the Fairboard, he oversaw the tractor pulls. He also remembers being at the "old" 4-H grounds, moving to the "new" present location in 1949. Their family started helping at the fair in 1960. Alberta served many hot days in the food stand, also trying to catch her kids while they showed.
John and Alberta have sat on many bleachers through the years watching their grandchildren show and now their great grandchildren. Alberta is now watching down from the Heavens, but John is where he can be with the assistance of his children whenever he can.
John still lives on his home place, with the assistance of his family, having been involved in Beef, Dairy, Hogs, and a few goats, rabbits and in their time.
Linda and the late Larry Shafer have been supporters of the Cass County 4-H Program and Cass County Fair for many years, having daughters Jennifer and Amy participate in 4-H and FFA.
Linda was a judge’s helper during static exhibit judging for many years both while Amy was in 4-H and with her granddaughters more recently. She also was the Grove Township contact for food stand donations from 1998 to 2012 and again from 2015 to 2019. She donated her time calling township citizens for donations of food to help keep the food stand stocked.
Some of Linda’s favorite memories and friendships stem from her work at the food stand. Anytime there was a need, she was ready to put on a name tag and help out. She remembers cutting hundreds of pies, dishing up salads, and washing many dishes with the late Wray McDermott with that old dishwasher!
Larry was always willing to provide any equipment that was needed and to take the night guard shifts. One of his favorite fair memories that his daughters have heard “a few times” was when he was on duty with other dads who didn’t have livestock at home. A steer had gotten loose and they left it until they found Larry and made him catch it. The girls don’t remember him ever being terribly proficient with it but he did carry a lasso behind the pickup seat.
Most recently, Linda has helped daughter Jenny in the static exhibit area on judging day and has been a sponsor of several poultry trophies that she’s been able to witness her granddaughters receive on show day.
Linda says the fair week is one of the best weeks of the year. She enjoys seeing friends and watching Cass County’s youth learn so much through the opportunities and fun available to them through 4-H and FFA.
Dennis and Marilyn Jipsen are the 2021 Cass County Hall of Fame inductees.
Marilyn grew up as a 4-H member and participated in the West Pottawattamie County Fair. She showed cattle and took various baking and sewing projects. Some of her fond memories include participating in the 4-H Foreign Exchange Program with 4-H members from Canada. She spent a week with a host family in Saskatchewan and to this day is still in contact with the family. Marilyn’s family also hosted 4-H exchange members from Colorado and New Mexico. Marilyn also participated in a citizenship trip to Washington D.C.
Dennis is a lifelong member of Cass County and has spent a great deal of his life participating in the 4-H program in various capacities. In his younger years as a 4-H member, he enjoyed showing cattle. Some of his fondest memories were of the parade of projects. This took place in June before the fair and the kids went around to all the 4-H’ers houses to see the variety of projects.
Dennis and Marilyn have three children: Dawn, Kevin, and Kim; all of which were members of the Cass Coed Clan 4-H group. During their kids’ 4-H years, Marilyn spent time as a 4-H project leader and ribbons superintendent during the county fair. At this time, Dennis started his 35+ years on the Swine Committee and Grounds Committee while also helping his kids with their swine and crop projects. He always spent Sunday mornings of fair cooking breakfast in the food stand. Through the years, while on the Grounds Committee, he helped with the building of a new community building and 4-H food stand.
They have nine grandchildren, all of which participated in 4-H because of the great examples they set. Their children also went on to be 4-H leaders and fair superintendents. Marilyn spent time with each grandchild helping to teach them new skills for many various static exhibits.
Cass County is proud to recognize Dennis and Marilyn for their years of dedication to "Making the Best Better."
Dave and Julie Williamson are the true definition of 4-H Volunteers. Dave and Julie have dedicated countless hours helping improve the fair, grounds, and the 4-H program. Julie has spent over 20 years as a 4-H club leader. After Julie's time as a club leader, Julie and Dave continue to be avid supporters of the 4-H program, fair, and community involvement.Dave and Julie Williamson.
Julie has played a key role in maintaining and fostering the 4-H program in Cass County. Her dedication to ensuring 4-Hers understand the core values of what 4-H stands for has always been at the forefront of her leadership role. Julie’s heart bleeds the 4 H’s of 4-H!
As leader she attended each activity and shows in which the members of her club were involved. She is also currently the decorator’s showcase superintendent.
4-H has been a large part of Dave and Julie’s lives. They have had five children go through the Cass County 4-H program and choose to remain active in the 4-H program in different capacities thought those years.
Over the years Julie’s enthusiasm and encouragement for the 4-H program has touched the lives of many. We are very grateful for what she has taught our youth. Thank you, Julie!
Thank you, Dave and Julie, for all that you have done and will continue to do for the Cass County 4-H Program!
Duane and Gwen Weirich have been lifelong supporters of the Cass County Fair and the youth. Duane has dedicated countless hours helping improve the fair, the fairgrounds, and 4-H opportunities in the county. Duane’s tenure on the fair board began in 2003. He worked his way up to president from 2010 to 2011. After his time on the fair board, Duane and Gwen continue to be an avid supporters of the fair and community involvement.
Duane had several key positions being a fair board member, some which include improving all the gates on the barns, repairing bleachers for events, constructing the horse arena, building an awning for the food stand, fabricating countertops and shelving for the food stand, and building a fold up stage for entertainment at the fair, as well as attending all events and providing trophy sponsorship for contestants.
With all of the projects Duane and Gwen have done for the Cass County Fair, they have donated countless hours and materials towards bettering the fairgrounds, the fair board, and the youth involved. They are very passionate about making the Cass County Fair one of the best county fairs in the state and the largest “free” fair in the state.
Duane also started the “bucket of junk” contest in 2013. The bucket of junk contest is a contest in which 4-Hers take a 5-gallon bucket of scrap metal and construct any design or object they choose to be judged. Duane holds an annual workshop at his business for 4-Hers to come and learn how to weld and construct metal using their imagination to create junk art. Duane also dedicates additional time to any individual 4-Her that cannot attend the workshop by having one-on-one welding sessions to ensure every 4-Her has the same opportunity to compete.
After Duane’s time on the fair board, he continued his dedication by smoking meat around the clock for the spectators of the fair. They also helped serve in the food stand whenever possible or when any help was needed.
Steve and Laura Olsen were active leaders of the Brighton 4-H Club for more than 15 years. They raised 5 children who were all 4-H members and participated in the Cass County Fair.
Steve has been involved in agriculture his entire life; he graduated from Iowa State University with a degree in Ag Education. He then taught Vocational AG in Earlham until he started farming alongside his dad. While farming with his dad they also raised, showed and sold hogs all around the mid-west. Steve has always had a passion for agriculture. He grew up in the Pymosa 4-H Club and showed hogs and cattle at the county fair.
Laura was not always involved in 4-H growing up a city girl in Omaha. After marriage she transitioned from city girl to farm wife. She embraced 4-H for her children and the community, and relished the excitement of working on projects and raising livestock in preparation for the Cass County Fair. At the fair Laura could always be found with a cooler in tow, feeding and refreshing anyone within reach.
While their kids were in 4-H, Steve and Laura helped them raise and show hundreds of hogs, sheep and cattle. After the kids sold their animals at the livestock sale, Steve and Laura instilled the importance of thanking the community members who supported 4-H and purchased their animals. They started a family tradition of hand delivering a homemade pie and thank you note to the person or business that purchased their animals.
Steve and Laura believed it was important for their kids to have other projects in addition to showing livestock. In the months leading up to county fair you would find Steve and Laura offering guidance and encouraging independence for their children's welding, refinishing furniture, Best of Iowa, and baking exhibits.
Also important to Steve and Laura was teaching their children about service to the community. Laura played an integral role in coordinating fundraisers and service events for the Brighton 4-H Club members, and she would always bake and donate pies to be enjoyed by fairgoers at the Cass County Fair 4-H food stand.
Steve continued his love for agriculture and youth education in his career when he served as the Cass County Extension Director and spent countless hours preparing for the county fair.
Dennis was in 4-H and FFA during the 50’s and 60’s. He was an active member of the Washington G.E.M. 4-H Club. He and his wife Karen, had four children that participated in 4-H during the 80’s and 90’s and today have many grandchildren active in 4-H. Dennis was a 4-H club leader in the 80’s and served on the Cass County Fair Grounds Committee for several years.
Both Dennis and Karen were very active supporters of the Cass County Fair from donating the pancake batter for the 4-H food stand, to volunteering countless hours and donating trophies. Dennis and Karen had a family owned feed store. They helped 4-H and FFA members, as feed store owners, allowing them to purchase feed for their livestock and delaying payment of the bill until after they received their fair checks.
The Oathoudt’s were proud supporters of Cass and surrounding county fair sales. If Dennis decided to purchase an animal at a county fair sale…he was going to get it! They took great pride in seeing the animals they supplied feed for to have success. It always put a big smile on their faces to be able to help out in any way possible.
Dennis and Karen have been wonderful assets to the Cass County 4-H program and most certainly earned the honor of being inducted into the Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame. They demonstrate the true 4-H spirit in volunteerism, mentoring, friendship and being a long time 4-H supporter and 4-H family.
Dependable, level-headed, reliable, detail-oriented, dedicated, devoted. All these words only begin to describe the type of man and the couple we wish to honor with the 2016 Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame award from Cass County.
It was over 30 years ago when our recipient became a long-standing and devoted member of an important youth committee in the county. But long before that, a love for 4-H and the Cass County Fair was kindled. That fire was never put out.
Raising their 3 boys in the Pymosa Township in Cass County, joining 4-H and participating in the county fair was only natural. Many years were spent helping with projects and watching the outcomes from arena-side. Always encouraging, always reassuring their boys and the other 4-Hers they grew up with.
Once children are grown, many parents devote their time to other interests beyond those of their children, but not this couple. The 4-H program and especially the Cass County Fair remained a strong interest. After serving as assistant beef superintendent, our recipient joined the Cass County Grounds Committee, and the rest, as they say, is history.
“He was the “go-to guy” if you wanted to get something done.”
“If there was a suggestion to fix something, he would get to fixing it.”
“He kept us organized.” “He was always there … always working.”
These quotes from fellow committee members encompass his contribution to the 4-H program and the fair grounds. He must have driven miles, jumping into his pick-up and going after whatever was needed. Even when he had to start slowing down a little, he helped out any way he could. But behind every good man, is a good woman too. His wife was just as much a part of the dedication to 4-H. Always right with him. They were called a “front lines” couple who poured their heart and soul into the fair.
When the original community center was demolished to put up the current building, this gentleman was there every step of the way. If a piece of equipment was needed, he donated it. Oh the hours the old 856 International saw at the fairgrounds. When the many, many generous donations came in, he became the “picture guy”, accepting the donations humbly and thanking the donors. All the hours logged driving around town though, his wife was right by his side. When it came time to design and decorate the building’s interior, this couple saw to the smallest details.
On the lighter side, for those of you who know our recipient couple best, you can laugh with them when we can agree to not let Jerry install any water lines. You’ll also know what it means when “Jerry’s buying,” and you’ll grab another cup of coffee when he starts out, “Well, my wife says …”
Congratulations Jerry and Donna.
Mary was an outstanding 4-H member who showcased her leadership & communication skills throughout her membership in 4-H.
Mary began her professional Extension career in 1972 as the Cass County Extension 4-H and Youth Leader for 20 years. Mary strived to increase 4-H membership by building strong relationships with the youth in the county. Mary worked to provide council and guidance to individual youth about personal relationships and careers. Mary developed the 4-H Youth Council in Cass County, which provided youth opportunity to take on additional leadership roles beyond their 4-H club. Mary was very proud of the Cass County Fair. She enjoyed the fair and the opportunity for youth to showcase their projects and learning. (Mary’s son was even born during the fair!)
Under Mary’s leadership, the ever popular 4-H Foodstand at the Cass County Fair moved from being run by busy 4-H families during fair week to recruiting volunteers to run the foodstand while 4-H families focused on 4-H related activities. The 4-H Foodstand is still run by businesses and other volunteers to this day. Also related to the Cass County Fair, Mary developed the system of volunteer superintendents for each department. Mary sought out those volunteers who would be interested and had knowledge in each of the departments and supported them throughout the year. Mary was also the 4-H Personal Development Superintendent at the Iowa State Fair for many years.
Mary created many innovative programs for club members, schools and other youth organizations in Cass and surrounding counties. Through patience and hard work she even moved a locally written Growing Up with Self-Esteem program for K-6 grades to a nationally available program.
After her time in Cass County, Mary served as the Youth Specialist in Eastern Iowa and then returned to Southwest Iowa as the Audubon County Extension Education Director.
Mary Ottmar truly bleeds 4-H green! Many in Cass County think of her as the mother of 4-H.
Eleanor’s 4-H career began when she was 10 years old in Mills County where she and her brothers showed horses. She loved helping her dad tend to the horses and was an accomplished barrel racer. In her younger years, she even entered a men’s barrel race at a county fair. To enter the race, she put her hair up and rubbed dirt on her face. She ended up winning that race.
Her love for horses was further fostered as Grandpa Max was a pickup man for rodeos, during the summers and Eleanor traveled with him. She loved to hang out with the cowboys, clowns, and animals. As she got older she began to learn the value of volunteering. As a senior in high school she helped the underclassmen lending a hand where it was needed.
After moving to Atlantic in 1965, she became very involved with the kids and their horses in Cass Co. She helped with the practice sessions to teach kids how to take responsibility for having a horse, including its general care. Kids also learned how to groom a horse for exhibiting. A major part of her volunteering has been helping with and announcing the horse show at the Cass County Fair since 1965. There is only one year she missed during that time! That’s nearly 60 years of this commitment.
Eleanor loves helping kids and giving back. She hopes kids are learning responsibility, leadership skills, and the importance of service to the community as they go through their 4-H years. It honestly warms her heart to see the kids she has helped grow and to see them evolve into young adults.
Other volunteering Eleanor has done includes announcing at the Marne softball games which she has done every Sunday for over 20 years. She is an active Chamber volunteer where she has won the Athena Award. During the school year, she typically works at least two sporting/drama/or musical events a week for the Atlantic school system. She is a huge Booster Club member and volunteer. She even dresses up as a clown for various functions in the community. Volunteering and donating to the Nishna Valley YMCA is also a common activity for her.
When she is not volunteering in the community she spends her time reading, chasing grandkids and great grandkids, as well as being a super Mom.
Jim served on the Cass County fair board beginning in the early 1990’s, retiring a couple of years ago. During his years of service, he volunteered in many capacities, but really put his heart and hard work into one big entity – the Cass County Fair 4-H food stand. As many county residents know, the food stand is the financial backbone of the Cass County 4-H and FFA Fair.
Jim served under a fantastic mentor, Ray McDermott, learning “the ropes” of the operation of the food stand. In 2003, Ray suffered a heart attack shortly before the fair, and Jim was able to step in and manage another successful 4-H food stand in Ray’s absence.
Jim took over as chair of the food stand committee in 2006, continuing on after retiring from the fair board, until 2012. Many years Jim was there turning on the lights and opening the doors each morning, still there to shut the lights off and lock the doors after the last volunteer left; only to repeat the process again in a few hours.
His wife Patty spent many years helping in the food stand, pitching in when any of the volunteer staff had family emergencies and was always there when an extra hand was needed. Patty was also a valuable member of the Cass County Youth Action Committee.
Patty and Jim were active Cass County 4-H members, participating in many projects and activities, having many great memories of their own 4-H experiences.
4-H is a family tradition for the Rogers family. Patty and Jim were there to encourage and support their children, Matt and Bethany, in their various 4-H activities, helping with their projects as needed, and assisting at club events and county fair.
Jim and Patty have been wonderful assets to the Cass County 4-H program and most certainly earned the honor to be inducted into the Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame. They demonstrate the true 4-H spirit in volunteerism, mentoring, friendship and being a long time 4-H supporter and 4-H family. Both continue to be active in their work, community and church activities in Cass County
Marlene Miller, currently leader of the Cass County Cowpokes, has nearly 50 years of experience as part of the Cass County 4-H program. Marlene Miller was a youth member of the Massena Merry Maids from 1965-1972. As a member, horse was one of her favorite project areas. She did not stop there though. She went on to have a long history with the Cass County 4-H program that continues still.
For approximately 15 years, she assisted with Lincoln Guys and Gals 4-H club. She has been leader of Cowpokes for 3 years and has been associated with the Cowpokes program for 20+ years. She also served two terms on Youth Action Committee from 2000-2004. Special projects she helped with include being a record book judge for many years, helping with the pre-fair workshop, assisting with Mardi Gras, serving on the Centennial Committee, and many more events and youth opportunities.
Marlene also raised 4 boys who all participated in 4-H with swine and horse projects.
Dean Eilts began his volunteer career for Cass County years ago and 2010 marked his 55th fair, with plans to continue for years to come.
His wife Virginia helped clerk the Cass County Fair Sale in 1973; then took over as sale clerk in 1974. She retired 30 years later after the 2004 sale.
The couple had fun watching 4-H kids grow and mature over the years…most of them they only saw once a year at the county fair, so enjoyed seeing how some kids shot up in height from year to year. Then as the years passed, they watched THEIR kids coming to the fair and bringing their livestock exhibits through the fair sale. In fact, Dean has sold livestock for three generations during his 55 years on the fair sale auction block.
Dean served as a 4-H leader when their 2 sons were in 4-H. They always had calves for the fair and on weigh-in morning, the family had to get up bright & early so they could be FIRST in line to weigh in! Getting the calves ready to show was a family affair, too.
Dawn Marnin started her 4-H career as a Program Leader when her children started 4-H. Soon she became the Organizational Leader for the Grant 4-H Club, for 16 consecutive years.
As leader she attended each activity and shows in which the members of her club were involved. She was also the Fair Building Superintendant for many years.
Dawn served four years on the Youth Action Committee (YAC). Over the years she has chaperoned many youth activities such as mud volleyball, overnight campouts and numerous workshops. She also volunteers to bring items and work in the food stand, and was food stand chair for Grant Township for several years.
Dawn was elected to the Cass County Extension Council twice, where she currently serves as secretary. Dawn has been active on the state level as well. She is a member of Iowa Association of County Extension Councils and has been involved with the interviews for State 4-H Project awards.
Over the years Dawn’s enthusiasm and encouragement for the 4-H Program has touch the lives of many. We are very grateful for what she has taught our youth. Thank you Dawn!
Melodies’ start into 4-H was fueled by her parents involvement. She began in 1969 at age 10 and continued until graduating high school. She focused her project work on sewing and constructed many items including both her junior and senior prom gowns. She also was very active in planning activities and volunteer work with her club the Peppy Pals in Audubon County. At this time also showing 4-H cattle in Guthrie County. ---Later, While working a full time job, her biggest contribution to 4-H began in 1989 when her daughter joined the G & L Clovers in Cass County. She instantly became a leader and helped with every activity the club participated in. She again was focused on sewing with the club members and helped with projects such as pillowcases, clothing, quilts and many other items. She also helped many learn to cook and helped plan their yearly Thanksgiving meal for their families. She became involved with the county food stand for several years and organized the pie and milk donations. After being diagnosed with ovarian cancer, she continued to be a leader and helped youngsters with their 4-H projects until a year before she passed. She had written in her 4-H book in 1976, “Citizenship is having respect for the feelings, thoughts and actions of other people.” She portrayed her words exactly.
Jerry & Kathee McCrory have combined to give over 50 years of service to the Cass County 4-H program as parents, leaders, volunteers and committee members.
Jerry has served as a leader of the Union Leaders 4-H Club for 21 years. Jerry has also served on the Cass County Extension Council and as chair of the 4-H Youth Action Committee. Currently Jerry serves as the Herdsmanship Superintendent of the Cass County Fair. He works with senior aged 4-H and FFA members to judge barn Herdsmanship twice a day throughout the fair.
Kathee has served as a 4-H leader in Cass County for 31 years, serving with the Union Leaders and the Union Lucky Clovers 4-H clubs. Kathee organizes a variety of workshops throughout the year for members of the club. In addition, Kathee serves as the Pet Superintendent at the Cass County Fair. She is responsible for recommending judges, checking in pets, announcing the show and recording results.
Jerry and Kathee have both been instrumental with the countywide Discovering 4-H workshop. Each winter they volunteer their time and talent to work with young people just beginning their 4-H career, helping them complete a variety of woodworking, wildlife, and clothing projects.
4-H has been a large part of Jerry and Kathee’s lives. They are both 4-H alum and they have chosen to remain active in the 4-H program. Volunteering to support 4-H is the McCrory’s number one hobby.
The McCrory’s live in Atlantic. They have two grown children, Amy and Bill, who were active 4-H’ers in Cass County.
Matt Rogers was active in 4-H as a member of the Franklin’s Future 4-H club in Cass County. Even after graduating from high school, Matt’s passion for the 4-H program and for the Cass County Fair was evident.
Matt joined the Cass County Fairboard in the fall of 2003. But long before joining the Fairboard, Matt worked along side his dad helping with fair preparation and clean-up, and helping the Fairboard run the tractor pulls.
As a Fairboard member Matt planned and organized the Chuckwagon food stand and put many long hours working at the window and greeting the public.
His passion for anything that had an engine came in helpful as he organized the antique tractor and garden tractor pulls.
Matt enjoyed all aspects of being a Fairboard member, but his favorite perks were the banana cream pies and the after fair Fairboard parties.
Matt was tragically killed in an automobile accident in April of 2006, at the age of 25; cutting short the life of this dedicated 4-H volunteer.
The Cass County Fairboard dedicated the 2006 Cass County Fair in memory of their friend and fellow Fairboard member Matt Rogers.
Green ribbons hang around the Cass County Fairgrounds and are worn by many who knew and loved Matt. The green ribbons serve as a reminder of the gifts Matt left behind. Matt had a big heart and was always ready to help someone in need. He signed on to be an organ donor when he turned 16 and encouraged his family to do the same. The green ribbons symbolize organ and tissue donation awareness. Matt will live on in the hearts of family and friends as well as the organ recipients he never met.
Matt’s love for the Cass County Fair will always be remembered. Matt could always be counted on to have a positive attitude. His Happy go-lucky personality and ability to talk to people made him a great asset to the Cass County Fairboard and to Cass County 4-H program.
In 1974, Marlys Berry began her 33 year career as a 4-H leader of the Klassy Kassettes 4-H club. In 1980 the girls and boys clubs combined to form the Cass Coed Clan. Marlys has been responsible for all of the administrative responsibilities of a 4-H club leader. She gathers enrollment forms, relays messages to the Extension Office, Types up the club’s program, and makes the fair entries. Marlys has volunteered at the Cass County Fair for many years as a Judges helper and comment writer. She has also served as the Cass township Foodstand representative. Marlys lives in rural Lewis with her husband Roger. They have two children, Jim and Julie. Marlys has also had 3 grandchildren go through the 4-H program in Cass county.
Ray & Rosemary Zellmer have combined to give over 50 years of service to the Cass County 4-H program as parents, leaders, volunteers and board members.
In 1982, Ray joined the Cass County Fairboard. He was elected as Treasurer of the group in 1994 and continues to hold that office. Ray volunteers a lot of his time during the summer to make sure everything is up and running for fair week. During county fair Ray can be found organizing commercial exhibits, running the register at the foodstand and taking care of bills and deposits. Ray’s responsibilities with the Cass County Fairboard extend beyond fair as he is following up on reports and financial responsibilities throughout the year.
Rosemary has served as a 4-H leader in Cass County for 29 years. She is currently the Organizational Leader of the G & L Clovers 4-H Club and has served on the Youth Action Committee. In addition, Rosemary serves as the Award Superintendent at County Fair. She is responsible for getting all of the trophy’s, plaques and ribbons to the livestock shows and award presentations.
Ray and Rosemary live in Wiota. They have one grown son, Rusty, who was an active 4-H’er in Cass County.
Cass County is honored to induct LaVon Eblen as its 2004 member of the Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame. LaVon has spent many years supporting 4-H both as a volunteer and Extension staff member.
• Served as Home Economist in Cass County.
• Served as County Extension Education Director in Audubon County until her retirement.
• Continues to serve as a valuable resource in Cass County
• Serves as a County Fair Judge
• Works part time at KJAN 1220 AM in Atlantic – she is always very eager to plug 4-H and Extension programs on her shows.
• Volunteers to teach workshops for 4-H members, leaders, judges, etc.
• Teaches Managing Pressures program to middle school youth.
• Is a Cass County Master Gardener; organized Garden Seminar and helps with the Discovery Garden at the Cass County Fairgrounds
Thank you, LaVon, for all you have done and continue to do for 4-H!
For more then 50 years, Wray McDermott has given his time and energy to the youth of Cass County as a parent, a leader, a board member and a volunteer.
In 1972 Wray joined the Cass County Fairboard. He served on the board for 15 years and held all of the offices, including President.
For over 30 years, Wray has served as the Foodstand Superintendent during the Cass County Fair. Each year he oversees a large volunteer force to operate the foodstand. All proceeds from the foodstand go back to the Fairboard to ensure that the Cass County Fair remains a free fair with free grandstand entertainment for everyone.
In 1986 Wray was elected as Treasurer of the Grounds Committee, a position he still holds. Most recently, Wray served on the committee that raised over $1 million dollars to construct a community center located on the Cass County Fairgrounds.
Wray and his wife Sharon live south of Atlantic. They have had 5 children go through the 4-H program in Cass County and now enjoy watching their grandchildren show.
Raymond Butt has served as a 4-H club leader in Cass County for 42 years. Membership in the Cass Coed Clan 4-H club has remained strong and active under his leadership. Raymond has always been willing to go above and beyond to help out the youth in Cass County. He volunteers to transport exhibits to the State Fair for his club members and supports the youth in the county through the livestock sale. Raymond continues to look for ways to improve himself by attending leader trainings and workshops throughout the year.
In addition to Raymond’s leader responsibilities, he serves as an assistant superintendent in the sheep department, organizes set-up and clean-up day in the show barn at county fair, and is a township chair for the 4-H fair foodstand. He has served as an interviewer for the SW area project award selection.
Most recently, Raymond has volunteered to serve on the newly formed Cass County 4-H Endowment committee. He has been involved in getting this group off the ground and has helped with initial fund raising efforts.
Cass County feels that Raymond’s enthusiasm toward 4-H and his passion to help the youth in his county makes him most deserving of this honor.
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