We like the vim of the Kansas state Sail on oh, "Nation" strong and great. Brewers, with attentive ears And natural prophetic fears Are waiting, planning, for your fate. We know the stories of your raids-- How every small sensation fades-- Though some declare your work a fake, You leave destruction in your wake. Care not for ruined hats and gowns But sail into the Kansas towns And teach the women how to mash Saloons, and leave their goods in hash. Fear not the law, and do not quail-- Some one is sure to give you bail. Though you may have a mental fracture, Fame gives a splendid chance to lecture. In spite of critics' weak derision, In spite of legal opposition, Sail on and vanquish all the rest, Such things give to your work a zest. Many will come and flock to your side When they hear what the jury shall decide F. B. S. |
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