Atlantic High School Scraps Yearbook - 1901

Atlantic High School 1901 Scraps Yearbook, Atlantic, Iowa

Page through the 1901 Scraps

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Page 1     Page 2     Page 3     Page 4     Page 5     Page 6     Page 7     Page 8     Page 9
PrefacePage 10
Photo (Atlantic High School)Page 11
Photo (Catholic Church)Page 12
Photo (Methodist Episcopal Church)Page 13
Board of EducationPages 14 & 15
Faculty/Atlantic High School TeachersPages 16 & 17
Annual BoardPages 18 & 19
Those Girls.[Poem by M. L. K.]Page 20
Carrie Nation. [Poem by F. B. S.]Page 21
The Senior Class Acording to ShakespearePage 22-23
Lines to Winter. [Poem by F. B. S.]Page 23
A Senior's Downfall and Triumph. [Poem by C. M. C.]Page 24
Drive On. [Poem by C. M. C .]Page 25
Latin or English. [Poem by C. M. C .]Page 26
In Dog Days. [Poem by F. B. S.]
A Frequent Occurence. [Poem by F. B. S.]
Page 27
The Senior Class LibraryPage 28
Revelations of the DiamondPage 29-31
Senior Class & OfficersPages 32-34
History of the Class of 1901Pages 35-38
Junior Class & OfficersPages 39-40
History of the Class of 1902Page 41
Sophomore Class & History of the Class of 1903Pages 42-44
Freshman Class & History of the Class of 1904Pages 45-46
AthleticsPages 47-50
AlumniPages 51-61
Junior ReceptionPage 61
HumorousPage 62
Questions and AnswersPages 63-64
Two SongsPage 65
In MemoriamPage 66
Latin TranslationsPage 67
What We Are Paid Not To TellPage 68
German TranslationsPage 69
Photo (Empty Classroom)Page 70

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Transcribed by Brenda Magee, January 2011

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