Re: What happend to the Lamaster Childre
Posted By: JEAN DAY (email)
Date: 4/27/2005 at 01:39:18
In Response To: Re: What happend to the Lamaster Childre (M Knight)
Dear Lamaster's
I have of recent, found my great grandfather was
one ?Lamen? Lamaster(s). This was in the 1900 census for Bainbridge Twsp., Schuyler Co., Il.The problem is, he appears NOWHERE else in any of the census that I can find. Is this his name, could it be spelt differently? The 1900 census read as follows:
Bainbrdge, Schuyler Co., Il.
Lamasters ?Lamen? hed 25 b.Feb. 1875 Il Il ILLizzie wif 19 b.Sep.1880 IL IL IL
Winnie dau 02 b.May.1989 CO IL IL
NOTES: Winnie (Winifred May Lamaster Garside Jackson) was my grandmother. Lizzie (Lizzie P. Parks Hawks) was my Grate Grandmother. By 1910 Lizzie had remarried a Creed Hawks (From the Virginia Hawks Family's). They lived in Kewanee Henry Co., Il. !910 Census reads as follows:Kewanee Twsp., Henry Co., Il.
Hawks Creed hed 29 VA VA VALizzie wif 27 IL IL IL
Lamasters Winnie Step Dau CO IL IL
"" Ralph H "" Son IL IL IL
"" Albert H "" Son IL IL IL
Hawks Loal C SON IL VA IL
NOTES: Sometime after 1910 there was a Robert Hawks born to Creed and Lizzie, Winnie's Obit confirms this.I can not find WHOM Lamen Lamaster was. On my Mothers Funeral Records, she said "Lamasters" was spelt "LaMaster". This about ALL I know of these people. I believe the Lamaster's may be related to those from Kentucky, however at cerunt, I can not confirm this.
Thank You
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