Re: What happend to the Lamaster Childre
Posted By: M Knight (email)
Date: 4/7/2005 at 21:41:30
In Response To: Re: What happend to the Lamaster Childre (Marlene Davis)
I saw Patrick Lamaster in Lee County, and wondered if he followed his wife (ex-wife Mollie, Miley) there. I looked for their children in Mills Co., Lee Co., and all other Iowa locations, and the item for Robert Lemaster in Council Bluffs is the only thing that I found, unfortunately.
Have you ever tried contacting the LeMaster or LaMaster families in Mills County, Iowa, today? I see in newspapers there that an Elizabeth Lamaster and also a Florence Lamaster were in that area in several census records. In 1958, a Gary Lamaster married in Hamburg, IA. He might still be in that area.
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