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John Sterett


Posted By: Beverly Gerdts (email)
Date: 3/2/2025 at 10:33:45

The Wapello Republican, Columbus Junction, IA
Thursday, September 2, 1915
Page 1

John Sterrett, of Morning Sun, was buried Tuesday at that place. He was well known and occupied a prominent place in the affairs of the county for many years. In all probability John Sterett was the oldest inhabitant in Morning Sun when considered as a continuous resident. John Sterrett was eighteen years of age when he removed to Iowa and located upon eighty acres of land which is now within the corporate limits of Morning Sun. He engaged in general farming, but has always made a specialty of breeding and raising of Black Hawk Morgan horses, having sold some of his at one thousand dollars apiece.

On the 16th of April, 1857, Mr. Sterett was united in marriage to Miss Eliza Brown, a daughter of Hamilton and Sarah (Ramsey) Brown, who were the parents of ten children. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Sterett were born two sons, Edward, who was born in 1858 and passed away in 1889; and William R., who was born in September, 1860 and is a resident of Morning Sun.

Mr. Sterett assisted in arranging the first fourth of July celebration ever held in the place and has participated in the observation of every succeeding anniversary of the Nation's birth. Mr. Sterett was a public spirited as well as a patriotic citizen, and always strove to fulfill his civic duties and toward this end served in various township offices. He was a member of the Fremont Association, of which he was one of the organizers and at one time vice president of the organization. He was also president of the Old Setters Association in 1911. Religiously Mr. Sterett, was affiliated with the Presbyterian church, in which his wife also held membership.

Mr. Sterett went to Des Moines to visit his son on the 29th of November, 1909 and upon his return home the following Saturday, he found Mr. Sterett dead. Mr. Sterrett was eighty years of age at the time of his death.


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