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Brown, Paul Clifford 1889 - 1919


Posted By: Joy Moore (email)
Date: 1/28/2025 at 10:49:47

Source: Cresco Plain Dealer Aug. 29, 1919, P4 C2

Mr. and Mrs. A. L. White and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Robinson and family, who were here to attend the funeral of the ladies’ brother, Paul Brown, left on Tuesday for their respective homes, the former to Minot, N. D., and the latter to Hawkeye, Iowa.

Source: Cresco Plain Dealer Aug. 29, 1919, P6 C1

Paul Clifford Brown was born on the home farm near Cresco, Iowa, on Sept. 8. 1889, and died at Rochester, Minn., August 21, 1919, at the age of 29 years, 11 months and 13 days.
Paul had made an extended preparation for a life of real usefulness and gave promise of filling a large sphere.
A graduate of the Cresco high school, he also secured diplomas in commerce from the Oliver college of commerce, New Hampton, Iowa, and in agriculture from the University of Minnesota, and gained the collegiate degree of Bachelor of Arts in June, 1918, from Upper Iowa University.
Throughout his life, as a child and young man, he showed at all times the evidence of a strong Christian faith, and a naturally unselfish and happy disposition.
There survive him, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Brown of Cresco, one brother Edward, five sisters, Mrs. Alson Daskam of Kendallville, Mrs. Walter Robinson of Hawkeye, Mrs. L. A. White of Minot, N. D., Mrs. John Kakac of Vernon Springs, Mrs. Harry Olson of Nora Springs, and his fiance, Miss Dorothy Herrick of Fredericksburg, all of whom in their grief and loneliness are joined by a host of friends wherever Paul was known.
Death followed a lingering illness of sevral{sic} weeks duration during which time all that medical skill and tender care could do was done to alleviate his suffering.
Funeral services were held at Morgan church Sunday afternon{sic}, the sermon being preached by Rev. G. M. Shoemaker of Lime Springswho{sic} paid a fine tribute to the life of the young man whom he had known intimately. Rev. G. W. Copeland offered prayer and Rev. and Mrs. Turner of Bonair sang two songs. The Odd Fellows lodge of Cresco of which Paul was a faithful and active member was represented by a large number of its membership and the ritualistic service of the order was conducted by Brothers C. W. Reed and A. B. Converse. Burial was in the family lot at Oaklawn.

Oak Lawn Cemetery

Howard Obituaries maintained by Constance McDaniel Hall.
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