Eliza Edith (Hoon) Stockwell (1876-1913)
Posted By: Dorian Myhre (email)
Date: 2/26/2025 at 22:15:21
From Jewell Record March 20, 1913 (page 3)
Eliza Hoon Killed in Wreck.
Near Gothenburg, Neb. at about 4:15 o'clock Friday morning of last week, March 14th, the fast "Colorado Special" passenger train on the Northwestern and Union Pacific lines crashed into the rear of another passenger train, killing four persons and injuring thirty more. And among the names on the list of dead appeared that of one who was well known and beloved in the community, a former Jewell girl, Eliza Edith Hoon. The body was brought to Ames and then to Jewell Tuesday noon, the funeral services being held at one o'clock Tuesday afternoon, from the Congregational church here, officiated. Rev. Clyde was pastor of the church here at the time several years ago that deceased became a member of that church, ad he was secured to hold the last services in acquiescence with a request to that effect that she expressed at that time. The body was laid at rest in Evergreen cemetery. A large number of relatives and friends, many from a distance and by the beautiful floral offerings, paid the last sad tribute of respect and esteem to the memory of the deceased.
Eliza Edith Hoon was born Sept. 3rd, 1867, in Ellsworth township, Hamilton county, Iowa, where she attended district school until her 14th year. She then entered the public schools in Jewell, later the Jewell Lutheran College, fitting herself to enter her chosen work as nurse. She then entered the Tracy Home hospital in Des Moines in her 19th year, graduating two years later. She engaged in nursing for a few years with success, then, in 1904, entered the Polytechnic hospital in New York city for further study. After graduating she was called to take charge of the St. Thomas hospital in San Francisco in Oct. 1905, and was there during the earthquake of April, 1906. After the hospital closed, she remained for six weeks helping care for the sick and injured who were carried to the Golden Gate park. Later she returned to New York city where in February, 1910, she was united in marriage to Harrison Lee Stockwell, 1st class Sergeant of Co. A, of Ft. Russell, Wyo.
Deceased is survived by her father, Chas. Hoon, of Mallard, Iowa and five brothers and one sister, as follows: Mrs. Francis Anderson and S. A., both of Jewell, . S., of Ames, Chas. of Bedford, Ore., George of Mallard, and Elmer, of Moline, Ill.
Among those who were here from a distance in attendance at the funeral services Tuesday were: Chas. Hoon and George Hoon, of Mallard, Iowa, W. S. Hoon and family, of Ames; Elmer Hoon and family, of Moline, Ill.; Arthur Anderson, of Emmetsburg; D. E. Myers, of Radcliffe; Mrs. John Giffen and Mrs. C. G Winsett, of Des Moines; Mrs. M. C. Kooser , Mrs. Ed T. Kooser, Frank Kooser, Orville Ufford, Mrs. Ed Wilkinson and L. M. Bosworth, of Ames; Mrs. John Donhowe, of Story City; Mrs. J. Williams, of Randall, and Mrs. Fitz Williams, of Fort Dodge.
Hamilton Obituaries maintained by Lynn McCleary.
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