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William Henry Richard (1841-1913)


Posted By: Dorian Myhre (email)
Date: 2/26/2025 at 17:03:27

From Jewell Record March 20, 1913 (page 3)

W. H. Richard Passes Away

At 10:45 o'clock Thursday forenoon of last week, March 13th, at the age of 71 years, 7 months and 14 days. W. H. Richard, one of the prominent pioneers of this community, passed away at his home in Jewell. Death came from kidney trouble and a complication of diseases after eight weeks' serious sickness. The funeral services were held at 2:00 o'clock Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. W. D. English from the M. E. church, of which deceased was a member, and the body was laid at rest in Evergreen cemetery The Jewell lodge of Workmen, of which Mr. Richard was a member, had charge of the burial service. Mr. Richard was also a member of the Odd Fellow lodge at Ellsworth.

William Henry Richard was born in Lancaster county, Pa., August 30th, 1841. At the age of ten years he moved with his parents to Indiana, where he married Miss Catherine Byers March 27th, 1865. To this union five children were born, two of whom did in infancy. The surviving children of this union, Joseph H. Richard, of Minneapolis, Mrs. Cora Larson, of Milwaukee, and Mrs. Daisy Weber, of Aberdeen, S. Dak., were all present at the funeral services, the former Judge Richard, being accompanied also by his daughter, Katherine.

Mrs. Richard died August 30th, 1875, and on July 3rd, 1876, he was married to his first wife's sister, Miss Isa D. Byers, who survives him. To this union three children were born, Oscar, of Milwaukee, Frank, of Forman, N. Dak., and Mrs. Elsie Pitzer, of Union, Iowa, all of whom survive and all of whom were present at the funeral services, the latter also being accompanied by her husband, Jack Pitzer. Mr. Richard is also survived by one brother, Chas. Richard of Ennis, Montana. A daughter of this brother, Mrs. J. L. Yaple, of Dexter, Iowa, was among those here in attendance at the funeral services.

Mr. Richard came to Iowa 35 years ago, first locating at the old town of Callanan. Later he moved to Ellsworth where for years he was engaged in the mercantile and in the grain business. Ever since coming to Iowa he has resided in southern Hamilton county, in Ellsworth and in Jewell, except for two years when he lived in South Dakota. Four years ago he returned from South Dakota and lived in Jewell until his death. Mr. Richard was well and widely known throughout Hamilton county, and was held in the highest respect and esteem by hosts of friends, all of whom will join the Record in expressing deep sympathy to the wife and children in their bereavement.

Mrs. Richard will close up the home here for the present and goes with her son, Oscar, to Milwaukee. She will visit for some time but not yet made definite arrangements as to the future.


Hamilton Obituaries maintained by Lynn McCleary.
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