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Ida May (Hoon) Myers (1872-1910)


Posted By: Dorian Myhre (email)
Date: 2/26/2025 at 12:32:16

From Jewell Record November 17, 1910 (page 8)


It is with the deepest regret the Record chronicles the death of the wife of Bro. Clint E. Myers, until last week editor of the Radcliffe Signal. Mrs. Myers passed away at 11:30 Thursday forenoon of last week. Funeral services were held Sunday at eleven o'clock at the home in Radcliffe, and the body brought to Jewell. Brief services were held at Evergreen cemetery and the body was laid to rest there.

For a trifle over a year past Mrs. Myers had been in poor health, but refused to give up until May. Then she finally submitted to medical attention, but not confined to her bed except at brief intervals for several months. A couple months ago she was taken to Colfax for treatment, suffering from nervous prostration and asthmatic neuralgia. The treatment there seemed to help her, and after her return she seemed for about two weeks to be returning to her former good health. Then came a rapid turn for the worse and on Tuesday of last week her condition became dangerous. However she yielded to treatment and by Wednesday evening appeared to be out of immediate danger. At about eight o'clock Thursday forenoon she was seized with a violent attack of coughing, her lungs seeming filled. She became unconscious and in about three hours died. With her at the time were her husband and children, her sisters, Mrs. Christensen and Mrs. Osborne and the wife of her brother, Mrs. W. S. Hoon.

Mrs. Myers was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Hoon, residing southeast of Jewell. Both her parents, her husband and two children, Atlee and Marguerite and the two sisters and two brothers, W. S. and Clyde, survive her. Mrs. Myers lived practically all her life in this vicinity and at Radcliffe, and hosts of friends admired and loved her for her sterling womanly worth. The Record joins these friends in expressing deepest sympathy to the bereaved ones.


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