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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
The IAGenWeb Project

Benton County, Iowa
Record of Divorces 1906 - 1925

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

Page No. Husband Last Name Husband First Name Color Age Nationality Date of Marriage No. of Prior Marriage Cause of Divorce Wife Last Name Wife First Name Color Age Nationality Date of Divorce No. of Prior Marriage To Whom Divorce Granted
133 11579 Taschner William L. White 25 American September 15, 1915 none Cruelty Taschner Marie A. White
American April 17, 1918 no Husband
133 13055 Tatman Thornton White 36 American July 3, 1908 none Desertion Tatman Clara Belle O'Hara White 34 American November 28, 1922 none Wife
133 8130 Tehel Joseph White 30 Bohemian American April 4, 1899 none Cruelty – Drunkenness Tehel Anna White 27 American November 21, 1906 None Wife
133 8774 Teneyck George White 32 American June 2, 1902 none Cruelty Teneyck Elmira White 25 American October 5, 1909 one Wife
133 9725 Teterick Andrew F. White 33 American October 3, 1907 none Desertion Teterick Florence White 32 American September 23, 1913 none Husband
133 8843 Tharp Johnathan D. White 53 American March 9, 1897 one Desertion Tharp Edna White 29 American October 5, 1909 none Husband
133 11887 Tharp William White 33 American October 9, 1907 none Inhuman Treatment Tharp Eunice L. White 27 American April 16, 1919 none Husband
133 40-D Thede Robert John White 22
November 9, 1968
Breakdown of Marriage Thede Beverly Mae White 21
August 19, 1971
133 13698 Thomas Ernest P. White 31 American October 14, 1914 none Cruel & Inhuman Treatment & other statutory grounds Thomas Luella Mae White 29 American April 17, 1923 none Husband
133 9195 Thompson Calvin R. White 52 American June 11, 1889 none Habitual Drunkenness Thompson Addie White 42 American March 29, 1911 none Wife
133 8686 Thompson Edward C. White 44 American November 21, 1888 none
Thompson Lucy A. White 40 American March 30, 1910 none Husband
133 11501 Thomson Clyde T. White 35 American October 22, 1907 one Cruel & Inhuman Treatment Thomson Gertrude White 26 American June 20, 1918 no Wife
133 13923 Tidball Howard C. White 30 American May 17, 1919 none Cruel & Inhuman Treatment Tidball Zelphia Helen White 22 American May 6, 1924 none Husband
133 11955 Tompkin John W. White 56 American May 15, 1889 none Cruelty Tompkin Louise White 49 American June 2, 1919 none Wife
133 8536 Toney Charles White 30 American May 6, 1903 none Drunkenness & Inhuman Treatment Toney Clara White 26 American April 14, 1908 none Wife
133 10328 Toombs Frank D. White 49 American January 22, 1892 none Cruel & Inhuman Treatment Toombs Minnie White 45 American September 15, 1915 one Wife
133 9161 Toombs Robert T. White 26 American June 6, 1907 none Adultery Toombs Mabel L. White 18 American February 22, 1911 none Wife
133 8367 Toombs William White 40 American July 31, 1901 one Habitual Drunkenness Toombs Agnes White 33 Swede October 16, 1907 none Wife
133 13604 Towne Pearle W. White

November 1, 1917
Cruel & Inhuman Treatment Towne Caroline White

May 8, 1923
133 8499 Tracy G. G. White 42 American August 1891 none Adultery Tracy Minnie B. White 37 American October 6, 1908 one Husband
133 12192 Tracy M. F. White 69 American February 1, 1919 one Inhuman Treatment Tracy Helen L. White 16 American March 12, 1920 none Wife
133 10092 Traer James Warner White 39 American November 14, 1900 one Habitual Drunkenness Traer Louise Murphy White 38 American September 15, 1914 None Wife
133 12381 Travis Horace White 30 American September 2, 1918 one Cruel & Inhuman Treatment Travis Marjorie White 25 American January 26, 1921 one Wife
133 11186 Treloar Harry White 29 American April 19, 1912 no Cruel & Inhuman Treatment Treloar Margaret White 26 American September 12, 1917 no Wife
133 12306 Trimble C. F. White 48 American September 8, 1917 two Cruel & Inhuman Treatment Trimble Edith White 36 American April 16, 1920 one Wife
133 12402 Trueblood Joel C. White 60 American September 27, 1888 none Desertion Trueblood Margaret C. White 60 American October 29, 1920 none Wife
133 13778 Tuttle P. C. White 28 American October 27, 1917 none Cruelty Tuttle Lola White 29 American October 26, 1923 none Wife
133 8356 Tyler Charles N. White 40 American February 1884 none Cruelty & Inhuman Treatment Tyler Francis A. White 50 American Ger Dec September 25, 1907

Page Last Updated: Wednesday, 25-Jul-2012 05:28:56 CDT

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