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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
The IAGenWeb Project

Benton County, Iowa
Record of Divorces 1906 - 1925

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Page No. Husband Last Name Husband First Name Color Age Nationality Date of Marriage No. of Prior Marriage Cause of Divorce Wife Last Name Wife First Name Color Age Nationality Date of Divorce No. of Prior Marriage To Whom Divorce Granted
105 13925 Palmer Elmer M. White 45 American January 5, 1910 none Cruel & Inhuman Treatment Palmer Dorothea White 32 American February 29, 1924 none Husband
105 12098 Parkhurst W. H. White 40 American June 17, 1916 one Cruel & Inhuman Treatment Parkhurst Gladys White 29 American January 21, 1920 one Wife
105 9664 Patton David Clayton White 35 American June 19, 1901 none Desertion of wife Patton Katie White 32 American April 5, 1913 one Husband
105 10416 Patuzak James White 26 Bohemian April 28, 19
Infidelity & Cruelty Patuzak Anna White 18 Bohemian September 15, 1915
105 9763 Paul Truman Franklin White 40 American September 2, 1908 none Adultery & Drunkenness Paul Blanche White 28 American December 21, 1913 none Husband
105 10246 Pauley Ernest White 47 American July 30, 1913
Cruel & Inhuman Treatment Endangering life Pauley Emma C. White 60 American February 15, 1915 one Wife
105 13702 Pauley Oliver

March 31, 1900
Cruelty Pauley Luella

October 10, 1923
105 10622 Payne David S. White 41 English January 1, 1899 none Desertion Payne Rosa E. White 40 American May 29, 1916 none Wife
105 11218 Pease George E. White 21 American November 2, 1916

Pease Lola Dark 20 American September 20, 1917 none Wife
105 9016 Pegump Frank White 29 American October 1901 none Inhuman Treatment – Habitual Drunkenness Pegump Anna White 27 American September 27, 1910 none Wife
105 12495 Peters Charles B. White 42 American August 10, 1904 none Cruelty Peters Eva White 35 American December 22, 1920 none Wife
105 12580 Peterson Bert A. White 29 American July 7, 1917 none Cruel & Inhuman Treatment Peterson Helen White 21 American April 13, 1921 none Wife
105 11563 Pettit Charles F. White 26 American October 30, 1913 none Adultery Pettit Leola White 27 American April 15, 1918 one Husband
105 12740 Pettit Charles F. White 33 American April 16, 1919 one Adultery Pettit Nona White 22 American September 7, 1921 one Husband
105 13495 Pettit Ollie White 67 American March 16, 1885 none Cruel & Inhuman Treatment Pettit Ollie White 57 American November 22, 1922 none Wife
105 12786 Pettit Richard White 69 American August 4, 1913 one Cruel & Inhuman Treatment Pettit Mary E. White 50 American November 2, 1921 one Wife
105 12269 Pigrian Clarence White 26 American October 6, 1915 none Cruel & Inhuman Treatment Pigrian Nina White 25 American May 24, 1920 none Wife
105 9291 Pillen William White 52 American May 30, 1908 none Desertion Pillen Rose White 52 American September 12, 1911 one Wife
105 13057 Plummer Lloyd White 29 American November 11, 1912 none Inhuman Treatment – Adultery Plummer Ruth White 25 American March 18, 1922 none Wife
105 12354 Ponder Harold White 20 American November 4, 1918 none Conviction of Felony Ponder Bessie White 19 American September 8, 1920 none Wife
105 9239 Prall Arthur A. White 45 American June 1, 1887 none Desertion & Habitual Drunkenness Prall Della E. White 46 American September 13, 1911 none Wife
105 8542 Pribyl John White 36 Bohemian-Ame July 27, 1904 one Inhuman Treatment – Habitual Drunkenness Pribyl Mary White 33 Bohemian-Ame September 8, 1908 one Wife
105 12944 Primmer William White 29 American December 23, 1915 none Desertion Primmer Dessie White 28 American April 12, 1922 none Wife
105 634 Prisha Frank W. White 62 Bohemian February 16, 1873 none Drunkenness Prisha Josephine White 61 Bohemian May 29, 1916 none Wife
105 8614 Pritchard Arthur White 24 American February 27, 1903 none Adultery Pritchard Grace White 21 American December 21, 1908 none Husband
105 13130 Pritchard Lloyd J. White 31 American September 24, 1921 one Inhuman Treatment Pritchard Annette White 29 American June 8, 1922 none Wife
105 11759 Prochaska Elmer W. White 35 Bohemian June 22, 1909 none Cruel & Inhuman Treatment Prochaska Mary R. White 29 Bohemian June 2, 1919 none Husband
105 13313 Prochaska Elmer W.

June 22, 1909

Prochaska Mary R. White

May 8, 1923
105 10337 Putnam V. W. White 32 American August 3, 1903 none Inhuman Treatment Putnam Carrie Edith White 30 American October 11, 1915 none Wife

Page Last Updated: Wednesday, 25-Jul-2012 05:28:57 CDT

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