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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
The IAGenWeb Project

Benton County, Iowa
Record of Divorces 1906 - 1925

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

Page No. Husband Last Name Husband First Name Color Age Nationality Date of Marriage No. of Prior Marriage Cause of Divorce Wife Last Name Wife First Name Color Age Nationality Date of Divorce No. of Prior Marriage To Whom Divorce Granted
53 9027 Hackerson Andrew White 28 Swede August 5, 1908 none Cruel & Inhuman Treatment Hackerson Ethel White 26 American November 20, 1911 none Wife
53 14478 Hadima Joseph White 50 American August 16, 1896 none Desertion Hadima Mary White 46 American February 3, 1925 none Husband
53 10316 Hahn Elmer E. White 47 German November 27, 1896 none Habitual Drunkenness Hahn Nella C. White 40 English June 2, 1915 none Wife
53 9351 Haines Charles F. White 47 American June 16, 1905 one Desertion Haines Rose Ella White 35 American January 23, 1912 one Wife
53 11486 Halgren Fred A. White 38 American March 23, 1910 none Habitual Drunkenness Halgren Ethel White 25 American February 12, 1918 none Wife
53 10172 Halstead Amos E. White 48 American January 1, 1891 none Desertion Halstead Edith White 48 American October 19, 1915 none Wife
53 10163 Halstead Harrison White 24 American November 10, 1909 none Conviction of Felony Halstead Anna White 23 American February 2, 1915 none Wife
53 10627 Hanover Roy White 26 American August 11, 1914 none Drunkenness & Cruel & Inhuman Treatment Hanover Pearl White 21 American April 18, 1916 none Wife
53 11944 Hanover Roy White 29 American May 14, 1918 one Desertion Hanover Pearl White 27 American October 6, 1920 one Husband
53 9563 Hansen Henry White 25 German February 16, 1909 none Desertion Hansen Anna White 24 German November 20, 1912 none Wife
53 13782 Happel Carl C. White 23 American June 14, 1923 no. Cruel Treatment Happel Bessie Barnoske White 20 American September 18, 1923 no. Wife
53 11618 Harger James Edward White 28 American February 20, 1918 none Conviction of Felony Harger Leona W. White 15 American September 6, 1918 none Wife
53 9462 Harger Melvin White 26 American July 7, 1909 none Cruel & Inhuman Treatment Harger Martha White 19 American March 29, 1912 none Wife
53 11755 Harnstein John White 68 German March 23, 1910 one Cruel & Inhuman Treatment Harnstein Emma White 60 German June 2, 1919 two Wife
53 11365 Harper Jacob Linton White 39 American May 12, 1905 one Cruel & Inhuman Treatment Harper Gertrude White 41 French November 27, 1917 one Wife
53 8462 Harris George W. White 31 American April 9, 1898 none Inhuman Treatment Harris Libbie White 27 American January 28, 1908 none Wife
53 12048 Harris James W. White 49 American February 15, 1917 one Desertion Harris Rosie White 48 American September 3, 1919 one Husband
53 13168 Harris Westley White
American June 1919 one Desertion Harris Dorothy White
American April 12, 1922 two Husband
53 11334 Hart Herbert L. White 42 American July 22, 1903 no Cruelty Hart Mertie L. White 42 American September 18, 1917 none Wife
53 12508 Hart Herbert S. White 41 American October 20, 1917 one Cruelty Hart Amy White 34 American January 19, 1921 one Wife
53 9244 Harton Benjamin White 29 American December 20, 1899 none Cruel & Inhuman Treatment Harton Celia M. White 29 American September 13, 1911 none Husband
53 13371 Hartz Mathias J. White 45 German February 5, 1909 none Cruelty Hartz Lydia E. White 35 German October 10, 1922 none Wife
53 13476 Harwood Lee White 33 American September 27, 1920 none Cruel & Inhuman Treatment Harwood Bessie White 21 American November 27, 1922 one Husband
53 11117 Hawley Homer White 25 American June 20, 1914 none Cruel & Inhuman Treatment Hawley Florence White 20 American April 10, 1917 none Wife
53 9668 Hazen Fred White 40 American

Adultery Hazen Kate White 39 American May 8, 1914 none Husband
53 9216 Hendershot Clive White 25 American February 1, 1907 none Desertion Hendershot Agnes White 23 American September 12, 1911 none Wife
53 9289 Henkle Emil Edward White 25 American January 19, 1911 none Cruel & Inhuman Treatment Henkle Lucy White 22 American January 3, 1913 none Wife
53 14150 Highfield William D.
55 American June 7, 1922 one Inhuman Treatment Highfield Anna White 53 American September 4, 1924 one Wife
53 12050 Hilton Clarence A. White 20 American November 6, 1918 none Cruel & Inhuman Treatment Hilton Marian A. White 16 American September 3, 1919 none Husband
53 11776 Hinkle Amiel White 33 German September 4, 1913 one Cruel & Inhuman Treatment Hinkle Lula B. White 43 American December 2, 1918 one Wife
53 8359 Hoag Herman S. White 33 American July 19, 1902 none Inhuman Treatment Hoag Mollie C. White 25 American September 19, 1907 none Wife
53 11762 Holland William Francis White 45 American May 31, 1893 none Desertion Holland Esther L. White 44 American January 22, 1919 none Husband
53 11190 Holley DeLancey F. White 46 American November 12, 1908 one Inhuman Treatment Holley Della M. White 42 American October 30, 1917 one Wife
53 13788 Holloway James Lloyd White 23 American February 1, 1923 one Separate Maintenance – Inhuman Treatment Holloway Eleanor Gertrude White 19 American Separate Maintenance no. Wife
53 9578 Holtorf Charles White 30 American September 7, 1910 none Desertion Holtorf Bertha White 20 American March 6, 1913 none Husband
53 14186 Hornstein John White 29 American June 1, 1915 one Cruel & Inhuman Treatment Hornstein Mary White About 44 American September 15, 1924 one Husband
53 9605 Howard Ralph Carl White
American April 5, 1906 none Adultery Howard Della White
American November 18, 1913 none Wife
53 11855 Howard Samuel Ray White 28 American February 23, 1915 none Adultery Howard Margaret White 30 American April 21, 1919 one Husband
53 8204 Hoxie Jacob White 66 American October 7, 1887 none Desertion Hoxie Bridget A. White 65 Irish November 20, 1906 none Wife
53 12230 Huffington Harry White 43 American October 2, 1909 one Desertion Huffington Jessie White 31 American April 26, 1920 none Wife
53 9746 Hughes Thomas J. White 28 American October 1, 1908 none Desertion Hughes Lela V. White 21 American October 8, 1913 none Wife
53 13634 Hunt Albert Andrew White 52 American March 20, 1901 none Desertion Hunt Sadie White 52 American April 11, 1923 one Wife
53 11289 Hunt Lewis Lester White 26 German August 9, 1909 none Cruelty Hunt Alice N. White 27 American September 18, 1917 none Wife
53 13196 Husted John H. White 25 English January 31, 1916 none Cruel & Inhuman Treatment Husted Esther White 23 German May 15, 1922 none Husband

Page Last Updated: Wednesday, 25-Jul-2012 05:28:58 CDT

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