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Pvt. John "Jack" Petrow, of Company E, 133rd infantry, 34th Division, U. S. national guard, stationed at Camp Claiborne, La., doubtless is undergoing similar experiences of "Private Plink,” the hero of the cartoon which is published daily in the Freeman-Journal. “Plink” Petrow’s articles will be carried at various times in which he will tell of experiences with Company E while in camp. |
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Source: Daily Freeman Journal, Webster City, Iowa, August 8, 1941 |
It’s Corporal Petrow Thursday, July 31—Got up early this morning and packed all of our stuff in preparation for the alert. Boy and were out tents bare. Not a thing left. We packed all of our stuff in barracks bags and stored them in our tents. We were all ready about 10 o’clock, but we didn’t leave until about 1:30. That’s the army for you, hurry up and wait around. Well we finally left and marched up to the motor pool and waited there for a couple of hours and came back. That’s another dry run for you. Rumor has it that 151st engineers are leaving for Alaska. The lucky stiffs! Friday, Aug. 1—By rights this should be the day the eagle screams, but they’ve changed it to the 4th of the month. I don’t know why. We got the rest of the afternoon off. So we laid around and cleaned up our stuff. We’re going out on our maneuvers Monday, for the rest of the week, then we take off for six weeks. Man, man, what a deal. Today the cookies started coming in and I mean coming in. Shel got a big box and it took us exactly 38 seconds to finish them. I timed them. I believe every boy in camp got a box. I know I got a swell one from Mrs. J. M. Harvey, and I mean they were good. Wrote some letters and hit the bunk. Saturday, Aug. 2—Boy did I get it today. C. Q., or in other words charge of quarters. Sunday I’m on guard. I believe 1st Sgt. Mahoney and I are going to have a heart to heart talk. I can dream can’t I. Inspection today and after that not much doing. Company E won the second round of the regiment softball tournament by beating Company H 6-0. Not bad. Went to the big dance tonight and it was a lulu. Danced with the colonel’s daughter, if that’s what you could call dancing. It was a tag dance and I took six steps and some sergeant cut in. I didn’t say anything because I didn’t care and besides he was bigger than me. Got to bed late. Sunday, Aug. 3—Oh, me, a weekend of detail. C. Q. yesterday and guard today. This is division guard and not regiment guard. I have 12 men to post instead of the usual 3, and was it hot. I got the old “death watch” from 2 to 6 and I mean it’s lonely. Oh, well, I shouldn’t get this again for another three months. I hope not anyhow. Monday, Aug. 4—Got off guard at 2 o’clock and found out the rest of the company had left on maneuvers. I felt pretty good until I found out that I had to go too. Boy what have I done to deserve this punishment? We’ll be out there until Saturday, then Monday morning early we are leaving for six weeks. Oh, oh, I’m not happy. Well it could be worse. A lot worse. So I guess that’s all for a while. “Hiya Bill.” Corporal Petrow |
Source: Daily Freeman Journal, Webster City, Iowa, August 12, 1941 |
Source: Daily Freeman Journal, Webster City, Iowa, August 15, 1941 |
In the Field With Petrow
Source: Daily Freeman Journal, Webster City, Iowa, August 20, 1941 |
Has Trouble Getting Washing Dried While Out on Maneuvers. Aug. 13—Well we’re all set up and I guess I will take it easy the rest of the maneuver. We’re going to do just like we did back at camp. Go out on small problems. We’ve really got a nice area here. Went swimming this afternoon. Swell place too. I guess we’ll be in this area for a few days. We all did some washing today. You should see some of these boys on their knees scrubbing clothes in the river. Good for a laugh. Aug. 14—Back out on the field again. We surrounded a farm house and captured it. A lot of fun. Sergeant Baker and Corporal Shelton and I sat along the highway and watched a battalion of light tanks roll by. Boy what a sight. There was about 100 of them and they really move. Some cavalry came in too. There’s going to be a half a million men in this six weeks maneuver. Some of the boys are unhappy. We just got the word that the draft bill was passed. Aug. 15—Another problem this morning. Pretty hot today though. This afternoon the word came down to get ready to move out and I just got through washing my clothes, but I packed them anyhow. Got already to go then we were told we had to stay until after supper. There I was all packed. Boy I wouldn’t unload them. We pulled out about 8 o’clock and arrived at our new area about 11 miles from Texas. Very nice place. Corporal Petrow
Source: Daily Freeman Journal, Webster City, Iowa, August 22, 1941 |
In the Field With Corporal Petrow
Source: Daily Freeman Journal, Webster City, Iowa, August 25, 1941 |
Somewhere in Louisiana With Petrow
Source: Daily Freeman Journal, Webster City, Iowa, August 26, 1941 |
Somewhere in Louisiana With Petrow
Source: Daily Freeman Journal, Webster City, Iowa, August 29, 1941 |
Somewhere in Louisiana With Petrow
Source: Daily Freeman Journal, Webster City, Iowa, September 2, 1941 |
Corp. Jack Petrow writes again of experiences of Company E members, national guard, who are out on maneuvers “somewhere in Louisiana.”
Source: Daily Freeman Journal, Webster City, Iowa, Sept. 4, 1941 |
Somewhere in Louisiana With Petrow Corp. Jack Petrow writes again of experiences of Company E members, national guard, who are out on maneuvers “somewhere in Louisiana.” Ash Caught Short We got in our new area about 2 o’clock in the morning. Not a bad place. About five miles from Leesville. Slept late for a change. About 10:30. We had a gas attack and Private Ash had just taken a big chew of tobacco. He had to keep his gas mask on for ten minutes, too. He didn’t look so good after he took it off. Kind of blue around the gills. Stayed here the rest of the day. Not much doing. Wednesday, Aug. 27—Pulled out last night about 9:30. Rode for about 45 miles. Then we slept for about two hours and ate breakfast and took off on foot. It was still dark and we walked for about six miles. We were supposed to contact the enemy, but at 8:30 we were still walking and still no enemy. Then the war was over. All that walk and no enemy. We waited around until noon, then they took us to our new area where we pitched tents. Thursday, Aug. 28—They came around last night or rather this morning about 2:30 and woke us up; told us to get ready to move. We rolled our packs half asleep and got ready. Then we waited for a while; quite a while. In fact we haven’t left yet. Waited around all day playing cards and sleeping. Went down to the creek and had a nice swim. Also did our washing—and did it need it! We’ll probably pull out tonight as a bunch of trucks just pulled in. I hope so. Corporal Petrow
Source: Daily Freeman Journal, Webster City, Iowa, Sept. 6, 1941 |
Somewhere in Louisiana With Petrow Corp. Jack Petrow writes again of experiences of Company E members, national guard, who are out on maneuvers “somewhere in Louisiana.” No Trees Friday, Aug. 29—We pulled into our new area about 10:30 p. m. last night and what a place. Not a tree in sight. Miles and miles of trees in Louisiana and we were given a tract without a shrub! We were awakened about 5 o’clock this morning by the sun. The only shade we got was from the grass and it was only ankle deep. Now we know where that saying “crazy with the heat” came from. About noon we moved to a new area, on foot of course. Hot and dusty, but it was worth it. Went swimming. Swell place. Showers and everything. Finally See a Show Saturday, Aug. 30—This morning we had inspection, mess gear, ordnance and all kinds of stuff like that thar. Some of the boys caught some fish. Private Kephart caught some nice ones. This afternoon Corporals Meyer, Lovelace and myself went to town. Saw the show. A rootin’ tootin’ western, but it was a show. The other feature I think was directed by D. W. Griffiths. It really stunk, but we liked it. We also bought a malted milk that was almost as good as the one W. C. Fastenow puts out. I said almost. New Officer Sunday, Aug. 31—Went to church this morning early. We have a new lieutenant with us. He’s Second Lieutenant Walter Ecco from Wichita, Kan. He was a reserve officer before he came to Co. E and he’s a really a nice fellow, too. Another treat! Today the eagle screamed again, it’s pay day. Or rather it is exchange day. I exchanged my money for what I owe. Rained a little today. Nice. Cooled things off. Now Are Blues Monday, Sept. 1—Went out to the field today. We’re having a C.P.X. the rest of the week. C.P. X. meaning command post exercise. That’s where the captains all got out and go through the next maneuver which starts the 6th. We’ve been Reds for three weeks, but now we’re the Blues. Rained some today. I’ve given the hammock up. It threw me too many times. Corporal Petrow
~Transcriptions done & submitted by Hamilton County Iowa researcher, Pat Juon, July 2016
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