Winneshiek County IAGenWeb St. Aloysius Catholic Cemetery Calmar Iowa Surnames starting with BR to C this page was last updated on Monday, 11 April 2016 |
This cemetery table operates with 4 windows; Winneshiek (site window), WPA (opened when you click on a W to view a WPA data record), GPP (Opened when you click a G to view a IGPP Gravestone photograph)and Obit (opened when you click an O to view an IAGenWeb board obit). Any dates that are in Bold Blue have been calculated based on other available information. Also note that the GPP comment fields use the same four windows. The first column contains a camera icon if any O , G or cemetery records for this person includes a photo.
UNK-A | _B_ | C-E | _F_ | _G_ | _H_ | I-J | _K_ | _L_ | _M_ | N-Q | _R_ | _S_ | T-V | W-Z |
Surnames Starting With: | BA | BR |
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Photo | Sec | W | G | O | Surnames starting with BR | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
A | G | O | Brincks, Herman J. | Mar. 29, 1885 | Feb., 1945 | Married Pauline Weber Jan. 1, 1908 | ||
A | G | Brincks, Paulina | 1884 | 1977 | ||||
A | G | Broderick, Anna S. (Valenta) | 1893 | 1941 | Mother w/o Edward P. Broderick Adjacent stone to: Rosalia S. Valenta | |||
A | W | G | Broghamer, Anna T. | 1872 | 1934 | Grouped With 4 other graves: William Family Stone Broghamer, William Broghamer, J. Edward Broghamer and Clarice M. Broghamer | ||
A | G | Broghamer, Clarice M. | 1902 | 1926 | Grouped With 4 other graves: William Family Stone Broghamer, William Broghamer, Anna T. Broghamer and J. Edward Broghamer | |||
A | W | G | Broghamer, J. Edward | 1900 | 1926 | Grouped With 4 other graves: William Family Stone Broghamer, William Broghamer, Anna T. Broghamer and Clarice M. Broghamer | ||
A | W | G | Broghamer, William | 1871 | 1936 | Grouped With 4 other graves: William Family Stone Broghamer, Anna T. Broghamer, J. Edward Broghamer and Clarice M. Broghamer | ||
A | G | Broghamer, William Family Stone | Grouped With 4 other graves: William Broghamer, Anna T. Broghamer, J. Edward Broghamer and Clarice M. Broghamer | |||||
A | G | Broihier, Eugene Conrad | June 01, 1881 | July 1974 | Married Josephine A. Rothmeyer on February 20, 1906 & son of Joseph J. Broihier & Julia Laura (Herbst) Broihier | |||
A | G | Broihier, Eugene Joseph | Jan. 06, 1907 | May 19, 1986 | LTJG US Navy WWII Husband of Laura “Loretta” R. Shimek & son of Eugene Conrad Broihier & Josephine A. (Rothmeyer) Broihier | |||
A | G | Broihier, Josephine A. (Rothmeyer) | July 21, 1886 | June 1964 | Married Eugene Conrad Boihier on February 20, 1906 & daughter of John Rothmeyer & Mary (Hankin) Rothmeyer | |||
A | G | Broihier, Loretta R. (Shimek) | Dec. 20, 1907 | Nov. 14, 1994 | Wife of Eugene Joseph Broihier & daughter of Frank Shimek & Anna M. (Luzum) Shimek | |||
B | G | O | Brom, Clarence Henry | Dec. 13, 1919 | Oct. 20, 1999 | married Delores Balik July 22, 1947 Grouped With 4 other graves: Harriet H. Brom, George J. Brom, Daniel Brom and Dolores M. (Balik) Brom | ||
B | G | Brom, Daniel | 1953 | 1976 | Grouped With 4 other graves: Harriet H. Brom, George J. Brom, Dolores M. (Balik) Brom and Clarence Brom | |||
B | G | O | Brom, Dolores M. (Balik) | Oct. 18, 1924 | Feb. 5, 2001 | married Clarence Brom July 22, 1947 Grouped With 4 other graves: Harriet H. Brom, George J. Brom, Daniel Brom and Clarence Brom | ||
B | G | Brom, Eleanora M. | 1891 | 1983 | Grouped With 3 other graves: Joseph J. Brom, Walter W. Brom and Leo F. Brom | |||
B | G | Brom, George J. | Nov. 20, 1912 | Mar. 23, 1980 | h/o Harriet H. Brom Tec4 US Army WW II4 p/o Stephen G. Grouped With 4 other graves: Harriet H. Brom, Daniel Brom, Dolores Brom and Clarence Brom | |||
B | G | Brom, Harriet H. | 1916 | 2002 | w/o George J. Brom p/o Stephen G. Grouped With 4 other graves: George J. Brom, Daniel Brom, Dolores Brom and Clarence Brom | |||
B | G | Brom, John | 1873 | 1942 | ||||
B | G | Brom, Joseph J. | 1883 | 1959 | Grouped With 3 other graves: Eleanora M. Brom, Walter W. Brom and Leo F. Brom | |||
B | G | Brom, Leo F. | Mar. 14, 1917 | Aug. 9, 1942 | Iowa CQM US Navy WW II PH Grouped With 3 other graves: Eleanora M. Brom, Joseph J. Brom and Walter W. Brom | |||
B | G | Brom, Walter W. | Dec. 10, 1914 | Feb. 18, 1942 | Iowa SM1 US Navy WW II Grouped With 3 other graves: Eleanora M. Brom, Joseph J. Brom and Leo F. Brom | |||
A | G | O | Brueckner, George W. | 1908 | Dec., 1989 | |||
A | G | Brueckner, Helen M. | 1913 | 1985 | ||||
B | G | Bruening, Albert H. | 1906 | 1990 | ||||
A | G | Bruening, Aloysius J | Nov. 4, 1904 | Aug. 7, 1966 | Iowa Pfc 229 Mil Police Co WW II | |||
O | Bruening, Anna (Hemmer) | July 21, 1873 | Sept., 1944 | Married John Bruening Oct. 19, 1897 | ||||
A | G | Bruening, Clara H. | 1909 | 1932 | Grouped With 3 other graves: Mary Bruening, Henry Bruening and Elizabeth C. Bruening | |||
B | G | Bruening, Donald G. | 1935 | 2012 | Grouped With 2 other graves: Theresa T. Bruening and Edward Bruening | |||
B | G | Bruening, Edward | 1902 | 1991 | Grouped With 2 other graves: Donald G. Bruening and Theresa T. Bruening | |||
A | G | Bruening, Elizabeth C. | 1900 | 1901 | Grouped With 3 other graves: Mary Bruening, Henry Bruening and Clara H. Bruening | |||
B | G | Bruening, Elizabeth M. | 1907 | 1996 | ||||
B | G | Bruening, Francis | 1925 | 1925 | ||||
B | G | Bruening, Francis Marrie | June 29, 1906 | Dec. 8, 1907 | Our Darling | |||
A | G | Bruening, Henry | 1872 | 1940 | Father h/o Mary Bruening Grouped With 3 other graves: Mary Bruening, Clara H. Bruening and Elizabeth C. Bruening | |||
B | G | Bruening, Infant | Apr. 23, 1909 | Apr. 23, 1909 | d/o John & Anna Bruening | |||
A | W | G | Bruening, John | 1816 | 1880 | Aged 64 Ys | ||
A | G | Bruening, Mary | 1872 | 1944 | Mother w/o Henry Bruening Grouped With 3 other graves: Henry Bruening, Clara H. Bruening and Elizabeth C. Bruening | |||
A | G | Bruening, Regina | 1903 | 2002 | ||||
B | G | Bruening, Theresa T. | 1906 | 1993 | Grouped With 2 other graves: Donald G. Bruening and Edward Bruening | |||
W | Bruning, Christine | 1840 | 1859 | |||||
![]() | B | G | O | Bucheit, Adrian Philip | Aug. 27, 1921 | Feb. 1, 2005 | h/o Mary LaVon (Kaveny) Bucheit Sgt US Army WW II Married: May 28, 1946 p/o Ramona & Philip | |
![]() | B | G | O | Bucheit, Evelyn Elizabeth (Slebiska) | Dec. 28, 1911 | July 29, 2010 | married George John Bucheit on November 18, 1930 p/o George Jr., Floyd & Julia Ann | |
![]() | B | G | Bucheit, George J. | 1906 | 1967 | h/o Evelyn Elizabeth (Slebiska) Bucheit p/o George Jr., Floyd & Julia Ann | ||
![]() | B | G | O | Bucheit, Gerald | June 14, 1920 | July 29, 2012 | h/o Mary (Huber) Bucheit Married: Oct. 14, 1942 p/o Robert, Janet, William, Thomas & Sue | |
A | G | Bucheit, Julia | 1872 | 1930 | ||||
![]() | B | G | O | Bucheit, LaVon (Kaveny) | Jan. 16, 1924 | Dec. 8, 2011 | w/o Adrian Phillip Bucheit Married: May 28, 1946 p/o Ramona & Philip | |
B | G | Bucheit, Mary (Huber) | Feb. 22, 1922 | Dec. 19, 1990 | w/o Gerald Bucheit Married: Oct. 14, 1942 p/o Robert, Janet, William, Thomas & Sue | |||
![]() | O | Bucheit, Mary LaVon (Kaveny) | Jan. 16, 1924 | Dec. 8, 2011 | married Adrian Bucheit May 28, 1946 | |||
A | G | Bucheit, Philip | 1868 | 1948 | ||||
B | G | Bucheit, William | Feb. 11, 1946 | Apr. 18, 1990 | ||||
B | G | Buchheit, Henry J. | 1905 | 1982 | Brother | |||
B | G | Buchheit, Margaret M. | 1910 | 1983 | Sister | |||
A | G | Bullerman, Amelia | 1883 | 1977 | Mother w/o Herman Bullerman | |||
B | G | Bullerman, Catherine | 1889 | 1960 | Mother w/o Joseph Bullerman | |||
A | G | O | Bullerman, Herman Sr. | 1872 | Jan., 1950 | Father h/o Amelia Bullerman | ||
![]() | O | Bullerman, Irma (Schmitt) | May 19, 1924 | June 22, 2014 | w/o Leonard Bullerman | |||
B | G | Bullerman, Joseph | 1877 | 1958 | Father h/o Catherine Bullerman | |||
![]() | A | G | O | Bullerman, Josephine Catherine (Zweibohmer) | June 16, 1914 | Dec. 23, 2009 | w/o Raymond H. Bullerman Married: June 17, 1935 p/o Norbert & Audrey | |
![]() | B | G | O | Bullerman, Leonard William | Apr. 27, 1917 | Feb. 21, 2009 | Purple Heart & OLC h/o Irma (Schmitt) Bullerman Sgt US Army WW II Co A 805th TD BN Married: June 3, 1946 p/o Vernelle, Ken, Judy, Ron, Joe, Dan & Sue | |
![]() | A | G | O | Bullerman, Raymond H. | May 17, 1910 | Oct. 15, 2005 | h/o Josephine Catherine (Zweibohmer) Bullerman Married: June 17, 1935 p/o Norbert & Audrey | |
A | G | Bullerman, Thecla C. | 1913 | 2004 | w/o Hugo C. Thuente p/o Anna Mae, Stella & Dean Grouped With 2 other graves: Dean J. Thuente and Hugo C. Thuente | |||
![]() | B | G | O | Bullerman, Vincent B. | Sept. 19, 1920 | Sept. 16, 1998 | VII Jesus Falls the Second Time h/o Leona T. (Winter) Bullerman Married: June 11, 1946 p/o Leon, Eileen, Marlene & Janice | |
B | G | Busch, Anna | 1852 | 1939 | 1 of 5 graves grouped near the Herman Busch Family Stone | |||
B | G | Busch, Carrie M. | 1883 | 1976 | ||||
B | G | Busch, Catherine | 1886 | 1970 | 1 of 5 graves grouped near the Herman Busch Family Stone | |||
B | G | Busch, Cletus | 1910 | 1988 | ||||
B | G | Busch, Elizabeth | 1882 | 1973 | 1 of 5 graves grouped near the Herman Busch Family Stone | |||
B | W | G | Busch, Herman | 1840 | 1925 | 1 of 5 graves grouped near the Herman Busch Family Stone | ||
B | G | Busch, Herman Family Stone | 5 graves are grouped near the Herman Busch Family Stone they are: Elizabeth, Joseph, Anna, Herman and Catherine | |||||
B | G | Busch, Herman J. | 1876 | 1941 | ||||
B | W | G | Busch, Joseph | 1890 | 1929 | 1 of 5 graves grouped near the Herman Busch Family Stone | ||
A | G | Butterweck, Henry | 1874 | 1963 | ||||
A | G | Butterweck, Nellie (Michener) | 1885 | 1948 | ||||
Photo | Sec | W | G | O | Surnames starting with C | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
UNK-A | _B_ | C-E | _F_ | _G_ | _H_ | I-J | _K_ | _L_ | _M_ | N-Q | _R_ | _S_ | T-V | W-Z |
Surnames Starting With: | BA | BR |
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