Winneshiek County IAGenWeb Hesper Public Cemetery Surnames starting with R and S this page was last updated on Friday, 25 October 2013 |
Surnames Starting With: | A-B | C-D | E-G | H-I | J-L | M | N-Q | R-S | T-Z | Cemetery Entrance |
W | G | O | Surnames Starting with R | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
G | Randall, Cecil D. | 1899 | 1987 | 1 of 4 graves grouped near the John Darrington Family Stone | ||
G | O | Reid, David | 1824 | 1901 | h/o Fanny (Robinson) Grouped with 2 other Reid Graves: Sister and Fanny | |
G | Reid, Fanny | 1826 | 1883 | Grouped with 2 other Reid Graves: David and Sister | ||
W | G | Reid, Jessie A. | 1859 | 1923 | Grouped with 2 other Reid Graves: Robinson and John C. | |
W | G | O | Reid, John C. | 1863 | Apr. , 1931 | Grouped with 2 other Reid Graves: Robinson and Jessie A. |
W | G | Reid, Robinson | 1856 | 1926 | Grouped with 2 other Reid Graves: John C. and Jessie A. | |
G | Reid, Sister | 1859 | 1868 | Grouped with 2 other Reid Graves: David and Fanny | ||
G | Richert, Cora | Nov. 17, 1869 | Jan. 20, 1951 | 1 of 4 graves grouped near the John Richert Family Stone | ||
G | Richert, John | Jan. 8, 1864 | June 26, 1950 | 1 of 4 graves grouped near the John Richert Family Stone | ||
G | Richert, John Family Stone | 4 graves are grouped around the John Richert Family Stone they are: Cora Richert, John Richert, Vernice Richert and Lloyd | ||||
G | Richert, Lloyd | May 1, 1896 | Aug. 13, 1950 | 1 of 4 graves grouped near the John Richert Family Stone | ||
G | O | Richert, Vernice (Darrington) | Feb. 19, 1899 | Aug. 31, 1996 | w/o Lloyd Richert 1 of 4 graves grouped near the John Richert Family Stone | |
G | Robinson, Amos | 1861 | 1943 | |||
G | Robinson, Bessie May | May 9, 1872 | Aug 28, 1872 | d/o Wm. & Janett s/s Janett Robinson 1 of 5 graves grouped near the William and Mrs. Wm Robinson Stone | ||
G | Robinson, Janett | June 27, 1837 | Dec 2, 1875 | w/o Wm Robinson s/s Bessie May Robinson 1 of 5 graves grouped near the William and Mrs. Wm Robinson Stone | ||
G | Robinson, John | June 27, 1870 | Apr 9, 1890 | s/o James & June Robinson 1 of 5 graves grouped near the William and Mrs. Wm Robinson Stone | ||
G | O | Robinson, Laura A. (Burt) | june 16, 1870 | Sept. , 1955 | w/o Amos Robinson | |
W | G | Robinson, Mrs. Wm | 1839 | 1903 | w/o William Robinson 1 of 5 graves grouped near the William and Mrs. Wm Robinson Stone | |
G | O | Robinson, Ralph P. | Aug. 21, 1891 | Oct. 17, 1956 | h/o Sidney (Barnhart) Minnesota Sgt 26 Machine Gun Bn WW I | |
G | O | Robinson, Sidney (Barnhart) | July 3, 1890 | July 29, 1971 | w/o R. Percy Robinson Adjacent stone to: Ralph P. Robinson | |
W | G | Robinson, William | June 22, 1823 | Jan. 14, 1899 | h/o Janett & Mrs. Wm 5 graves are grouped around the William and Mrs. Wm Robinson Stone they are: William, Mrs. Wm, John, Bessie May and Janett | |
G | Rowe, Charlotte L. | Feb 4, 1833 | Jan 27, 1910 | w/o Benjamin Joseph Tabo[e]r 1 of 7 graves grouped near the Benjamin Joseph TaberStone | ||
Rowe, Hattie E. | (1861/1862) | Dec 3, 1863 | Aged 1 Yr 2 Ds d/o C.W. & L.K. Rowe | |||
G | Rowe, Herbert C. | 1865 | 1954 | |||
W | G | Rowe, Mahala E. | Sep. 11, 1842 | Mar 22, 1871 | Aged 28 Ys 6 Ms 11 Ds w/o Wolcot N. Gilmore d/o Wm H. & M. G. Rowe 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Walcot N. and Lucy Gilmore Stone | |
W | G | Rowe, Mary G. | Aug. 6, 1813 | Oct. 4, 1895 | 1 of 8 graves grouped near the W. H. Rowe Stone | |
G | Rowe, Melvina L. | 1865 | 1944 | |||
G | Rowe, Sarah M. | 1840 | 1873 | w/o Vernon Taylor Beebe There is a second marker for: Sarah M. Beebe | ||
W | G | Rowe, W. H. | June 1, 1806 | June 11, 187(0/9) | 8 graves are grouped around the W. H. Rowe Stone they are: W. H., Mary G., Walcot N. Gilmore, Lucy Gilmore, Jared E. Gilmore, Mahala E. (Rowe) Gilmore, Mahlon E. Gilmore and Little Rose Gilmore | |
W | G | Rust, Lucy A. | 1859 | 1920 | 1 of 5 graves grouped near the John Pike Stone | |
G | Ruwe, Glada | Oct. 5, 1912 | Nov. 20, 1913 | Our Darling d/o Mr. & Mrs. G. C. Rume | ||
W | G | O | Surnames Starting with S | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
G | O | Sagsvold, Lena | Jan. 26, 1876 | Jan. , 1965 | w/o Walter Darrington Grouped with 2 other Darrington Graves: Walter J. and Clifford D. Darrington | |
G | Sayre, Dawn K. | 1923 | 2007 | m/o Kathleen, Ellen & Donna | ||
G | Sayre, Roswell A. | 1924 | 2005 | |||
W | G | Seelye, Asa S. | Pvt Co B 19 Wis Inf Civil War | |||
W | G | Seelye, Augusta C. | 1846 | 1916 | 1 of 4 graves grouped near the Martha Seelye Family Stone | |
Seelye, George H. | 1874 | 1885 | ||||
W | G | Seelye, Justus | 1827 | 1902 | 1 of 4 graves grouped near the Martha Seelye Family Stone | |
W | G | Seelye, Martha | May 27, 1799 | Jan. 27, 1867 | Aged 67 Ys 8 Ms 1 of 4 graves grouped near the Martha Seelye Family Stone | |
G | Seelye, Martha Family Stone | 4 graves are grouped around the Martha Seelye Family Stone they are: Minnie Viola, Augusta C., Justus and Martha | ||||
G | Seelye, Minnie Viola | June 24, 1874 | June 24, 1936 | 1 of 4 graves grouped near the Martha Seelye Family Stone | ||
G | Selby-Hele, Edith Margaret | Aug 17, 1883 | Mar 21, 1891 | Adjacent stone to: Edith Margaret Selby-Hele | ||
W | G | Selby-Hele, Margaret | 1850/1851 | June 5, 1882 | Aged 31 Ys Native of Wallingford, England | |
G | Sellman, Arthur Lawrence | July 8, 1908 | July 8, 1908 | |||
G | Sellman, Harland Edmund | Oct. 9, 1911 | Oct. 9, 1911 | |||
W | Selnes, John T. | 1838 | 1904 | |||
G | Shay, Cora (Halsey) | 1893 | 1975 | |||
G | Sherburne, Ethel | 1904 | 1985 | |||
G | Sherwood, Bella | 1864? | June 22, 1872? | Aged 8 Ys 4 Ms Grouped with 2 other Sherwood Graves: M?u?e and Myrtle | ||
W | G | Sherwood, D. A. | Co. F 10 minn Inf Civil war | |||
G | Sherwood, Eliza A. (Fulton) | July 31, 1864 | 1890 | Aged 25 Ys 4 Ms w/o E. Sherwood d/o A.B. Fulton s/s Mary E. (Fulton) Sherwood | ||
G | Sherwood, M?u?e | Feb 25, 18? | Aged 3 Ys 5 Ms 17 Ds c/o E. D. & Mary Sherwood Grouped with 2 other Sherwood Graves: Bella and Myrtle | |||
G | Sherwood, Mary E. (Fulton) | 1862/1863 | Dec. 12, 1891 | Aged 28 Ys w/o E. Sherwood s/s Eliza A. (Fulton) Sherwood | ||
G | Sherwood, Myrtle | Jan 29, 1888 | Oct 4, 1888 | Aged 8 Ms 6 Ds c/o E. D. & Mary Sherwood Grouped with 2 other Sherwood Graves: M?u?e and Bella | ||
W | G | Sinclair, Arthur | Oct 9, 1879 | Mar 20, 1899 | 1 of 7 graves grouped near the Wallace Sinclair Family Stone | |
G | Sinclair, Arthur Large Stone | |||||
G | Sinclair, Huldah L. | 1900 | 1901 | 1 of 7 graves grouped near the Wallace Sinclair Family Stone | ||
G | Sinclair, Irvin | 1905 | 1905 | 1 of 7 graves grouped near the Wallace Sinclair Family Stone | ||
W | G | Sinclair, Johnnie W. | 1894 | 1918 | Pvt. Co A 119 Inf 1 of 7 graves grouped near the Wallace Sinclair Family Stone | |
W | G | Sinclair, Minnie | 1869 | 1919 | 1 of 7 graves grouped near the Wallace Sinclair Family Stone | |
G | Sinclair, Ralph L. | 1904 | 1907 | 1 of 7 graves grouped near the Wallace Sinclair Family Stone | ||
W | G | Sinclair, Wallace | 1864 | 1920 | Father 1 of 7 graves grouped near the Wallace Sinclair Family Stone | |
G | Sinclair, Wallace Family Stone | 7 graves are grouped around the Wallace Sinclair Family Stone they are: Wallace, Johnnie W., Ralph L., Huldah L., Irvin, Minnie and Arthur | ||||
W | G | Sinclair, Walter | May 30, 1865 | May 14, 1885 | Aged 19 Ys 11 Ms 14 ds Grouped with 2 other Sinclair Graves: William and William | |
W | G | Sinclair, William | Dec 11, 1834 | Oct 23, 1891 | Aged 56 Ys 10 Ms 12 Ds Grouped with 2 other Sinclair Graves: Walter and William | |
W | G | Sinclair, William Jr. | June 25, 1862 | Oct. 9, 1898 | Grouped with 2 other Sinclair Graves: William and Walter | |
G | Smith, Albert W. | Sep 24, 1873 | s/o W.A. & I.S. | |||
G | Smith, Amy M. | 1881 | 1939 | 1 of 3 graves grouped near the Robert W. Smith Family Stone | ||
W | G | Smith, Anna J. | 1878 | 1922 | 1 of 3 graves grouped near the Robert W. Smith Family Stone | |
G | Smith, Charles A. | 1881 | 1956 | |||
G | Smith, Frank D. | 1880 | 1947 | Grouped with 3 other Smith Graves: Walter A., Samantha and Hannah J. | ||
G | Smith, Hannah J. | 1885 | 1951 | Grouped with 3 other Smith Graves: Samantha Frank D. and Walter A. | ||
Smith, I.S. | Dec 10, 1812 | May 16, 1861 | ||||
G | Smith, Josie L. | 1882 | 1956 | |||
G | Smith, Robert W. | 1876 | 1952 | 1 of 3 graves grouped near the Robert W. Smith Family Stone | ||
G | Smith, Robert W. Family Stone | 3 graves are grouped around the Robert W. Smith Family Stone they are: Anna J., Robert W. and Amy M. | ||||
W | G | Smith, Samantha | May 17, 1840 | May 22, 1925 | Grouped with 3 other Smith Graves: Frank D., Hannah J. and Walter A. | |
W | Smith, W. A. | Apr. 2, 1810 | June 7, 1898 | |||
W | G | Smith, Walter A. | Oct 29, 1833 | May 13, 1897 | Grouped with 3 other Smith Graves: Frank D., Hannah J. and Samantha | |
G | Sorenson, Raymond E. | Mar. 27, 1924 | Nov. 22, 2007 | h/o Betty J. Married: Jan. 15, 1949 p/o Linda, June, Wayne & Diane | ||
G | Stevens, John H. | 1921 | 2003 | h/o Cornelia C. p/o Lawrence and Kay | ||
G | Stevens, Lawrence | 1952 | 1997 | |||
W | G | Steward, Cecil C. | Feb. 8, 1853 | June 9, 1888 | Grouped with 2 other Steward Graves: Johnie Ralph Stewart and Hattie R. Stewart | |
W | G | Steward, Dillwin J. | Oct. 17, 1858 | Sept. 30, 1877 | Aged 18 Ys 11 Ms 13 Ds | |
G | Stewart, Hattie R. | 1861 | 1950 | Grouped with 2 other Steward Graves: Cecil C. and Johnie Ralph Stewart | ||
G | Stewart, Johnie Ralph | July 17, 1883 | Nov 21, 1883 | Grouped with 2 other Steward Graves: Cecil C. and Hattie R. Stewart | ||
G | Stockman, Rose Marie | Sept. 16, 1925 | Dec. 3, 1987 | |||
W | Strayer, Mary | Jul 3, 1886 | Mar 29, 1916 | |||
G | Street, Albert B. | 1879 | 1879 | s/o Bailey & Mary J. (Purcell) Street | ||
Street, Alisa | ||||||
G | Street, Avis E. (Hawks) | 1901 | 1992 | w/o Granville Osborne Street Grouped with 3 other Street Graves: Paul M., Granville C. and Granville O. | ||
W | G![]() | O | Street, Bailey G. | Aug. 29, 1844 | Jan 15, 1917 | h/o Mary J. (Purcell) |
G | O | Street, Byron John | July 17, 1917 | Mar. 13, 1919 | s/o Oscar and Minnie White Street 1 of 4 graves grouped near the Oscar Leroy Street Stone | |
G | O | Street, Claire Edwin | Dec. 17, 1923 | Feb. 7, 1979 | h/o Julia Ann (Carter) 1 of 5 graves grouped near the Julia Ann and Claire Edwin Street Stone | |
G | O | Street, Connie (Alexander) | Oct. 9, 1947 | Oct. 25, 2010 | w/o Douglas Dobert & Keith Street 1 of 5 graves grouped near the Julia Ann and Claire Edwin Street Stone | |
W | G![]() | Street, Elizabeth (Clark) | Apr 25, 1813 | Jan 1, 1898 | w/o Aaron Street, Jr. | |
G | O | Street, Elizabeth (Gerst) | Dec. 22, 1935 | June 20, 1986 | w/o Keith Street Cremains interred Oakland Cemetery, Iowa City, IA 1 of 5 graves grouped near the Julia Ann and Claire Edwin Street Stone | |
G | Street, George | 1882 | 1886 | s/o Bailey & Mary Street | ||
G | Street, Granville Charles | July 22, 1957 | July 22, 1957 | s/o Paul Monroe and Bertha Lou (Pidgeon) Street. Grouped with 3 other Street Graves: Granville O. Paul M. and Avis E. | ||
G | O | Street, Granville Osborne | July 7, 1900 | Dec 30, 1975 | h/o Avis (Hawks) Grouped with 3 other Street Graves: Paul M., Granville C. and Avis E. | |
G | Street, Guilford Bartlett | Sept. 21, 1898 | Oct. 7, 1979 | h/o Iva Lucille (Quaintance) | ||
G | Street, Harold L. | May 12, 1943 | June 19, 1994 | h/o Marcia L. Married: June 20, 1970 | ||
G | Street, Iva Lucille (Quaintance) | 1899 | 1969 | w/o Guilford Bartlett Street | ||
G | O | Street, Julia Ann (Carter) | Aug. 31, 1940 | Feb. 7, 1979 | w/o Edwin Claire Street 5 graves are grouped around the Julia Ann and Claire Edwin Street Stone they are: Julia Ann, Claire Edwin, Elizabeth (Gerst), Keith and Connie (Alexander) | |
G | O | Street, Keith | June 16, 1927 | Dec. 13, 2006 | h/o Elizabeth (Gerst) & Connie (Alexander) 1 of 5 graves grouped near the Julia Ann and Claire Edwin Street Stone | |
Street, Laura | ||||||
G | O | Street, Leroy Oscar | Apr. 22, 1912 | Apr. ,1967 | h/o Lueda (Brenna) | |
G | O | Street, Lueda K. (Brenna) | Nov. 17, 1911 | May 5, 2003 | w/o Oscar Leroy Street | |
W | G![]() | Street, Mary J. (Purcell) | 1844 | 1911 | w/o Bailey G. Street | |
W | G![]() | Street, Mary S. | 1839 | 1925 | w/o Bennett W. Haines s/o Bailey Street 1 of 2 graves adjacent to the Bennett W. Haines Family Stone | |
W | G![]() | O | Street, Oscar Leroy | Oct 16, 1871 | Jan. 14, 1924 | h/o Minnie (White) s/o Bailey & Mary (Purcell) Street 4 graves are grouped around the Oscar Leroy Street Stone they are: Oscar Leroy , Waldemar Oscar Bielski, Minnie Street (White) Bielski and Byron John |
G | O | Street, Paul Monroe | July 5, 1932 | 1957 | h/o Bertha Lou (Pidgeon) s/o Granville & Avis (Hawks) Street Grouped with 3 other Street Graves: Avis E., Granville O. and Granville C. | |
Street, Sheilah | ||||||
W | G | Strong, Robt. M. | Sep 29, 1830 | May 14, 1891 | Born in Helensberg Scotland | |
W | G | Stroud, Allen M. | Sept. 24, 1851 | Nov. 5, 1927 | 1 of 2 graves adjacent to the Allen M. Stroud Family Stone | |
G | Stroud, Allen M. Family Stone | 2 graves are adjacent to the Allen M. Stroud Family Stone they are: Jane M and Allen M. | ||||
G | Stroud, Elva | June 28, 1869 | Jan. 27, 1902 | w/o Ed Bunnell Grouped with 2 other Stroud Graves: Martha and William T. | ||
G | Stroud, Jane M | Sept. 16, 1851 | Mar. 13, 1943 | 1 of 2 graves adjacent to the Allen M. Stroud Family Stone | ||
G | Stroud, John | 1864 | 1952 | |||
G | Stroud, Mahala E. (Beebe) | 1864 | 1923 | |||
W | G | Stroud, Martha | Oct 14, 1842 | Feb 2, 1907 | Grouped with 2 other Stroud Graves: Elva and William T. | |
G | Stroud, Vernon E. | 1895 | 1929 | Son | ||
W | G | Stroud, William T. | Jan 31, 1843 | Feb 19, 1904 | Grouped with 2 other Stroud Graves: Martha and Elva | |
W | G | O | Surnames Starting with T | Birth Date | Death Date | Notes |
Surnames Starting With: | A-B | C-D | E-G | H-I | J-L | M | N-Q | R-S | T-Z | Cemetery Entrance |
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