If one could read between the lines of the records of the elections in Webster county,
one would find many an interesting story. For into these records are woven the realizations
of ambition and the disappointments of failure. The politicians were as crafty in
the early fifties as they are today. The first settlers of the county were men of
strong opinions. They fought for a principle, and what they thought was right, even
more zealously than the present generation. Then, too, it was a time of political
unrest. New ideas were constantly being promulgated. New parties were being formed.
Slavery was already an issue. From the first the citizens of Webster county have
had "a genius for politics." In some of the early years, we find the record of as
many as four elections being held. Webster county and Fort Dodge very early became
noted as a political center. There was considerable politics in the organization
of the county, as there was in the removal of the county seat to Fort Dodge. For
years, John F. Duncombe was the uncrowned head of democracy in Iowa. Opposing Duncombe
was Cyrus C. Carpenter, whom the republican party of the state honored with many
offices. At one time there were so many Federal office holders from Fort Dodge,
that it was referred to by the rest of the state as the home Federal office holders,
and to Fort Dodge the outside looked for political leadership. Under the political
training of Governor Carpenter, Jonathan P. Dolliver reached the United States senate
and almost the presidency. His untimely death placed the political heir of himself
and Governor Carpenter in the senate chamber of the United States. Thus, through
the election of William S. Kenyon twice in succession, was this high office filled
by Fort Dodge citizens.
The first election in Webster county was held by the order of the county judge of
Boone county, Hon. Samuel McCall, April 4. 1853.
The county has gone republican every presidential campaign except in 1912. It is
true that Lincoln lost the county by one vote to George B. McClellan. But this did
not include the soldier vote, which voted solidly for Lincoln. At the first presidential
election held in Webster county, John C. Fremont received a majority of 120 votes
over Buchanan. In 1908, William H. Taft carried the county by 2,199 votes, the largest
majority which a president has received in the
county. Woodrow Wilson, the democratic nominee, carried the county by a plurality
of 100 in 1912.
At the first election for governor held in Webster county, August 7, 1854, James
W. Grimes, the whig candidate, received only twenty-two votes, and Curtis Bates,
the democratic nominee, nearly four times as many, or 104 votes. In 1857, B. M.
Samuels, the democratic candidate, carried the county. Even Samuel J. Kirkwood,
the war governor, failed to carry the county in 1859, the majority going to A. C.
Dodge, a democrat. Again in 1861, Kirkwood lost this county, William H. Merritt,
the democratic and Union candidate, being successful. In 1863, for the first time,
the county went republican on the state ticket. This time William M. Stone, the
republican nominee, carried the county by thirty-five votes. The socialist-union
candidate. Thomas EI. Benton, carried the county in 1865, by a majority of thirty-six.
In 1867, the county again went republican, and Webster county gave Samuel Merrill
a majority of 123 votes. Cyrus C. Carpenter, the nominee on the republican ticket,
carried the county by 366 votes in 1871. At the next election, however, in 1873,
a new party entered politics, called the antimonopoly party. Their candidate, J.
G. Vale, defeated Carpenter in this county by fourteen votes. In T875, Kirkwood
again lost the county, the antimonopoly candidate carrying it by fourteen votes.
Meanwhile, the green- back party had come into existence. In 1877, their candidate,
Daniel P. Stubbs, received a majority over John P. Irish, the democratic nominee,
and John H. Gear, the republican nominee, of 444 votes. But in 1879, the county
gave John H. Gear, the republican candidate, a plurality over the combined forces
of the democratic and greenback parties. Buren R. Sherman, candidate on the republican
ticket, carried the county in 1881 by a majority of 289 votes over the democratic
and greenback nominees. In 1883 he received a majority in the county of 142 votes
over these nominees. However, in 1885, the democratic and greenback parties pooled
their forces and their candidate, Charles Whitney, carried the county by a majority
of seventy-nine over William Larrabee, republican. But in 1887, Larrabee carried
the county by seven votes. At the elections in 1889 and 1891, the county went democratic.
Horace Boies carried the county by a majority of sixty-eight votes, the first time,
and by a majority of 269, the second time over \\'illiam K. Wheeler. In his campaign
for a third term, in 1893, Boies, however, lost the county to the republican candidate,
Frank D. Jackson, who received a majority in the county of 444. In 1895, Francis
M. Drake, republican, carried the county by 508 against the democrat and populist
nominees. Leslie M. Shaw, republican, carried the county in 1897 by a majority of
154, as against the combined forces of democratic, populist, prohibition, national
democrat, and socialist labor parties. This is the first appearance of the prohibition
and socialist labor parties in state politics. The Webster county vote for the former
was 132, and six for the latter. Shaw again carried the county in 1899. At the next
three state elections the county gave Albert B. Cummins, the republican candidate,
big majorities. In 1908 and 1910, B. F. Carroll carried the county. In 1912, the
county went democratic on the presidential ticket, and E. G. Dunn, the democratic
nominee for governor, received a plurality of 149.
Webster county has had the distinction of having three congressmen and two United
States senators. The first congressman was Charles Pomeroy. a farmer
who represented what was then the Sixth congressional district in the Forty first
congress, during the years 1869-71. Cyrus C. Carpenter represented what was then
the Ninth district, and served in the Forty-sixth and Forty-seventh congress from
1879 to 1883. In 1889, Jonathan P. Dolliver was first elected to congress from what
had then become the Tenth congressional district, and served continuously for ten
years. August 22. 1900, on the death of John H. Gear, Jonathan P. Dolliver was appointed
United States senator by Governor Leslie M. Shaw, to fill the office until the legislature
should meet. The Twenty-ninth general assembly in January. 1902, elected him to
fill the term ending March 4. 1907. He was then reelected and served until his death,
October 15, 1910. William S. Kenyon was elected by the legislature April 12, 191
1, to serve until 1913. In the primary election of T912 he defeated his opponent,
Lafe Young, by a large majority.
George Roberts is the present director of the United States mint. During the campaign
of 1896, when the financial question was the chief issue in politics. Mr. Roberts
gained a national reputation because of his knowledge of the subject shown in his
reply to "Coin's Financial School." M. D. O'Connell, served as solicitor of the
United States treasury department for many years.
Aside from the office of representative in congress, Cyrus C. Carpenter held several
state offices. He was registrar of the state land office from 1867 to 1871, and
governor of the state from 1872 to 1876.
Party lines have not been followed very closely in the election of the county officers.
Personality rather than political faith has been the most important factor. It is
interesting to note that a large percentage of the county officers from the close
of the war to recent years, were Civil war veterans. The records show that Webster
county has been blest with honest officers, only one instance being found of an
absconding officer, and that was before 1859. Miss Maude Lauderdale and Miss Mary
Carey enjoy the distinction of being the only women elected to office in Webster
county. Miss Lauderdale was elected recorder in 1910, and reelected in 191 2. Miss
Carey was appointed county superintendent in the fall of 1909, elected to the office
in 1910 and reelected in 1912.
The general elections of the fifties were held on the first Monday in August. Then
the elections vary between the middle of October and the first of November. In 1884,
it was fixed by law as the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. At
first, elections were held every year, but in 1904, a biennial election law was
passed. The first primary was held June 2, 1908.
April 4. 1853 — County judge, William Pierce: clerk of district court. Jesse Goodrich
; recorder and treasurer. James Hook ; prosecuting attorney. George W. Hall,* John
H. Cofer;* sheriff, James Doty; coroner. Theodorus Eslick ; school fund commissioner,
John Tolman,** Luodowic Mericle ;** surveyor, George W. Hall ; drainage commissioner,
Daniel Gaylor ; township assessor, Samuel Eslick :*** justice of peace, John H.
Cofer, John Tolman ; constables, John Devore,
* Each received 28 votes.
** Each received 27 votes.
*** Only on township, Washington, in entire county.
Charles Burkhard; township trustees, Isaac Hook, Andrew Grossclose, John Gaylor;
township clerk, Luodowic Mericle.
1854—No record of an election.
April 5, 1855—County judge, W. N. Aleservey; prosecuting attorney, Granville Berkley;
drainage commissioner, David Carrell ; coroner, Alfred Gaines; Des Moines river
improvement commissioner, O. D. Tisdale ; improvement register, William Dewey; register
state land office. Stark H. Samuels. For prohibitory law, 99; against prohibitory
law, 76.
August 6, 1855—Clerk of district court (to fill vacancy),* George Gregory;** recorder
and treasurer, William T. Woolsey ;** sheriff, William Royster ;** county judge,
John D. Maxwell ;t coroner, X. L. Osborn ; surveyor, C. C. Carpenter. *
April 7, 1856—District clerk, Henry B. Martin (to fill vacancy until August, 1856)
; school fund commissioner, John Tolman ; coroner, John Johns.
•On removing county seat from Flomer to Fort Dodge, for, 407 ; against, 264. Allowing
stock to run at large, for, 228; against, 344.
August 5, 1856—-Prosecuting attorney, Chas. B. Richards; district clerk, S. B. Rosencrans
; representative, Elias Pocock.
For calling a constitutional convention, 299; against, 99.
Delegate to the constitutional convention of 1857, Thirty-third district. Sheldon
G. Winchester.
September 22, 1856—$200,000 bond issue at ten per cent, payable in 17, 18 and 20
years, to aid Dubuque & Pacific Railroad, and tax levy for same, not to exceed one
per cent of value of taxable property, voted.
April 6, 1857—County judge, Samuel Rees;§ clerk of district court, W. E. Brooks;
recorder and treasurer, William Burkholder ; §§ sheriff, John W. Brady; surveyor,
F. B. Drake ; drainage commissioner, Adam ^lessmore ; county assessor, Lewis Davis.
August 3, 1857—County judge, Luther L. Pease; sheriff', John W. Brady; recorder
and treasurer, Ambrose Carpenter ; surveyor, Albert Morrison ; coroner, William
Hodges ; drainage commissioner, Thomas Landreth.
For the adoption of the new constitution, 142 ; against, 264.
For striking the word "white" out of the article on the right of suffrage, 63 ;
against, 330.
October 13, 1857—Recorder and treasurer, Erastus G. Morgan; surveyor.
* Caused by death of Francis Eslick.
*^ Elections contested and cases tried October 3, and 4, before Judge Meservey,
with vrhom H. G. Pemberton and Eoscio Royster sat as associates. Contest on grounds
of legality of votes of Boon township. The court held these votes legal, Eoyster
dissenting. This decision gave the office of clerk to L. D. C. Maggart and that
of sheriff to E. H. West. The contest for the office of recorder and treasurer,
instituted by Benjamin McPheeter was compromised, each paying one-half the cost,
and William T. Woolsey retaining the office. October 24, 1855, Woolsey made George
T. Gregory his deputy, and upon Woolsey resigning the office, August 4, 1856, Gregor}'
was appointed in his place. L. D. C. Maggart absconded and William E,oyster was
appointed to fill the vacancy January 1, 1856.
t John D. Maxwell elected but decided that office was not vacant and W. X. Meservey
held over.
i Resigned March 4, 1857. Francis E. Beers appointed to fill, vacancy.
§ Resigned August 3, 1857.
§§ Elected recorder and treasurer after his death. Erastus G. Morgan appointed to
serve until October election, 1857.
James Gilchrist; drainage commissioner, Thomas Flaherty; coroner, Benjamin F. Brown
; representative, Cyrus C. Carpenter.
For license law, 407; against, 72.
Special election, first Monday, April, 1858—County superintendent, S. B. Olney*
Special election, June 28, 1858—For general banking law, 225; against, 49. For state
bank of Iowa, 291 ; against, 24.
October 2, 1858—Clerk of district court, William P. Logan; surveyor, Henry W. Ringland
; drainage commissioner, Thomas White ; coroner, John M. Heffley. (resigned March
24, i860).
October 11, 1859—County judge, William N. Mescrvey; treasurer and recorder, E. G.
Morgan ; sheriff", John W. Brady ; coroner, Walter Goodrich ; drainage commissioner,
J. R. Paine ; surveyor, John S. Jenkins ; county superintendent, Albert Morrison
: representative, Samuel Rees.
Special election, October 19, 1859—Bond issue voted September 22, 1856, rescinded.
For, 396 ; against, 42.
Special election. May 14, i860—For bond issue, 171; against, 289. For building bridges,
113; against, 347.
Special election, September 24, i860—For bond issue, 288; against, 239.
November 6, i860—Clerk of district court, J. H. HoUoway; coroner, J. F.
Beyers; board of supervisors (for two years),f Gasper T. Richey, John Garaghty,
Adam Groshart, S. K. Barnes, Richard A'ancleave (for one year) ;t T. F. Frisk, Walter
Goodrich, S. G. Stevens, N. H. Hart, R. P. Furlong, Daniel Daniels.
October 8, 1861—County judge, L. ]M. Olcott ; treasurer and recorder, Isaac Garmoe;
sheriff, John Heffley; county superintendent, L. S. Coffin; drainage commissioner,
Norman P. Ellis ; coroner, B. B. Goodrich ;:|: surveyor, Virgil ^Nloore;** representative,
G. T. Richey; board of .supervisors, N. H. Hart, W^alter Goodrich, L. S. Coffin,
Daniel Daniels, Jonathan Milburn, Thomas White.
October 14, i862§—Clerk of district court, Hezekiah Beecher; coroner, William Hodges;
surveyor, John W\ Brady (one year to fill vacancy); county superintendent, E. N.
Wilson ;§§ drainage commissioner, H. L. Walker; board of supervisors, S. K. Barnes,
Miles Allen, Patrick Condon, Thomas Sargent, E. A. Scott.
October, 18631'—County judge, John L. Cheney; recorder and treasurer, Isaac Garmoe;
sheriff', A. F. Blackshere; surveyor, John S. Jenkins; county superintendent, R.
E. Carpenter; coroner, B. F. Allison; drainage commissioner, John Beem ; board of
supervisors, Daniel Daniels, H. M. Case, John Ware, "n. H. Hart, ^lichael Morrisey,
A. S. White.
For restraining hogs from running at large, 237; against, 191. For building bridges,
158; against, 249.
* Seven candidates in the field, and vote was as follows: S. B. Olney, 372; Francis
Drake, 2; Fred Boot, 12; John Garaghty, 10; C. C. Philbrook, 187; Thomas Cole, 21.
** S. B. Olney resigned February 1, 1859, and A. M. Dawley appointed to fill vacancy.
t Terms fixed at first meeting of board.
t Resigned September 1, 1862, and A. F. Blackshere appointed.
§ Soldier vote was included in the first canvass of the returns of this election.
§§ Wilson received 277 votes and E. H. Blain 234—Board of Supervisors held that
under See. 62, Chap. 172, Acts of 9th G. A. no election could take place for this
1 1 Board met October 19, 1863, and canvassed the home vote and then adjourned to
await the return of the soldier vote.
November 8, 1864—Clerk of district court, R. E. Carpenter; county recorder, John
L. Cheyney ; county surveyor, Thomas Harlan ; board of supervisors. John Wilson,
Josiah Conlee, C. C. Carter, G. T. Richey, A. Graves.
Restraining swine from running at large, for, 408; against, 181. October 10, 1865—County
treasurer, Jared Fuller; sherilY, A. F. Blackshere; county judge, Isaac Young; county
superintendent, E. N. Wilson; surveyor, Thomas Harlan; coroner, John F. Beyers;
drainage commissioner, Robert Scott ; board of supervisors, John Linn, B. B. Goodrich,
D. V\l. Prindle, Charles W. Maher, D. C. Russell.
Giving board power to increase tax, for, 392 ; against, 269.
Granting a bounty to soldiers, for, 382; against, 301.
October 9, 1866—Clerk district court, Wilson Lumpkin ; recorder, D. H. Taylor ;
board of supervisors, N. H. Hart, C. C. Carter, D. W. Prindle, Josiah Conlee, George
March. John Jameson. Joel L. Clark, John L. Kinney (appointed to fill vacancy).
October 8, 1867—Treasurer, Jonathan Hutchinson; county judge. James R. Strow ; surveyor,
George S. Killam; county superintendent, D. A. Weller; coroner, Francis Brewer ;
sheriff, Jacob Walz ; drainage commissioner, Daniel W. Prindle; board of supervisors,
Josiah Conlee, Joel Clark, John L. Kinney, C. W. Maher, N. H. Hart, Charles Erickson,
F. P. Calkins, Henry Cox.
November 3, 1868—Clerk district court, Wilson Lumpkin; county recorder, David H.
Taylor; board of supervisors, John L. Kinney, George Marsh. D. W. Prindle, C. C.
Smeltzer, Stephen Reckard, J. B. Scott, Patrick Condon.
Note—At this election five amendments to the constitution were voted upon. All of
them concerned the striking out of the word "white," from the several articles of
the constitution. Amendment i gave the right of suffrage to all males.
Amendment 2 required that the state census should include all inhabitants.
Amendments 3 and 4 concern senatorial and representative districts, and made the
basis of population, constituting such districts; to include all inhabitants.
Amendment 5 gave the right of service in the militia to all able bodied citizens.
October 12, 1869—Representative, Galusha Parsons; auditor, Wilson Lumpkin ; treasurer,
Jonathan Hutchinson ; sheriff", Jacob Walz ; county superintendent, Rev. J. M. Phillips;
surveyor, George S. Killam; coroner, Elias Caldwell; board of supervisors, H. P.
Cutting, G. A. Erickson, Preston Yslu Cleave, F. E. Scofield, F. P. Calkins, J.
P. Lilygren, C. \\\ Maher. J. H. Williams.
Bonding the county, for, 480; against, 624.
October 11, 1870—Recorder, D. H. Taylor; clerk of district court, Wilson Lumpkin
; board of supervisors, L. M. Pratt, E. N. Wilson, William B. Crandall.
Prohibitory amendment, for, iii; against, 231.
Increasing number of board of supervisors, for, 579 ; against, 338.
October 10, 1871—Sheriff, E. V. Moore; county superintendent, Frank Farrell ; treasurer,
Jonathan Hutchinson ; representative, John F. Duncombe ; and
itor, J. B. Scott; surveyor, M. E. Smith; coroner, S. B. Olney; board of supervisors,
David Lundeen, H. Beecher, J. L. Brown.
Prohibitory amendment, for, 493; against, 643.
Increasing county tax, for, 159; against, 999.
November 5, 1872—Recorder, A. Beach; clerk of district court, Wilson Lumijkin; board
of supervisors, L. M. Pratt.
Authorizing purchase of poor farm, for. 677; against, 273.
October 14, 1873—Representative, Silas Corey; treasurer, Jonathan Hutchinson; auditor.
J. B. Scott; sheriff, E. \^ Moore; county superintendent, Frank Farrell ; surveyor,
Fred Hess; coroner, W. L. Nicholson; board of supervisors, D. S. Coughlon, C. Knudson.
Increasing county tax, for, 100; against, 11 59.
October 13, 1874—Clerk of district court. M. H. Bliss; sheriff', E. London; recorder,
Jared Fuller; coroner, John McNulty; supervisor district No. 3. N. H. Hart ; supervisor
district No. 4. John Gabrielson.
Restraining stock from running at large between sunset and sunrise, for, 855; against,
Restraining stock from running at large between August 15 and December i, for, 624
; against, 767.
October 12, 1875—Representative, Samuel Rees; auditor, J. B. Scott; sheriff, P.
W. Chantland ; treasurer, Jonathan Hutchinson ; county superintendent, J. A. Adams;
surveyor, C. H. Pierce; coroner. S. J. Bennett; supervisor district No. 5, E. B.
Building bridge at Hart's Ford, for, 409; against. 954.
Building bridge at Tyson's Mill, for, 466; against, 908.
November 7, 1876—Clerk of district court, M. H. Bliss; recorder, Jared Fuller; supervisor
district No. i, N. G. Roosa; supervisor district No. 2, D. S. Coughlon.
October 9, 1877—Representative, Oliver Tyson; treasurer, Arab Leonard; auditor,
J. B. Scott; sheriff', P. W. Chantland; coroner, G. V Patterson; surveyor, Albert
Morrison; county superintendent, Jabez A. Adams; supervisor district No. 3, William
Ryan ; supervisor district No. 4, John Gabrielson. October 9, 1878—Clerk of district
court, J. E. Powers; recorder, C. Arnold; supervisor district No. 3, Samuel Rees
; supervisor district No. 4. Jacob Ostrander.
October 14, 1879—Representative, John F. Duncombe; auditor, John Haire; treasurer,
Arab Leonard ; sheriff. G. W^ Hyatt ; county superintendent, John G. Tapper; surveyor,
M. E. Smith; coroner. Dr. E. H. Klueber; supervisor district No. I, Samuel Heft'ner;
supervisor district No. 2, P. H. Cain.
November 2. i88c>—Clerk of district court, M. H. Bliss; recorder. John Breen, Jr.;
superxisor district No. 3, .S. J. Bennett; supervisor district No. 4, J. L. Kinney.
November 2. 1886—Clerk of district court, M. H. Bliss; recorder. John Breen, Jr.;
superxisor district No. 3, .S. J. Bennett; supervisor district No. 4, J. L. Kinney.
Calling convention to revise constitution, for, 1015; against. 394, Striking the
word "free white'' from the constitution, for, 981 ; against, 481. Levying a tax
of six and one-half mills, for. 'J22\ against. T460. Building bridge at Hart's Ford,
for, 794; against, 1416.y superintendent,
J. B. Butler; county superintendent (to fill vacancy), D. G. Youker; surveyor, C.
H. Pierce; coroner, Theron Nichols; supervisor district No. 5, Jacob Ostrander.
Special election. June 28, 1882—Prohibitory amendment, for. 1498; against, 238.
November 7, 1882—Clerk of district court, M. H. Bliss; recorder, George H. Porter;
supervisor district No. i, Samuel Heffner; supervisor district No. 2, P. H. Cain.
October 9, 1883—Representative, Cyrus C. Carpenter; treasurer, John W. Campbell
; auditor, John Haire ; sheriff, P. W. Chantland ; county superintendent, John B.
Butler; surveyor. F. L. Easley; coroner, A. W. Garlock; supervisor district No.
3, S. J. Bennett ; supervisor district No. 4, E. A. Lynd. November 4, 1884—Clerk
of district court, M. H. Bliss; recorder, George H. Porter; coroner, J. N. Palmer;
supervisor district No. 5, A. D. Rolfe. Constitutional amendment fixing election
on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, for, 1109; against, 107.
Constitutional amendment giving general assembly power to reorganize judicial districts,
for, 903 ; against, 293.
Constitutional amendment fixing the number of grand jurors at not less than three
nor more than five, for, 987 ; against, 252.
Constitutional amendment establishing the office of county attorney and fixing the
number of members of the general assembly at, representatives, 108, senators, 50;
for, 1006; against, 210.
Novemljer 3, 1885—Representative, S. T. Meservey; auditor, J. W. Campbell ; treasurer,
D. W. Weller; sheriff, G. F. Gustafson; county superintendent, S. B. Wilkinson;
surveyor, F. L. Easley; coroner, C. H. Paige; supervisor district No. I, Peter Hannon;
supervisor district No. 2, W. C. Ainsworth.
Revision state constitution, for, 321 ; against, 1437.
November 2, 1886—County attorney, Albert E. Clark; clerk of district court, John
Haire ; recorder, George H. Porter ; supervisor district No. 4, John T. Drug; supervisor
district No. 3. Martin White.
Three mill tax for county jail, for, 573; against, 1652.
November 8, 1887—Representative, I. L. Woods; auditor, John Wolfinger; treasurer,
J. J. Ryan; sheriff, J. Q. x\dams; superintendent, S. B. Wilkinson; surveyor, J.
C. Williams ; coroner, T. F. Grayson ; supervisor district No. 5, O. F. Blunk.
November 6. 1888—County attorney, Chas. H. Moore; clerk of district court, David
J. Haire; recorder, F. W. Kruckman; supervisor district No. i, Peter Hannon ; supervisor
district No. 2, John T. Hood.
November 5, 1889—Representative, I. L. Woods; auditor, John Wolfinger; treasurer,
J. J. Ryan; sheriff, J. A. Adams; county superintendent, John Carr; surveyor, Fred
Hess; coroner, C. H. Churchill; supervisor district No. 3, Martin White ; supervisor
district No. 4, J. T. Drug.
November 5, 1890—Clerk of district court, D. J. Haire; recorder, D. A. Peterson;
supervisor district No. 3, Samuel Rees; supervisor district No. 5, Walter Irvine;
county attorney, James Martin.
Restraining stock from running at large, for, 1416; against, 976.
Revision of constitution, for, 321 ; against, 1437.

Bought by Quaker Oats Company, 1911
November 3, 1891—Sherifif, J. A. Adams; treasurer, C. W. Newton; county superintendent,
John Carr; coroner, C. H. Churchill; surveyor, Ezra Young; supervisor district No.
i, John ]\Iallinger; supervisor district No. 2, John T. Hood; supervisor district
No. 4, John Linn (to fill vacancy).
November 8, 1892—Auditor, T. A. Cunningham ; clerk of district court, D. J. Haire
; recorder, F. O. Blomgren ; county attorney, W. S. Kenyon ; county superintendent,
Charles V. Findlay; supervisor district No. 3, Joseph Shaw; supervisor district
No. 4, John A. Lind.
November 7, 1893—Representative, Sam Burnquist; treasurer, C. W. Newton; sherifif.
W. C. Woolsey; county superintendent, C. V. Findlay; surveyor, F. S. Hoyt : coroner,
J. W. Sommers ; supervisor district No. 5, W. V. Manchester. November 6. 1894—Clerk
of district court, G. F. Rankin ; auditor, T. A. Cunningham ; county attorney, W.
S. Kenyon ; recorder, F. O. Blomgren ; coroner, A. W. Oarlock; supervisor district
No. i, A. W. Mallinger; supervisor district No. 2, J. R. Coughlon.
November 5, 1895—Representative, Jonas P. )ohnson; treasurer, J. H. Abel; sherifif,
W. C. Woolsey; county superintendent, C. V. Findlay; surveyor, Fred Hoyt; coroner,
J. S. Nelson; supervisor district No. 3, C. P. Julius; supervisor district No. 4,
John A. Lind.
November 3, 1896—Clerk of district court, G. F. Rankin; auditor, T. A. Cunningham;
recorder. Otto Ottosen; county attorney, William T. Chantland; supervisor district
No. 5, F. B. Drake. November 2, 1897—Representative, F. J. Blake; treasurer, J.
H. Abel; sherifif, F. A. Dowd; county superintendent, C. V. Findlay; surveyor, F.
S. Hoyt; coroner, H. Rose; supervisor district. No. i, Andrew Hannon; supervisor
district No. 2, J. T. Ryan.
November 8, 1898—Clerk of district court, G. F. Rankin; recorder, Otto Ottosen ;
auditor, J. F. Ford ; county attorney, William T. Chantland ; supervisor district
No. 3, (for long and short term) S. J. Bennett; supervisor district No. 4, Swan
November 7, 1899—Sherifif, F. A. Dowd; county superintendent, A. L, Brown; coroner,
H. Rose; treasurer, J. A. Lindquist; surveyor, Charles H. Reynolds; supervisor district
No. 5, C. O. Hillstrom; representative, F. J. Blake. Building courthouse and levying
tax of two mills, for, 2394; against, 1146. November 6, 1900—Auditor, J. F. Ford
; clerk of district court, Charles H. Colby; recorder. Otto Ottosen; county attorney,
C. W. Hackler; supervisor district No. i, A. F. Simpson; supervisor district No.
2, John T. Ryan. Constitutional convention, for 2647; against, 1876.
Biennial election, for, 2875; against, 1691.
November 5, 1901—Representative, S. T. Meservey; treasurer, J, A. Lindquist; sherifif,
Henry Oleson; superintendent, A. L. Brown; surveyor, Charles H. Reynolds; coroner,
A. H. McCreight; supervisor district No. 3, F. W. Collins; supervisor district No.
4, Swan Johnson ; supervisor district No. 5, J. P. Hillstrom. November 4, 1902—County
auditor, J. F. Ford ; clerk of district court, C. H. Colby; recorder, A. C. Smith;
county attorney, C. W. Hackler; supervisor district No. 5, J. P. Hillstrom.
Levying tax of one mill to build memorial hall and soldiers' monument, for 1444;
against, 2218.
November 3, 1903—Representative, R. M. Wright; treasurer, J. T. Ryan; sheriff, Henry
Olson; county superintendent, A. L. Brown; surveyor, C. H. Reynolds; coroner, A.
H. McCreight; supervisor district No. i, A. F. Simpson; supervisor district No.
2, P. H. Cain.
November 8, 1904—County auditor, H. S. Holm ; clerk of district court, Henry L.
^^^eiss ; recorder, A. C. Smith ; county attorney, B. J. Price ; supervisor district
No. 3, Frank W. Collins; supervisor district No. 4, Anton Byer. Biennial election,
for, 2181 ; against, 2657.
Representative amendment, for, 1897; against, 2492.
November 6, 1906—County attorney, Charles W. Hackler; auditor, H. S. Holm ; treasurer,
Peter Hadley ; clerk of district court, C. A. Bryant ; sheriff,. Henry Olson; county
superintendent, M. P. Somes (to fill vacancy); county superintendent, E. E. Cavanaugh
; surveyor, Charles H. Reynolds ; coroner. Dr. J. D. Lowry; supervisor district
No. i, P. J. Mitchell; supervisor district No. 3, E. H. Peschau; supervisor district
No. 4, Anton Byer; supervisor district No. 5,. Charles A. Anderson ; supervisor
district No. 2, D. S. Coughlon.
November 3. 1908—Representative, Charles W. Hackler; auditor, James L. Hanrahan
; treasurer, Peter Hadley ; clerk of district court, C. A. Bryant ; sheriff, Rasmus
S. Lund ; recorder, Louis Fessler ; county attorney, F. A. Grosenbaugh ; county
superintendent, E. E. Cavanaugh. Resigned 1909—Miss Mary Carey appointed to fill
vacancy. Surveyor, C. H. Reynolds; coroner, J. D. Lowry; supervisor district No.
i, P. J. Mitchell; supervisor district No. 2, D. S. Coughion ; supervisor district
No. 5, F. G. Cochran.*
November 8, 1910—Representative, John W. Campbell ; county auditor, James L. Hanrahan
; county treasurer, A. C. Lindberg ; sheriff', Rasmus S. Lund ; recorder, Maude
Lauderdale; county attorney, B. B. Burnquist; county superintendent, Mary A. Carey;
coroner, J. D. Lowry; supervisor district No. 3, F. H. Frahm; supervisor district
No. 4, Anton Byer; supervisor district No. 5, C. A. Anderson.
Constitutional convention to revise constitution and amendment to the same, for,
2435; against, 2196.
November 5, 1912—Representative, Peter Hadley; treasurer, A. C. Lindberg; recorder,
Maude Lauderdale; clerk, G. L. Lindquist; county superintendent,. Mary A. Carey;
coroner, J. D. Lowry; auditor, James L. Hanrahan; supervisor district No. i, B.
J. Simpson; supervisor district No. 2, Gus Voights; supervisor district No. 3, F.
H. Frahm; supervisor district No. 4, L L. Reedholm. (Term begins 1914.)
Returns show Cochran elected, but on contest went to his opponent C. A. Anderson