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Index T-ZAfter locating the page number you want, -T-Taft, William H., vote of Hollanders for, 232 Tailors, 80 Taintor, Hollanders near, 197; reference to, 297; Dutch church at, 306 Tama County, Hollanders in, 193 Tax, necessity of, for schools, 264; increase of, for support of schools, 265 Taxation, oppression of people by, 35 Taylor, Zachary, 216 Teesdale, John, election of, 227 Telephones, 326 To Paske, Anthony, office held by, 242 Te Paske, Herman, office held by, 242; reference to, 404, 410 Te Veltrup, M., service of, in Boer armies, 359 Texas, committee of investigation in, 123; emigration to, 199; reference to, 386 Theological Seminary, establishment of, in New Jersey, 27 Timber, lack of, in Sioux County, 138 Titonka, church at, 419 't Lam, C., election of, as road supervisor, 214 Toekomst, De, character of, 250 Toering, Henry, newspaper published by, 254 Tollenaar, Dirk, newspaper owned by, 255 Toom, J., election of, as fence viewer, 214 Town life among Hollanders, 320-329 Township clerk, 214 Township government, granting of, to Hollanders, 212 Township officers, election of, 214; activities of, 215 Township treasurer, 214 Township trustees, 214 Traders, 20 Transportation, lack of means of, 86, 87; early means of, 88 Transvaal, war in, 243; reports of raising of men to serve in, 354; resolutions of councils relative to war in, 355-358; reference to, 374 Transvaal Days, 355 Transvaalers, appeal for aid for, 351-353 Trees, provision for planting of, in Orange City, 146; planting of, by Hollanders, 181; bounty for plant ing of, 181, 182, 402; kind of, planted by Hollanders, 189; lack of hardwood, among Dutch, 321, 322 Troost, E., 360 True Reformed Church, 305 Tuttle, James H., vote of Hollanders for, 231 Twin Brooks (North Dakota), 204 Tysseling, Teunis, 234 -U-Unie, De, 248 Union College, 303 Union School system, 262 Union Township (Marion County), Hollanders in, 196 United Presbyterian Church, 420 United States, early settlements of Dutch in, 15-24; inheritance of, from New Netherland, 25; number of Dutch in, 28, 105; distribution of Hollanders in, 29, 376, 377; attitude of Hollanders toward emigration to, 38-40; land ceded to, by Indians, 70; land purchased from, 72; successful Dutch settlements in, 149; prediction of most populous Dutch settlement in, 159; satisfaction of Hollanders with government of, 216-218; model for school system of, 256; effort to strengthen bond between Holland and, 365; statistics of immigration to, 376 United States Dragoons, evacuation of Fort Des Moines, by, 71 United States Senator, election of Grimes as, 227 University of Leyden, Scholte a graduate of, 259, 260, 277 Utah, emigration of Mormons to, 84; Hollanders in, 159 Utrecht (Holland), conferences of Hospers at, 152; reference to, 327; pulpit from, 417 Utrecht, University of, 31 Utrecht Emigrant Association, formation of, 44; journey of members of, to America, 44-47; officers of, 46; leaders of, 46, 47; reference to, 48, 101 -V-Vale, Jacob G., vote of Hollanders for, 237 Van Antwerp, Ver Planck, 62, 63; sketch of life of, 386, 387 Van Asch, William, election of, as road supervisor, 214; reference to, 412 Van Bennett, M., 394 Van Broekhuizen, Rev., money raised for Boers by, 360 Van Buren, Martin, 216, 386 Van den Berg, Cornelius, election of, as constable, 214 Van den Berg, John, 403 Van den Bos, Dirk, member of investigating committee, 132; emigrant train led by, 140 Van den Linden, Leendert, office held by, 233 Vanderberg, J. W., newspaper owned by, 255 Van der Ley, P. M., 412 Vandermast, J., newspaper owned by, 255 Van der Meer, Leen, member of investigating committee, 132; emigrant train led by, 140 Van der Meide, Arie, office held by, 242; reference to, 358, 399, 400 Van der Meulen, Charles H., newspaper owned by, 254 Van der Pol, Gerrit, 61 Van der Sluis, Mr., 356 Van der Veen, Rev., 297 Van der Waa, Henry John, interest of, in emigration movement, 124; member of investigating committee, 127, 132; mule team of, used by committee, 131; emigrant train led by, 140 Van der Wilt, Arnold, office held by, 242 Van der Wilt, G., election of, as road supervisor, 214; reference to, 234 Van der Zee, Jacob, author's preface by, 7-9. Van Donselaar, Peter, newspaper owned by, 254 Van Ginkel, Gerrit, newspaper edited by, 250, 251 Van Horne, 193 Van Houten, H., 291 Van Houwelingen, G., 412 Van Klootwijk, K., 394 Van Leuven, A., office held by, 233 Van Meveren, P., election of, as road supervisor, 214 Van Nimwegen, Mr., 356 Van Oosterhout, Martin P., newspaper owned by, 254; reference to, 350, 353, 362, 403 Van Oosterhout, P. D., 353 Van Oosterhout, Peter D., office held by, 242; reference to, 353 Van Raalte, Albertus C., 32, 44, 60, 278, 294, 295, 296, 301, 348, 391; emigration encouraged by, 42-44; colony in Michigan founded by, 57; Hollanders invited to Michigan by, 57, 58; character of followers of, 94; letter by, describing colony, 95, 96; efforts of, to secure parochial school, 266; colleges established by, 281; journey of, to America, 382 Van Schelvin, G., 399 Van Stigt, K., magazine published by, 252 Van Velzen, S., 32 Van Wagenen, A. W., 353 Van Zante, Mr., 356 Van Zante, Dieles, office held by, 233 Van Zante, D. G., office held by, 233 Viersen, Auke H.. office held by, 233 reference to, 234, 279 Viersen, H. Y., 47 Viersen, Lillian, 279 Viersen, Sieberke, library donated by 324 Viersen, Sipke H., office held by, 233 Viljoen, H. D., visit of, to Iowa, 360 Virginia, 19, 115 Visitors, reception of, in Dutch homes 323, 324 Volga (South Dakota), 204 Volksvriend, De, founding of, 155; objects of, 155, 156; reference to 187, 242; political activities of 239, 240; sketch of history of 252-254 Vos, G. H., newspaper owned by, 255 Voyage, experiences on, 47 Vriezelaar, J. B., office held by, 233 Vrije Hollander, De, 242; character of, 243; editors of, 254; cause of Boers espoused by, 350; reference to, 358, 361, 362; attacks on McKinley by, 359 -W-Wages, comparison of, in Holland and America, 41; reference to, 81, 106 Wagon makers, 110 Wagons, use of, for living purposes, 141, 142 Waldenses, immigration of, 21 Wallace's Farmer, 335 Walloons, emigration of, to America, 16, 21 Wapello County, Hollanders in, 104, 105, 195; reference to, 223; Dutch church in, 297 Warnshuis, John, office held by, 242 Washington, Dutch churches in, 29; emigration to, 204; reference to, 254 Washington, D. C., 48; treatment of Scholte at, 60, 210 Waukon Standard, The, 255 Webster City, 128 Webster County, Hollanders in, 194 Welcome Township (Sioux County), establishment of, 185; Hollanders in, 187, 202; politics in, 241. Welle, P., election of, as trustee, 214 Wellsburg, Dutch church at, 307, 419 Welmers, Thomas E., 283 Wesley, 420 Wessels, C. H., 359 West, Dutch pioneers in, 28; conquest of, 71; first settlers in, 80 West Branch, Dutch church at, 185, 301; change of name of, 186 West Branch Township (Sioux County), establishment of, 185; population of, 186; Hollanders in, 187, 202; politics in, 241 West Des Moines Township (Mahaska County), Hollanders in, 197 West India Company, provision of charter of, 16; character of activities of, 16, 17; desire of, for continuance of war, 17; neglect of colonists by, 17, 18, 19; complaint against, 20; agreement between Amsterdam and, 21; complaint of, 371 Western Stage Company, criticism of, 112, 113 Western Theological Seminary, 286, 303 Westfield (North Dakota), 204 Westward movement, part of Dutch in, 28 Wheat, 77, 160, 170; production of, in Sioux County, 332, 333 Whigs, 219, 220; desertion of, by Hospers, 222 White, F. E., vote of Hollanders for, Whitney, railroad proposed by, 92 Wigny, A., 46 Willempjes, 49 William I, church regulations approved by, 31; persecution of Separatists by, 32; regulation of church by, 287 William II, renouncement of allegiance to, 211, 212; plan for present to, 397 William of Orange, attitude of Pella colonists toward, 145; dictum of, 287 Wind-mill, building of, 182; dismantling of, 183 Winnebago County, church in, 419 Winnie (Texas), Dutch colony at, 199 Winter, Rev. E., 184 Winter of 1848-49, severity of, 82, 83 Winterswijk (Holland), 343 Wisconsin, Hollanders in, 29, 376; Dutch churches in, 29; reference to, 57, 58, 95, 115, 117, 150, 157, 158, 173, 204, 226, 284, 343, 382; Dutch emigration from, 154, 161; Dutch newspaper published in, 247, 248, 249 Wolmarens, A. D. W., 359 Woodbury County, Hollanders in, 200 Wooden-shoe-makers, 110 Wooden shoes, use of, among Hollanders, 328 Woodland (Wisconsin), 251 Wormhoudt, Mr., 356 Worthing (South Dakota), 204 Wright, church at, 420 Wright County. Hollanders in, 194; church in, 419 -Z-Zeeland, 327 Zeeland (Michigan), 298 Zuid Holland, 151 Zwemer, James F., 282
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