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Earrings, 328

East, route to Mississippi Valley from, 52

East Indies, attention called to, 38

East Orange, completion of railroad to, 147; reference to, 170, 173, 180, 184; change of name of, 186; Dutch church at, 186, 301; price of land near, 398

East Orange Township (Sioux County), establishment of, 185; population of, 186, 202; reference to, 240; politics in, 241

Eddyville, Hollanders in, 195; Hollanders near, 197; Dutch church at., 297

Edgerton (Minnesota), 204

Education, desire of Dissenters for provision for, 34; means of, 111, 256-286; difficulty in securing, in Holland, 256-258; interest of Hollanders in higher, 273-275

Elections, strength of Hollanders in, 147, 148; first participation in, by Hollanders, 214; participation by Hollanders in, 219-244

Electric lights, 326

Elk Creek Township (Jasper County), Hollanders in, 197

Ellis, W. J., office held by, 224

Elwell, Stilman, election of, as constable, 214

Emigrant association, formation of, at Utrecht, 44; journey of members of, to America, 44-47

Emigrant associations, formation of, 42; membership of, 42, 43; land in one locality desired by, 43; reason for formation of, 43, 44

Emigrant companies, good results obtained by, 120

Emigrants, favorable reports sent to fatherland by, 41; advice to, 42, 156, 157, 339-348; instructions to, 45; number of first, 46; false statements concerning, 99, 100; character of, 102; equipment of, 344, 345 (see also Immigrants)

Emigration, conditions unfavorable to, 17; plan to facilitate, 19, 20; causes for, 30-36; recognition of necessity of, 37; fear of, on part of officials, 37, 38; encouragement of, 42-44, description of, 65; memorable years in history of, 94; need of, in Marion County, 122-126 (see also Immigration)

Emmet County, 128

England, war between Holland and, 21; conditions in, favorable to emigration, 23, 24; reference to, 45, 376; immigrants from, in Sioux County, 187, 189; hostility of Hollanders toward, 349

English, causes for emigration of, 17; coming of, to New Netherland, 19; effect of capture of Dutch colony by, 21, 22; amalgamation of Dutch and 22, 26; immigration of, 25; oppression of Dutch by, 27; alleged aid to, by Roosevelt, 361

English Channel, 45

English language, value of knowledge of, 347; supplanting of Dutch language by, 364-366

Erie (Pennsylvania), 99

Esopus (New York), 19, 26

Europe, emigration from, 21, 65, 83; causes for emigration from, 30; density of population in, 30; homeseekers from, 45; character of life in, 68, 69; character of dwellings in, 76; need of reaching emigrants before leaving, 120; immigration agents in, 121; revolution in, 217; reconstruction in. 287

Evangelical Alliance, delegate from Holland to, 154

Evening Times, The, (Cedar Rapids), 255

Excelsior Mills (Illinois), 251


Factories, plan for building of, 90 

Fairfield, investigation in land office at, 62, 63

Fairview Township (Jasper County), Hollanders in, 197

Fares (steamboat), 340, 341

Fares from Holland to America, 346 

Farm implements, 161, 331; need for purchase of, 162; purchase of, on credit, 162, 163

Farmer's Tribune, The, 335

Farmers, need of, 20; success of Hollanders as, 329-336

Farming, interest of Hollanders in, 76, 77

Farms, character of, in Marion County, 77; necessity of labor on, 258, 259

Faust, Albert B., 375.

Fence viewers, 214, 405

Fences, necessity for building of, 182; reference to, 322

Feudal system, revival of, 18

Fields. ravaging of, by locusts, 163, 164, 170, 171

Fisher, William, office held by, 224

Fisk, Mr., 356

Fisscher, A., 359

Flatbush (New York), 26

Flatlands (New York), 26

Flax, 77

Floods of 1851, 90

Flowers, growth of, by Dutch, 321

Floyd River, 130, 133

Floyd Township (Sioux County), establishment of, 185; population of, 186, 202; proportion of Hollanders in, 187; reference to, 240; politics in, 241

Foods, among Hollanders, 323; amount of, needed by emigrants, 345

Foreign immigration, attitude of Hempstead toward, 119

Fort Amsterdam, 18

Fort Des Moines, evacuation of, by Dragoons, 71; reference to, 88, 89; stage route through, 112, 113

Fort Dodge, 128, 354; Hollanders in, 194

Fort Good Hope, 18

Fort Nassau, 18

Fort Orange (New York), settlement of Dutch at, 16; reference to, 18, 26

Fostoria, church at, 419

Fourth of July, celebration of, by Hollanders, 114, 328, 329, 360

France, 22, 352, 376

Franco-Prussian War, 151

Franklin County, Hollanders in, 194; churches in, 419

Franklin Street, 73

Franziska (ship), 391

Fremont, John C., vote for, 226

French, 31; coming of, to Pella, 106

Friesian cattle, 334 

Friesland, number of emigrants from, in Iowa, 103; pamphlet published in, 116; reference to, 327, 382; language of people of, 363

Frieslanders, emigration of, to Sioux County, 140

Frontier, arrival of Hollanders on, 69; land purchased on, 71; adaptation of Hollanders to life on, 78, 79, 81; first settlers on, 80; drawbacks of life on, 86

Fruit, 77

Fruit trees, failure of Hollanders to appreciate value of, 321

Fuel, difficulty in securing, 144, 147 

Fur trade, interest of Dutch in, 18, 20 

Furniture, description of pioneer, 143


Galesburg, Hollanders near, 197; Dutch church at, 297

Galveston (Texas), relief for flood sufferers at, 311

Garden Square, 108, 276, 291

Gardening, interest of Dutch in, 320

Garfield Township (Mahaska County), Hollanders in, 197

Garfield Township (Sioux County), population of, 203

Gas plants, 326

Gelderland, 827, 363, 382; emigrants from, 381

Gelderschman, letters by, 109, 1.17

Genderen (Holland), conference of Hospers at, 152

General Assembly, railroad land grant made by, 113; relief for grasshopper sufferers by, 165-169; appropriation by, for purchase of seed; 169; township government given to Hollanders by, 212; Dutch members of, 244

George, church at, 419

German language, Governors' messages printed in, 118; pamphlet translated into, 121

German Township (Grundy County), Hollanders in, 194

Germans, 49, 61, 307, 336, 343, 347, 404, 419; attitude of Americans toward, 55; coming of, to Pella, 106; proportion of, in Sioux County, 186, 202, 203; objection of Hollanders to being called, 246

Germany, immigrants from, in Sioux County, 187, 189; reference to, 352, 376

Gleysteen, D., 400

Gleysteen, D. J., office held by, 242

Gold, finding of, in California, 84

Gold-seekers, description of, 84, 85

Gorinchem (Holland), 151; conferences of Hospers at, 152

Governor, messages of, printed in Dutch, 118, 119

Grafe, E. F., office held by, 224 

Graham, John A., 388

Grain, destruction of, by locusts, 163, 176

Grand Haven (Michigan), Hollanders in, 157, 158; reference to, 251

Grand Rapids (Michigan), Hollanders in, 157, 158; reference to, 188, 251, 268; theological school at, 307

Grant, Edwin H., newspaper published by, 110, 220, 245

Grant, Ulysses S., 232

Grant Chief, The, 255

Grant Township (Sioux County), population of 202,

Grasshoppers, invasion of, 167; debts occasioned by raid of, 170; damage by, in 1875, 175; attempts to destroy, 176 (see also Locusts)

Gravesend (New York), 26

Great Northern Railway, 189

Green Bay (Wisconsin), 251

Green Township (Wapello County), number of Hollanders in, 104

Grimes, James W., message of, print ed in Dutch, 118; election of, as Senator, 227

Grinnell College, Hollanders at, 274

Groningen (Holland), 327, 363, 382

Groningen, University of, 31

Grundy County, Hollanders in, 105, 194; church in, 307, 419; reference to, 358

Gulf of Mexico, 339 

Guthrie County, 396


Haarlem (Holland), 151

Haarlem (New York), 26

Half-Breed Tract, condition of land titles in, 61, 62

Half Moon, 16

Hamlin, Hannibal, efforts of Scholte in behalf of, 229

Hammond, S. M., newspaper published by, 249

Hancock County, churches in, 420

Hardin County, Hollanders in, 105, 194; church in, 307, 419

Hardship, years of, 160-178

Hardware business, 110

Harlan, W. S., 394

Harmelink, Charles, office held by, 242

Harrisburg (Pennsylvania), 51, 385

Harrison (South Dakota), 204

Harvard College, 277

Harvest, reliance upon, 162, 163

Harvey, Hollanders in vicinity of, 196; Dutch church at, 306

Heemstra, John F., 283

Heemstra, Tjeerd, office held by, 235

Heerenveen (Holland), conferences of Hospers at, 152

Heidelberg Catechism, 31, 290, 305, 307

Heidenwereld, De, 254

Hemp, 77

Hempstead, Stephen, recommendation of, concerning immigration, 119

Hensden (Holland), 151

Herd law, adoption of, in Sioux County, 182

Hereford cattle, 334

High schools, 271-275

Hog law, 109

Hogs, raising of, by Hollanders, 78, 161, 333, 334

Holland, Golden Age of, 15; attitude of West India Company toward emigration from, 17; conditions in, unfavorable to colonization, 17, 23, 24; plan to facilitate emigration from, 19, 20; return of settlers to, 20; war between England and, 21; part of, in American colonization, 22; state church of, 27; number of immigrants from, 28, 104; coming of William I to throne of, 30, 31; conditions in, in nineteenth century, 30-36; persecution of Separatists in, 32; economic conditions in, 34-36, 97; character of farms in, 59; letters from consul in, 60; roads in, 88; beginnings of emigration to Iowa from, 94; pamphlet by Van Raalte sold in, 95; pamphlet by Scholte sold in, 96, 116; newcomers from, advised to go to Michigan, 98; emigrants from, plan ed in false light, 99, 100; efforts to secure emigration from, 101, 107; character of emigrants from, 102; comparison of condition of Dutch in Iowa and, 106; advice to emigrants from, 117, 339-348; Hospers as emigrant agent in, 121; advertisement in newspapers in, 151; interest in, in emigration to Iowa, 152, 153; benefits of emigration from, to America, 154, 155; letters of inquiry from, 155, 156; reference to, 157, 352, 376; immigrants from, in Sioux County, 187, 189; contrast between political conditions in America and, 208, 209; renouncement of allegiance to, 211, 212; revolution in, 217; impossibility of establishing free government in, 219; political condition of people in, 219; contrast between schools in America and, 256; hostility toward Christian education in, 256-258; education in, 272; reconstruction in, 287; attitude toward Seceders in, 287; contribution for orphan asylum in, 311; dialects of, 327; contrast between farming in Iowa and, 330, 331; effort to strengthen bond between United States and, 365

Holland (Grundy County), 194

Holland (Sioux County), selection of site of, 133

Holland (Michigan), 156, 183, 251; Hope College at, 274, 278, 303; relief for fire sufferers at, 311

Holland Academy, 281, 303

Holland Township (Sioux County), early dwellings in, 142, 143; reference to, 145, 153, 240; Hollanders in, 148, 180, 201; establishment of, 179; original size of, 185; population of, 186; proportion of Hollanders in, 187; politics in, 241

Hollander, De, 247

Hollanders, character of history of, in Iowa, 7, 8 ; early achievements of, 15; cessation of immigration of, 25; feeling of national pride among, 26, 317; predominance of, in New York, 27, communities of, in Mississippi Valley, 28, 29; distribution of, in United States, 29, 376; causes of emigration of, 30, 317; favorable reports sent to fatherland by, 41; advice to, 42; journey of, to America, 45-47; arrival of, in America, 45, 46, 47; attempts to exploit, 49; impressions of Baltimore by, 50; attitude of Americans toward, 50, 51, 55, 56, 213, 216, 218; journey of, to St. Louis, 51-53; sufferings of, on journey, 52, 53; Scholte invited to preach to, 54, 55; character of land desired by, 59, 60; last step in finding home for, 61; arrival of, in Iowa, 65-69; departure of, from St. Louis, 65, 66; deaths among, 66; description of, 67, 107, 108, 109, 110; disappointment of, 67, 68; life of, in Holland, 68, 69; description of land purchased by, 70, 71 ; land chosen by lot by, 72; first dwellings of, 73, 74, 75; establishment of, in Marion County, 73-81; dwellings of, in Pella, 76; agricultural activities of, 76-79; dairy farming by, 77, 78; adaptation of, to frontier life, 78, 79, 81; manufacture of farm implements for, 79; aversion of number of, to work, 81; early experiences of, in Iowa, 82-85; fresh accessions of, 83, 122, 295; sufferings of, daring winter, 83; relief of destitution of, 83-85; profit of, from gold-seekers, 84, 85; hopes and disappointments of, 86-93; mail facilities of, 86, 87; inconvenience of, in securing markets, 87; route of transporting supplies for, 88; interest of, in improvement of Des Moines River, 89, 90; agitation among, for railroads, 91, 92: attitude of, toward location of capital, 92; comparison of, in Iowa and Michigan, 94, 96; appeal of Scholte to wealthy, 97; attempt to turn, from Iowa, 98; routes of, to Iowa, 99; township government given to, 99, 212; encouragement of, in Michigan, 99; number of, in Iowa, 103-105; expansion of colony of, 103, 104; number of, by counties, 104, 105; gratitude of, to American settlers, 107; prosperity of, 109, 148; rejoicing among, at completion of railroad, 113, 114; celebration of quarter centennial of settlement of, 114; encouragement of immigration of, 116-121; applications for homesteads signed by, 131; land in northwestern Iowa, available for, 131; desire of, for large tract of land, 133; land along railroad chosen by, 134; emigration of, to Sioux County, 140; early dwellings of, in Sioux County, 141-143; community life among, 143, 148, 317-336; financial condition of, 143, 144, 161, 162; difficulties of, with Americans in Sioux County, 144; name always perpetuated by, 145; strength of, in elections, 147, 148; increase in number of, in Sioux County, 154; account of condition of, in Iowa, 157; crowding of, in cities, 157; harvest reaped by, during first years in Sioux County, 160-162; hardship among, on account of locusts, 160-178; destitution among, 164; relief for, 164-169; attitude of, toward relief, 168, 169; discouragement of, 171, 172, 175; progress of, in Sioux County, 173, 174; attempt of, to destroy grasshoppers, 176; trying ordeal of, 177, 178; growth of colony of, in Sioux County, 179-191; planting of trees by, 181; excursion of, to Orange City, 183-185; proportion of, in Sioux County, 186, 187, 189; quarter centennial of settlement of, in Sioux County, 189191; distribution and growth in number of, in Iowa, 192-207; overflow lands bought by, 198; inspection of new lands by, 199, 200; clannishness of, 200, 315, 319; largest settlement of, in Iowa, 201; emigration of, from Iowa, 204; lack of desire of, to return to Holland, 205; recent immigration of, to Iowa, 205-207; political beginnings among, 208-218; political experiences of, in Holland, 208, 209; oath of allegiance to United States taken by, 211, 212; first officers elected by, 214; translation of official documents for, 214, 215; influence of, in Marion County politics, 215; rejoicing of, in political freedom, 216-218; participation by, in elections, 219-244; astonishment of, at interest of Americans in politics, 221; reasons for support of Democratic party by, 222; attitude of, toward slavery, 222, 223, 226; Democratic party supported by, 224-232; attitude of, toward negro suffrage, 226, 227; service of, in Civil War, 230; sympathy of, with North, 231; journey of, to Calliope, 236; safe carried away by, 236, 237; victory of, over Calliope gang, 237; effort to exclude, from office, 239, 240; victory of, over Americans, 240; offices held by, 240, 242, 410; newspapers read by, 245-255; objections of, to being called Germans, 246; pioneer schools among, 256-265; means of education among, 256-286; interest of, at first turned from education in Iowa, 258, 259; parochial schools among, 266-270; lack of interest in Christian education among, 267; lack of interest of, in common schools, 271; effect of common school education among, 271, 272; interest of, in higher education, 273-275; attitude of, toward Central University, 277-279; early religious life among, 287-293; churches among, 294-309; religious life of, in 1910, 310-316; tolerance of, 310; benevolences of, 311, 312; church attendance of, 312, 313; differences between Americans and, in religion, 314; failure of, to become assimilated in America, 318, 319; home life of, 322-324; lack of culture among, 324; change in life of, on coming to Iowa, 325; democracy among, 325, 326; attitude of, on liquor question, 327; amusements of, 328, 329; adoption of American ways by, 329; prosperity of, as farmers, 329-336; improvement of soil fertility by, 333; interest of, in fine breeds of live stock, 333, 334; industry of, 334; adoption of new ideas by, 334, 335; conservatism of, 335; lack of reading among, 335; honesty of, 336; attitude of, during Boer war, 349-362; rejoicing of, at Boer victories, 353, 354; money sent to Boers by, 354, 355; "Transvaal Days" held by, 355; indignation of, at tales of Boer sufferings, 360, 361; amount of money given to Boers by, 362; refusal of, to sell horses, 362; statistics of immigration of, 376 (see also Dutch)

Hollidaysburg (Pennsylvania), 51, 385

Holstein cattle, 334

Home, choice of, in. Iowa, 57-64

Homeseekers, eagerness of, to obtain land, 129, 130

Homestead, The, 335, 422

Homesteads, taking of, by Hollanders, 77; applications for, signed by Hollanders, 131; apportionment of, 134; law relative to securing of, 134, 135; visit of Hollanders to, in Sioux County, 136; act for relief of holders of, 171; rise in value of, 199

Hoog Blokland (Holland), office of Hospers at, 151; reference to, 391

Hope College, higher education received at, 274; reference to, 278, 281, 283, 286, 303

Hope School, 269, 414

Horses, need for purchase of, 161; herding of, 182; raising of, in Sioux County, 333; fine breeds of, 334; cost of, 343; purchase of, by English, 361, 362.

Hotels, 110

House of Representatives, resolution in, 118, 358

Houses, description of, 322

Howard County, Hollanders in, 194

Bowell Station, 390

Hospers, Henry, 109, 124, 134, 154, 180, 199, 240, 260, 280, 353, 409, 412; Governor's message translated by, 118, 119; service of, as immigrant agent in Holland, 121, 151, 152; visit of, in Missouri, 122; interest of, in emigration movement, 122, 123; newspaper edited by, 124, 150, 155, 156, 249, 250, 252, 254; early career of, 150, 151; third of land on town-site given to, 131, 146; member of investigating committee, 132; journey of, to Sioux City, 132; settlement in Sioux County promoted by, 140, 150-159; colony store built by, 147; pamphlet published by, 152; report of, to Board of Immigration, 152, J-53; position of, in Sioux County, 153, 154, 244; citizen's club urged by, 156; advertisements placed in newspapers by, 157; prediction of, concerning Sioux County, 158, 159; relief for Hollanders solicited by, 165; wise counsel and cheerfulness of, 172-174; service of, to Dutch colony, 178; account of founding of colony by, 190; candidacy of, for surveyor, 222; office held by, 224, 235, 237, 242; defeat of. for Representative, 233; efforts of, to secure seating of officers, 236; suit fought by, 237, 238; activities of, as editor, 238-240; election of, as Representative, 243, 244; newspaper sold by, 251; land for academy donated by, 282; cane presented to, 400

Hospers, Isaac, newspaper edited by, 255

Hospers, John, 291, 412; diary of, 391

Hospers, John W., office held by, 242

Hospers (Iowa), 170, 173, 180, 191, 284; Dutch church at, 186, 302, 306; proportion of Hollanders in, 187; population of, 202; money raised for Boers at, 360

Hudson, Hendrik, discovery of Hudson River by, 15, 16

Hudson River, discovery of, 16; troubles of early settlers on, 17; Dutch settlements on, 18; patroon system established along, 18; reference to, 25

Huguenots, immigration of, 21 Huizenga, Frank J., office held by, 242

Hull, former name of, 186; reference to, 191, 270; population of, 203; plan for parochial school at, 269; Dutch church at, 302, 306; money raised for Boers at, 360

Hull (North Dakota), 204

Humboldt County, Hollanders in, 105, 194

Huntsman, H. C., 223


Illinois, Dutch churches in, 29; Hollanders in, 29, 376; preference of Scholte for, 59; unoccupied lands in, 61; reference to, 115, 157, 159, 204, 254, 382; promotion of immigration to, 120

Illinois Canal, 57

Illinois Central Railroad, promotion of immigration by, 120; line of, 128

Illinois River, 99

Immigrant Commissioner of Iowa, appointment of, 120; discontinuance of office of, urged, 120

Immigrants, dangers to, 48-50; financial condition of, 95, 161, 162; temptations experienced by, 98; advice to, by Scholte, 98, 99: routes of, 99; hardships of, on journey, 101; selection of points of destination by, 120; protection of, at New York City, 120; nationality of, 376 (see also Emigrants)

Immigration, study of, 7; early promotion of, to Pella, 94-100; official encouragement of, 99; twentyfive years of, 101-105; discussion of, by Scholte, 102, 103; fluctuations in, 104; encouragement of, by State, 115-121; promotion of, by western States, 115; encouragement of, by private agencies, 116; promotion of, by Wisconsin, 119; attitude of Hempstead toward, 119; promotion of, to Sioux County by Hospers, 150-159; effect of railroads on, 187 (see also Emigration)

Immigration, Board of, members of, 120; activities of, 120, 121; appointment of Hospers by, 151; report of Hospers to, 152, 153

Immigration, Commissioner of, Perkins as, 187

India, search for passage to, 16; relief for famine sufferers in, 311, 352

Indiana, Dutch colonies in, 28; Dutch churches in, 29; emigrants from, 65; reference to, 115, 159; Hollanders in, 376

Indians, trade of Dutch with. 16, 18, 19; dangers from, 17; massacres by, 19; arrogance of, 20; reference to, 23, 61; proximity of, in Michigan, 59; land ceded by, 70; removal of, westward, 70, 71; evidence of, in northwestern Iowa, 138

Iowa, origins and present-day conditions of Dutch in, 7; character of history of Hollanders in, 7, 8: source materials for history of Dutch in, 8 ; Dutch churches in, 29; causes of immigration to, 30; leader of immigrants to, 32, 39; first Dutch immigrants to, 45; attitude of Van Raalte toward, 57; choice of home in, 57-64; preference of Scholte for, 59; examination of lands in, 61-63; selection of land in, 63, 64; arrival of Hollanders in, 65-69; beginning of life of Hollanders in, 69; capital of, al Iowa City, 71; advance of pioneer across, 71; adaptation of Hollander: to life in, 81; early experiences of Hollanders in, 82-85; drawback, of frontier life in, 86; importance of. Keokuk in early history of, 87 importance of Mississippi River irt early commerce of, 87, 88; agitation in, for improvement of Dei Moines River, 88; agitation for railroads in, 91; choice of new site for capital of, 91, 92; beginning of Dutch immigration to, 94, increase in number of foreign-born. Hollanders in, 94; comparison of Hollanders in Michigan and, 94 95; alleged unhealthfulness of, 95 96; reasons for preference for, 96 Scholte, 96; truthfulness of Scholte account of, 96, 97; attempt to turn immigrants from, 98; routes to 99, 346; failure of, to endeavor to attract settlers, 99; township government given to Hollanders in, 99; twenty-five years of Dutch immigration to, 101-105; number of Hollanders in, 103-105, 179, 187, 189, 376; relative number of Dutch in, 105; letters relative to Hollanders in, 107, 108, 109, 110; construction of railroads in, 113; celebration of quarter centennial of Hollanders in, 114; encouragement of immigration by State of, 115-121; rapidity of settlement of, 115; nativity of population of, 115; satisfaction of, with American immigration, 116; sparsely populated areas in, 117; poor showing in foreign immigration to, 119; overcrowding of part of, 125; means of keeping Hollanders in, 149; arrival of Hospers in, 150; efforts of Hospers to secure immigration to, 151, 152; pamphlet relative to, published by Hospers, 152; interest in Holland in immigration to, 152, 153; pamphlets describing resources of, 154; pamphlet by Dutch resident of, 156, 157; account of Hollanders in, 157; purchase of additional land in, by Dutch, 159; service of Dutch settlers to, 169; widespread devastation by locusts in, 171; discouragement of settlers in, 172; most valuable land in, 178; Dutch visitor in, 188; expansion of Dutch element in, 192-207; emigration of Hollanders from, 199, 200, 204; largest Dutch settlement in, 201; recent Dutch immigration to, 205-207; desire of Hollanders to become permanent citizens of, 211; first Dutch candidate for office in, 222; Dutch newspapers in, 245255; parochial schools of Hollanders in, 268-270; loss of interest in education among Hollanders in, 272; reference to, 287, 343; early religious life among Hollanders in, 287-293; first Dutch Reformed Church in, 296; causes of Dutch immigration to, 317; community life among Hollanders in, 317-336; character of Dutch immigrants to, 317, 318, 329, 330; fertility of soil of, 330; best farmers in, 332; money sent to Boers from, 355

Iowa, Territory of, 71

Iowa: The Home for Immigrants, 121

Iowa Center, 128

Iowa City, capital at, 71; removal of capital from, 91, 92; hog law in, 109; petition for removal of capital from, 223; reference to, 229, 275, 355, 387

Iowa Classis, membership of churches of, 302, 303; contributions of, to missions, 312

Iowa Falls and Sioux City Railway, route of, 128; reference to, 144

Iowa Transvaal Committee, money collected by, 354, 355; reference to, 362 361; final appeal of, for money,

Ireland, immigrants from, in Sioux County, 187, 189; reference to, 376 Ireton, population of, 203; interest in parochial school at, 269; Dutch church at, 306; reference to, 354 Irish, 49, 51; proportion of, in Sioux County, 186, 203 Italy, 376


Jackson County, Hollanders in, 105, 392, 403

Jails, lack of need for, 326, 327

Jameson Raid, 349

Jansdam, Mr., 348

Jasper County, choice of site for capital in, 92; Hollanders in, 105, 195, 197; center of Dutch population of, 196; Dutch churches in, 297, 306

Java, attention called to advantages of, 38; reasons for failure of Dutch to emigrate to, 38; population of, 373; reference to, 380

Jefferson County, Hollanders in, 105, 195; reference to, 223

Jefferson Township (Mahaska County), Hollanders in, 197

Jefferson Township (Marion County), land purchased by Scholte in, 70

John Calvin Junior College, 307 

Johnson, H. F., newspaper published by, 251

Johnson County, hog law in, 109

Johnstown (Pennsylvania), 51, 385

Jongewaard, Albert C., office held by, 242

Jongewaard, C., 223

Jongewaard, John, office held by, 242

Jongewaard, Nicholas, office held by, 237, 242

Joubert, Piet, 355

Junction City, 133

Juniata River, 51, 385

Justice of the peace, 109, 214


Kalamazoo (Michigan), Hollanders in, 157, 158; reference to, 188, 251, 420

Kampen (Holland), 151, 295 Kanawha, church at, 420

Kansas, Dutch churches in, 29; emigration to, 123, 199; exodus from, 171; distress among Hollanders in, 174; reference to, 254, 284

Kapelle (Holland), 185

Keizer, J., 360

Kentucky, Dutch pioneers in, 28; reference to, 115

Keokuk, arrival of Hollanders at, 66; journey to Marion County from, 67; Scholte aided by citizens of, 71; difficulty of communication with, 87; commerce at, 87; road to Pella from, 88; cost of freight to Pella from, 88; reference to, 89, 99, 101, 114, 120, 230, 251, 392; plan for plank-road to Pella from, 91; Hollanders in, 103, 192, 193; hauling of merchandise from, 113; description of Sioux County by editor from, 180; Dutch church at, 297

Keppel, Tennis, investigations by, 58; reference to, 61

Kersbergen, B., 234

Kieft, Governor, conditions under rule of, 19; complaint against, 20

Killduff, Hollanders near, 197; Dutch church at, 297

Kingston (New York), 26

Kirkwood, Samuel J., 119, 230; nomination of, for Governor, 228; vote of Hollanders for, 229, 231, 241; appeal of, for volunteers, 230

Kitchener, General, 361

Klay, Gerrit, service of, as Representative, 244

Kline, A., service of, in Boer armies, 359

Klundert (Holland), conference of Hospers at, 152

Kniest, Lambert, town founded by, 195

Kniest Township (Carroll County), Hollanders in, 195

Know-Nothing party, doctrines of, 221; opposition of Hollanders to, 222; victory of, 222 ; editorial against, 407

Knoxville, 71, 211, 233; county seat at, 92; railroad to, 114; desire for change of county seat from, 213; county seat retained by, 214; school attendance in, 271

Knoxville Township (Marion County), Hollanders in, 196; common schools in, 271

Kolvoord, John, office held by, 242 

Kolyn, Matthew, 283

Koolbeek, Jacob, office held by, 242 

Kornegoor, W. J., 294

Kossuth County, 128, 332; church in, 419, 420

Kritzinger, Commander, protest against execution of, 361

Kruger, Paul, 355, 356 Kruger, Mr., 356

Kuyper, A. C., 291, 391, 412

Kuyper, Simon, journey of, to Michigan, 159; reference to, 240; office held by, 24.2


Laborers, condition of, in Holland, 34, 35; wages of, 81 

Lake Forest College, 274

Lake Prairie, plan for factories on, 89, 90

Lake Prairie Township (Marion County), land purchased by Scholte in, 70; number of Hollanders in, 102, 103-105, 196; insufficiency of land in, 104; reference to, 107, 226, 406; organization of, 212; first officers of, 214; vote on prohibitory law in, 220; influence of Scholte in politics in, 220; Know-Nothing victory in, 222; politics in, 232; school districts in, 260: common schools in, 271; population of, 391

Land, amount of, authorized to be purchased, 44; purchase of, in Marion County, 63, 64; description of, in Marion County, 70, 71; amount of, purchased by Scholte, 71; price of, 71, 398; choice of, by lot, 72; rise in price of, 126, 141; amount of, selected by committee, 133; apportionment of, to homesteaders, 134; high price of, in Michigan and eastern States, 158; fertility of, owned by Hollanders, 332

Land companies, encouragement of immigration by, 116

Land Office (Fairfield), visit of Hollanders to, 62, 63

Land Office (Sioux City), 129, 135; investigating committee at, 130, 131

Langerak, D. W., 234

Langerak, Meyer, 234, 409

Language, variety of, among Hollanders, 327, 328 (see also Dutch language)

Lawns, care of, 320

Lebanon, interest in parochial school at, 269; Dutch church at, 306

Le Cocq, Francis, 240; office held by, 242

Le Cocq, J. F., 46, 47

Lee County, half-breed tract in, 61; Hollanders in, 105, 192, 193

Leerdam (Iowa), laying out of, 390

Leeuwarden (Holland), 151; conference of Hospers at, 152

Lefler, Shepherd, vote of Hollanders for, 241

Leighton, Dutch church at, 297, 306

Le Mars, 133, 144, 191, 354, 395; railroad to, 139, 141; merchandise hauled from, 145; Hollanders in, 200; Dutch church at, 302, 306; mass meeting at, 359

Lenderink, Henry J., office held by, 242

Leota (Minnesota), 204

Leyden (Holland), emigration from, 16; reference to, 295

Leyden, University of, 31

Leyds, Dr., 355

Liberty Township (Marion County), Hollanders in, 196

Library, public, 111

Liebenberg, Commandant, visit of, to Iowa, 360

Lime-kilns, 80, 90, 110

Lincoln, Abraham, nomination of, 229 ; efforts of Scholte in behalf of, 229; reference to, 230, 232

Lincoln Center, church at, 419

Lincoln Township (Sioux County), population of, 203

Lind, John, contribution of, to Boer fund, 355

Linden (Washington), 204

Litchville (North Dakota), 204

Little Chute (Wisconsin), 251

Little Rock, church at, 419

Live-stock, 77; cost of, 343

Liverpool (England), 46

Locusts, ravages by, 160-178; act of Congress relative to settlers suffering from, 171. (see also Grasshoppers)

Log cabins, contract for construction of, 67; reference to, 70

London (England), 46; British ships burned in sight of, 246

Long Island, 19; churches on, 26

Louis XIV, expulsion of, from Holland, 246

Luctor (Minnesota), 204

Lumber, lack of, 75, 141; manufacture of, 76

Lynn Township (Sioux County), population of, 202

Lynn Grove Township (Jasper County), Hollanders in, 197

Lynnville, Hollanders near, 197

Lyon County, available land in, 131, decision of committee to examine, 133; reference to, 137, 138, 254, 332, 399; inspection of, by committee from Michigan, 158; Hollanders in, 159, 200, 201, 204; investigation of locust ravages in, 165167; Dutch churches in, 302. 306, 419; foreign-born farmers in, 421, 422


Hollanders of Iowa

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