Alphabetical ListingTranscribed by John De Zeeuw HA - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - Y - Z |
Surname First Name M/F Age Relationship M,W,S Occupation B. Pl. Person B. Pl. Father B. Pl. Mother Page# No. Date Township/Town Haag Haag Adam m 56 head m farmer Bavaria Bavaria Bavaria 2b #14 6/11/1880 Floyd Haag Filipena ? f 54 wife m keeping house Bavaria Bavaria Bavaria 2b #14 6/11/1880 Floyd Haag Adam P. m 18 son s assisting on farm Iowa Bavaria Bavaria 2b #14 6/11/1880 Floyd Haag Antonie m 14 son s assisting on farm Iowa Bavaria Bavaria 2b #14 6/11/1880 Floyd Haag Alfonso m 10 son s at home Iowa Bavaria Bavaria 2b #14 6/11/1880 Floyd Haag Emily f 12 daughter s at home Iowa Bavaria Bavaria 2b #14 6/11/1880 Floyd Haag Emma f 6 daughter s Iowa Bavaria Bavaria 2b #14 6/11/1880 Floyd Haag Haag Hank m 24 head m farmer Iowa Bavaria Bavaria 2b #16 6/11/1880 Floyd Haag Ellis f 17 wife m keeping house Iowa Pennsylvania Iowa 2b #16 6/11/1880 Floyd Haag Albert m 1 son s Iowa Iowa Iowa 2b #16 6/11/1880 Floyd Haakker Haakker Christis m 48 head m farmer Norway Norway Norway 7a #60 6/12/1880 Lincoln Haakker Mary f 42 wife m keeping house Norway Norway Norway 7a #60 6/12/1880 Lincoln Haakker Sibort m 15 son s works on farm Norway Norway Norway 7a #60 6/12/1880 Lincoln Hagen Hagen Henry m 33 head m farmer Holland Holland Holland 2b #9 6/11/1880 Floyd Hagen Jacoba f 34 wife m keeping house Holland Holland Holland 2b #9 6/11/1880 Floyd Hagen Johanna f 14 daughter s at home Holland Holland Holland 2b #9 6/11/1880 Floyd Hagen Mary f 13 daughter s at home Holland Holland Holland 2b #9 6/11/1880 Floyd Hagen Aartje f 11 daughter s Holland Holland Holland 2b #9 6/11/1880 Floyd Hagen Johan m 10 son s Holland Holland Holland 2b #9 6/11/1880 Floyd Hagen Henry m 6 son s Iowa Holland Holland 2b #9 6/11/1880 Floyd Hagen Jane f 4 daughter s Iowa Holland Holland 2b #9 6/11/1880 Floyd Hagen Aaltje f 2 daughter s Iowa Holland Holland 2b #9 6/11/1880 Floyd Hale Hale DeWitt m 22 boarder s school teacher Ohio Vermont Ohio 14b #124 6/20/1880 Lincoln/Pattersonville Hall Hall Arthur m 27 head m merchants dry goods N.Y. N.Y. N.Y. 14b #129 6/20/1880 Lincoln/Pattersonville Hall Mary f 25 wife m keeping house N.Y. N.Y. N.Y. 14b #129 6/20/1880 Lincoln/Pattersonville Hall Giles A. m 4 son Iowa N.Y. N.Y. 14b #129 6/20/1880 Lincoln/Pattersonville Hall Herbert m 2 son Iowa N.Y. N.Y. 14b #129 6/20/1880 Lincoln/Pattersonville Hall Edmund B. m 18 brother N.Y. N.Y. N.Y. 14b #129 6/20/1880 Lincoln/Pattersonville Hammerstrom Hammerstrom Gustaph m 36 boarder s stone mason Sweden Sweden Sweden 29b #202 6/28/1880 Nassau/East Orange Hammond Hammond S.A. m 54 head m farmer Vermont Vermont ? 6b #46 6/10/1880 Reading Hammond Sarah f 49 wife m keeping house Conn. Conn. New York 6b #46 6/10/1880 Reading Hammond David m 25 son s farmer Vermont Vermont ? 6b #46 6/10/1880 Reading Hammond Maggie f 9 daughter Vermont Vermont Penn. 6b #46 6/10/1880 Reading Hanningfeld Hanningfeld Henry ? m 45 head m farmer Wisconsin Germany Germany 17a #136 6/21/1880 Settlers Hanningfeld Fredrika f 40 wife m keeping house Wisconsin Germany Germany 17a #136 6/21/1880 Settlers Hanningfeld Mary f 2 daughter s Wisconsin Wis. Wis. 17a #136 6/21/1880 Settlers Hanningfeld Baby m 1mo son s Iowa Wis. Wis. 17a #136 6/21/1880 Settlers Hansen Hansen Frank m 58 head m farmer Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg 13a #85 6/17/1880 East Orange Hansen Maggie f 56 wife m keeping house Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg 13a #85 6/17/1880 East Orange Hansen George m 17 son s assisting on farm Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg 13a #85 6/17/1880 East Orange Hansen Maggie f 12 daughter s at home Iowa Luxembourg Luxembourg 13a #85 6/17/1880 East Orange Hansen Hansen Peter m 26 son m farm laborer Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg 13a #85 6/17/1880 East Orange Hansen Susan f 22 daughter-in-law m at home Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg 13a #85 6/17/1880 East Orange Hansen Maggie f 3mo grand daughter s Iowa Luxembourg Luxembourg 13a #85 6/17/1880 East Orange Harens Harens Mathias m 40 head m Prussia Prussia Prussia 4b #30 6/12/1880 Floyd Harens Margareth f 30 wife m Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg 4b #30 6/12/1880 Floyd Harens Justine ? f 4 daughter s Iowa Prussia Luxembourg 4b #30 6/12/1880 Floyd Harens Charles m 3 son s Iowa Prussia Luxembourg 4b #30 6/12/1880 Floyd Harens John m 2 son s Iowa Prussia Luxembourg 4b #30 6/12/1880 Floyd Harens Frank m 1 son s Iowa Prussia Luxembourg 4b #30 6/12/1880 Floyd Harmelink Harmelink Garrett m 55 head m farmer Holland Holland Holland 24b #165 6/17/1880 Holland Harmelink Wilhelmina f 49 wife m keeping house Holland Holland Holland 24b #165 6/17/1880 Holland Harmelink Carl m 23 son s farmer Holland Holland Holland 24b #165 6/17/1880 Holland Harmelink Garrett m 18 son s assists on farm Holland Holland Holland 24b #165 6/17/1880 Holland Harmelink Johanna L. f 15 daughter s at home Holland Holland Holland 24b #165 6/17/1880 Holland Harmelink Mina G. f 12 daughter s at home Holland Holland Holland 24b #165 6/17/1880 Holland Harmelink Hendrika f 10 daughter s at home Wisconsin Holland Holland 25a #165 6/17/1880 Holland Harmelink Harmelink Herman m 19 laborer s farm laborer Holland Holland Holland 22a #138 6/23/1880 Nassau Harmon Harmon Rodney m 29 head m farmer New York Canada Vermont 10a #78 6/18/1880 Grant Harmon Alice f 28 wife m keeping house Indiana Ind Ind 10a #78 6/18/1880 Grant Harmon Claude K. m 6 son s Iowa N.Y Ind 10a #78 6/18/1880 Grant Harmon Clyde P. m 1 son Iowa N.Y. Ind 10a #78 6/18/1880 Grant Harmon Harmon C.W. m 33 head m printer & editor Mich Badin,Germany Germany 6b #51 6/7/1880 Holland/Orange City Harmon Veronica f 27 wife m keeping house Bohemia Bohemia Bohemia 6b #51 6/7/1880 Holland/Orange City Harmon Carl m 4mo son s Iowa Mich Bohemia 6b #51 6/7/1880 Holland/Orange City Harrington Harrington Lidia Jane f 25 boarder s school marm ? Illinois Delaware Delaware 5a #36 6/7/1880 Holland/Orange City Harrington Harrington Satt m 28 head m farmed Penn. Mass. Conn. 12b #114 6/18/1880 Lincoln Harrington Sarah f 24 wife m teaching school N.Y. N.Y. Canada 12b #114 6/18/1880 Lincoln Harrington Herbert m 8 son at school Wisconsin Penn. N.Y. 12b #114 6/18/1880 Lincoln Harroun Harroun Alban m 69 head m farmer New York Vermont Vermont 19a #122 6/21/1880 Sherman Harroun Nancy Jane f 61 wife m keeping house New York Conn Conn 19a #122 6/21/1880 Sherman Hart Hart Patrick m 33 head m farmer New York Ireland Ireland 19a #123 6/21/1880 Sherman Hart Maria F f 35 wife m keeping house Ireland Ireland Ireland 19a #123 6/21/1880 Sherman Hart Bridget Ellen f 13 daughter s Penn New York Ireland 19a #123 6/21/1880 Sherman Hart Francis m 11 son s Penn New York Ireland 19a #123 6/21/1880 Sherman Hart William m 9 son s Penn New York Ireland 19a #123 6/21/1880 Sherman Hart Pakey ? m 5 son s Penn New York Ireland 19a #123 6/21/1880 Sherman Hart Mary f 3 daughter s Iowa New York Ireland 19a #123 6/21/1880 Sherman Hart Hart Patrick m 57 father m Ireland Ireland Ireland 19a #123 6/21/1880 Sherman Hart Mary f 55 mother m Ireland Ireland Ireland 19a #123 6/21/1880 Sherman Harvey Harvey William H. m 41 head m farmer Conn. Conn. Conn. 15a #123 6/17/1880 Buncombe Harvey Martha A. f 26 wife m keeping house Iowa Iowa Iowa 15a #123 6/17/1880 Buncombe Harvey Victor m 6 son Iowa Conn. Iowa 15a #123 6/17/1880 Buncombe Harvey Edward m 4 son Iowa Conn. Iowa 15a #123 6/17/1880 Buncombe Harvey Harvey J.W. m 28 head s farmer New York N.Y. N.Y. 9a #72 6/17/1880 Sheridan Harwood Harwood Newell m 28 head m farmer New York New York Canada 7a #58 6/12/1880 Lincoln Harwood Mary J. f 25 wife m keeping house Iowa Penn. Ohio 7a #58 6/12/1880 Lincoln Harwood Eva L. f 2 daughter Iowa New York Iowa 7a #58 6/12/1880 Lincoln Harwood Bessie f 11mo daughter Iowa N.Y. Iowa 7a #58 6/12/1880 Lincoln Harwood Harwood Charles m 5mo nephew Iowa Iowa Mo. 7a #58 6/12/1880 Lincoln Harwood Abigail f 50 head w farming Canada Canada Canada 7a #59 6/12/1880 Lincoln Harwood Warren m 20 son s works on farm Wisconsin New York Canada 7a #59 6/12/1880 Lincoln Harwood Harwood Myron m 23 head m farmer Wisconsin N.Y. Canada 11a #100 6/16/1880 Lincoln Harwood Laura f 22 wife m keeping house Wisconsin N.Y. N.Y. 11a #100 6/16/1880 Lincoln Harwood Harold W. m 1 son Iowa Wisconsin Wis. 11a #100 6/16/1880 Lincoln Hattoway ? Hattoway Rosaline f 19 boarder teacher Wisconsin England Ohio 7a #61 6/11/1880 Reading Haupert Haupert Nicolas m 41 head m farmer Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg 15a #94 6/18/1880 East Orange Haupert Maggie f 39 wife m keeping house Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg 15a #94 6/18/1880 East Orange Haupert Mary f 16 daughter s at home Iowa Luxembourg Luxembourg 15a #94 6/18/1880 East Orange Haupert Mathew m 14 son s assisting on farm Iowa Luxembourg Luxembourg 15a #94 6/18/1880 East Orange Haupert Nicolas m 11 son s at school Iowa Luxembourg Luxembourg 15a #94 6/18/1880 East Orange Haupert Maggie f 9 daughter s Iowa Luxembourg Luxembourg 15a #94 6/18/1880 East Orange Haupert Mary f 8 daughter s Iowa Luxembourg Luxembourg 15a #94 6/18/1880 East Orange Haupert Haupert Gabriel m 21 laborer s farm laborer Bavaria Bavaria Bavaria 16a #97 6/18/1880 Nassau Haverkamp Haverkamp Mary J f 17 servant s servant Iowa Germany Holland 4b #33 6/5/1880 Holland/Orange City Haverkamp Haverkamp G.H. m 52 head m wheel wright Germany Holland Holland 5a #46 6/7/1880 Holland/Orange City Haverkamp Harriet f 39 wife m milliner Holland Holland Holland 5a #46 6/7/1880 Holland/Orange City Haverkamp Hattie f 18 daughter s milliner Iowa Holland 6b #46 6/7/1880 Holland/Orange City Haverkamp Bertha f 15 daughter s at home Iowa Holland 6b #46 6/7/1880 Holland/Orange City Haverkamp Anna f 12 daughter s at home Iowa Holland 6b #46 6/7/1880 Holland/Orange City Haverkamp Jacob m 5 son s Iowa Holland 6b #46 6/7/1880 Holland/Orange City Hazeman Hazeman Gerrit W. m 24 laborer s farm laborer Holland Holland Holland 26a #172 6/26/1880 Nassau Hazen Hazen R.E. m 21 servant s farm laborer Wisconsin Ireland Ireland 11b #89 6/19/1880 Grant Hazlert Hazlert Henry m 46 head m farmer Ireland Ireland Ireland 18b #149 6/21/1880 Settlers Hazlert Mary f 40 wife m keeping house Ireland Ireland Ireland 18b #149 6/21/1880 Settlers Hazlert J.E. m 23 son s teacher Maryland Ireland Ireland 18b #149 6/21/1880 Settlers Hazlert William m 18 son s at home Illinois Ireland Ireland 18b #149 6/21/1880 Settlers Hazlert John m 18 son s at home Illinois Ireland Ireland 18b #149 6/21/1880 Settlers Hazlert Frank m 16 son s at home Illinois Ireland Ireland 18b #149 6/21/1880 Settlers Hazlert Henry Jr. m 13 son s Illinois Ireland Ireland 18b #149 6/21/1880 Settlers Hazlert Ellen A. f 9 daughter s at school Iowa Ireland Ireland 18b #149 6/21/1880 Settlers Hazlert George A. m 8 son s Iowa Ireland Ireland 19a #149 6/22/1880 Settlers Hazlert Adaline ? f 5 daughter s Iowa Ireland Ireland 19a #149 6/22/1880 Settlers Hazlert Anna f 1 daughter s Iowa Ireland Ireland 19a #149 6/22/1880 Settlers Heady Heady Mary f 14 servant s servant Iowa Pennsylvania Pennsylvania 2b #15 6/8/1880 Reading Heald Heald Samuel m 49 head m farmer Ohio Penn. Penn. 11a #98 6/15/1880 Buncombe Heald Janice f 47 wife m keeping house Ohio Penn. Penn. 11a #98 6/15/1880 Buncombe Heald Wilfred L. m 24 son s farmer Ohio Ohio Ohio 11a #98 6/15/1880 Buncombe Heald Evalina f 19 daughter at home Ohio Ohio Ohio 11a #98 6/15/1880 Buncombe Heald Charles M. m 12 son attending school Ohio Ohio Ohio 11a #98 6/15/1880 Buncombe Heald Edwin N. m 6 grandson Iowa Ohio Ohio 11a #98 6/15/1880 Buncombe Heasky Heasky John m 55 head m farmer Pennsylvania Penn. Penn. 5a #42 6/10/1880 Reading Heasky Julia A. f 44 wife m keeping house Pennsylvania Penn. 5a #42 6/10/1880 Reading Heasky Henry m 22 son s farmer Iowa Penn. Penn. 5a #42 6/10/1880 Reading Heasky Diana f 20 daughter s keeping house Iowa Penn. Penn. 5a #42 6/10/1880 Reading Heasky Cis ? m 18 son s working on farm Iowa Penn. Penn. 5a #42 6/10/1880 Reading Heasky Ewalda f 12 daughter s attending school Iowa Penn. Penn. 5a #42 6/10/1880 Reading Heasky Elvida ? f 9 daughter s attending school Iowa Penn. Penn. 5a #42 6/10/1880 Reading Heasky John m 7 son s attending school Iowa Penn. Penn. 5a #42 6/10/1880 Reading Heasky Laura M. f 3 daughter s at home Iowa Penn. Penn. 5a #42 6/10/1880 Reading Heasly Heasly Curtis m 40 head m farming Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania 3a #22 6/9/1880 Reading Heasly Hannah f 36 wife m keeping house Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania 3a #22 6/9/1880 Reading Heasly Ida f 6 daughter s at home Iowa Pennsylvania Pennsylvania 3a #22 6/9/1880 Reading Heasly Sarah f 4 daughter s at home Iowa Penn. Penn. 3a #22 6/9/1880 Reading Heasly Charlie m 2 son s at home Iowa Penn. Penn. 3a #22 6/9/1880 Reading Heasly Lizzie f 1mo daughter s at home Iowa Penn. Penn. 3a #22 6/9/1880 Reading Heath Heath A.F.Sr. m 55 head m farmer New York N.Y. N.Y. 18a #139 6/29/1880 Lynn Heath Frances R. f 3 wife m keeping house Vermont Vermont Vermont 18a #139 6/29/1880 Lynn Heath A.Frederick m 22 son s at home farming Nebraska N.Y. Vermont 18a #139 6/29/1880 Lynn Heath Grace B. f 13 daughter s at home Illinois N.Y. Vermont 18a #139 6/29/1880 Lynn Heath Heath Loellie f 7 stepdaughter s Ill Ind Ohio 5a #38 6/12/1880 Sheridan Heimstra Heimstra Tjeerd m 55 head m farmer Holland Holland Holland 21b #133 6/23/1880 Nassau Heimstra Lysa f 54 wife m keeping house Holland Holland Holland 21b #133 6/23/1880 Nassau Heimstra Betje f 21 daughter s at home Michigan Holland Holland 21b #133 6/23/1880 Nassau Heimstra Albert m 16 son s assisting on farm Michigan Holland Holland 21b #133 6/23/1880 Nassau Heimstra Hyntje f 12 daughter s at home Michigan Holland Holland 21b #133 6/23/1880 Nassau Heimstra John m 7 son s Iowa Holland Holland 21b #133 6/23/1880 Nassau Heimstra Heimstra Johannes m 23 head m farmer Michigan Holland Holland 21b #134 6/23/1880 Nassau Heimstra Maggie f 26 wife m keeping house Holland Holland Holland 21b #134 6/23/1880 Nassau Heimstra Tjeerd m 1 son s Iowa Michigan Holland 21b #134 6/23/1880 Nassau Heitritter Heitritter Olrich m 44 head m farmer Hanover Hanover Hanover 8b #56 6/16/1880 Sheridan Heitritter Bertha f 34 wife m keeping house Hanover Hanover Hanover 8b #56 6/16/1880 Sheridan Heitritter William m 14 son s Hanover Hanover Hanover 8b #56 6/16/1880 Sheridan Heitritter Herman m 10 son s Hanover Hanover Hanover 8b #56 6/16/1880 Sheridan Heitritter Henry m 8 son s Hanover Hanover Hanover 8b #56 6/16/1880 Sheridan Heitritter Fritz m 5 son s Hanover Hanover Hanover 8b #56 6/16/1880 Sheridan Helder Helder Jennie f 22 boarder s boarder Illinois Penn. Penn. 19a #155 6/22/1880 Settlers Helder Charles m 16 boarder s boarder Illinois Penn. Penn. 19a #155 6/22/1880 Settlers Helder Helder Alfred m 21 nephew s laborer Illinois Penn. Penn. 19a #156 6/22/1880 Settlers Hendall Hendall Charles m 33 servant s works on farm Wisconsin Germany Germany 9a #73 6/17/1880 Sheridan Henderson Henderson John m 44 head m foreman on sec. R.R. Sweden Sweden Swe. 16b #155 6/22/1880 Lincoln/Pattersonville Henderson Ann f 44 wife m keeping house Sweden Sweden Swe. 16b #155 6/22/1880 Lincoln/Pattersonville Henderson Ingewall m 14 son s unemployed Norway Sweden Norway 16b #155 6/22/1880 Lincoln/Pattersonville Henderson Harry m 11 son unemployed Norway Sweden Norway 16b #155 6/22/1880 Lincoln/Pattersonville Henderson Lena S. f 9 daughter unemployed Iowa Sweden Nor. 16b #155 6/22/1880 Lincoln/Pattersonville Henderson Alfred m 5 son Iowa Sweden Nor. 16b #155 6/22/1880 Lincoln/Pattersonville Henderson William m 3 son Iowa Sweden Nor. 16b #155 6/22/1880 Lincoln/Pattersonville Henderson Henderson H.H. m 34 head m farmer Pennsylvania 19a #150 6/22/1880 Settlers Henderson Mary J. f 31 wife m keeping house Ohio Ohio 19a #150 6/22/1880 Settlers Henderson Henry L. m 9 son s Iowa Penn. Ohio 19a #150 6/22/1880 Settlers Henderson J.M. m 7 son s Iowa Penn. Ohio 19a #150 6/22/1880 Settlers Henderson Ellen M. f 5 daughter s Iowa Penn. Ohio 19a #150 6/22/1880 Settlers Henderson Lala R. f 2 daughter s Iowa Penn. Ohio 19a #150 6/22/1880 Settlers Henen John m 7 nephew s at school India Holland Mich 1a #1 6/4/1880 Holland/Orange City Henrich Henrich Jacob m 41 head m farmer Prussia Prussia Prussia 16a #97 6/18/1880 Nassau Henrich Anna f 42 wife m keeping house Prussia Prussia Prussia 16a #97 6/18/1880 Nassau Henrich Nicolas m 16 son s assisting on farm Prussia Prussia Prussia 16a #97 6/18/1880 Nassau Henrich Steven m 15 son s assisting on farm Prussia Prussia Prussia 16a #97 6/18/1880 Nassau Henrich John m 11 son s at home Wisconsin Prussia Prussia 16a #97 6/18/1880 Nassau Henrich William m 9 son s Wisconsin Prussia Prussia 16a #97 6/18/1880 Nassau Henrich Charles m 6 son s Wisconsin Prussia Prussia 16a #97 6/18/1880 Nassau Henrich Jacob m 4 son s Wisconsin Prussia Prussia 16a #97 6/18/1880 Nassau Henrich Anna f 8 daughter s Wisconsin Prussia Prussia 16a #97 6/18/1880 Nassau Henrich Henrich Nicolas m 35 head m farmer Prussia Prussia Prussia 16a #98 6/18/1880 Nassau Henrich Marie f 30 wife m keeping house Wisconsin Prussia Prussia 16a #98 6/18/1880 Nassau Henrich Anna f 7 daughter s Wisconsin Prussia Prussia 16a #98 6/18/1880 Nassau Henrich Clara f 6 daughter s Wisconsin Prussia Prussia 16a #98 6/18/1880 Nassau Henrich Caroline f 4 daughter s Wisconsin Prussia Prussia 16a #98 6/18/1880 Nassau Henrich Joseph m 8mo son s Iowa Prussia Prussia 16a #98 6/18/1880 Nassau Henrich Henrich Ernest m 34 head m farmer Austria Austria Austria 19a #124 6/21/1880 Sherman Henrich Agnes f 28 wife m keeping house Prussia Prussia Prussia 19a #124 6/21/1880 Sherman Henrich Louis m 4 son s Iowa Austria Prussia 19a #124 6/21/1880 Sherman Herbert Herbert Joseph m 28 head m dry goods and servant Canada Canada Canada 28a #187 6/28/1880 Nassau/East Orange Herbert Margerite f 27 wife m keeping house Canada Canada Canada 28a #187 6/28/1880 Nassau/East Orange Herbert Sherman m 1 son s Iowa Canada Canada 28a #187 6/28/1880 Nassau/East Orange Hestelmeister ? Hestelmeister Elisha m 35 boarder s farmer Illinois Conn. Conn. 14b #127 6/20/1880 Lincoln/Pattersonville Heth Heth Thomas m 35 head m farmer New York Vermont N.Y. 1a #7 6/7/1880 Rock Heth Carrie f 31 wife m keeping house Penn. New York N.Y. 1a #7 6/7/1880 Rock Heth Mary f 1 daughter Iowa Vermont Penn. 1a #7 6/7/1880 Rock Heth Heth Harrison m 63 head m farmer Vermont Vermont Mass. 1a #7 6/7/1880 Rock Heth Loanna f 62 wife m keeping house New York Mass. Conn. 1a #7 6/7/1880 Rock Heuena Heuena Frank m 23 boarder s beer saloon kpr Wisconsin Ohio Vermont 14b #124 6/20/1880 Lincoln/Pattersonville Heunce ? Heunce James m 25 servant s servant Penn. Ireland Ireland 13a #106 6/16/1880 Buncombe Heusingfeld Heusingfeld Louie m 25 boarder s works on R.R.section Wisconsin Germany Germany 5a #34 6/11/1880 Rock/Rock Valley Hibbelink Hibbelink William m 27 boarder s carpenter Holland Holland Holland 8b #56 6/15/1880 Floyd Hicks Hicks Arthur m 22 servant s works on farm Wisconsin Wis Wis 13b #102 6/24/1880 Grant Hilarides Hilarides Hein Henry m 48 head m farmer Prussia Prussia ? 6b #51 6/10/1880 Reading Hilarides Christine f 47 wife m keeping house Prussia Prussia ? 6b #51 6/10/1880 Reading Hilarides August m 22 son s working on farm Illinois Prussia ? 6b #51 6/10/1880 Reading Hilarides John m 20 son s working on farm Illinois Prussia ? 6b #51 6/10/1880 Reading Hilarides William m 17 son s working on farm Illinois Prussia ? 6b #51 6/10/1880 Reading Hilarides Carl m 14 son s working on farm Iowa Prussia ? 6b #51 6/10/1880 Reading Hilarides Herman m 12 son s working on farm Iowa Prussia ? 6b #51 6/10/1880 Reading Hilarides Ludwig m 10 son s attending school Iowa Prussia ? 6b #51 6/10/1880 Reading Hilton Hilton Frank m 23 servant s servant Wisconsin Wisconsin Wisconsin 7a #51 6/15/1880 Sheridan Hinchess Hinchess Theodore m 43 head m farmer Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg 19b #144 6/30/1880 Lynn Hinchess Annie f 40 wife m keeping house Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg 19b #144 6/30/1880 Lynn Hinchess Katie f 17 daughter s at home Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg 19b #144 6/30/1880 Lynn Hinchess Catherine f 14 daughter s at home Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg 19b #144 6/30/1880 Lynn Hinchess Annie f 12 daughter s at home Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg 19b #144 6/30/1880 Lynn Hinchess John m 8 son s at home Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg 19b #144 6/30/1880 Lynn Hinchess Charles m 7 son s Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg 19b #144 6/30/1880 Lynn Hinchess Nicholas m 5 son s Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg 19b #144 6/30/1880 Lynn Hinchess Mary f 6mo daughter s Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg 19b #144 6/30/1880 Lynn Hinrich Hinrich Charles m 36 head m farmer Prusia Prusia Prusia 9a #74 6/12/1880 Reading Hinrich Henrietta f 32 wife m keeping house Prusia Prusia Prusia 9a #74 6/12/1880 Reading Hinrich Edward m 8 son s Iowa Prusia Prusia 9a #74 6/12/1880 Reading Hinrich William E. m 5 son s Iowa Prusia Prusia 9a #74 6/12/1880 Reading Hinrich Luida C. f 3 daughter s Iowa Prusia Prusia 9a #74 6/12/1880 Reading Hinrich Maria ? f 1 daughter s Iowa Prusia Prusia 9a #74 6/12/1880 Reading Hodam Hodam Gottleb m 60 head m farmer Prusia Prusia Prusia 2b #13 6/8/1880 Reading Hodam Meria f 57 wife m keeping house Prusia Prusia Prusia 2b #13 6/8/1880 Reading Hodam Herman m 22 son s boards at home Prusia Prusia Prusia 2b #13 6/8/1880 Reading Hodam Albert m 20 son s works on farm Prusia Prusia Prusia 2b #13 6/8/1880 Reading Hodam Enigua f 18 daughter s keeping house Illinois Prusia Prusia 2b #13 6/8/1880 Reading Hoefs Hoefs Henry m 50 head m farmer Holland Holland Holland 22b #144 6/16/1880 Holland Hoefs Theodore f 44 wife m keeping house Holland Holland Holland 22b #144 6/16/1880 Holland Hoefs Hattie f 14 daughter s at home Holland Holland Holland 22b #144 6/16/1880 Holland Hoefs Henry m 12 son s assists on farm Wisconsin Holland Holland 22b #144 6/16/1880 Holland Hoefs Dina f 6 daughter s Wisconsin Holland Holland 22b #144 6/16/1880 Holland Hoefs Lida f 4 daughter s Wisconsin Holland Holland 22b #144 6/16/1880 Holland Hoefs Wilhelmina f 2 daughter s Wisconsin Holland Holland 22b #144 6/16/1880 Holland Hoekman Hoekman John m 25 head m R.R. laborer Holland Holland Holland 11a #70 6/16/1880 Floyd/Hospers Hoekman Gertrude f 23 wife m keeping house Iowa Holland Holland 11a #70 6/16/1880 Floyd/Hospers Hoeve Hoeve Evert m 47 head m farmer Holland Holland Holland 7a #48 6/14/1880 Floyd Hoeve Aaltje f 41 wife m keeping house Holland Holland Holland 7a #48 6/14/1880 Floyd Hoeve Berent m 21 son s assisting on farm Holland Holland Holland 7a #48 6/14/1880 Floyd Hoeve John m 19 son s assisting on farm Holland Holland Holland 7a #48 6/14/1880 Floyd Hoeve Gerrit m 15 son s assisting on farm Iowa Holland Holland 7a #48 6/14/1880 Floyd Hoeve Heintje f 12 daughter s at home Iowa Holland Holland 7a #48 6/14/1880 Floyd Hoeve Andrew m 10 son s Iowa Holland Holland 7a #48 6/14/1880 Floyd Hoeve Johannes m 8 son s Iowa Holland Holland 7a #48 6/14/1880 Floyd Hoeve Henry m 6 son s Iowa Holland Holland 7a #48 6/14/1880 Floyd Hoeve Mary f 4 daughter s Iowa Holland Holland 7a #48 6/14/1880 Floyd Hoeve Lentje f 1 daughter s Iowa Holland Holland 7a #48 6/14/1880 Floyd Hoeve Aaltje f 1 daughter s Iowa Holland Holland 7a #48 6/14/1880 Floyd Hofmeyer Hofmeyer Gerret J. m 36 head m farmer Holland Holland Holland 1a #7 6/7/1880 Floyd Hofmeyer Geredina f 34 wife m keeping house Holland Holland Holland 1a #7 6/7/1880 Floyd Hofmeyer Bertha f 7 daughter s Iowa Holland Holland 1a #7 6/7/1880 Floyd Hofmeyer Hendricka f 5 daughter s Iowa Holland Holland 1a #7 6/7/1880 Floyd Hofmeyer Geredina f 3 daughter s Iowa Holland Holland 1a #7 6/7/1880 Floyd Hofmeyer Johanna f 1 daughter s Iowa Holland Holland 1a #7 6/7/1880 Floyd Hogan Hogan Michael m 35 head m farmed Ireland Ireland Ireland 13a #118 6/19/1880 Lincoln Hogan Julie f 25 wife m keeping house Canada Ireland Ireland 13a #118 6/19/1880 Lincoln Hogan Eugene m 6 son Iowa Ireland Canada 13a #118 6/19/1880 Lincoln Hogan Mary f 4 daughter Iowa Ireland Canada 13a #118 6/19/1880 Lincoln Hogan James m 3 son Iowa Ireland Canada 13a #118 6/19/1880 Lincoln Hogan Catharine f 1 daughter Iowa Ireland Canada 13a #118 6/19/1880 Lincoln Holden Holden George m 22 boarder m farmer Ohio Ohio Ohio 11a #98 6/15/1880 Buncombe Hollander Hollander James m 51 head m farmer Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands 17a #104 6/16/1880 Sherman Hollander Lucy f 43 wife m keeping house Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands 17a #104 6/16/1880 Sherman Hollander John m 16 son s farm laborer Ohio Netherlands Netherlands 17a #104 6/16/1880 Sherman Hollander Sarah f 5 daughter s Ohio Netherlands Netherlands 17a #104 6/16/1880 Sherman Hollander Teunis m 3 son s Iowa Netherlands Netherlands 17a #104 6/16/1880 Sherman Hollenbeck Hollenbeck H.P. m 53 head m farmer Vermont Vermont Vermont 18a #137 6/29/1880 Lynn Hollenbeck Ellen f 34 wife m keeping house Wisconsin N.Y. N.Y. 18a #137 6/29/1880 Lynn Hollenbeck Benjamin F. m 16 son s at home Wisconsin Vermont Wis 18a #137 6/29/1880 Lynn Hollenbeck Louis m 12 son s at home Wisconsin Vermont Wis 18a #137 6/29/1880 Lynn Hollenbeck Nellia f 10 daughter s at home Wisconsin Vermont Wis 18a #137 6/29/1880 Lynn Hollenbeck Norman m 6 son s Wisconsin Vermont Wis 18a #137 6/29/1880 Lynn Hollenbeck Stanley m 2 son s Wisconsin Vermont Wis 18a #137 6/29/1880 Lynn Hollenbeck Hollenbeck B.F. m 44 head m farmer Vermont Vermont Vermont 19b #141 6/30/1880 Lynn Hollenbeck Lucy M. f 42 wife m keeping house Maine Maine Maine 19b #141 6/30/1880 Lynn Hollenbeck Minerva D. f 19 daughter s teaching school Wisconsin Vermont Maine 19b #141 6/30/1880 Lynn Hollenbeck Frederick D. m 17 son s at home Wisconsin Vermont Maine 19b #141 6/30/1880 Lynn Hollenbeck Frank B. m 12 son s at home Wisconsin Vermont Maine 19b #141 6/30/1880 Lynn Hollenbeck Hollenbeck Zeph m 34 head m farmer Vermont Vermont Vermont 19b #145 6/30/1880 Lynn Hollenbeck Frances E. f 30 wife m keeping house Wisconsin N.Y. N.Y. 19b #145 6/30/1880 Lynn Hollenbeck George J. m 11 son s at home Wisconsin Vermont Wisconsin 19b #145 6/30/1880 Lynn Hollenbeck John B. m 8 son s at home Wisconsin Vermont Wis 19b #145 6/30/1880 Lynn Hollenbeck Athel f 7 daughter s Wisconsin Vermont Wis 19b #145 6/30/1880 Lynn Hollenbeck Guy m 5 son s Wisconsin Vermont Wis 19b #145 6/30/1880 Lynn Hollenbeck Hollenbeck Rollin m 36 head m farmer Vermont Vermont Vermont 19b #146 6/30/1880 Lynn Hollenbeck Matilda f 27 wife m keeping house Sax Colony Sax Colony Sax Colony 19b #146 6/30/1880 Lynn Hollibaugh Hollibaugh J.F. m 49 head m farmer Ohio Pen. N.Y. 6b #44 6/14/1880 Sheridan Hollibaugh Mary f 33 wife m keeping house Ohio Ohio Ohio 6b #44 6/14/1880 Sheridan Hollibaugh Henry J. m 15 son s at home Iowa Ohio Ohio 6b #44 6/14/1880 Sheridan Hollibaugh Geo W. m 13 son s at home Iowa Ohio Ohio 6b #44 6/14/1880 Sheridan Hollibaugh Charles C. m 12 son s at home Iowa Ohio Ohio 6b #44 6/14/1880 Sheridan Hollibaugh Clarence G. m 10 son s at home Iowa Ohio Ohio 6b #44 6/14/1880 Sheridan Hollibaugh Arthur L. m 8 son Iowa Ohio Ohio 6b #44 6/14/1880 Sheridan Hollibaugh Burtis L. m 6 son Iowa Ohio Ohio 6b #44 6/14/1880 Sheridan Hollister Hollister Storrs m 26 head m blacksmith Wis. N.Y. N.Y. 15a #139 6/22/1880 Lincoln/Pattersonville Hollister Eva f 24 wife m keeping house Wis. Eng. Ohio 15a #139 6/22/1880 Lincoln/Pattersonville Hollister Estulyn f 9mo daughter Iowa Wis. Wis. 15a #139 6/22/1880 Lincoln/Pattersonville Holmes Holmes Henry m 42 head m works on R.R.section N.Y. England England 6b #51 6/11/1880 Rock/Rock Valley Holmes Mary J. f 39 wife m keeping house Canada England Scotland 6b #51 6/11/1880 Rock/Rock Valley Holmes George m 15 son s laborer Canada New York Canada 6b #51 6/11/1880 Rock/Rock Valley Holmes Sarah A. f 13 daughter s attending school Canada N.Y. Canada 6b #51 6/11/1880 Rock/Rock Valley Holmes Mary M. f 10 daughter attending school Canada N.Y. Canada 6b #51 6/11/1880 Rock/Rock Valley Holmes David m 5 son Iowa N.Y. Canada 6b #51 6/11/1880 Rock/Rock Valley Holmes Charles m 5 son Iowa N.Y. Canada 6b #51 6/11/1880 Rock/Rock Valley Holmes Robert m 1 son Iowa N.Y. Canada 6b #51 6/11/1880 Rock/Rock Valley Holmes Holmes William m 16 servant s herder Canada England England 17a #137 6/21/1880 Settlers Holmes Holmes John m 36 head m farmer England England England 6b #42 6/14/1880 Sheridan Holmes Mary J. f 35 wife m keeping house Canada England Canada 6b #42 6/14/1880 Sheridan Holmes William m 17 son s at home Canada England Canada 6b #42 6/14/1880 Sheridan Holmes Mary f 15 daughter s at home Michigan England Canada 6b #42 6/14/1880 Sheridan Holmes John m 13 son s at home Canada England Canada 6b #42 6/14/1880 Sheridan Holmes Richard m 10 son s at home Wisconsin England Canada 6b #42 6/14/1880 Sheridan Holmes Harry m 8 son s Iowa England Canada 6b #42 6/14/1880 Sheridan Holmes Elizabeth f 5 daughter s Iowa England Canada 6b #42 6/14/1880 Sheridan Holmes Joseph m 3 son Iowa England Canada 6b #42 6/14/1880 Sheridan Holmes Annie f 10mo daughter Iowa England Canada 6b #42 6/14/1880 Sheridan Holmes William m 69 father m carpenter England England England 6b #42 6/14/1880 Sheridan Holmes Mary f 67 mother m docteress England England England 6b #42 6/14/1880 Sheridan Holmstrom Holmstrom Peter m 30 boarder s stone mason Sweden Sweden Sweden 29b #202 6/28/1880 Nassau/East Orange Holton Holton Frank m 32 head m farmer Illinois 15a #120 6/17/1880 Buncombe Holton Ella f 31 wife m keeping house Michigan New York New York 15a #120 6/17/1880 Buncombe Holton Grace f 9 daughter attending school Michigan Illinois Michigan 15a #120 6/17/1880 Buncombe Holton Charles m 3 son Iowa Illinois Michigan 15a #120 6/17/1880 Buncombe Holton Frank E. m 4mo son Iowa Illinois Michigan 15a #120 6/17/1880 Buncombe Holzener Holzener Henry m 47 head m farmer Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg 14b #87 6/17/1880 East Orange Holzener Annie f 50 wife m keeping house Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg 14b #87 6/17/1880 East Orange Holzener Anna f 18 daughter s at home Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg 14b #87 6/17/1880 East Orange Holzener Edward m 15 son s assisting on farm Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg 14b #87 6/17/1880 East Orange Honer Honer Charles m 56 head m farmer England England England 10b #81 6/14/1880 Buncombe Honer Sarah f 51 wife m keeping house England England England 10b #81 6/14/1880 Buncombe Honer Jesse m 28 son s working on farm England England England 10b #81 6/14/1880 Buncombe Honer Eunice f 19 daughter s at home England England England 10b #81 6/14/1880 Buncombe Honer Charles A. m 6 son Wisconsin England England 10b #81 6/14/1880 Buncombe Hoops Hoops Wm. m 25 servant s servant Penn. Penn. ? 6b #46 6/10/1880 Reading Horton Horton D.B. m 38 boarder teacher Ohio Ohio Ohio 12b #94 6/15/1880 Sioux/Calliope Hosindrinen Allie f 27 sister w keeping house Holland Holland Holland 9a #65 6/8/1880 Holland Hosindrinen Dirk m 5 nephew s Iowa Holland Holland 9a #65 6/8/1880 Holland Hosindrinen Isaac m 4 nephew s Iowa Holland Holland 9a #65 6/8/1880 Holland Hosindrinen Nol m 1 nephew s Iowa Holland Holland 9a #65 6/8/1880 Holland Hospers Hospers Cornelius m 29 head m retailer dry goods & groIowa Holland Holland 4b #33 6/5/1880 Holland/Orange City Hospers Nellie H.A. ? f 21 wife m keeping house Michigan Holland Holland 4b #33 6/5/1880 Holland/Orange City Hospers John Henry m 3mo son s Michigan Iowa Mich. 4b #33 6/5/1880 Holland/Orange City Hospers Hospers William H m 35 head m retailer of dry goods ??Holland Holland Holland 5a #39 6/7/1880 Holland/Orange City Hospers Mary Halen…? f 22 wife m house keeping Holland Holland Holland 5a #39 6/7/1880 Holland/Orange City Hospers Sarah f 5 daughter s Iowa Holland Holland 5a #39 6/7/1880 Holland/Orange City Hospers John m 3 son s Iowa Holland Holland 5a #39 6/7/1880 Holland/Orange City Hospers Henrietta f 1 daughter s Iowa Holland Holland 5a #39 6/7/1880 Holland/Orange City Hospers Hospers John m 28 head m printer Iowa Holland Holland 5a #40 6/7/1880 Holland/Orange City Hospers Nancy f 24 wife m keeping house Iowa Holland Holland 5a #40 6/7/1880 Holland/Orange City Hospers Henry m 4 son s Iowa Iowa Iowa 5a #40 6/7/1880 Holland/Orange City Hospers Effie f 2 daughter s Iowa Iowa Iowa 5a #40 6/7/1880 Holland/Orange City Hospers Hospers Henry m 49 head m banker Holland Holland Holland 5a #41 6/7/1880 Holland/Orange City Hospers Henrietta f 42 wife m keeping house Holland Holland Holland 5a #41 6/7/1880 Holland/Orange City Hospers Garrett H m 15 son s student Iowa Holland Holland 5a #41 6/7/1880 Holland/Orange City Hospers Maggie f 13 daughter s at home Iowa Holland Holland 5a #41 6/7/1880 Holland/Orange City Hospers Henry m 11 son s at home Iowa Holland Holland 5a #41 6/7/1880 Holland/Orange City Hospers Effie f 9 daughter s at home Iowa Holland Holland 5a #41 6/7/1880 Holland/Orange City Hospers Eva f 7 daughter s Iowa Holland Holland 5a #41 6/7/1880 Holland/Orange City Hospers Artie m 4 son s Iowa Holland Holland 5a #41 6/7/1880 Holland/Orange City Hospers Isaac m 2 son s Iowa Holland Holland 5a #41 6/7/1880 Holland/Orange City Houghs Houghs A.D. m 44 head m farmer Holland Holland Holland 18b #122 6/14/1880 Holland Houghs Hattie f 41 wife m keeping house Holland Holland Holland 18b #122 6/14/1880 Holland Houghs Henry m 14 son s assists on farm Holland Holland Holland 18b #122 6/14/1880 Holland Houghs Johanna f 9 daughter s Wisconsin Holland Holland 18b #122 6/14/1880 Holland Houghs Minnie f 6 daughter s Wisconsin Holland Holland 19a #122 6/14/1880 Holland Houghs Hattie f 6mo daughter s Iowa Holland Holland 19a #122 6/14/1880 Holland Hove Hove William m 20 boarder s farmer England England England 12b #97 6/15/1880 Sioux/Calliope Hoverheld ? Hoverheld Peter m 52 head m farmer Holland Holland Holland 20a #123 6/22/1880 Nassau Hoverheld Eike ? f 46 wife m keeping house Holland Holland Holland 20a #123 6/22/1880 Nassau Howard Howard Eli m 40 head s farmer Wisconsin unknown unknown 9a #81 6/15/1880 Lincoln Howard Howard Hanness J. ? m 45 head s farmer England England England 19a #115 6/21/1880 Sherman Howard ? Howard Mike m 24 head s farmer Iowa Ireland Ireland 20b #129 6/22/1880 Sherman Hoyt Hoyt Hiram H. m 39 head m farmer New York Conn Conn 1a #4 6/4/1880 Sheridan Hoyt Louisa f 32 wife m housekeeper New York N.Y. N.Y. 1a #4 6/4/1880 Sheridan Hoyt Anna f 14 daughter s New York N.Y. N.Y. 1a #4 6/4/1880 Sheridan Hoyt Andrew m 12 son s New York N.Y. N.Y. 1a #4 6/4/1880 Sheridan Hoyt Oliver H. m 6 son s New York N.Y. N.Y. 1a #4 6/4/1880 Sheridan Hunsin Hunsin Robert m 30 head m farmer Scotland Hanover Scotland 10a #80 6/18/1880 Grant Hunsin Fannie f 29 wife m keeping house Illinois Mass N.Y. 10a #80 6/18/1880 Grant Hunsin Clarance m 3 son s Iowa Scotland Ill 10a #80 6/18/1880 Grant Hunsin Wilbert m 6mo son Iowa Scotland Ill 10a #80 6/18/1880 Grant Hunt Hunt Charles m 30 head m farmer Illinois N.Y. N.Y. 16a #132 6/26/1880 Grant Hunt Sibbel ? f 20 wife m keeping house Illinois Indiana N.Y. 16a #132 6/26/1880 Grant Hunt Eliza E. f 3 daughter s Illinois Ill Ill 16a #132 6/26/1880 Grant Hunt Edward m 1 son s Illinois Ill Ill 16a #132 6/26/1880 Grant Hurd Hurd John m 22 servant s servant Iowa Iowa Iowa 18a #137 6/29/1880 Lynn Huss Huss Antonie m 21 head m farmer Iowa Luxembourg Luxembourg 3a #21 6/11/1880 Floyd Huss Kate f 19 wife m keeping house Iowa Luxembourg Luxembourg 3a #21 6/11/1880 Floyd Huss Maggie f 1mo daughter s Iowa Iowa Iowa 3a #21 6/11/1880 FloydCopyright 2003. 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