More Historic Photos OF Harlan Shedlock Collection
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![Memorial Home, Harlan, Iowa](shedlock/01072015ia049-memorialhomeTN.jpg)
![Fantasy Trolley, N. Side Square Looking West, Harlan, Iowa](shedlock/trolley1-nsidesqwestTN.jpg)
North Side, Harlan, Iowa
![North Side of Square, Harlan, Iowa](shedlock/10-27-2016-me063-northmainRV.jpg)
Used divided back postcard, addressed to Mrs. S. G. Allen, Chicago, Ill., Mercy Hosp. #118. Postmarked at Harlan on Nov. 22, 6:30PM. Message reads: Dear Louis, I know you think I'm terrible but I am expecting Dr. Z. for Thanksgiving and this house isn't straightened yet and you know.Write and let us know often how you are. Your loving Sis, Cleo." Handwritten on the front of the card: "Give my love to Mary. How is Nora?" [?? Name difficult to read] "Marcella sends love and worries also. Want to hear from you soon."
![North Side of Square, Harlan, Iowa Postcard Back](shedlock/10-27-2016-me064-northmainbkRV.jpg)
Night Scene, Harlan, Iowa
![Night Scene, Harlan, Iowa](shedlock/01072015ia013-nightstRV.jpg)
Used divided back postcard addressed to Mr. C. L. Swartsky, Kearney, Nebraska % Central Bank. Return header "From Harlan, IA Box 763". Postmarked at Harlan, Iowa, Jan. 24 10AM. Message reads: "Dear Lee! Well how are you ??? The folks me are all trying to have the gripp. Roy has it now I have had it and feel terrible yet. It is surely a seige [sic siege] Hans's Henry was in Chicago last week on business n is so glad to get your letter. Hope May is still doing so well she has not written for a long time. How do you like our new street lights and paving? With Love from us all, Jessie." Front of card: Night Scene, Harlan, Iowa, Copyright, 1911 J. J. Norgaard.
![Night Scene, Harlan, Iowa Postcard Back](shedlock/01072015ia014-nightstbkRV.jpg)
Memorial Home, Harlan, Iowa
![Memorial Home, Harlan, Iowa](shedlock/01072015ia049-memorialhomeRV.jpg)
Unused divided back postcard of Memorial Home, Harlan, Iowa.
![Memorial Home, Harlan, Iowa Postcard Back](shedlock/01072015ia050-memorialhomebkRV.jpg)
Lovers Lane, 10th Street, looking North, Harlan, Iowa
![Lovers Lane, 10th Street, looking North, Harlan, Iowa](shedlock/01072015ia161-loverslaneRV.jpg)
Used divided back postcard addressed to Mrs. Hattie Waterbury, Ross, Iowa, Audubon, Iowa. Postmarked at Harlan, Iowa 1:30PM Apr. 7. Message is dated April 7, 1910 and reads: Dear Daughter, I have just been up to see Mary. I don't think she will ever see another day. She is awful bad. Mother."
![Lovers Lane, 10th Street, looking North, Harlan, Iowa Postcard Back](shedlock/01072015ia162-loverlanebkRV.jpg)
Sixth St., Harlan, Iowa
![Sixth St., Harlan, Iowa](shedlock/harlin1-sixthstRV.jpg)
Unused divided back postcard of Sixth St., Harlan, Iowa.
![Sixth St., Harlan, Iowa Postcard Back](shedlock/harlin2-sixthstbkRV.jpg)
N. Side Square Looking West, Harlan, Iowa
![Fantasy Trolley, N. Side Square Looking West, Harlan, Iowa](shedlock/trolley1-nsidesqwestRV.jpg)
"Fantasy" trolley, N. Side Square Looking West, Harlan, Iowa. Unused divided back postcard.
![Fantasy Trolley, N. Side Square Looking West, Harlan, Iowa Postcard Back](shedlock/trolley2-nsidesqwestbkRV.jpg)
Danish Baptist Church, Harlan, Iowa
![Danish Baptist Church, Harlan, Iowa](shedlock/Harlan-DanishBaptistChurch.jpg)
Danish Baptist Church, Harlan, Iowa. Divided back postcard, postmarked Sep 13, 1921 5:30AM and addressed to Mrs. C. M. Therkelsen, 2928 F. St., Lincoln, Nebr. Message reads: "Harlan, Ia. 9/12/21. Dear Mother - Arrived here this P.M. from Ms. Valley. Rainey nearly all day but not very hard so could drive without much trouble. Will leave for Walnut and Oakland tomorrow. Hope you are O.K. Your son, John T."
![Danish Baptist Church, Harlan, Iowa Postcard Back](shedlock/Harlan-DanishBaptistChurch-bk.jpg)
City Hall, Harlan, Iowa
![City Hall, Harlan, Iowa](shedlock/Harlan-CityHall.jpg)
City Hall, Harlan, Iowa. Postally unused.
![City Hall, Harlan, Iowa Postcard Back](shedlock/Harlan-CityHall-bk.jpg)
Lover's Lane, 10th Street, Looking North, Harlan, Iowa
![Lover's Lane, Harlan, Iowa](shedlock/Harlan-LoversLane3.jpg)
"Lover's Lane, 10th Street, Looking North, Harlan, Iowa. Used divided back postcard, postmarked Dec. 28, 1910 6:30PM at Harlan, Iowa and addressed to Mary Elizabeth Murphy, 314 BUrlington, St., Iowa City, Iowa. Message reads: "8 P.M. Wed - Making favors for the party - will bring you one - From(?) tonite any letters only cards home. Love to all - Maud."
![Lover's Lane, Harlan, Iowa Postcard Back](shedlock/Harlan-LoversLane3-bk.jpg)
Contributed by David Shedlock, 2019-2022.