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Shelby County

Shelby County 4-H Hall of Fame Inductees 2002-2024

Iowa 4-H Graphic

2024Shelli LarsonShelli Larson has been an avid 4-H participant since her youth [Continue reading]
2023Shirley McConnellThis year's recipient has lived in Shelby County Iowa her entire life. [Continue reading]
2022Cindy HansonCindy (Adams) Hanson is a lifelong Shelby County resident. [Continue reading]
2021Lorie KnudsenThe 2021 Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame nominee for Shelby County [Continue reading]
2019Arlo PetersenArlo M. Petersen of Petersen Pony Farms in Kirkman, Iowa [Continue reading]
2018Rich and Bev GoshornRichard and Beverly Goshorn have spent over 60 years of [Continue reading]
2017Mike ThraenAt age 8, Mike started his 4-H career as a member of the [Continue reading]
2016Roger AhrenholtzRoger Ahrenholtz was born and raised in Shelby County. [Continue reading]
2015Paula BehrendtPaula Behrendt has dedicated over 50 years of her life [Continue reading]
2014Linda HeflinLinda Heflin's lifelong involvement in 4-H began in 1962 as a member [Continue reading]
2013Elaine BaughmanThe Shelby County 4H Committee is proud to announce their 2013 [Continue reading]
2012Charlie & Judy ObrechtCharlie and Judy Obrecht began their years of dedication to 4-H [Continue reading]
2011Patti BlumThe Shelby County 4-H Committee is proud to nominate Patti Blum [Continue reading]
2010Donald AndersonDon grew up in a family with a very strong 4-H tradition. [Continue reading]
2009Gayle "Whitey" & Sharon PetersenGayle "Whitey" and Sharon Petersen have dedicated a significant [Continue reading]
2008Harold LansmanAs a young man, Harold Lansman was instrumental in getting a 4-H club [Continue reading]
2007Julienne FerryJulienne Ferry models the 4-H spirit. She has served youth in [Continue reading]
2002Audrey CarrollAudrey Carroll is a real cheerleader for 4-H! She has been a 4-H leader [Continue reading]

Shelli Larson (2024)

Larson, Shelli 2024 Shelby Co. 4-H Service Inductee

Shelli Larson has been an avid 4-H participant since her youth as a member of the Douglas Dixies. While in her club, she served in many officer positions, filled her time with presentations and projects spanning many categories, and received numerous awards. She also was on the County Council and served as County Historian in 1976. In 1977, Shelli was recognized as the Shelby County Outstanding 4-H Girl. That same year, she was crowned the Shelby County Fair Queen. Shelli helped her fellow club members make their first pie and eventually went on to help her kids make muffins and pies for the local contests each year.

Dress Revue was a passion for Shelli as a 4-H member. She eventually became the county fashion revue and clothing selection contest superintendent. For many years, Shelli enjoyed the many contest participants, including her daughter Liz. As a parent, Shelli served as a member of the County 4-H Committee, becoming president for multiple terms. She was also an active project leader of the Center Comers 4-H Club. Shelli also encouraged her children to seek 4-H opportunities outside of the community.

In 2007, to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of Iowa State University, Shelli designed and helped assemble the first 4-H exhibit to be housed in the Shelby County Historical Museum. Today, Shelli volunteers in many ways in Shelby County, including spending hours behind-the-scenes decorating the county Iowa State Fair static exhibit display in the 4-H building to showcase each exhibit. While her involvement looks slightly different these days than during project and record book season, Shelby County appreciates her dedication to volunteering and teaching.

Shirley McConnell (2023)

McConnell, Shirley 2023 Shelby Co. 4-H Service Inductee

This year's recipient has lived in Shelby County Iowa her entire life. One of the things she looks forward to every summer is the Shelby County Fair. 4H and the county fair are both something that brings this whole family together and has for many decades.

Shirley McConnell attended Irwin-Kirkman Community School. She joined the Irwin Lassies (girls-only club) and completed projects like baking cookies, sewing, making tank tops, and ecology boxes. She joined the Northeast Sodbusters (the boys-only club at the time) in 8th grade where she raised and showed dairy and beef heifers. The Northeast Sodbusters was started by her father and Laverne Juhl. Her father was the leader for several years followed by three of her brothers. During her time in 4-H, she took pride in helping with herdsmanship and.

She decided to become a 4-H club leader of the Northeast Sodbusters. She was the leader of the Northeast Sodbusters for 10 years. This club had about 25 members at its largest during this time. The club did a lot of community service and volunteer work while she was the leader. And she also coordinated multiple club outings like going to the ISU women's basketball game, and Defy Gravity trampoline park, and Adventureland Amusement Park.

She and her husband have 3 wonderful children who all started their own 4-H journey. She was a 4-H parent for nearly 15 years.

Cindy Hanson (2022)

Hanson, Cindy 2022 Shelby Co. 4-H Service Inductee

Cindy (Adams) Hanson is a lifelong Shelby County resident. Cindy grew up near Kirkman and graduated from Irwin Kirkman Community School in 1969.

Growing up, Cindy was a very active member of the Douglas Dixies 4-H club and Boots and Saddles 4-H club exhibiting clothing, food, and nutrition projects, as well as being active in showing her many 4-H horse projects, which was a family tradition. With her horse projects, she won many awards, not only at the county level but also at the Iowa State Fair and AkSarBen. In 1968 Cindy has crowned the Shelby County Fair Queen.

After high school, Cindy attended Commercial Extension School of Business and worked in Omaha. In 1971 she returned to Shelby County and married Karl Hanson where she became, and remains, a very active part of their farming operation near Kirkman. Cindy and Karl have four grown children, Stacy, Rachelle, Lisa, and Gabe. All were involved in Shelby County 4-H with the Douglas Dixies, Douglas Wise Owls, later combining with the Douglas DoRights, and Boots and Saddles 4-H clubs. Cindy spent many years as club leader for the Douglas clubs and Boots and Saddles club where she led project meetings, passing on her horse riding and other skills to the next generation. She organized horse shows as well as helped with all the other cattle, hogs, sheep, goats, rabbits, and other projects for the kids.

Cindy's involvement in Shelby County 4-H and the county fair has truly been a lifelong family affair. Her husband Karl was a long-time Shelby County 4-H member and served many years on the Shelby County fair board with Cindy's help in many of the volunteer capacities. Activities included organizing and staying involved in the 4-H and open class horse shows, working with the 4-H static exhibits and buildings, and now serving as one of the open class superintendents for the fair.

Cindy also stays busy through the summer supporting her 10 grandchildren who are also active 4-H members in their counties with various static and livestock projects including, horses, cattle, hogs, and their many other school activities.

Lorie Knudsen (2021)

Knudsen, Lorie 2021 Shelby Co. 4-H Service Inductee

The 2021 Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame nominee for Shelby County is Lorie (Lebeck) Knudsen. Lorie grew up on a farm outside of Walnut, Iowa. She and her husband, Dan, farm outside of Harlan where they raised their three children, Stefan, Greg and Katrina and now have 6 grandchildren. Lorie was a teacher in Shelby County for 36 years before retiring. However, retirement hasn't kept her away from the classroom as she continues to substitute teach.

Lorie was a 4-H leader for the Jackson Jets 4-H club for 11 years. She encouraged all of her children to be involved with club and county events while they were members. Lorie has served Shelby County on the Shelby County Extension council for 6 years, serving as secretary. She has also served on the 4-H Youth committee for 12 years, serving 7 of those years as secretary and chairperson. Lorie's impact on Shelby County 4-H youth continues as she is one of the static exhibit superintendents, the clothing event superintendent for the Shelby County Fair and is a trained fair judge at several county fairs around the area each summer. Lorie's knowledge and never-ending support of youth education has made her an invaluable resource for 4-H youth, leaders and Extension staff.

It is clear that with her legacy of teaching, involvement in 4-H, and leadership roles both volunteer and elected, that she is passionate about and committed to the personal development and success of young people in her community and surrounding communities.

Thank you, Lorie, for supporting Shelby County 4-H and for making the best better.

Arlo Petersen (2019)

Petersen, Arlo 2019 Shelby Co. 4-H Service Inductee

Arlo M. Petersen of Petersen Pony Farms in Kirkman, Iowa is the Shelby County 2019 Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame inductee.

Arlo has been coming to the Shelby County Fair since he was a baby. He is the youngest of 4 children and was the child who chose to carry on his father's family tradition that began in 1930. The family tradition is still going strong with his children and grandchildren. Throughout the years it has become more evident that without the support of the whole family he couldn't do what he still does today at the Shelby County Fair.

With all the chores and farming he used to do he was also a faithful caretaker for many years to his late wife, Delores. Mr. Petersen is a member of the Shelby County Saddle Club where he participated in many trail rides and overnight rides. He was also a member of the Appaloosa Horse Club and over the years has owned and raised many ponies, horses, and mules. Many people know him for his single and double hitches they have seen in parades over the years.

The ponies could also be seen at Carsten's Farm Days grinding corn, operating the elevator at Kimballton's Corn Husking Festival, or at Greenridge Steam Show grinding corn while the bigger horses were operating the antique tread mill.

If you walk through the pony barn at the Shelby County Fair, which was dedicated to him and his father, you will see the baby ponies are a huge hit with the kids and even the adults. In his younger years, the family encouraged their two children, Jeff and Deb to be members of 4-H and participate in horse shows. Later on, they were able to support their four grandchildren in their 4-H careers and, of course, at horse shows.

To this day Arlo still attends 4-H horse workouts once a week even though the grandkids are no longer in 4-H. Arlo sits at numerous horse shows on the weekends and encourages all the young participants exhibitors showing their horses.

Rich and Bev Goshorn (2018)

Goshorn, Rich and Bev 2018 Shelby Co. 4-H Service Inductees

Richard and Beverly Goshorn have spent over 60 years of their lives proudly involved in the Shelby County 4-H program. They were each involved in the program as children. Rich was a member of the Southwest 4-H Club, and Bev as a member of the Lincoln Bluebirds. They were both born in Shelby County in 1947 and graduated together from Shelby-Tennant High School in 1965.

Rich and Bev were married in 1967 and recently celebrated their 51st wedding anniversary. Within a few years of their marriage, the couple moved on to Rich's childhood farm outside of Shelby. Today, their youngest son and his family reside on the same land.

As members of their own clubs, Beverly entered numerous exhibits into the fair from baking to sewing and providing working demonstrations. One of the dresses she sewed went on to the Iowa State Fair. Richard also enjoyed being involved in 4-H as a member, and his passion was in showing cattle.

Their love of 4-H was passed on to their four children; three sons and a daughter, who were also very involved in 4-H. Both Rich and Bev helped with the leadership of their children's 4-H clubs. When the county fair was over, there were many years they supported their children at the Iowa State Fair watching their sons participate in livestock judging, working exhibits, and showing hogs. They supported their daughter in the 1995 State Fair Queen contest.

During and after the years their children were involved in 4-H, Rich and Bev could be seen at many 4-H functions throughout the years. Rich spent over 20 years as a member of the Shelby County Fair board; 5 of those years as president. He has also been a member of the Pork Producers, Iowa Beef Producers, the Farm Bureau and the Iowa Corn Growers Association. Rich was also a 2008 Shelby County Hall of Fame recipient.

Their love of 4-H now carries on to a new generation of Goshorn children. Rich and Bev are the proud grandparents of 13 grandchildren. Ten of these children are, or have been, involved in 4-H. Rich and Bev have also enjoyed watching a few of their grandchildren show hogs at the Iowa State Fair. Although their 4-H leadership and Fair Board memberships have ended, you can often see Bev and Rich at the Shelby County Fair. Rich helps to make sure that the grandchildren are having fun while showing hogs, and Bev has been known to help each grandchild bake an entry for the fair, as an exhibit or open class. Not only are they regulars at the Shelby County Fair, but the Goshorns have spent numerous days enjoying the various exhibits and shows the Iowa State Fair offers. Watching their children, and grandchildren, make new memories at both the Shelby County Fair and the Iowa State Fair has been some of the happiest moments of their lives.

Mike Thraen (2017)

Thraen, Mike 2017 Shelby Co. 4-H Service Inductee

At age 8, Mike started his 4-H career as a member of the Douglas Wise Owls 4-H Club and was later an active member of the Shelby County Youth Council.

Mike is an active supporter of Shelby County 4-H and the Shelby County Fair. He was the Shelby County Beef Superintendent for 14 years, 4-H Committee member for 11 years and most recently an advisor for the county youth council for 5 years.

Mike continually demonstrates his commitment to Shelby County 4-H and is a very dedicated volunteer that works diligently to assure every 4-H member is headed in the right direction with their livestock projects. He is instrumental in the 4-H livestock program where he is a mentor and always volunteering to help at all 4-H and FFA livestock weigh-ins.

Mike is a hard worker, and has worked in agriculture most of his life. He has also been involved in leadership roles through the United Methodist Church in Harlan.

Mike is a wonderful ambassador for Harlan and Shelby County through his agricultural networks and friendships. No matter what capacity Mike offers his time, he is always willing to work extra hours, learn as much as possible and be of service to the community. He has many strong relationships locally and statewide. His skills, knowledge and abilities make him well respected by everyone with whom he works.

Those who know Mike, know he is a fun, conscientious person with a strong presence. He has been responsive when called on for assistance of any kind. He is a "happy-go-lucky kind of guy" who always has a smile where ever you see him throughout the community.

There is no doubt that Mike values his family. He, along with his late wife Sonja, is a caring parent who loves his three children and six grandchildren. In knowing Mike, there is no doubt that his perspective as a parent, herdsman, and educator have compelled him to work for good things in his community. Both as a volunteer and in his career, Mike has supported many community improvement efforts. Shelby County is a better place to live due to Mike's diligent work.

Mike Thraen has dedicated nearly 50 years of his life to Shelby County and the 4-H program. Shelby County 4-H is pleased to recognize Mike Thraen as the 2017 Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame inductee from Shelby County.

Roger Ahrenholtz (2016)

Ahrenholtz, Roger 2016 Shelby Co. 4-H Service Inductee

Roger Ahrenholtz was born and raised in Shelby County. He is the son of Annajean and Harry Ahrenholtz. He comes from a family of nine. Roger grew up on the farm with his brother and sisters where they had many chores and responsibilities.

Roger farms together with his son, Troy and grandson, Justin. They also do custom planting, combining and trucking. They have a cow/calf herd. Roger and his family are active members of the Church of Christ in Irwin, where Roger serves as an elder, Sunday school teacher and serves on the board.

Roger is community minded and is passionate about his family, fair, and agriculture. He was the Shelby County Chamber of Commerce's Agriculturist of the Year in 2000. He served as president of the Shelby County Extension Council, Shelby County Pork Producers and is a member of the Shelby County Cattlemen's Association. He was named Cattleman of the Year in 2013.

Many know him as a member of the Shelby County Fair Board, where he served as president. He became a member in 1986 and not a day of fair goes by without his presence. Many hours have been spent at the fairgrounds over the years. As a boy he was a member of the Douglas Wise-Owls 4-H club showing beef and sheep. He was an active member of Future Farmers of America in high school. He received the Iowa Farmer Award in 1962. While his father served as President of the Shelby County Fair he could be found cleaning the grounds and fixing buildings. Roger supported his children throughout their 4-H years showing cattle. Supporting his grandchildren with their projects and cattle makes him proud. You are sure to find him at the cherry pie auction and the livestock auction supporting the 4-Hers. You can also count on Roger to provide the red Mustang for the Queen to ride in the parade. Roger continues to serve on the fair board and continues the family dedication and pride in 4-H and the fair. He is known to recruit family members to help with maintenance and with making improvements to the fair grounds. Those that know him, know he started bringing his grandson along at the age of 3. This legacy continues today as Roger beams with pride as his grandson, Justin, is the current President of the Shelby County Fair Board.

Roger served as President of the Association of Iowa Fairs in 2001. He was inducted into the Shelby County Hall of Fame in 2001. He was chosen as the Iowa Fairman of the Year in 2007. Roger and his family also received the 4-H Family Award in 2007.

Roger and Peggy are the parents of three children; son, Todd and Angela of Manilla, son, Troy and Lyn of Defiance and daughter, Tracy and Jason of Iowa Falls. They have six grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Grandson, Justin and Steph of Irwin, grandsons Ryan and Ryley of Manilla, granddaughters Emma and Anna and grandson Isaiah all of Defiance.

Paula Behrendt (2015)

Behrendt, Paula 2015 Shelby Co. 4-H Service Inductee   Behrendt, Paula 2015 Shelby Co. 4-H Service Inductee

Paula Behrendt has dedicated over 50 years of her life to Shelby County, 10 of which were spent working as the office assistant at the ISU Extension office in Shelby County. Paula graduated from Irwin-Kirkman High School and the University of Northern Iowa. She spent 36 years as a teacher at the Harlan Community schools and was also an instructor at Iowa Western Community College at the Harlan Campus. Paula has always been a proponent of life-long learning.

Through her work at the ISU Extension office, Paula worked with young 4-H members, farmers, business people as well as Iowa State University staff. Paula was an expert source of information for many county residents as well as callers form across Southwest Iowa. There was never a question Paula couldn't answer about the 4-H program. Paula worked diligently to assist every 4-H member. During her time at Extension, Paula played an instrumental role in bringing the 4-H online program to Shelby County; she was a mentor to other counties as Shelby County was a pilot county for the program.

Paula continually demonstrates her commitment to Shelby County. She served as Shelby County Fair Board secretary for 18 years and was a fair superintendent. She has also been a business owner, library board and library foundation board member, RAGBRAI committee member, and a past Carstens 1880 Farmstead board member, and she served on various state committees. Paula has also been involved in leadership roles at the First United Methodist Church.

Paula is a wonderful ambassador for Harlan through her professional networks and friendships across the state. She received the honor of Citizen of the Year in 2008 from the Shelby County Chamber of Commerce. No matter in what capacity Paula offers her time, she is always willing to work extra hours, learn as much as possible and be of Paula Behrendtservice to the community. Her skills, knowledge and abilities make her well respected by everyone she works with professionally and socially.

Everyone who knows Paula knows her to be a fun, thoughtful and strong presence. She is responsive when she is called on for assistance of any kind. She is visible, although quiet, in her service throughout the community. There is no doubt that Paula values her family. She and her husband, Clifford, are caring parents who love her daughter, Sherry. In knowing Paula, there is no doubt that her perspectives as a parent, employee, and educator have compelled her to work for good things in this community.

Paula is a person of strong character and professionalism. Shelby County is a better place to live because of her involvement. Shelby County is pleased to highly recommend her for the 2015 Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame. She is very deserving.

Linda Heflin (2014)

Linda Heflin's lifelong involvement in 4-H began in 1962 as a member of the Bingham Hustlers 4-H Club in Sheridan County Nebraska. She moved to Harlan Iowa in 1967 and continued her involvement in 4-H as a parent, project leader, and judge of small pets and dogs at county fairs. She has served as the dog superintendent at the Shelby County Fair for over 35 years and continues to be a dedicated volunteer for the Shelby County 4-H program as a county dog project leader. It is always clear that her main goal is to ensure the kids develop the proper love and respect for their animals, and do the best they can while having fun and learning something from their project experience.

As the Shelby County dog project leader, she conducts weekly obedience classes beginning the first week of May each year until the county fair for those 4-H members with dog projects. She works tirelessly giving 'hands on guidance' to ensure the kids receive all the instruction they need with their dog project which includes working on show techniques to helping with proper care and security of their animals. She takes pride in the work she does and watched as several exhibitors over the years have taken their dogs on to further accomplishments such as the Iowa State Fair, AKC dog shows, and therapy dogs. Also a few have been 4-H dog project leaders themselves. Throughout the years, Linda has been a thorough and dedicated 4-H leader with the knowledge necessary to oversee the animals in her care while imparting needed knowledge to the participating 4-H'ers. 4-H families enjoy working with Linda because she takes the time to work with each child individually from the beginning of their project until the end of the fair and beyond as needed.

Linda was recognized in 1997 when she received the 4-H Alumni Award for her membership and leadership in the 4-H program. She was also inducted into the Shelby County Fair Hall of Fame in 2003. She would be the first to say she could not have dedicated herself all these years without the enthusiasm of the kids and support from the parents, and the help from her best friend who has been with her every step of the way as a project leader.

Congratulations Linda and thank you for your dedication.

Elaine Baughman (2013)

Baughman, Elaine 2013 Shelby Co. 4-H Service Inductee

The Shelby County 4H Committee is proud to announce their 2013 Hall of Fame inductee, Elaine Baughman. Elaine is a special education teacher at the Harlan Community High School.

The start of Elaine's 4-H experience was in Ringgold County as a member of both the Beacon Bombers and the Beacon Bomberettes 4-H clubs. Elaine was very good at cooking and sewing. One of her first cooking experiences was making cornmeal cookies. They were selected for the Iowa State Fair and she practiced making those cookies until she could not get anyone in her family to eat them anymore. In addition to her home making skills, Elaine showed swine each year at the Ringgold County Fair.

She attended Iowa State University and ran on the women's track team. The mile relay team that she was on held the national record for several years. She graduated from ISU and received her Master's in Education at the University of Northern Iowa.

Elaine played many large roles at the Shelby County Fair and put in numerous volunteer hours. She has been a judge for over 35 years, judging at both the county and state level. She has been a note taker for judges, a 4H leader, poultry superintendent, horticulture superintendent, and more in addition to having three children in the Shelby County 4-H program.

Elaine has been a wonderful asset to the 4-H program in Shelby County. Her dedication and commitment to 4-H has earned her the honor of being inducted into the Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame. Congratulations Elaine!

Charlie and Judy Obrecht (2012)

Obrecht, Charlie and Judy 2012 Shelby Co. 4-H Service Inductee

Charlie and Judy Obrecht began their years of dedication to 4-H when they were joined 4-H. Charlie joined the Center Comers 4-H club in Shelby County. His main reason for joining 4-H was to learn about livestock and how to successfully raise them. He showed Shorthorn beef cattle at the county and Iowa State Fair as well as national shows across the country. This year marks his 60th anniversary showing cattle at the Iowa State Fair. Charlie continues to raise Shorthorn cattle in his farming operation today.

Judy joined the Washington Workers 4-H Club in Grundy County in 1953 due to her mother's influence. Her favorite project area was clothing because she enjoys sewing. Her favorite memory from being a 4-H member was when she was elected as the county president for all the 4-H girls. Judy says 4-H taught her not only lifelong skills like cooking and sewing but also better communication skills such as public speaking.

Charlie and Judy were married in 1966 and continued their love and dedication of 4-H together. When their sons were old enough to join 4-H they helped start the Jackson Jets 4-H Club in Shelby County. The Jackson Jets 4-H Club continues to thrive and grow in Shelby County to this day.

Charlie has been a 4-H volunteer for over 50 years. He continues to volunteer by judging cattle shows, working with his grandchildren on their 4-H projects, and involved in 4-H at the county level. He enjoys helping all 4-H'ers with their projects and thinks 4-H is a great organization that can help all 4-H'ers succeed and reach their goals.

Judy has been a 4-H volunteer for over 30 years. She continues to volunteer by judging local achievement shows, writing comments on exhibits at the Shelby County Fair and judging 4-H exhibits at the Iowa State Fair. She loves to see the exhibits 4-H'ers prepare each year. She continues to volunteer because she likes to work with all 4-H members and volunteers. She encourages youth to join 4-H so that they can become better citizens.

Charlie and Judy, in memory of their youngest son, established the Greg Obrecht Outstanding Junior Award. They volunteer their time to present this award to the most outstanding junior boy and girl in the county that consistently displays love of life, has a good attitude, participates in the county fair, and is willing to help other 4-H'ers.

With over 80 years of combined 4-H volunteerism in, Charlie and Judy exemplify outstanding service to the Shelby County 4-H program.

Patti Blum (2011)

Blum, Patti 2011 Shelby Co. 4-H Service Inductee

The Shelby County 4-H Committee is proud to nominate Patti Blum to be a member of the State 4-H Hall of Fame. Patti has been involved in 4H for over 30 years. She began as most do, helping out her son with his 4H projects, gradually taking on the role of project leader and then a club leader. When Patti moved to Iowa from California she became a 4H leader for her daughters 4H club, and started working at the Shelby County Extension Office.

Patti served Shelby County as the 4-H Program Assistant for 13 years, working with countless leaders, volunteers and 4-H members during this time to keep the 4-H program strong. She was an advisor to the County Youth Council, helping to plan county-wide activities for 4-Hers of all ages and encouraging youth to get involved, learn and grow through 4-H. She also helped coordinate community activities such as farm safety classes, regional camps and many other summer experiences for local youth. Patti worked with the DNR in bringing Fish Iowa to the youth of the county, being one of the first in the state to adopt the program. In 2000, Patti and her husband Ralph were named as Honorary Shelby County 4-H Members at the annual 4-H recognition night.

Patti supports 4-H at the state level as well, and has worked as a superintendent for the Issues department at the Iowa State Fair for many years.She has served on the Iowa 4H Foundation Board of Trustees and headed up the fundraising committee on the Board. Her love of working with youth really comes through in judging, and she continues to be a 4-H judge for communications and static exhibits at many county and state fairs to help youth realize their potential with her positive guidance.

Her positive attitude and unwavering support for the 4-H program and the youth of Iowa helps keep the 4-H spirit alive and well!

Donald Anderson (2010)

Anderson, Donald 2010 Shelby Co. 4-H Service Inductee

Don grew up in a family with a very strong 4-H tradition. He became a member of his local club, the Monroe Standbys, as soon as he was old enough. During his 4-H years, he held many offices and participated in a variety of local and county activities. Fair was a highlight of the year for this rural family as the children showed livestock and had other exhibits. After Don married, he farmed for a few years, then took an off-the-farm job and moved his family to Harlan in the late sixties. He served as a 4-H leader for a few years for a group of town boys, including his son, who learned that 4-H includes much more than agriculture and showing livestock. He is a long-time 4-H superintendent for small pets. Don has served on the Shelby County Fair Board for 28 years, most of those years as treasurer. Whenever anything needs to be done at the fairgrounds, you can count on Don being one of the first to volunteer. The Shelby County Fair Board's philosophy is that the fair is for the kids and the Andersen family firmly believes that 4-H and the fair are good for people and bring people closer together.

Gayle "Whitey"and Sharon Petersen (2009)

Petersen, Gayle and Sharon 2009 Shelby Co. 4-H Service Inductees

Gayle "Whitey" and Sharon Petersen have dedicated a significant amount of time, effort and resources over the years to the Shelby County 4-H program and the Shelby County Fair. They were both active in 4-H as youth and have done their share of giving back to 4-H as alumni. As leaders of the Douglas Township 4-H clubs for many years, they made a memorable impact on the vast numbers of youth that came under their supervision. Collectively, they have served as achievement show judges, 4-H Youth Committee members, Shelby County Fair Board members, and Open Class superintendents. They are hard workers and volunteers, always serving with a positive attitude and sense of humor. They have served on numerous committees and assisted with many 4-H and community events. Their contributions to the county fair led to their 1998 induction into the Shelby County Fair Hall of Fame. Whitey received the Silver Clover Recognition Award in 1972, and Sharon received the Gold Clover Recognition Award in 1982. The Shelby County 4-H Family Award was presented to Whitey and Sharon and their family in 1989. Together, Whitey and Sharon have demonstrated dedication, encouragement and commitment to Iowa's 4-Hers and their community.

Harold Lansman (2008)

Lansman, Harold 2008 Shelby Co. 4-H Service Inductee

As a young man, Harold Lansman was instrumental in getting a 4-H club established in his township. The Monroe Standbys was established in 1947 with several members, and the club continued to grow in the coming years. Harold was active in soil conservation, and due to his leadership 12 farms developed soil conservation plans. He also saw the need for more active participation in exhibiting at the county fair and organized a group to work at repairing buildings which created more of an interest in showing at the fair. As a 4-H participant, he exhibited beef. He was a member of the livestock judging team that earned sixth place at the State Fair and seventh at the National Barrow Show in 1951. He was elected Camp Spirit at the Soil Conservation Camp in 1951. In 1952 he was selected to attend the National 4-H Club Congress in Chicago.

Harold served as a 4-H leader of the Monroe Standbys for several years. His own three children were active in 4-H as now his nine grandchildren are members of clubs in Shelby, Polk, and Boone counties. Harold continues to support 4-H. As a businessman for over 40 years, he saw the need of support for the 4-H and FFA auction held at the end of the county fair. He contacted various Harlan businesses, and with their help has provided financial support to many 4-Hers selling livestock. Harold continues to rally this support from local merchants each year, and now the livestock auction receives financial support from businesses throughout Shelby County.

Harold is thankful for his 4-H involvement and the opportunities it provided for developing leadership skills.

Julienne Ferry (2007)

Ferry, Julienne 2007 Shelby Co. 4-H Service Inductee

Julienne Ferry models the 4-H spirit. She has served youth in Shelby County as a 4-H parent and leader, a judge and now as a proud grandparent. Through her 4-H volunteer efforts, past service on the Shelby County Extension Council, and now serving on the county ISU sesquicentennial committee she works diligently to see that the Shelby County 4-H program remains strong.

With four generations of supportive and active 4-H family members, Julienne believes in the significant role 4-H plays in the lives of young people. After a successful 4-H career and upon graduating from Harlan High School in 1957 Julienne and her brother LaVerne were honored by their parents, Lloyd and Myrtle Obrecht, by the initiation of a county 4-H award in their names. Today, 50 years later, the Obrecht Award is given to an Outstanding Shelby County 4-H Senior Boy and Girl.

Julienne and her daughter, Richelle, volunteer to help interview candidates for the awards each year. Julienne is a 1961 Iowa State University Graduate in Textiles and Clothing. She taught Family and Consumer Sciences at the Harlan Community Schools for 31 years before her retirement in the mid-1990's. Today you will still find her using her teaching skills as she helps grandchildren and young 4-H'ers learn new skills through the completion of 4-H projects.

Julienne, and husband Richard have two children, Richelle and Brandt. Both children are ISU graduates as are their spouses, Todd and Stacy. Needless to say the whole family is loyal supporters of ISU, Extension, and the 4-H program.

Audrey Carroll (2002)

Audrey Carroll is a real cheerleader for 4-H! She has been a 4-H leader since 1965 and is also active as a 4-H judge.

Audrey has spent many years teaching and encouraging 4-H'ers. She is first to volunteer and works tirelessly until the end of the event. Audrey's contributions to the 4-H program in Shelby County are awe-inspiring and very much appreciated.

Formatted and added April, 2024 by Cheryl Siebrass, with permission from the Iowa 4-H Foundation:
https://www.iowa4hfoundation.org/what-we-do/recognizing-service/iowa-4-h-hall-of-fame/iowa-4-h-hall-of-fame-inductees .