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Sac County
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READ CAREFULLY * List as many as you want. * Put SAC COUNTY SURNAME as the subject line of your request. * On the first line of the message put YOUR NAME, E-MAIL ADDRESS, and your URL (web site address) if you have a genealogy page on the Internet. * On the second line of the message put your SURNAME followed by the SPAN OF TIME your surname records reach, (for example: 1750-1996) * Follow the surname and time span with your ancestor's MIGRATION PATH, for example: IRL>IA or GER>NY>IL>IA. * These instructions will help ensure that you receive good responses. Allow some time for your surname to be added, and keep us up to date if your e-mail address or information changes. PLEASE NOTE: Links have been removed from names with email addresses that show no host or are otherwise broken. If your name shows no link, please contact me. |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
A | |||
Abel | |||
Adams | 1857-1924 | NY>OH>MI>IA | |
Ahrenholz/Arenholz | 1793-2005 | GER>IA
Sue Fredrichs Mein |
Allen | 1835-1915 | NY>IL>IA>OK>IA | |
Allison | 1750-1999 | British Isles>NY>IN>IA | |
Allison | 1632-Present | UK>CT>NY>OH>IA>SD | |
Arndt | 1860 - 1880 | Sac County, IA | |
Amman | 1753-2005 | Ger>IL>IA | |
Arndt | . | Sac County, IA |
Helen Nichols Battleson |
Austin | 1857-1935 | PA>IA>OK>KS | |
B | |||
Baichtal | 1860-1960 | Sac County, IA | Terry Hardy |
Ballard | 1700-present | VT>NY>IA | Myrl Lemburg |
Barnt | 1900-1950 | Stephanie Herman | |
Barrack, Gamaliel | 1848-1920 | VA>Sac County | Larry Pryor |
Barrett | 1883-1910 | England>Iowa | Carol Rueber |
Barton | Susan Sparks | ||
Batie | 1860-1920 | Wisconsin-Iowa | Cathy Zabel |
Beach | Late 1800's | Sac Co. IA> MN | Tom Green |
Bengston | 1890-1920 | SWEDEN > IA | Kathryn Schumann |
Bennett | 1892-1945 | Sac County, IA>Cathage, MO>Fredonia,KS | Karen Storms |
Benson | 1880-1930 | VT>IL>IA>NE>OR | Madge Norton |
Berglund | 1850-Present | Swe>?IA | Melissa M. Jacobs |
Bieg | 1865-1910 | GER>IA>IL | Donna Bieg |
Bierberger-Beberger-Biberger | 1878-1900 | GER>MD>PAA>IA | Collette Scott |
Biggers | late 1890's, early 1900's | IL > IA | Rochelle Wehrheim Johnson |
Bixler | 1800s -1990s | PA>OH>IA> | Janice Ciletti |
Blacketer | Susan Sparks | ||
Blass | 1700's 1999 | GER > IL > IA | Marian K. Lindquist |
Blomberg | 1876-1920 | SWEDEN > IA | Norman Blomberg |
Bloyer | 1900-? | MD>PA>Hagerstown, MD>Lanark, IL>Schaller, IA | Darla
Gibbens |
Bloyer | 1900-? | Schaller, Sac Co., IA | Tom Green |
Bonnichsen | 1863-Present | Ger>Sac Co. Ia>Hyde Co. S.D. | Allen S. Hoaglund D.C |
Boresky | 1880-1930 | Bohemia-WA Co., IA-Sac Co. | Marlene Savage |
Bowers | 1890-1920 | IA>MI | Stephen B. Lambert |
Boyd | 1830-1940 | Ohio>Indiana>IA | Kay Pennay |
Boyle | 1800-Present | Ireland>PA>IA | Bernie O'Brien |
Bradley | 1850-Present | Sac City, Iowa>Sibley>MN>NE | Sandy Dempsey |
Brazie | 1885-1900 | New York>Ill>IA>OK | Kitty Marks |
Brehm | 1800-2001 | Germany>Iowa | Scooter |
Breon | 1878-1904 | PA>ILL>IA>OK>OR | Debra Marthaller |
Brown | 1873-1878 | Can>Me>Mich>Me>Iowa | Linda Hannan Radcliff |
Brown | 1845-1900 | NY>IA>IL>IA | Veneta Mill |
Brown | 1870-1900 | NJ>OH>IA | Gail Knight |
Brown, Ira W. | 1861-present | Can>IA>ND>MN | Jeannine Powell |
Bruce | 1870's-1950's | Scotland>Delaware Co., IA>Sac Co> Woodbury Co., IA>Plymouth Co., IA | Kelley Badgerow |
Bucknam | 1600's-1998 | Eng>MA>DubuqueCo,IA>SacCounty,IA | Barb Christie |
Buehre | 1600-2005 | Ger>FR>NY>PA>IN>SD>ND>IA>CA | Allison L. Buehre |
Buist | 1860-1930 | Scotland>England>Iowa | Michael Tracy |
Bundy | 1870-1896- | IN>WI>Sac County, Iowa | Richard W. Baker |
Butler | 1830's?-1913 | Me>Tx>Schaller, Iowa | Andrew J. Johnston |
C | |||
Cahill | 1860-1998 | IRL>PA>Monona Co. IA>Sac Co. IA | Steven J. Cahill |
Cartan/Carton | 1799-1897 | IRL>IA | Joshua Ellis |
Case | 1870-1930 | NY>IA | Sheri Cox |
Christian | 1900-1945 | Iowa | Charlene Shaw |
Claflin | 1826-1900 | 1844-Parishville, NY>1870 Juneau, County, WI>1886 Sac County, IA | Karen Weiss |
Cleveland | 1630-1998 | MA>PA>MI>WI>IA | Terry B. Hardy |
Collenbaugh | 1850-Present | Owen Co., IN>Green Co., IN>Clinton Co. IA>Sac Co., Iowa | Bob Ankenbauer |
Comstock | 1883-1900 | NY>IA | Anderson |
Conklin | 1848-1927 | NY>IA>CO | Vicki Conklin |
Cooley | 1900-1930 | IL>MO>IA | Marilyn Johnson |
Cooper, Bennajah | 1830-1880> | NY>DANE CO.WI>SAC COUNTY | Janet Cooper Hebblethwaite |
Cooper | 1873-1915 | PA>OH>IA>MT | Jim Cooper |
Cooper | 1873-2000 | ENG>PA>OH>IL>IA | Carol Rueber |
Corderman | 1840's-1900 | Sac County, IA | Darla Gibbens |
Criss (Judge Eugene and decscendants) | 1822-? | West Virginia>Sac County | Sylvia Whittaker |
Cronk | 1880-1888 | NY>OH>IA>KS>IA | Stephen Brown |
Currie | 1872-2000 | Scotland>Iowa | Orla Currie |
D | |||
Davis | 1818-1900 | OH>IN>IA | Vickey Baker |
Dean | 1880-1890 | ENG>IL>IA>NE>CA | Linda Hertert |
Decker | 1868-Present | NY>IA | Mary Jo Hanon |
DeCamp | 1814-Present | PA>IA>CA | Wilson DeCamp |
DeCamp | 1814-Present | PA>IA>CA | Lee Ann Collins |
Decker | 1870-1980 | Denmark>NY>IA | Mary Jo Hanon |
Delequin/Delevan | 1820-Present | Ireland>PA>IA | Bernie O'Brien |
Dillinger/Dellinger | 1875-1910 | PA>IA>NE | Sherrilyn Hunt Phillips |
Delmain, Del Main | 1867-2000 | IA>MN | Mary Alice Burnell |
Dement/D'Ment | 1876 - 1890 | IL>IA | Kingsbury Conner |
Deremo |
1844-2000 | Sac Co. Ia.>Wis.>Mi. | Edna Rolston |
DeVeny | 1865-1885 | IN>IA>NE>KS>AR | Keith Johnston |
Dinges | 1874-2001 | Ger>?>IL>IA | Deveron Shudic |
Dinges | 1884-1927 | Ger>NY>IL>IA | Deveron Shudic |
Dingman | 1870-now | Sac County, IA>SD | Barb Christie |
Drey |
1800-1900 |
Duffy |
Margo Duffy | |
Duncan |
1859-2000 |
Durham | 1870-1930 | NY>IA | Sheri Cox |
E | |||
East | 1880 - 1910 | OH>VA>IN>IA>KS | Bonnie J. Wiley |
Eaton | 1800's-present | NY>IL>IA | Jo Alley |
Eckles/Ackles | abt.1759-2000 | IRL>PA>IA | Sue Fredrichs Mein |
Elam | 1910-1970 | IL>IA | Millie Elam Meyerholz |
Ellis | 1875-1999 | NY>MI>IA>NE | Sid Fisher |
Ewing | Susan Sparks | ||
F | |||
Fertig | 1872-Present | Ger>Mendota, IL>Sac Co. IA | Allen S. Hoaglund DC |
Fineran | 1848-1997 | IRL>MI>WI>IA | Paul Michael Marion |
Foley | 1845-1910 | KY>IN?IA?CA | Jane
Fox | 1796-present | NH>OH>IL>Clinton Co, IA>Sac Co | Marshall Fox |
Fox | Susan Sparks | ||
Francisco, Elijah Davis | 1828-1917 | NY>IA | Pamela Wagler |
Francisco, Rose L. | 1880-1918 | IL>IA> | Sandy
Hutchinson |
Frank/Franck | 1845-2005 | Ger>IL>IA | Sue Fredrichs Mein |
Frerichs/Fredrichs | 1827-2006 | GER>IA | Sue Fredrichs Mein |
G | |||
GALTS | 1800-1970 | GERMANY>IOWA | Ron Nyght |
Garnmeister | 1880-2001 | Paula Peterson | |
Gerry | 1880-??? | Sac City, IA | Dan Marr |
Gibson | 1870-1900 | SacCounty,IA>SD | Barb Christie |
Goodell | 1840-1998 | NY>Erie Co., PA>Whiteside Co., IL>Sac Co., IA.>Dickinson Co., IA | Tammy Kuhn |
Gosswiller | 1800-1970 | GERMANY>IOWA | Ron Nyght |
Greenwalt | 1741-present | PA>ILL>IA | Marilyn Brien |
Grey | 1820-present | Eng>Erie Co., NY>Sac | Tom
Risinger Current email needed |
H | |||
Hagedorn | 1800-Present | Prussia>Burlington, WI>Sac County | Bernie O'Brien |
Hall | 1860-1900 | ENG>CAN>NY>IA | James B. Warriner |
Halling | 1890-1990 | Ger>IA | Sheila Stepko |
Halpin | 1873-1885 | PA>IA | Janice Harvey Clark |
Hansen | 1817-1908 | Denmark>NY>Iowa (Sac County) | Carole Hansen Palmer |
Hansen, John & Margaret | 1878-1908 | Lolland, Denmark>ILL>Sac County, IA | Carole Hansen Palmer |
Haradon | Edward E. Haradon | ||
Harback | 1835-1914 | MA>IA>MN>IA>TX>CA | Veneta Mill |
Harden | ABT 1864 | Early, IA | Lee Harden Waters |
Harper | 1820-1930 | Ohio>IND>IA | Earlene Smith |
Hayes | ?> IA | Janice Ciletti | |
Henrichsen-Hinrichsen | 1900-1925 | Denmark>Iowa | Janet F. Wilson |
Herrig | Early 1800 | Germany>IA | Don McClurg |
Herrig | 1860-pesent | Schleswig-Holstein>Iowa | Joni Mcfadden |
Hicks | 1865-1911 | ENG>ONT>WI>IA | Val (Hicks) English |
Hixson | 1850-1950 | Ohio>Iowa | Woody H. Birch & (Woody) Lee Reineke |
Hobbs, William Henry | 1850-1888 | NY>IN>IA | Maggie |
Hoiten | 1890-1940 | Germany to Iowa | Ken Coop |
Howard | 1790-present | KY>OH>IN>Wapello co.>Polk co.>Sac co. | Melissa Van Wey |
Hunt | 1880-1890 | PA>IA>NE | Sherrilyn Hunt Phillips |
Hunt | 1723-Now | NC>KY>MO>IA | Cindi Scott |
Hunter | 1890-1973 | Sac Co., IA | Jan Verhaal |
Hunziker | SWIT>GR.BRIT>NY>COON TWP. SAC CITY | Duane Hunziker | |
Huston |
1833-2000 | PA>IA | Kelly Atwood |
I | |||
Irwin | 1880-1910 | PA>IA | Lee J. Irwin |
Irwin | 1820-present | PA>OH>IA | Marilyn Brien |
J | |||
Jackson | 1724-2005 | IRL>NY>ILL>IA | Sue Fredrichs Mein |
Johnson | 1848> | Sweden>ILL>IA | Mary Lou Finch |
Johnson | 1880-1930 | Germany>Iowa | Jo-Anne McDonald |
Johnston, Anthony | 1865-1888? | PA>OH>IN>IA>NE | Keith Johnston |
Johnston, Anthony & Massie | 1865-1880 | IN>IA>NE | Keith Johnston |
Jones, Zachary Taylor | 1893-1899 | Story Co., IA>Taylor Co.,IA.>Story Co., IA>Taylor Co., IA.>Sac Co., IA | John Jones |
K | |||
Karges | 1860-1900 | Germany-Wisconsin-Iowa | Gail
Huisheere New email needed! |
Kastner | 1870-1919 | GER>IA | Peggy Holland |
K(C)avanaugh | 1840-Present | Ireland>WI>IA | Bernie O'Brien |
Keir | 1772-Present | Scotland>Canada>IL>KS>IA | Grace Keir |
Kelley | 1847-1998 | IRL>Syracuse, NY>Deleware Co., IA>Sac Co., IA> Tyler, Minn. | Richard C. Kelley |
Kelly | 1837-1915 | Ireland>IA>Muscatine CO>Sac County>Crawford County | Jo Baldus |
Kelso | 1866-1909 | IA>SAC CO,>S.D.>NE>SD | Patricia Kelso |
Keiser | 1876-1917 | Wall Lake>Clinton Twp>Lyton | John Smith |
Kettering | 1890 - 1950 | . | Laurie Wilson |
Konradi | 1800>1990 | GER>ILL>IOWA | Judy Bauer |
Krager | 1880-1930 | Germany>Ill>Iowa | Jo-Anne McDonald |
Kromer | 1867-1937 | Sac City>Bremond, TX | Kalah Erwin |
Krull | 1850-2005 | GER>IL>IA | Sue Fredrichs Mein |
Kyle | 1875-1920 | Ire>Ontario>Wis>IA>Man, Canada, BC | Nadeen Kyle |
L | |||
Larsen/Larson | 1880-present | Grytten, More Og Romsdal, Norway>IA | Charles Berg |
Lawson | ca. 1920's | Sac County, IA. | Kathryn Schumann |
Lee | 1868-1900 | NY>IA | Mary Jo Hanon |
Lee | 1805-1986 | KY>IN>IA | Madge Norton |
Leget | 1795>1920 | PA>OH>IA | Judy Bauer |
Lehr, Cecil Marvin | 1889-1900 | IA>NE | Sandy Hutchinson |
Lehr, Gladys | 1893-1900 | IA>NE>KY | Sandy Hutchinson |
Lehr, Marvin A. | 1855-1920 | IL>NE | Sandy Hutchinson |
Lehr, Hazel Alice | 1891-1983 | IA>NE>CA | Sandy Hutchinson |
Lehr, Lucian Glenn | 1886-1900 | IA>NE>WA | Sandy Hutchinson |
Lehr, Mary Jane | 1880-1900 | Ohio>IL>IA | Sandy Hutchinson |
Lehr, Pearl | 1895-1895 | IA | Sandy Hutchinson |
Level | 1880-1925 | England>WI>IA | Leslie Barbre |
Lewis | 1879- Present | MA>VT>NY>IA | Bonnie J. Wiley |
Lindberg | 1858 - 1921 | SWE>IL>IA. | Warren Lindberg |
Lindblad | 1810 - 1998 | Swed>MI>IL>Sac Co.IA | Glenn Gustafson |
Linke | 1850-1950 | GER>Crawford Co.IA?Sac Co.>Ida Co. | Jerri Linke |
Llewlyn | 1755-1927 | NC>IN>IA>CA | Jane Foley |
Lohr | 1800-1970 | France>IL?MN>IA | Ron Nyght |
Lorenzen | 1800's- | Sac County | Doris Snyder |
Losure | 1800 - 1998 | Ohio>Indiana>Iowa | Terry B. Hardy |
Lowdrebaugh, Sarah Elizabeth | 1886-1909 | IND>IA>KS>IA | Warren Andersen |
Luft | 1901 - | Sac County, IA | Diana Gunther |
Luft | . | Germany>Sac County, IA | Janice Ciletti |
Lundberg | 1800 - 1998 | Swed>MI>IL>Sac Co.IA | Glenn Gustafson |
Lutter | Bef. 1873-1898 | Jen Derksen | |
Lutz | . | . | Jo Thompson |
Lyon/Lyons | VA>KY>IA>SD | Hallie Martinson | |
M | |||
Mackey | 1839-1919 | IR>PA>MN>Allamakee,IA>Sac Co., IA | Robert O. Schleich |
Mann | 1783-2005 | NH>NY>IA | Sue Fredrichs Mein |
Marshall, William or John | 1886-1896 | IRE>IA>KS>IA | Warren Andersen |
Martin | 1920+ | MO>IA | Ballita Schafer |
Martin | 1881-1892 | IA>ND | Lori East |
Mason | 1820-2005 | VT>IL>IA | Sue Fredrichs Mein |
Masteller | 1800-2000 | Germany>?>Iowa | Daurice (Masteller) Verga |
Maxson | 1600-2004 | RI>CT>WV>OH>IA>WI>MI | Edna Rolston |
McCallum | 1792-2002 | Argyll, Scotland>IL>IA | William McCallum |
McClellan, James N. | 1770-1917 | IRA>PA>NY>ILL>IA | Rita Simms |
McClellan, Ellen (Hagenbuch) | Rita Simms | ||
McClintock | 1795-2005 | IRL>PA>IL>IA | Sue Fredrichs Mein |
McClurg | middle-late 1800 | Ireland>US | Don McClurg |
McCollum | 1860-1930 | NJ>OH>IA | Lester McCollum |
McCorkindale | 1880-1924 | Scotland>Illinois>Iowa | Peggy Young |
McGilvra | 1840-1980 | NY>IL>IA | Douglas L. McGilvra |
McGloin | 1875-present | IRL?NY>IA | Terry & Margaret Murphy |
McGuire | 1840-1920 | PA>OH>LA | Shelley Nelson |
McQuistan | 1880-1920 | Scotland>Illinois>Iowa | Peggy Young |
McQuistan | 1870's-1980's | Scotland>Ill.>Sac County, IA>Woodbury Co. IA> Knox County, NE | Kelley Badgerow |
McTigue | c. 1872-1899 | Early and Nemaha | Jim McTigue |
Mennis | c. 1879 | Early | Layne Delapp |
Messenger | 1870>1920 | NY>WI>MN>IA | Lavonne Reinert |
Messer | 1800>1940 | GER>ILL>IOWA | Judy Bauer |
Metcalf | 1700-1860 | MD>NC>Early, Saco County | Jeff Metcalf |
Meyer | ????-1966 | Sac County | Claudia Meyer |
Meyer | 1881-2004 | GER>ILL>IA | Denise Krueger |
Mill | Ted Thompson | ||
Mill | 1835-1910 | Canada>NY>Canada>IA>MN>OK | Veneta Mill |
Miller | 1830-1960 | Ger.>Sac Co.>IdaCo., IA | Jerri Linke |
Minder | 1892-1903 | Germany>IL>IA>CO | James Gilliland |
Miner | 1880-present | IL>IA | Leslie Grant |
Mintle | 1880- | NJ>OH>IL>IA | Debbi Young |
Modal | 1866-1909 | IA>Sac Co>SD>NE>SD | Patricia Kelso |
Mohr | 1874-Present | Germany>IA | Helen Baumgartel |
Mooney | 1823-present | Northern Ireland>Illinois>Iowa | Luana Darah |
Morrison | 1896-1969 | KY>IA | Wendy Morrison |
Moyer | 1880's-early 1900's | Sac County, IA | Barb
Christie |
Myrick | 1600-1926 | WLES>MA>ME>OH>IN>Warren Co., IA>Sac Co., IA | Tammy Kuhn |
N | |||
Neal | 1883-1910 | Iowa | Carol Rueber |
Neal (J. Wilbur) | 1868-1958 | >Sac County, IA | Linda Molner |
Neff | cir 1829 - 1998 | > PA> IA> CO> KS> TX | Doris A. Smith |
Newcomer, Charles E. | 1865-1957 | Clinton, Iowa>MS | Betty Bailey |
O | |||
O'Brien | 1830-Present | Ireland>WI>IA | Bernie O'Brien |
Olson | 1850-Present | Swe>?IA | Melissa Jacobs |
Owen | 1806-1880s | NY>Monroe Co,MI>DeKalb Co., IN>Butler and Bremer Co., IA>Sac County, IA | Holly Owen |
P | |||
Parker | 1860-1890 | PA>IA | Janice Harvey Clark |
Parker, Joseph Frank and May (Rogers) | 1876 - 19?? | Rockford IL>Pomeroy, IA> Pocahontas, IA> Sac County area | Pam DeWall |
Parks | 1854-1935 | OH>IA>KS>MO | Bob Blakeslee |
Patterson | 1860-1910 | PA>IA | Lee J. Irwin |
Peacock | (1830-1945) | ENG>PA>IA | Jim Peacock |
Peper | 1600-present | Schleswig, GER>Benton CO, IA>MO>Sac Co., IA | Robert C. Peper |
Perry | 1875-1984 | CT>IA | Georgea Clinton |
Peters | 1839-2006 | GER>IL>IA | Sue Fredrichs Mein |
Pettersson | 1870-2001 | Sweden>Odebolt, Iowa | Donna Sahagian |
Pettis | 1860-1870 | ID>IA??OH>IA?? | Candy Gay |
Peyton, Michaja | After Civil War | ? >Wall Lake | Larry Peyton |
Phillips | 1874-1922 | Canada>MI>IA | Helen Phillips |
Pitsor | 1870-1900 | SacCounty,IA | Barb Christie |
Poen | 1779-2005 | GER>IL>IA | Sue Fredrichs Mein |
Polzien | 1883-present | Germany>IL>IA | Sundrea Chrisman |
Porter | 1860-1930 | IN>IA>NE>IA | Vickey Baker |
Powell | c.1880 | Sac Co., IA | Jeannine Powell |
Preston | 1852 - 1932 | IA>CO | Vicki Conkin |
Putnam | c.1875 | Sac Co., IA | Barb Roberts |
Q | |||
Quail | 1876-1890 | IA | Kingsbury Conner |
R | |||
Rauch, John | 1823-1913 | Austria>Chicago(1852) >New Vienna, Iowa>Sac County(1880)>Breda,Carrol County(1903) | James Lee Hawes |
Reinhart | abt 1877 - aft 1884 | Mendota, IL>Sac Co., IA | Norm Stephan |
Rema(c)kel | 1881-1893 | Lux>Dub. Lyon Co. Ia> Viola Twp, Sac Co., Iowa> Larkin Twp.,Nobles Co., MN | Bob Arens |
Reutzel | GERMANY>IA | Janice Ciletti | |
Rhodes | 1800s -1900s | IA>OR>IA | Janabears@aol.com |
Richardson | 1920+ | MO>IA | Ballita Schafer |
Richardson | 1890-1950 | ? > IA | Lucille Trumbo |
Rising | 1814-1926 | MA>OH>WI>IA | Genvra Grace (Shockey) Erickson |
Roberts | Susan Sparks | ||
Robinson | 1878-1930's | IL>IA | Georgea Clinton |
Rohde | 1880's-Present | Prussia>Sac County | Marilyn Dose |
Roose | 1879-1895 | Sweden>Odebolt>Moville, Iowa | Donna Sahagian |
Ro(o)se | 1869-present | Sweden>IA | Marilyn Brien |
Ruffcorn |
1834-1981 |
Index to book: RUFFCORN, An All American Family |
Kelly Atwood |
Russell | 1886-1898 | Ann Ponte | |
Rusterholz | 1800-1970 | France>Iowa | Ron Nyght |
S | |||
Sanderman | 1856-1906 | GER>IA>CAN | Carol Sanderman |
Schaefer | Bef. 1873-1898 | Jen Derksen | |
Schmidt | 1843-2009 | AUSTRIA>ENG?NY?POLK CO?SAC?LYTTON AREA | Duane Hunziker |
Schrad | ????-1966 | Sac County, IA | Claudia Meyer |
Schumake/Schumaker | 1818-2000 | PA>IL>IA | Sue Fredrichs Mein |
Schwarzkopf | 1875 - 1999 | GER>IA | Albert Vieger |
Sherwood | 1871-1997 | PA or OH>IA>WA | Stephanie Sherwood |
Simons | 1824-1997 | GER>IA | Paul Michael Marion |
Simpson | 1872-? | NY>IA | Sharon Oltmanns |
Simpson, | 1843>present | England>NY City> Clinton, IA> Early,IA | Dan Simpson |
Slama | 1882-present | AUS>OH>IA | Anderson |
Smith | 1885-1893 | OH>IL>IA | Robert Arens |
Smith, Adaline (Mary) | 1880-? | Ohio>ILL>IA | Sandy Hutchinson |
Smith, Brown | 1880-1896 | ILL>IA | Sandy Hutchinson |
Smith, Frank | 1880-1927 | ILL>IA | Sandy Hutchinson |
Smith, Harry B. | 1879-1915 | IA | Sandy Hutchinson |
Smith, Lloyd L. | 1889-? | IA | Sandy Hutchinson |
Smith, Phebe | 1880-1891 | ILL>IA | Sandy Hutchinson |
Smith, Ray C. | 1882-? | IA | Sandy Hutchinson |
Snyder | 1800-1999 | Holland > OH > IA | Marian K. Lindquist |
Soderstrom | 1875-1920 | SWEDEN > IA | Norman Blomberg |
Sorensen | 1851-2007 | GER>OH>IA | Ross Fillmore |
Space | 1757-1997 | GER>NJ>PA>WI>IA | Cindy Scherwinski |
Sprague | 1870-1890 | NY>IA | Russell Sprague |
Stalcup | 1880-1910 | NY>?>IA | StalcupBob@aol.com |
Sparks | Susan Sparks | ||
Stanzel | 1870-1920 | GER>IA>KS | Patsy Curless-Leiker |
Staples | 1902-1940 | CAN>MA>IA | Carol Rueber |
Steele, John Morgan | 1875-1881 | PA>IA | Arnold E. Steele |
Steltzer | 1888-1901 | PR>WI>IL>IA>IL | Herb Steltzer |
Stephan | 1827-Present | DEU>PA>IL>Sac County, IA>FL | Norm Stephan |
Stilts | 1796-1941 | NJ>NY>IL>IA | Madge Norton |
Stokes | 1874-present | Dorset, England>Carroll Co. IA> Sac Co | Marilyn Shoop |
Stone | 1769-1930 | VT>WI>IA | Barbara
Nuehring |
Stoner | 1880-1900 | Ohio>Iowa | Anne Benson |
Story |
1870's |
Canada>Sac County | Lorilee |
Strayer | 1870-1900 | Penn>Iowa | Temre Marciano |
Struchen | 1800- | ?Switz>PA>IA | Sherry Bamsey |
Sutherland | 1880-1899 | Woodstock, ON > Odebolt, IA > Moose Jaw, SK. | William Richard Sutherland |
Swanson | 1872-2001 | Swe>IA>OK>MO | J.M. Boreing (Swanson) |
T | |||
Taylor | 1870-1910 | Sac County, Iowa- Odebolt | |
Teskey | 1900-1940 | IRL-NY-IA | Ted Thompson |
Thiede | 1880-Present | Germany>IA | Sandy Cecere |
Thomas | 1870-1927 | SacCounty,IA | Barb Christie |
Thompson | 1870-1930 | NY>IA | Sheri Cox |
Tobin | 1909-1947 | SD>OR>IA | Tammy North |
Toher/Togher | 1840-Present | Ireland>WI>IA | Bernie O'Brien |
Tredway | 1870-1899 | Jefferson Co., NY > Lake Co., IL > Cooks Twp, Sac Co., IA > Moose Jaw, SK. | William Richard Sutherland |
U | |||
V | |||
Volding | ?-April 1977 | Vestre Toten, Norway > Winnishiek Co., IA > Odebolt, IA | Garth Ulrich |
Van Buskirk | Somerset Co., PA-MD, > Dixon, Lee Co., IL, > IA | Paul Studly | |
W | |||
Walker | Susan Sparks | ||
Walrod | 1826-1954 | IL>IA>CA | Jane Foley |
Wagner |
1834-1999 |
GER>IA | Kelly Atwood |
Wagner | 1800-1960 | Ger>Sac Co., IA>Ida Co., IA | Jerri Linke |
Warriner | 1810-2000 | Eng>NY>CAN>IA | James B. Warriner |
Watt, Samuel | . | OH>Sac City, IA | jahewatt@aol.com |
Weaver | 1885-1893 | OH>IA | Robert Arens |
Weers | 1857-1925 | Germany>NE>Wall Lake, Iowa | Brita DeFrisco |
Weis | 1883-1925 | LUX>IA | Carol Rueber |
Werkmeister | 1850-1937 | GER>IL>IA>NEB>IA | Kay Brumbaugh |
Whalen | . | Schaller, IA | Patrick G. Whalen |
White | 1880-1950 | Scotland>IA>MN>IA | Joe Van Wassenhove |
Wilcox | 1815-1913 | NY>IL>IA | Jane Foley |
Wilkie | 1854-1919 | IL?>IA | RJ Crouse |
Wilson | 1813 - Present | SCOT>CAN>IA | Laurie Wilson Ihry |
Williams | 1870-1951 | Ger>IA>IL>NE | E. Dean Williams |
Williams | 1870-1885 | Ger>IL>IA>IL>IA | E. Dean Williams |
Winger | 1834-1889 | OH>IN>IA Mills Co. then Sac | Kathy Cardoza |
Wiseman | 1890-1929 | Ireland>LA>WI>Sac County | Terri Wiseman-Kuhlman |
Wood | 1885-1970's | Rome, NY>Cleveland, OH>KS>Independence, OH>Odebolt, IA | Cari Patterson |
Wolleson | 1725-present | Schleswig, Germany>Benton Co., IA>MO>Sac Co., Iowa | Robert C. Peper |
Wright | 1880's-present | NY>IA | Jo Alley |
Wunschel | 1860's-Present | Germany>Sac County, Iowa | Marilyn Dose |
Wunschel | 1775-present | Bavaria, Germany>WI>IA | Robert C. Peper |
X | |||
Y | |||
Young | 1763-1997 | VA>Athens Co., OH>Cedar Twp., Sac Co., IA | Patricia Morrison |
Z | |||
Zerbe | 1710-1893 | Germany>NY>PA>IL>IA | Marilyn Brien |
Zien | 1875-1905 | Germany>Clinton Cty, IA>Crawford Cty, IA>Wall Lake, IA | Harold Dean West |
Zirkel | 1884-2000 | GER>Early,IA/Sac Co>SD>MS>IL>KS | Zane L. Zirkel |