Orrin E. Aborn has been a resident of Cedar Rapids for over twenty
years, and is to-day one of its most highly esteemed citizens. He is a
native of the Prairie state, his birth occurring in Sycamore, Illinois,
November 7, 1855. His parents, Calvin and Eliza (Atkins) Aborn, were
born, reared and married in Vermont and removed to Illinois about 1850.
The father was engaged in the patent right business and patented the
first seed sower ever made. He removed to Independence, Iowa, in 1859,
forming a partnership known as Aborn & Ingals. They made and sold
the seeder extensively through the west, having at one time forty teams
on the road and doing a successful business. He is now deceased, but
the mother is still living and makes her home in Independence, Iowa.
The subject of this sketch is the sixth in order of birth in a
family of nine children, and was only four years of age when the family
removed to independence, Iowa, where the days of his boyhood and youth
were passed. To the public schools of that city he is indebted for his
educational privileges. On leaving the school room at the age of
seventeen he commenced clerking in a dry goods store in Independence,
and was thus employed until after the removal of his employers to Cedar
Rapids in 1878, remaining with them at this place for one year. He then
went to Kansas and engaged in farming with his brother for one year.
In the meantime Mr. Aborn was married at Red Cloud, Nebraska,
in 1879, to Miss Amanda Rudolph, a daughter of Samuel and Della
Rudolph, of Cedar Rapids, both of whom are now deceased. The father was
one of the first hotel keepers of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Aborn have
two children: Libby D., now cashier and bookkeeper for S. L. Rudolph;
and Claude E., who is attending the high school of Cedar Rapids.
After his return to Cedar Rapids Mr. Aborn worked in the
Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern Railroad shops for seven years,
and then entered the employ of S. L. Rudolph, a wholesale and retail
grocer of this city, as manager during the absence of the proprietor.
He is a charter member of the camp of Modern Woodmen of America at
Cedar Rapids, and also belongs to Cedar Rapids Lodge, No. 141, I.O.O.F.
Source: Biographical Record of Linn County, Iowa. Chicago: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1901. p. 701-2.
Contributed by: Terry Carlson
The business ability of Harry Abrams is indicated in his widely
extended trade connections. Not. only is he operating, as one of the
leading merchants of Cedar Rapids but is also a factor in commercial
activity elsewhere, and the extent and importance of his interests are
proof of his splendid ability and enterprise. He was born in Carlyle,
Illinois, September 5, 1879. His father, Bernard Abrams, a native of
German, emigrated to the United States in 1860 and settled first in St.
Louis, Missouri, where for five years he was known as a prominent
retail merchant. In 1865 he removed to Carlyle, Illinois, and became
one of the leading merchants in that place, there continuing business
until 1884, when he removed to Chicago and began the manufacture of
dry-goods specialties. He also owned a large retail store at the same
time, conducting both lines of business with good success until his
death, which occurred in Chicago in 1907. In early manhood he had
wedded Miss Alvina Lewkowwish, a native of Berlin, Germany, and they
became the parents of five children: Isaac, Leo, Monto and Rosa, who
are living in Chicago; and Harry, of this review. The daughter is now
the wife of H. Weller.
Spending his youthful days in his father's home, Harry Abrams
pursued his education in the public schools and after putting aside his
text-books applied himself closely to mercantile pursuits. He was
connected with the wholesale hardware trade in Chicago for three years
and then extended his efforts to include both the wholesale and retail
business, being thus engaged until 1908, when he removed to Cedar
Rapids and established the well known and popular clothing and general
dry-goods and department stores known as the Boston stores. In January,
1910, he also opened similar stores at Clinton, Iowa, and a little
later opened a store at 103-109 Third avenue West, which is the largest
department store on the west side of Cedar Rapids. He is likewise
extensively interested in the wholesale dry-goods firm of A. Weil &
Company of Chicago. From that point he secures the best and latest
which the market affords for his retail establishments. He carries
large and well selected lines of goods and he possesses in large
measure that commercial sense which enables the individual to conduct
growing and profitable enterprises. His stores are attractive and
tasteful in arrangement and reasonable prices and courteous treatment,
which is demanded on the part of all employees, secure for the house a
constantly growing patronage.
In 1903 Mr. Abrams was united in marriage to Miss Selma
Petker, of Toronto, Canada, a daughter of Phillip and Rose Petker, now
living retired at Los Angeles, California. Mr. and Mrs. Abrams have
become parents of two children, Bernice and Sylvia, aged respectively
five and three years.©2005 Transcribed for the IAGenWeb Project.
Mr. Abrams is a prominent Mason, holding membership in Mount
Hermon Lodge, F & A. M.; and in Iowa Consistory, in which he has
attained the thirty-second degree of the Scottish Rite. He is also a
member of the Commercial Club. Throughout his life he has been
connected with mercantile interests and is today recognized as the head
of some of the most important business establishments of Iowa. A man of
keen discrimination and sound judgment, his executive ability and
excellent management have brought to the concerns with which he is
connected a large degree of success. The safe conservative policy which
he inaugurated commends itself to the judgment of all and has secured
to the company a patronage which makes the volume of trade transacted
over its counters of great importance and magnitude. The prosperity of
the house is largely due to its president and manager - the gentleman
whose name initiates this review.
Source: History of Linn County Iowa From Its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time, Vol. II, Chicago, 1911. Pages 527-8.
Contributed by: Terry Carlson
Henry J. Achter, the present efficient city auditor of Cedar
Rapids, was born in Chicago, Illinois, on the 20th of May, 1869, but
was only four years old when brought to Cedar Rapids by his parents,
William F. and Anna E. Schuberth Achter, both natives of Germany. The
father was born in Prussia, November 6, 1843, and was quite young when
he accompanied his parents on their emigration to America, but the
mother was a young lady when she crossed the Atlantic from her old home
in Bavaria. They were married in Chicago. On first coming to Cedar
Rapids William F. Achter followed the machinist’s trade, but for the
past fourteen years has conducted a grocery store at the corner of
Fifteenth avenue and Sixth street west. In political matters he is
independent. He has two children, Emma, at home; and Henry J.
Our subject acquired his education in the public schools of
Cedar Rapids, and still lives at home, with his parents. For about
eight years he was employed as bookkeeper by the American Cereal
Company, and when they removed their office to Chicago in 1895 he went
with them, remaining in their employ only two months, however. He was
next bookkeeper for the Iowa Wind Mill & Pump Company for a year,
and was then variously employed. In June, 1899, he was appointed by the
mayor as city auditor of Cedar rApids, and having an excellent
knowledge of bookkeeping he has filled that office most creditably ever
In political sentiment Mr. Achter is a Democrat, and he takes
quite an active interest in national campaign work, but at local
elections is not bound by party ties. Fraternally he affiliates with
the Knights of Pythias Lodge, No. 98, and the auxiliary D.O.K.K. He is
a deacon for the English Lutheran church, of Cedar Rapids, and an
active worker in both church and Sunday school as well as the Young
Men’s Christian Association, being director and treasurer of the
Source: Biographical Record of Linn County, Iowa. Chicago: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1901. p. 430.
Contributed by: Terry Carlson
Through the years of his manhood John Adams devoted his time and
labors to general agricultural pursuits and made an excellent record as
an enterprising and reliable business man, so that his memory is
honored as one who well deserved to be classed with the representative
citizens of Linn county. A native of Scotland, he was born June 26,
1836, a son of James and Ann (Miller) Adams, who were also natives of
Scotland, the father having been born in 1812 and the mother in 1807.
They crossed the Atlantic to America in 1854 and settled at St.
Charles, Illinois, while subsequently they removed to Linn county,
where both passed away.
John Adams remained a resident of the land of hills and
heather until he had reached the age of seventeen years, when he heard
and heeded the call of the western world, attracted by the broader
opportunities that were to be obtained on this side of the Atlantic. He
landed on the eastern coast and at once made his way into the interior
of the country, settling in Kane county, Illinois, where he resided for
twelve years. On the 28th of November, 1864, he arrived in Linn county,
Iowa, and with the proceeds of his earnings he purchased eighty aces of
land and thus became identified with the agricultural interests of this
section of the state. He made further arrangements or having a home of
his won by his marriage on the 28th of November, 1865, to Miss Myra J.
Gray, who was born in Marion township, this county, December 30, 1848.
Her parents, O. N. and Rosanna (Pratt) Gray, were both natives of
Bradford county, Pennsylvania, and were among the early settlers of
Linn county, arriving in 1843, which was several years before Cedar
Rapids was founded. All this section of the state was practically wild
and uncultivated and from the government he entered a tract of wild
land, placing the first improvement thereon – a log cabin. He then
resolutely took up the task of breaking the sod and tilling the fields
and year after year he continued the cultivation of the farm until
three decades had elapsed. In 1873 he removed to Kansas, where he again
secured a claim, there carrying on general agricultural pursuits until
advanced age caused him to retire from business lie. He died in
December, 1909, at the age of ninety years and is still survived by his
widow, who is enjoying good health at the age o eighty-six years. Their
family numbered six children, of whom four are still living. Unto Mr.
and Mrs. Adams have been born five children: Anna, the wife of Charles
B. Webb, of Marion township; O. N., also residing in this township; L.
C., operating the home farm; Mable E., who passed away in 1890 at the
age of fourteen years; and Delsina, still at home.
After his marriage Mr. Adams located on his eighty-acre farm
in Marion township which he occupied and improved for thirteen years,
when he sold that property and invested in one hundred and sixty acres
in the same township, upon which his widow now resides. He resolutely
set to work to further improve his property and the results of his
efforts were soon seen in the highly cultivated fields from which he
annually gathered large crops. He was diligent and determined in
business and his energy enabled him to overcome all the difficulties
and obstacles in his path. Year after year he toiled on, anxious to
provide a good living for his family, to whom he left a comfortable
competence when in June, 1894, he was called to his final rest, his
remains being interred in Oak Shade cemetery.
Mr. Adams was a devoted member of the Presbyterian church, his
life being in harmony with hits teachings. His wife also belongs to
that church and is a lady of many estimable qualities which have won
for her the high esteem of all with whom she has been brought in
contact. The son, L. C. Adams, now operates the old home farm of one
hundred and twenty-five acres and makes a specialty of raising and
feeding stock. He acquired a common school education and was carefully
trained in the best methods of tilling the soil by assisting his father
in the work of the fields. In August, he married Miss Eva M. Emmons who
was born in Linn county, April 22, 1875, and is a daughter of John and
Alice (Hill) Emmons, who were natives of this county and are now
residents of Marion. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Adams became parents of two
children but the first died in infancy. The living son, Howard E., was
born December 17, 1904. The parents are consistent and faithful members
of the Presbyterian church and their well spent lives have won for them
classification with the representative and honored citizens of this
community. Mr. Adams gives his political allegiance to the republican
party but has never sought nor desired office. He is serving, however,
as a school director and the cause of education finds in him a warm and
stalwart friend. In fact he stands for progress in all those lines
which touch the general interests of society. The Adams family has long
been known in Linn county and throughout all the years its members have
been found on the side of right, justice and truth, of advancement and
Source: History of Linn County Iowa From Its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time, Vol. II, Chicago, 1911. p. 241-242
Contributed by: Terry Carlson
John Adams, Jr., who for a long period was a resident of Cedar
Rapids, was born in England, on February 7, 1851, a son of John and
Jenepher Adams, both of whom were natives of England. In the year 1854
they started for America with their family and first settled in
Illinois, while later they removed to Cedar Rapids where their
remaining days were spent.
John Adams, Jr., was only three years of age when his parents
sought a home in the new world and remained with them through the
period of his boyhood and youth and acquired his education in the
public schools. After arriving at years of maturity he was united in
marriage to Miss Hattie Williams, who was born in Johnson county, Iowa,
on the 29th of September 1869. She is a daughter of John and Susan
(Dutton) Williams, both of whom were natives of Indiana. Her mother
died in February, 1909, but the father is still living and now makes
his home in Cedar Rapids. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Adams were born six
children: Pansy, Jenepher, Esther and Roland, all of whom are at home
with their mother; and two children who died in infancy. Following his
marriage Mr. Adams was employed as a brassmolder at the Rock Island car
shops until his death.’
It was on the 23d of November, 1909, that Mr. Adams passed
away leaving a widow and four children to mourn his loss. He was
devoted to the welfare of his family and was a kind and loving husband
and father. He gave his political support to the republican party and
was always interested in everything pertaining to the welfare and
progress of the community in which he made his home. Since her
husband’s death Mrs. Adams has conducted a bakery and milk depot at No.
915 South Third street and is a lady of good business ability and
energy, carefully and successfully controlling her interests in this
Source: History of Linn County Iowa From Its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time, Vol. II, Chicago, 1911. P. 576-7.
Contributed by: Terry Carlson
A notable fact in the history of Linn county is found in that a
large majority of her native-born sons have remained residents here,
which shows the county to be rich in its possibilities and resources,
offering excellent opportunities to those who make their homes within
its borders. A representative of this class is Orlando N. Adams, who
now owns and operates one hundred and ten acres of land on section 15,
Marion township, and who was born in that township on the 29th of
October, 1871. His father, John Adams, who was a native of Scotland,
was brought to this country by his parents when still but a boy.
Throughout his active business career he was successfully identified
with agricultural interests in Linn county and his demise here occurred
in 1893. His wife, who bore the maiden name of Myra J. Gray, has
remained a resident of Marion township, this county, from her birth to
the present time and is well known and highly esteemed throughout the
community. She reared a family of five children, four of whom still
Orlando N. Adams, who supplemented his preliminary education
by a course of study in a business college, remained under the parental
roof until he had attained the age of twenty years. He then started out
as an agriculturist on his own account, renting a tract of land for
several years. In 1902 he came into possession of a farm of his own,
purchasing one hundred and ten acres of land on section 15, Marion
township, to the further cultivation and improvement of which he has
since devoted his time and energies. In addition to the cultivation of
cereals he also gives considerable attention to the raising and feeding
of stock and both branches of his business return to him a gratifying
annual income.
In 1896 Mr. Adams was joined in wedlock to Miss Mary E.
Gillmore, a native of Marion township, this county, and a daughter of
Jackson and Carrie Gillmore, who are mentioned on another page of this
work. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Adams have been born four children, namely:
Caroline, who died four days after her birth, which occurred on the
19th of January, 1897; John C., whose natal day was August 15, 1898;
Eleanor J., who first opened her eyes to the light of day on the 29th
of June, 1903; and Charles 0., who was born May 2, 1906.
Mr. Adams exercises his right of franchise in support of the
men and measures of the republican party but has never sought nor
desired office, preferring to concentrate his attention upon his
business affairs. Both he and his wife are consistent and devoted
members of the Presbyterian church, exemplifying its teachings in their
daily lives. They enjoy an extensive acquaintance throughout the
community in which they have always resided and well merit the regard
and esteem which is uniformly accorded them.
Source: History of Linn County Iowa From Its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time, Vol. II, Chicago, 1911. Pages 34-5.
Contributed by: Terry Carlson
This well-known resident of Cedar Rapids, who is now serving as
deputy sheriff of Linn county, Iowa, was born in Rockland county, New
York, July 30, 1851, and is a son of W. J. and Eliza Akers. The father
was born in the same county in 1822, and at an early age learned the
blacksmith's trade, which he followed until his death. In 1876 he
removed with his family to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where he died in 1882,
and his wife departed this life in 1899. Their family consisted of six
children, namely Julia, wife of W. W. McDonald, of Cedar Rapids; Emma,
wife of Horace Gates of the same place; Isabella, of Cedar Rapids;
Charles W., also a resident of Cedar Rapids; Lysander, of New Mexico;
and Jonathan, of this review.
(This paragraph is jumbled and meaning not clear) Our subject
was reared in the county of schools. When his school days were over his
nativity and educated in its public he entered upon the duties of a
clerk with the firm of Cooper & Hewitt, proprietors of the iron
works at Hewitt, New Jersey, (Mr. Hewitt was the former Mayor of New
York) and in 1873 entered the service of the National Bank Note
Company, in the Cooper Institute Building, New York city. In 1876 he
came to Cedar Rapids, where he has been variously employed. For a time
he held a position in the paint department with the Burlington, Cedar
Rapids & Northern Railroad, and later served as constable. ©2005
Transcribed for the IAGenWeb Project.
In 1900 he was appointed by Sheriff Morton Evans as deputy for
a term of two years, and is now capably and satisfactorily filling that
office. Mr. Akers was married in 1877 to Miss Carrie D. Justice, a
daughter of Martin R. and Lou Justice, of Cedar Rapids. Her father is a
cooper by trade and is still a resident of Cedar Rapids. Our subject
and his wife have three children: Charles A., Gladys May and Hazel
Ruth. They both hold membership in the Trinity Methodist Episcopal
Church of Cedar Rapids, and Mr. Aker is also connected with the Knights
of the Maccabees, having served as keeper of finance for his tent. By
his ballot he supports the men and measures of the Republican party and
he takes an active and commendable interest in public affairs.
Source: Biographical Record of Linn County, Iowa. Chicago: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1901. p. 841
ALDERMAN, E. B., dealer in farm machinery and seeds, Marion; born
in West Springfield, Mass., April 3, 1826; removed to Chenango, Broome
Co., N. Y., with his parents, in 1828; in 1843, went to Suffield,
Hartford Co., Conn.; lived there until 1850, when he came to Brown
Twp., Linn Co., Iowa, and located land in that township; lived in
Anamosa until the Spring of 1851, when he went on his farm in Brown
Twp., and resided there until February, 1856; then went East and spent
a few months and returned to Iowa and located near Anamosa, in Jones
Co.; engaged in farming there until the Spring of 1860, when he
commenced mercantile business at Anamosa. In August, 1862, he enlisted
in Co. E, 31st I. V. I [Iowa Volunteer Infantry]; he raised that
company of 106 men in three days, and was commissioned Captain of the
company when it was first organized; on account of ill health, he
resigned Feb. 13, 1863. ©2005 Transcribed for the IAGenWeb Project.
Returned to Anamosa, where his partner had continued their
mercantile business during his absence; although broken down in health
for several years, he continued his business, and in 1869 he engaged in
farm machinery trade exclusively; carried on that business at Anamosa
until 1875; was engaged in the lumber business in 1876; Jan. 1, 1877,
he engaged in his present business at Marion. Married Lydia A. OSBORN
in January, 1848; she was born in Westfield, Mass., April 25, 1826;
they have had eight children--Louis E., died aged 2 years 4 months and
8 days; Amaret L., died aged 19 years; the living are Mary Imogene,
Fannie E., Ada M., Edwin G., Ettie and Jennie V. Mr. and Mrs. ALDERMAN
and their four oldest children are members of the Baptist Church.
Source: The History of Linn County, Iowa : containing a history of the
county, its cities, towns, &c., a biographical directory of its
citizens, war record of its volunteers in the late rebellion, general
and local statistics, portraits of early settlers and prominent men,
history of the Northwest, history of Iowa, map of Linn County,
Constitution of the United States, miscellaneous matters, &c. ;
illustrated. Chicago: Western Historical Co., 1878, 821 pgs. Page 613.
Posted By: Sandy
Date: 1/20/2004 at 17:55:03
ALEXANDER, J. S., dealer in lumber, sash, doors, blinds, etc.,
Marion; born in Franklin Tp., Linn Co., Iowa, May 21, 1842; engaged in
farming until Aug. 16, 1862, when he enlisted as a private in Co. A,
31st I. V. I. [Iowa Voluntary Infantry]; promoted to Second Lieutenant
March 19, 1863; promoted to Captaincy of the same company July 29,
1864; he was in all the engagements the regiment participated in, and
was mustered out June 27, 1865. Came to Marion, Iowa, and engaged in
the lumber business Aug. 23, 1866. He was City Councilman in 1876 and
1877. Married Anna C. GIFFEN in January, 1875; she was born in
Northumberland Co., Penn., in June, 1852; they have two children--Jay
Giffen, born Nov. 1, 1875, and Jeremiah S., born March 28, 1877. Mr.
and Mrs. Alexander are members of the Presbyterian Church. ©2005
Transcribed for t
Source: The History of Linn County, Iowa : containing a
history of the county, its cities, towns, &c., a biographical
directory of its citizens, war record of its volunteers in the late
rebellion, general and local statistics, portraits of early settlers
and prominent men, history of the Northwest, history of Iowa, map of
Linn County, Constitution of the United States, miscellaneous matters,
&c. ; illustrated. Chicago: Western Historical Co., 1878, 821 pgs.
Page 613.
Posted By: Sandy
Date: 1/20/2004 at 18:03:09
of Cedar Rapids there are many progressive and energetic business men
in Linn County who have met with excellent success in their
undertakings, and are now quite wealthy. Among these is numbered G. W.
Allen, a well-known merchant of Bertram. He was born in Adams county,
Illinois, September 25, 1843, and is a son of Franklin and Rebecca
(Myers) Allen. His father was born in Dresden, New York, April 15,
1818, and came west during the 30's. He assisted in building Fort
Leavenworth, Kansas, and was engaged in rafting down the Missouri river
for a time in connection with a brother who was drowned while following
that pursuit. Franklin Allen then went to Illinois, where he engaged in
milling, and in that state he was married October 10, 1842, to Rebecca
Myers, who was born in Richland county, Ohio, July 25, 1825. ©2005
Transcribed for the Project.
Subsequently they removed to Missouri, where he also followed
milling until the Mexican war broke out. In 1846 he enlisted with five
hundred others, and was in the service for sixteen months. He then
returned to Council Bluffs, Iowa, where he had left his family, and
followed his chosen occupation there until the spring of 1852. Being a
Mormon at that time, he, with a colony and train of forty wagons, went
to Salt Lake City, Utah, where he made his home until 1857, when he
returned to Iowa and settled in Cedar county. He operated a mill in
that place for two years, and then came to Linn county, where he
followed the same occupation near Bertram until 1862.
During that year he again entered the service of his country enlisting
in Company A, Twentieth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, but was discharged
fifteen months later on account of disability and returned to his home
in this county. He subsequently had the misfortune to lose an arm in
the machinery of Scott's mill, near Bertram, and then removed to
Bertram and embarked in mercantile business. He remained a resident of
that place until his death, which occured December 16, 1890, and he was
laid to rest in Campbell's cemetery. During the latter part of his life
he was a member of the Freewill Baptist Church, and was always a
supporter of the men and measures of the Democratic party. His
patriotism and loyalty were manifested by his service in two wars, and
he was ever recognized as a valued citizen of his community. His
estimable wife died February 16. 1885.
Unto them were born fourteen children, of whom G. W., our
subject, is the oldest; Samuel, the next in order of birth, died in
infancy; Matilda is the wife of Thompson Kountz, of Bertram township,
this county; Franklin married Nancy Bickford and lives in Maquoketa,
Iowa; Vina, deceased, was the wife of Peter Flanagan, of Oxford, Iowa;
Rebecca is the wife of James Moore, of Clinton; Jacob died April 23,
1895; Amanda is the widow of Alexander Blair and a resident of Rock
Island, Illinois; Daniel died in infancy; Sarah died in childhood;
Henry married and resides in Davenport; Wesley married Jessie Murphy,
and is also a resident of Davenport; Edith is the wife of O. J. Knapp,
of Marion; and another child died in infancy.
G. W. Allen accompanied his parents on their various removals
during his boyhood, and was principally educated in the subscription
schools of Salt Lake City and the district schools of Cedar and Linn
counties, Iowa, but his opportunities along that line were rather
limited. At the age of seventeen he commenced assisting his father in
the mill, and he also engaged in the timber and tie business, and
followed that until the breaking out of the war.
Mr. Allen remained at home until he joined the boys in blue
during the war of the rebellion, enlisting at Cedar Rapids, August 11,
1862, in Company A, Twentieth Iowa Volunteer Infantry. After being
mustered in at Clinton he went with his command to Davenport and later
to St. Louis and Rolla, Missouri, where they drew accoutrements. For
some time they were engaged in skirmishing between Springfield, that
state, and Fayetteville, Arkansas, and took part in the battle of
Prairie Grove, Arkansas, December 7, 1862.
Later they were in a number of skirmishes in that state and Missouri
until June, 1863, when they returned to St. Louis, where Mr. Allen was
taken sick from exposure and was sent to the hospital in Jefferson
City, Missouri. Subsequently he was granted a thirty-day furlough,
which he spent at home, and on the expiration of that time rejoined his
regiment at Corpus Christi Bay, Texas, where they remained six months.
They next went to Brownsville, opposite Matamoras, Mexico, and from
there to St. Mary's Light House, where they boarded a vessel, which
carried them to New Orleans. ©2005 Transcribed for the IAGenWeb
They marched up White river and were engaged in scouting
around Duvall's Bluff for a time, and then returned to New Orleans,
from which place they were ordered to Fort Morgan, and assisted in the
capture of that stronghold. After this engagement they returned to New
Orleans and later took a steamer to Pensacola, Florida, and from there
went to Fort Barancas, Florida, and then to Fort Blakely, near Mobile,
arriving in time to take an active part in the siege and capture of the
fort. This practically closed the war, and they were mustered out at
Mobile in April, 1865. By steamer they went to St. Louis, and from
there returned to Clinton, Iowa, where they were discharged on the 27th
of July.
Returning to his home in Bertram, Allen assisted his father in
business until March, 1866, when he went to a point on the Missouri
river near Omaha and engaged in rafting and flat boating on the river
for some years. In 1879 we again find him in Linn county, and he
devoted his time to railroad construction work until July 3, 1883, when
he opened a general store in Bertrand and has since successfully
engaged in business at that place, having the largest store of the kind
in this section of the county.
He is a most progressive and up-to-date business man, and has been
remarkably successful in his financial ventures. Besides his business
property he owns town lots in Bertram, one lot in Marion, four and a
half lots in Cedar Rapids, two hundred and sixty acres of land in this
county, three hundred and twenty acres in South Dakota, five hundred
and twenty acres in Missouri, eighty acres in Kansas, and eighty acres
in Nebraska.
Near Tipton, Cedar county, Iowa, Mr. Allen was married,
February 16, 1881, to Miss Ida Wirick, who was born December 26, 1854,
in Richland county, Ohio, of which her parents, Joseph and Sarah
(Myers) Wirick, were also natives. Mr. and Mrs. Wirick were married in
Cedar county, this state, April 1, 1852, and then returned to Ohio to
visit his parents, remaining there three years, during which time two
children were born to them. In the fall of 1849 they returned to Cedar
county, where Mr. Wirick engaged in farming until his death, which
occurred November 7, 1891.
In 1896 his wife came to Linn county, and now makes her home with her
children. Unto them were born fifteen children, namely Thomas married
Ella Fulwider and lives in Boulder, Colorado; Mrs. Allen is next in
order of birth; Loduska is engaged in missionary work at Tokyo, Japan;
Cassius M. who is professor of chemistry in the Boys' Manual Training
School of Chicago, married Fannie Pearce and second Cora Rhinerson;
Plimpton is an expert machinist, living in Greensboro, North Carolina;
Orange married Addie Foster, and is engaged in mining in Salina,
Colorado; Asher married Catherine Thompson, and is a blacksmith in
Cedar Bluffs, Iowa; Viola married John D. Werling, and died in
Carbondale, Colorado, May 14, 1889; Minnie is the widow of John Howard,
and resident of Clarence, Iowa; Myrta is the wife of William Werling, a
farmer, of Cedar county; Lulu is a tailoress of Salina, Colorado; Helen
married Isaac Collar, and died in Cedar county, Iowa, in November,
1896; Frank is a farmer living near Tipton, Iowa; Beatrice is the wife
of Frank Hunter, of Bertram; and Lucian, twin brother of Beatrice, died
at the age of eleven months. Mr. and Mrs. Allen have two daughters:
Cora R., born June 1884; and Oma, born December 14, 1885, on the
anniversary of George Washington's death. Both will graduate from the
Bertram schools in 1901. ©2005 Transcribed for the IAGenWeb Project.
Socially Mr. Allen affiliates with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows
and T. Z. Cook Post, No. 235, G. A. R., of Cedar Rapids, and
politically he is identified with the Democracy. Public spirited and
enterprising he takes a very active interest in public affairs, and has
acceptably filled a number of local offices, serving many years as a
member of the school board and also as township clerk and treasurer for
a number of years, as well as postmaster of Bertram. He is one of the
most popular and influential citizens of his community.
Source: Biographical Record of Linn County, Iowa. Chicago: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1901. Pages 644-9.
Cedar Rapids has many successful business men who started out in
life for themselves empty-handed and by their own well-directed and
energetic efforts have prospered and are now recognized leaders in the
business world. To this class belongs John Anderson, who is at the head
of the City Stone & Sidewalk Company.
He was born in Sweden in 1857, a son of Magnus Anderson and
Anna (Nelson) Anderson, also natives of that country, where the father
is still living, but the mother is now deceased. By occupation the
father is a farmer. Our subject grew to manhood in the land of his
birth, and was there married in October, 1879, to Miss Lotta Johnson,
also a native of Sweden. Ten children blessed this union, namely: Ida,
Emma, Jennie, Oscar, Edwin, Walter, Otto, Lena and Isaac, all of whom
are still living, and John, who died in infancy.
On the 27th of May 1881, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson sailed from
Guttenburg to Hull, England, and from Liverpool came to New York. On
landing in this country they proceeded at once to Chicago, and from
that city came to Cedar Rapids. For a time Mr. Anderson worked on the
Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern Railroad, then being built
between Clair and Emmetsburg, and later went to Illinois, where he
found employment in a stone quarry across the river from Burlington.
While working there he broke his leg, and then returned to Cedar Rapids
and turned his attention to shoemaking, having learned that trade in
his native land.
To that occupation he devoted his energies for ten years, and then
embarked in his present business, founding the company with which he is
still connected. He is the leader of that line of business in Cedar
Rapids, having put down more miles of sidewalk than any other firm in
the city, and has also done considerable work in contracting and laying
sewers, not only here but elsewhere. He has met with well-deserved
success in his labors, and now owns real estate in the city. He is a
Master Mason and a stockholder in the Masonic Temple and Auditorium,
and also belongs to the Knights and Ladies of Honor, a social and
mutual insurance order. As a self-made man he deserves great credit for
the success that he has achieved in life, and justly merits the high
regard in which he is uniformly held by his fellow citizens.
Source: Biographical Record of Linn County, Iowa. Chicago: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1901. p. 862-863.
The business activity of Cedar Rapids finds a prominent
representative in Lew Wallace Anderson, whose connections are varied
and important, his efforts proving an element in promoting general
progress and prosperity as well as individual success, and an
initiative spirit and unfaltering energy in the execution of well
defined plans are salient elements in his success. He was born in
Kingston, now West Cedar Rapids, June 6, 1867, a son of J. S. and
Jennie Anderson, of whom mention is made elsewhere in this volume, he
pursued his education in the public schools to his graduation from the
high school with the class of 1884, and entered business life in
connection with the Republican Printing Company. After a year spent in
that office he joined his father, one of the leading insurance men of
Cedar Rapids, and on the 1st of January, 1886, became a member of the
firm of J. S. Anderson & Son. This relation was maintained until
the father‘s death, since which time he has conducted the business
alone. His is one of the most important insurance agencies of Iowa. He
became local agent in 1885 and from 1887 until about 1900 was special
agent for the Springfield Fire and Marine Insurance Company of
Massachusetts. Local matters have since required all of his attention.
He represents a number of the most substantial and prominent insurance
companies of the country and is also general agent for Iowa of several
large eastern casualty insurance companies. Moreover, he is interested
in a number of Cedar Rapids’ most important enterprises, being a
director of the American Trust & Savings Bank, treasurer and
general manager of the Linwood Cemetery Company, president of the
Anderson Land Company, owners of "Vernon Heights,” the first high-class
residential addition to Cedar Rapids. He is likewise the president of
the Mound Farm Real Estate Company, owners of two hundred and
ninety-five acres that for many years constituted what is known as the
Mound farm. This will eventually be platted and will he converted into
one of the fine districts of Cedar Rapids. Mr. Anderson’s operations in
the field of real estate are of a most extensive and important
character. Working along the lines of modern city development, he is
not only meeting with gratifying success in his undertakings but is
proving an important factor in the development and progress of the
city. He is also secretary of the Cedar Rapids Hotel Company, owners of
the Montrose.
Mr. Anderson resides at Vernon Heights, his home, Greycourt,
being one of the most beautiful and attractive homes of that suburb. In
December, 1895. he married Minna Kadgihn, of Bloomington, Illinois. A
daughter, Mary Eloise, was born in 1897, and twin sons, Paul and
Donald, in 1899.
Mr. Anderson is prominent in the Masonic fraternity, being a
past commander of Apollo Commandery, No. 26, K. T. He is also connected
with the Knights of Pythias and is a past exalted ruler of Cedar Rapids
Lodge, No. 251, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, has also
served on several grand lodge committees and as district deputy for the
northern district of Iowa in the Elks organization. Aside from the fact
that his efforts in business lines are of material benefit to Cedar
Rapids, he has cooperated in many improvements of far-reaching and
practical value to the city, withholding his support from no project
which he believes will enhance its interests. In 1906 he was elected
alderman at large, but resigned after a few months' service. He was
appointed by Governor Cummins a member of the River Front Improvement
Commission on its organization and is its present chairman. Governor
Carroll appointed him a member of the Iowa State Water Ways and
Conservation Commission. He was one of the original members of the Free
Public Library Board of Cedar Rapids, is treasurer of the Commercial
Club and has been treasurer of the Historical Society of Linn County
since its organization. He hopes to live to see Cedar Rapids with a
population of one hundred thousand and the Cedar river's possibilities
as to power and navigation fully developed. He is a typical American
citizen, alert, enterprising and determined, keeping in close touch
with the onward march of progress and looking beyond the exigencies of
the moment to the possibilities of the future. While he holds to high
ideals, his methods are practical and his labors are so directed as to
prove resultant factors
Source: History of Linn County Iowa From Its Earliest
Settlement to the Present Time, Vol. II, Chicago, The pioneer
Publishing Company, 1911, pages 48-9.
Submitted by: Terry Carlson
Thomas Andre, who after the labors of a long and busy life is spending
his later years in ease and retirement at his pleasant home on East
Main street, Lisbon, was born in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania,
October 25, 1817, and is a son of Nicholas and Catherine (Sobers)
Andre, both natives of Northampton county, that state. The father, who
was a farmer by occupation, died when our subject was about sixteen
years of age, and later the mother passed away at her home in
Pennsylvania. The paternal grandfather came to this country from
Our subject is the youngest in a family of nine children and
the only one now living. The others were as follows: (1) John, born in
Northampton county, Pennsylvania, served as a private in the war of
1812, and died in 1848 in Pioneer township, Cedar county, Iowa, where
he had lived for five years. His wife is now deceased, but his children
still reside in that county. (2): Joseph, who was connected with salt
works, died in Indiana county, Pennsylvania, at the age of sixty-two
years. (3) Michael, also a salt manufacturer, died in Susquehanna
county, that state. (4) Jacob, born in 1800, was a weaver by trade. He
resided first in Westmoreland county, and later in Armstrong county,
Pennsylvania, where he died at the age of fifty years. (5) Peter spent
most of his life as a farmer in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, but
later removed to Ohio, where he died at the age of sixty-three years.
(6) Lydia was the wife of Henry Klin, a farmer in Mahoning county,
Ohio, where both died. (7) Elizabeth was the wife of John Lauffer, a
farmer of Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, and both are now deceased.
(8) Mary was the wife of William Ringer, a farmer of Stark county,
Ohio, where their deaths occurred.
Mr. Andre of this review remained at the place of his birth
until twenty-six years of age, and is indebted to the district schools
of Westmoreland county for his educational advantages. In early life he
learned the mason’s trade, and also worked in the coal mines for some
time. On coming west in 1844 he settled in Pioneer township, Cedar
county, Iowa, where he purchased land and successfully engaged in
farming until 1892, when he laid aside active business and has since
lived retired in Lisbon, enjoying the fruits of his former toil.
At Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, Mr. Andre was married, in 1841, to
Miss Mary Owens, who died on the old homestead in Pioneer township,
Cedar county, Iowa, in 1891. Of the six children born of that union
three are still living, namely: (1) Hugh, a capitalist of Lisbon,
married Elizabeth Owens, of Pioneer township, Cedar county, and they
have one child, John. (2) Lazarus, a prominent farmer and stock raiser
of Pioneer township, Cedar county, married Wildy Wilson, and they have
three children, Clara, Charles and Lee. (3) William is successfully
engaged in farming on the old homestead of over three hundred acres,
and is also extensively engaged in stock raising. He married Sarah
Morton, and they have six children, Samuel, Cora, Alice, Minnie, Lula
and an infant.
Mr. Andre was again married, in Greensburg, Pennsylvania,
November 14, 1893, his second union being with Mrs. Sebyla Kunkle,
widow of John Kunkle and a daughter of Daniel and Mary (Berlin)
Gressman, both of whom died in Pennsylvania. By occupation the father
was a farmer. By her former marriage Mrs. Andre has three children, two
of whom are still living: Mary, wife of William Kline, of Greensburg,
Pennsylvania; and Sarah, widow of William Remally, and also a resident
of Greensburg.
When Mr. Andre first came to Iowa he found this region near
all wild, unbroken prairie land, and has witnessed almost its entire
development and upbuilding. At that time there were only one or two
houses in Lisbon and but one in Mt. Vernon. In 1850 he went to
California, where he was engaged in mining for some time. He left
Council Bluffs on May 13 and reached Placerville on August 10. The trip
was made in covered wagons. Returning he took a sailing vessel at San
Francisco and after a seventy-two-day voyage reached Panama, and from
there, after walking across the isthmus, took a steamer at Aspinwall to
New Orleans, and then up the Mississippi river to Muscatine. He has
traveled quite extensively, having visited twenty-seven states of the
Union. When the country became involved in civil war he enlisted, in
1852, at Mechanicsville, Cedar county, in Company H, Thirty-fifth Iowa
Volunteer Infantry, and was in the service twenty-seven months, taking
part in a number of important battles, the sieges of Vicksburg and
Jacksonville, and the Red river expedition. He received an honorable
discharge at Memphis, Tennessee, in November, 1864, and returned to the
more quiet pursuits of farm life. For a number of years he served as
assessor of Pioneer township, Cedar county. In business affairs he has
prospered, and he belongs to that class known as self-made men, his
success in life being due entirely to his own untiring industry,
indomitable perseverance and confidence of all who know him and well
deserves their high regard. In politics Mr. Andre has always supported
the principles of the Democratic party.
Source: The Biographical Record of Linn County Iowa,
Illustrated, Chicago: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1901, pages
Submitted by: Carrie J. Robertson of Marion
Joseph Arduser, who has lived retired at Coggon for the past five
years, was actively and successfully identified with general
agricultural pursuits throughout his entire business career and is
still the owner of two hundred and eighty acres of valuable land in
Jackson township. His birth occurred in Switzerland on the 25th of
March, 1839, his parents being Christian and Cecelia (Claus) Arduser,
who spent their entire lives in that country. He was reared at home and
attended the common schools in pursuit of an education but his
opportunities in that direction were quite limited. ©2005 Transcribed
for the IAGenWeb Project.
Christian Arduser, the father of our subject, was a farmer and
butcher by occupation and Joseph learned the butcher's trade in early
life but never worked at it. On reaching man's estate he took up
general agricultural pursuits and the work of the fields claimed his
attention throughout his active business career. In 1866, while still a
resident of his native land, he was united in marriage to Miss
Christina Janett. In June, 1868, Mr. Arduser emigrated to the United
States with his wife and child, first taking up his abode at
Monticello, Jones county, Iowa. For about a year or more he worked out
by the month and then purchased forty acres of wild land three miles
east of Monticello, paying two hundred dollars for the tract.
After residing thereon for four years he disposed of the property and
during the following three years was employed by a produce dealer of
Monticello. In the meantime he had acquired a home in Monticello and on
leaving that town he traded the place for an eighty-acre farm in Jones
county near the Delaware county line, on which he continued to reside
for eight years. On the expiration of that period he sold the property
and rented a tract of one hundred and sixty acres on Bowen's Prairie,
operating the farm two years. He then rented a farm of two hundred and
thirty acres two miles north of Monticello and there carried on his
agricultural interests during the next five years.
Subsequently he took up his abode on a farm of four hundred and thirty
acres on Bowen's Prairie, paying fourteen hundred dollars cash as rent
and agreeing to operate the place for five years. It required hard work
and careful management to make this a profitable venture and after four
years had passed he purchased and located upon his present farm of two
hundred and eighty acres in Jackson township, Linn county, having
secured an acceptable renter to take his place on the rented property
and thus being released from his contract. The year 1895 witnessed his
arrival in Linn county and he was busily engaged in the further
cultivation and improvement of his Jackson township farm until the fall
of 1905, when be put aside the active work of the fields and removed to
Coggon, where he has since lived in honorable retirement.
The prosperity which he now enjoys is directly attributable to his own
industry and energy, for he came to this country with a cash capital of
only fifty dollars and expended that in the purchase of a cow and some
second hand furniture. As the years have passed by he has worked his
way steadily upward and is now accounted one of the substantial and
respected citizens of his community.©2005 Transcribed for the IAGenWeb
Unto Mr. and Mrs. Arduser were born eleven children, eight of whom
still survive, as follows: Christian, who is a resident of Boulder
township, Linn county; Otillia, the wife of Christian Boren, of
Independence, Iowa; John Peter, at home; Ambrose, a butcher of Knox,
North Dakota; Cecelia, likewise at home; John, living in Manchester,
Iowa; Joseph, who follows farming in Delaware county; and Anna, the
wife of Mack Fowler, of Boulder township, Linn county.
At the polls Mr. Arduser casts an independent ballot and
though an active worker in the interests of clean politics, has never
sought nor desired office for himself. Both he and his wife belong to
the German Reformed church and its teachings constitute the guiding
influence in their lives. Mr. Arduser has now passed the seventy-first
milestone on life's journey and can look back over the past without
regret and forward to the future without fear. He is numbered among
those who left their native land to identify themselves with American
life and institutions, who have pushed their way to the front and who
are a credit alike to the land of their birth and that of their
Source: History of Linn County Iowa, from its earliest
settlement to the present time by Luther A Brewer and Barthinius L
Wick. Chicago: The Pioneer Publishing Company, 1911. vol. II pg. 267
The subject of this review, who is the senior member of the firm of
Armstrong & McClenahan, has through his own exertions attained an
honorable position and marked prestige among the representative
business men of Cedar
Rapids, and with signal consistency it may be said that he is
the architect of his own fortunes and one whose success amply justifies
the application of the somewhat hackneyed but most expressive title, "a
self-made man."
Mr. Armstrong was born near the present village of Clarence,
Cedar county, Iowa, August 24, 1858, and is one of a family of seven
children, all living at the present writing in 1901. His father,
Charles Cornelius Armstrong, was born in Connecticut, and when young
went to Ohio, where he married Miss Lucy Dawson, a native of Virginia.
About 1845 they came to Iowa and were among the early settlers of Cedar
county. The father first located on a farm near what is now Clarence in
Cedar county, where he lived till 1866, when he moved to Mt. Vernon,
where he lived one year, and then to a farm near Marion, afterward
living at Marion and Mr. Vernon again. The father died in 1885, and the
mother passed away in 1893.
The primary education of our subject was received in the
public schools of Marion, and later he attended Cornell College at Mt.
Vernon for a few terms. At the age of seventeen he commenced teaching
school and followed that profession quite successfully from 1876 to
1879, attending school in the meantime. He began his mercantile career
as a clerk in a country store at Bertram, Iowa, where he was employed
for one year, and in the fall of 1880 came to Cedar Rapids, and
commenced work for the dry goods firm of Foote & Whitney, remaining
with them about two months, but not liking the business, he entered the
employ of I. N. Isham, a pioneer merchant of Cedar Rapids, then
conducting a clothing business, being with him and his successors until
the fall of 1890.©2005 Transcribed for the IAGenWeb Project.
On the 3rd of September, that year, Mr. Armstrong embarked in business
for himself as a member of the firm of Armstrong, Fletcher &
Company, opening a clothing store in a room 40 x 70 feet, the site
being a part of their present location. Two years later the firm was
changed to Armstrong, McClenahan & Company, the company being H. W.
Fagley, of St. Paul, Minnesota, whose interest Mr. Armstrong purchased
in 1897, when the firm name was changed to Armstrong & McClenahan,
as it now stands.
They carry a fine line of clothing and gents' furnishing goods and have
met with remarkable success from the start. Their rapidly increasing
trade has compelled them to enlarge their stock from time to time, and
to make many improvements in their store. At first they occupied only
one floor, but now use all of the three stories with a basement at
numbers 120-122-124 South Second street, having sixteen thousand square
feet of floor space. They have on an average of fifteen in their
employ, and their extensive trade is not only in the city and county,
but extends throughout this section of the state. The following is an
extract from the Evening Gazette:
"Largest in Iowa - Armstrong & McClenahan's Remodeled
Clothing Store - Now equipped with an electric passenger elevator and
every modern convenience - Children's Department on Second Floor. The
people of Cedar Rapids ought to take civic pride in the remodeled
clothing store of Messrs. Armstrong & McClenahan, for that popular
institution is now the very largest of its kind in the entire state of
Iowa. The immense stock covers four floors including the basement, with
sixteen thousand eight hundred square feet of floor space, giving the
store front rank among all the great mercantile establishment of Iowa."
Mr. Armstrong was in his teens when his mother was left a
widow and he was called upon to contribute to the support of the
family. For nine years he was employed as a clerk, during which time,
by economy and judicious investments, he managed to save a nucleus,
with which to embark in business for himself. A man of good business
ability, sound judgment and keen discrimination, he has met with well
deserved success in his undertakings, and is now interested in a number
of different enterprises. He is connected with the store of the
Armstrong Clothing Company at Lincoln, Nebraska; is a stockholder in
the Clark McDaniel's Company, manufacturers of overalls and shirts, and
the Cedar Rapids National Bank; and a stockholder and director of the
Cedar Rapids Loan & Trust Company, the latter of which he helped to
On the 5th of September 1896, Mr. Armstrong married Miss Anna
Cooper, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Cooper, old residents of Cedar
Rapids, who were born in Ireland and are now well advanced in life. Our
subject and his wife have one child, Robert Cooper, born July 4, 1897.
They have a pleasant home at 1015 Fourth avenue, and are members of the
Methodist Episcopal church. In his political affiliations Mr. Armstrong
is a Republican, and he is deeply interested in public affairs and the
good of the community in which he lives. He is genial, courteous,
enterprising and progressive, of commendable public-spirit and the
highest integrity, and well deserves the success that has come to him.
Source: Biographical Record of Linn County, Iowa. Chicago: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1901. p. 872-873.
 Thomas
G. Armstrong, deceased, was for many years prominently connected with
the agricultural interests of this section of the state, and did much
towards transforming its wild land into well-cultivated and highly
improved farms. In his farming operations he steadily prospered and
became an extensive land owner - one whose success was due entirely to
his own well-directed efforts.
Mr. Armstrong was born in Ireland, March 19, 1829, and there
passed the days of his boyhood and youth. In 1850 he emigrated to
America and first located in Harrison county, Ohio. Later he spent a
short time in Muskingum county, that state, and lived for a year and a
half in Coshocton county, Ohio. Prior to 1860 he removed in Poweshiek
county, Iowa, where he entered one hundred and sixty acres of
government land, which he placed under a high cultivation, making his
home there for four years. The following two years were spent in Linn
county, and subsequently he was engaged in farming in Benton county,
Iowa, for a number of years.
He was one of the most extensive farmers in Benton county. His first
purchase there was of one hundred and sixty acres in Fremont township,
which he improved and to which he added from time to time until he was
the owner of two thousand and seven hundred acres, all in that
township, and all of which was under cultivation. He was among the
first to introduce imported cattle, and whatever he did, on the farm or
in business circles, showed the master mind. He was one of the founders
of the bank at Atkins, Benton county, and served as its president until
his death. He was also active in farming until called to his rest.
On the 4th of July 1861, Mr. Armstrong was united in marriage
with Miss Sarah Fawcett, a daughter of George and Mary Ann (Haines)
Fawcett, natives of Ohio and New Jersey respectively. In 1855 her
father came to Cedar Rapids, and after spending a short time in Linn
county, located near Shellsburg, Benton county. At that time there were
but three families living in his township, and he assisted in its
organization, being the one to propose its name. At the first election
held there only six or seven votes were polled. Being one of the
leading men of his community Mr. Fawcett was called upon to fill nearly
all of the township offices, and was a prominent and influential member
of the Presbyterian church. ©2005 Transcribed for the IAGenWeb Project.
During his residence in this state he met with excellent
success and became the owner of seven hundred and sixty acres of
valuable land. Both he and his wife are now deceased. In their family
were eleven children, seven of whom are still living. Two sons, William
H. and John Albert, were in the Union army during the war of the
Rebellion. The former participated in the battles of Shiloh and
Pittsburg Landing, the siege of Corinth and Vicksburg, the battles of
Iuka and Jackson, and the Atlanta campaign. On the 22nd of July, 1864,
he was taken prisoner and sent to Andersonville prison, where he was
held for four months, and then taken to Florence, South Carolina,
suffering all of the privations of southern prison life. John A. was in
the one-hundred-day service and died about the time of expiration of
his term of service.
The children born to Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong were John C., an
extensive farmer of Benton county; George, deceased; William J., also a
farmer of Benton county; Hettie May, wife of Albert Slotterbeck, of the
same county; Newton A., a farmer of Benton county; Horace T., deceased;
Mary J., wife of Alfonso Ramelsburg, of Benton county; Louis N., a
resident of Texas; Minnie, wife of C. W. Meek, attorney of Cedar
Rapids, Iowa; Fred and Chester A., who are attending college in Cedar
Rapids; and one who died in infancy.
Mr. Armstrong continued to actively engage in farming until
his death, which occurred on the 12th of July, 1895. By his ballot he
always supported the men and measures of the Democracy, and took an
active interest in the welfare of his county and state. He was widely
and favorably known, and no man in his community was held in higher
regard or had more warm friends than Thomas G. Armstrong. His estimable
wife still survives him and is also highly respected and esteemed. She
continued to reside on the home farm until 1896, when she removed to
Cedar Rapids and purchased her present handsome residence at No. 603
Third avenue west, which is supplied with every modern convenience and
is a most attractive home. While in Benton county she was a member of
the Presbyterian church, of which her husband was a liberal supporter.
Since coming to Cedar Rapids she has been a member of the Christian
church, the church of her choice, but which was not convenient for her
to attend in Benton county.
Source: Biographical Record of Linn County, Iowa. Chicago: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1901. p. 252-257.
the representative citizens and honored pioneers of this county the
subject of this sketch is deserving of prominent mention. He was born
near Louisville, Kentucky, on the 26th of January, 1812, a son of
Joseph and Elizabeth (Swaring) Ash, and received a very limited
education in his early boyhood days. At the age of fourteen years he
accompanied his parents on their removal to Putnam county, Illinois,
where he attended the public schools for a short time, but most of his
time was devoted to assisting his father in the labors of the farm.
During the Black Hawk war he was in the employ of the United States
He remained with his parents until 1839, when he came to Iowa with his
brother, Alfred, driving across the country in a prairie schooner. On
their arrival in Mt. Vernon they found that their combined capital was
only fifty cents. This city at that time contained only one log house
and a blacksmith shop, and the surrounding country was all wild and
unimproved, giving little promise of its present thriving condition.
Reuben Ash entered a tract of government land, and also purchased a
claim of a Mr. Roland, making a farm of two hundred and forty acres. He
immediately turned his attention to transforming the unbroken prairie
land unto a highly cultivated and well improved farm, and to its
operation he devoted his time and energies for many years. He broke his
land with oxen hitched to a primitive plow, made by nailing a piece of
iron on a log of wood.©2005 Transcribed for the IAGenWeb Project.
On the 4th of January, 1844, Mr. Ash was married in Mt. Vernon, to Miss
Hannah Day, who was born in Ohio, January 16, 1828, and came to this
county in 1840. They became the parents of nine children, namely:
Harriet, born November 11, 1845, married Homer S. Bradshaw, an attorney
of Ida Grove, Iowa, and died in Chicago, on Decoration Day, 1896; Jane,
born February 17, 1848, is the wife of Rev. A. K. Baird, of Mt. Vernon,
whose sketch appears elsewhere in this volume; L. Homer, born January
10, 1850, was married in March, 1898, to Mamie Maguer, of Chicago, and
is a commission merchant on the board of trade in that city; Augustus,
born April 18, 1852, was married in Marion, Iowa, October 14, 1874, to
Fannie Hughes, and died in Hastings, Nebraska, February 25, 1881,
leaving a widow and one daughter, Amy; Isaac, born August 1, 1857, is
associated with his brother, L. Homer, on the Board of Trade in
Chicago; Mary May, born May 1, 1860, died March 30, 1872; Olive H.,
born December 19, 1862, was married October 14, 1890, to Dr. Thomas,
Baird, a son of Rev. A. K. Baird, and died July 30, 1891. Alfred and
Dora both died in infancy.
Mr. Ash died on the 24th of February, 1891, at Mt. Vernon, in
the house now occupied by his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A.
K. Baird. He was one of the oldest Masons in the state. In his business
dealings he was ever prompt, reliable and entirely trustworthy, and
although he gained a greater degree of success than came to many of his
fellow businessmen, it was because he was very energetic, persevering
and capable in managing his affairs. In his death the community lost
one of its best citizens, his neighbors a faithful friend and his
family a considerate husband and father. He was pre-eminently public
spirited and gave to Cornell College the land on which Bowman Hall and
campus now stands, it being a part of the old homestead farm.
Source: Biographical Record of Linn County, Iowa. Chicago: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1901. p. 582-585.
One of the most extensive and prominent farmers of Jackson township
is the subject of this review, who owns and operates a fine farm on
section 3, conveniently located near the village of Coggon. He dates
his residence in this county from 1871, and has since been an important
factor in promoting her prosperity. He is a native of the Prairie
state, born in Jo Daviess county, Illinois, January 16, 1853, and is a
son of Joseph Ashby. The father was also born in Illinois, and at an
early day removed to Grant county, Wisconsin, where he was engaged in
farming for several years. The closing years of his life, however, were
spent in Dubuque, Iowa, where he lived retired until his death in 1887.
There were only two children in this family, the older being Mary M.,
now the widow of Andrew J. Bruce and a resident of Minneapolis,
In early life John H. Ashby received only a common school
education, which has been greatly supplemented by reading and
observation in later years. After the removal of the family to Grant
county, Wisconsin, he commenced earning his own livelihood by working
as a farm hand, and was thus employed until coming to Linn county,
Iowa, in 1871. By hard work, strict attention to his duties and close
economy, he met with success and was able to save enough to purchase a
part of his present farm on section 3, Jackson township. Since then he
has steadily prospered, and is today the owner of two hundred and
eighty-seven acres of valuable land in the northern part of the
township bordering on Delaware county and near Coggon. He is engaged in
general farming, but devotes his attention principally to the feeding
of stock, and is known as one of the leading stock feeders in his part
of the county. ©2005 Transcribed for the IAGenWeb Project.
On the 2nd of February, 1880, Mr. Ashby was united in marriage with
Miss Cyrena Garrison, of Jones county, Iowa, who was born October 13,
1843, a daughter of Solomon and Harriet (Simpson) Garrison, both now
deceased. Her father, who was a farmer by occupation, lived for a time
in Jones county, this state, and also in Nebraska. Our subject and his
wife have one child. Henry E., who was born December 22, 1880, and is
still at home. Religiously they are members of the Presbyterian church
of Coggon, and politically Mr. Ashby has always been identified with
the Republican party since attaining his majority. In all business
transactions he has been found thoroughly reliable and trustworthy, and
his career has ever been such as to command the respect and confidence
of all with whom he has come in contact.
Source: Biographical Record of Linn County, Iowa. Chicago: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1901. p. 838-839.
 Through
a long and busy career as a farmer and blacksmith John E. Atwood
steadily prospered, and now in his declining years is able to lay aside
all business cares and enjoy the comfortable competence which he has
secured. He has a pleasant home in Spring Grove township, near the
village of Troy Mills, where he is surrounded by all the comforts and
many of the luxuries of life.
Mr. Atwood was born October 20, 1829 in England, of which
country his parents, Elmer and Mary (Whittam) Atwood were also natives.
In 1844 the family crossed the ocean and took up their residence in New
York state, where the father worked at his trade as a blacksmith until
1857, when he came to Linn county, Iowa, and purchased forty acres of
unbroken land in Spring Grove township, which he placed under
cultivation and improved with good buildings. He made his home thereon
until his death, which occurred in 1878, when he was seventy-eight
years of age. His wife died in 1875 at the age of eighty-eight years,
and the remains of both were interred in the Troy Mills cemetery. They
were the parents of five children, but our subject is the only one now
living. ©2005 Transcribed for the IAGenWeb Project.
John E. Atwood came to the new world with his parents, and in 1857
accompanied them on their removal to this county. Locating in Spring
Grove township he erected one of the first blacksmith shops in this
section of the county and successfully carried on the same for a
quarter of a century. He was a thorough and skilled workman, and few
could excel him. His first purchase of land consisted of a wild tract
of forty acres, to which he added as his financial resources permitted
until he now owns three hundred and sixty acres of very productive and
well improved land, which was put under cultivation by his own hard
labor. In 1878 he started the first creamery in his locality, but after
conducting it for one year he sold out. For the past twelve years he
has practically lived retired from active labor, and is enjoying a
well-earned rest.
On the 8th of April, 1860, Mr. Atwood married Miss Harriet A.
Buckingham, a native of Illinois, by whom he had five children, George
E., Maria Jane, Mary Ann, John E. and Charles Henry. The wife and
mother died in 1873, and was laid to rest in the Troy Grove cemetery.
Mr. Atwood was again married October 22, 1876, his second union being
with Miss Jane Fitts, who was born in New York, her parents being Isaac
and Sophia (Spencer) Fitts, natives of Massachusetts and New York,
respectively. She was the second in order of birth in their family of
eight children, four of whom are still living. By trade her father was
a brick mason.
In politics Mr. Atwood is independent, preferring not to be
bound by party ties, but voting for the men best qualified for office.
He has served his fellow citizens as road supervisor and school
director in a most capable manner, and has always taken an active
interest in public affairs. In his social relations he is a member of
the Masonic Lodge at Walker, and the Odd Fellows Lodge and the Rebekah
branch of that order at Troy Mills. He and his wife also belong to the
Old Settlers Society of Iowa and are people of the highest
respectability. In business affairs Mr. Atwood has always been
straightforward and reliable, and is justly deserving the prosperity
that has come to him as it is due entirely to his own well-directed and
energetic efforts.
Source: Biographical Record of Linn County, Iowa. Chicago: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1901. p. 414-417.
Osker Aurner was a Civil War veteran who married Jane Robinson
Sherman, the widow of his friend Levi Sherman. Before their son Oscar
was born, Osker drowned in Mud Creek near Vinton while seining for fish
with three other people. Oscar Levi Aurner married Ione Wilson. Her
parents, Enoch Wilson & Elizabeth Lapp Casner were consideredUrbana
pioneers, having traveled there by train and horse and wagon from
The couple had seven children; Fred was the youngest, born on
March 6, 1910 in Urbana IA. His parents disagreed over his middle name.
Oscar wanted him to be named "Levi" since that was his middle. Ione
wanted to name him "Lafayette" after her brother who died at a young
age. They compromised and his middle "name" was the letter L with no
period as it was not an initial! The dark-haired, blue eyed boy grew up
in the country between Urbana and Shellsburg. He attended Lower Stone
School. He later tried a bit of boxing and played some "town team"
Fred married Millie dodge on February 2, 1935 in Burlington,
IA. They were married in a joint ceremony along with friends Walter
Seltrecht and Anna Vaupel. The couples remained close friends the rest
of their lives. Fred and Walt were well known in the area for coon
hunting and fishing. they lived a half-mile apart west of center Point
on Ridge Road for many years. Fred and Millie began their married life
south of Urbana, but moved to center Point by 1941. They farmed a
160-acre farm using a Farmall F12 and horses. Later Fred purchased a
new Farmall C. The farm included livestock and a large garden. Millie
had chickens including a brown leghorn hen that would "sing" to her.
Coonhounds, cats, hogs, and even a goat lived there. Horses were used
for farming as well as recreation. Millie's father, Elmer dodge, always
preferred the horses to tractors.
Three daughters were born while Fred and Millie lived on the farm:
Joyce Carroll, Freda Ione, and Beth Ellen. Fred's health began to slip
and the family moved up the hill to a smaller farm. A fourth daughter
died from complications at birth.
Millie was well known in center Point. If you ever ate a piece
of pie at the 150 Gulf Stop, there's a good chance that she baked it.
She did wallpapering, cleaned Eldon Dennison's insurance office and
cleaned People's Bank. She helped care for Inez Wormer, and old friend
of her parents, and an active member of the Cedar Ridge Free Methodist
Fred passed away on October 25, 1964, of multiple health
problems. Millie went suddenly and peacefully on September 7, 1999.
They are buried together with their infant daughter in Urbana.
Beth Ellen and her husband, Dave Seltrect, still alive in center Point on Cedar Ridge Road. --Joyce Aurner Schultz
-- Source: The center Point Community Historical Society's Book "Celebrating 150 years center Point, Iowa 1854 - 2004"
the passing of Arthur Tappan Averill, Cedar Rapids suffered the loss of
one of its most prominent and representative citizens — a man whose
work was of vital significance in the commercial and financial history
of the city. While his business enterprise carried him into other
fields beyond the boundaries of the state, his interest always centered
in this city and Cedar Rapids ever benefited by the prosperity which
lie attained elsewhere.
He was horn at Highgate Springs, Franklin county, Vermont,
September 14, 1843, and possessed many of the sterling characteristics
attributed to the New England people. He traced his ancestry back to
Captain John Averill who was commissioned under the crown of Great
Britain and settled first in Northfield, Massachusetts, but in 1752
removed to township number 1, Vermont. The next in descent was John
Averill, a soldier of the Revolutionary war, whose son, John Averill,
was born in Westminster, Vermont. in 1777, and removed to Highgate
Springs, that state, in 1812. He was a member of the Society of Friends
and took a very active and prominent part in public affairs, being
elected three times to the state legislature. The latter’s son, Mark R.
Averill, was the father of our subject. He was born in Highgate
Springs, Vermont, in 1811. ©2005 Transcribed for the IAGenWeb Project.
Theodore Roosevelt has said: ‘‘A man of eastern birth, reared
and trained in western environment becomes the strongest factor in
American citizenship.’’ Such was the record of Arthur Tappan Averill,
who when a youth of nine years. accompanied his parents as they left
their New England home and journeyed westward to become residents of
Lee county, Illinois. In 1854 they removed to Whiteside county of the
same state and there Arthur T. Averill was reared to manhood, attending
school at Geneseo with John T. Hamilton, with whom lie after-\ward
engaged in business. He arrived in Cedar Rapids in March, 1865,— a
young man of twenty-one years — and here became assistant to the local
agent of C. H. & L. J. McCormick. Later he became agent for the
McCormick interests at this point and further promotion brought him to
the position of superintendent of agents for the firm in 1869, iii
which connection he had entire supervision of the Iowa business. While
thus engaged lie induced his former schoolmate, John T. Hamilton, to
come to Cedar Rapids as his associate in business and in 1869 time firm
of Averill & Hamilton was organized for the purpose of dealing in
agricultural implements, seeds, coal and kindred lines. The new
enterprise prospered from the beginning and the partnership was
profitably maintained for five years. The firm then became Averill
& Amidon and so continued for two years. when Mr. Amidon disposed
of his interests, Mr. Averill remaining as sole proprietor through the
succeeding two years.
Energetic and enterprising, he extended his efforts into other
fields, purchasing a controlling interest in the Cedar Rapids Gas Light
Company in 1875, in which year he was chosen president and so continued
to the time of his demise. Mr. Averill took a personal pride and
interest in the gas plant and though he had many opportunities to
dispose of it. refused all offers. Moreover, he figured prominently in
financial circles, serving for twenty years as the president of the
Cedar Rapids National Bank. in which connection he instituted a
progressive system that was, however, tempered by a safe conservatism,
making the bank one of the strongest financial concerns of the state.
The years brought him wealth and the extension of his activities Into
other fields made him well known as an investor in business and
real-estate interests of Cedar Rapids and also as an investor in
business projects in Mississippi, Louisiana. Florida and Kentucky. He
was likewise the proprietor of the Vincennes hotel, one of the leading
family hotels of Chicago, financed the building of the Montrose hotel
of Cedar Rapids and also the Welch-Cook building. it was a notable
instance of his public spirit that his prosperity gained elsewhere was
largely used for the benefit of his home town.
On the 22d of October, 1867, Mr. Averill was united in
marriage to Miss Allie R. Doolittle, of this city, and unto them were
born three children, Glenn M., Jessie and Arthur, but the last named
died in infancy. The death of Mr. Averill occurred February 14, 1910.
and, while he was a prominent figure in business circles and in public
affairs, his loss was nowhere more keenly and poignantly felt than at
his own fireside, for he was a devoted husband and father whose first
consideration was ever his family. His activity in business circles was
ever of the utmost benefit to Cedar Rapids and no man took a keener
interest in such projects as were a matter of civic virtue and civic
pride. He never sought public office but wielded an influence that was
all the more potent from the fact that it was moral rather than
political. His opinions came to be recognized as so sound and his views
so correct as to make his support of any measure an influencing factor
that drew to it the further support of his fellow townsmen. Throughout
the long period of his residence in Cedar Rapids he enjoyed in the
fullest measure the confidence and high regard of his colleagues and
Source: History of Linn County Iowa From Its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time, Vol. II, Chicago, 1911. Pages 8-11.
Contributed by: Terry Carlson