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Pleasant Hill
Surnames Starting With

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Pleasant Hill Cemetery Table

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SecPicGFOSurnamesBirth DateDeath DateNotes
A G  
Adams, H. B.
Mar. 29, 1872Nov. 30, 1918
h/o Rena L. Adams Adjacent Stone to : Rena L. Adams
A G  
Adams, Rena L. (Farrar)
Sept. 16, 1870Jan. 7, 1903
w/o H. B. Adams Adjacent Stone to : H. B. Adams
C G  
Ahlers, Johanna
C G  
Ahlers, John
B G  
Albert, Joseph W.
Grouped With 1 other graves: Lorraine W. Albert and
 picture   O
Albert, Joseph W.
Apr. 28, 1954Oct 29, 2012
s/o Lorraine and Tressa (Tibbals) Albert
B G  
Albert, Lorraine W.
h/o Tressa I. Albert Married: Nov. 20, 1940 p/o Linda, Patrica, John and Joseph Grouped With 1 other graves: Joseph W. Albert and
A G  
Albertson, Alice E.
Mother Grouped With 3 other graves: Norma Alberta Freel, Robert L. Freel and Margaret G. Freel
C G  
Alden, Charles F.
Grouped With 2 other graves: Norma G. Alden and Diane Marie Alden
C G  
Alden, Diane Marie
Dec. 4, 1947Dec. 4, 1947
Grouped With 2 other graves: Norma G. Alden and Charles F. Alden
C G  
Alden, Norma G.
Grouped With 2 other graves: Charles F. Alden and Diane Marie Alden
C G  
Allen, Harriet
Aug. 30, 1831Oct. 29, 1915
His Wife w/o James Quinn
C G  
Allen, Minnie M
 July 4, 1866
d/o ?.?. And H. M. Allen
Almond, Ashton A.
Dec. 6, 1912Feb. 25, 2004
Grouped With 2 other graves: Daisy L. Almond and Mary M. Almond
C G  
Almond, Daisy L.
Apr. 13, 1910Apr. 9, 1976
Grouped With 2 other graves: Ashton A. Almond and Mary M. Almond
C G  
Almond, Mary M.
Mar. 3, 1907Jan. 25, 1909
d/o Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Almond Grouped With 2 other graves: Ashton A. Almond and Daisy L. Almond
A G  
Anderberg, Carrie
Mar. 10, 1859Dec. 13, 1936 
B G  
Anderberg, Hannah
Aug. 10, 1871Nov. 4, 1889
d/o O. A. and ?. ?. Anderberg born in Kent Co. VA.
A G  
Anderberg, Louis
Dec. 5, 1854Dec. 2, 1897
Grouped With 3 other graves: Fred Thomas Gates, M. Jane Gates and Mary H. Gates
C G  
Anderson, Abelona
Daughter Grouped With 4 other graves: Annie M. Anderson, Helen Anderson, Anna Anderson and Hans Peter Anderson
C G  
Anderson, Anna
Wife w/o Hans Peter Anderson Grouped With 4 other graves: Abelona Anderson, Annie M. Anderson, Helen Anderson and Hans Peter Anderson
C G  
Anderson, Annie M.
Wife w/o Hans Peter Anderson Grouped With 4 other graves: Abelona Anderson, Helen Anderson, Anna Anderson and Hans Peter Anderson
A G  
Anderson, Anton J.
Father h/o Mary B Anderson Grouped With 3 other graves: Harry S. Roberts, Edna (Anderson) Roberts and Mary B Anderson
C G  
Anderson, Charles E.
A G  
Anderson, Edna
Sept. 22, 1896Jan. 22, 1976
Grouped With 3 other graves: Harry S. Roberts, Anton J. Anderson and Mary B Anderson married name is : Roberts
C G  
Anderson, Grace V.
C G  
Anderson, Hans Peter
Father h/o Anna Anderson, Annie M. Anderson and Helen Anderson Grouped With 4 other graves: Abelona Anderson, Annie M. Anderson, Helen Anderson and Anna Anderson
C G  
Anderson, Helen
Wife w/o Hans Peter Anderson Grouped With 4 other graves: Abelona Anderson, Annie M. Anderson, Anna Anderson and Hans Peter Anderson
A G  
Anderson, Mary B
Mother w/o Anton J. Anderson Grouped With 3 other graves: Harry S. Roberts, Edna (Anderson) Roberts and Anton J. Anderson
B G  
Angell, Andrew J.
s/o A and V Angell
B G  
Armstrong, Delila A.
Grouped With 3 other graves: William H. Armstrong, John W Armstrong and Mary E. Armstrong
B G  
Armstrong, John W
1855Oct. 14, 1871
s/s Mary E. Armstrong Grouped With 3 other graves: William H. Armstrong, Delila A. Armstrong and Mary E. Armstrong
B G  
Armstrong, Mary E.
July 9, 1830Aug. 4, 1876
Aged 46 ys 26 ds w/o E. Armstrong s/s John W Armstrong Grouped With 3 other graves: William H. Armstrong, Delila A. Armstrong and John W Armstrong
B G  
Armstrong, William H.
Grouped With 3 other graves: Delila A. Armstrong, John W Armstrong and Mary E. Armstrong
A G  
Arneson, Genevieve M.
m/o Korrine married name is : Jones
A G  
Arnpriester, Infant Son
Dec. 25, 1970Dec. 25, 1970
s/o Marvin and Carolyn Arnpriester
A G  
Arsers, Bessie
Grouped With 4 other graves: Donna G. Arsers, Lorraine (Arsers) Kohlmeyer, John M. Arsers and Sophie J. Arsers married name is : Hewitt
A G  
Arsers, Donna G.
Daughter Grouped With 4 other graves: Bessie (Arsers) Hewitt, Lorraine (Arsers) Kohlmeyer, John M. Arsers and Sophie J. Arsers
A G  
Arsers, John M.
Grouped With 4 other graves: Bessie (Arsers) Hewitt, Donna G. Arsers, Lorraine (Arsers) Kohlmeyer and Sophie J. Arsers
A G  
Arsers, Lorraine
Mar. 11, 1924June 20, 2014
Beloved sister and mother of Seven Grouped With 4 other graves: Bessie (Arsers) Hewitt, Donna G. Arsers, John M. Arsers and Sophie J. Arsers married name is : Kohlmeyer
A G  
Arsers, Sophie J.
Grouped With 4 other graves: Bessie (Arsers) Hewitt, Donna G. Arsers, Lorraine (Arsers) Kohlmeyer and John M. Arsers
ApictureG  O
Atzen, David Lee
July 14, 1937Apr. 23, 2010
h/o Nancy Anne (Helling) Atzen Married: Aug. 3, 1958 p/o Kathryn, Denise, Zoa, Nastasha
A G  
Atzen, John M.
A G  
Atzen, Margaret
A G  
Atzen, Otillie
B G  
Atzen, Robert
Nov. 24, 1916Dec. 8, 1916 
A G  
Atzen, Vernon E.
B G  
Ayer, Arthur D
Sept. 28, 1881June 9, 1904
Grouped With 3 other graves: Willie Alfred Smith, John Francis Smith and John T. Smith
C G  
Ayer, Darius
Apr. 29, 1828Dec. 27, 1905
h/o Lydia Ann (Tennant) Ayer Adjacent Stone to : Lydia Ann (Tennant) Ayer Grouped With 2 other graves: Frank T. Ayer and Lydia Ann (Tennant) Ayer
C G  
Ayer, Frank T.
June 19, 1853Sept. 19, 1901
Grouped With 2 other graves: Darius Ayer and Lydia Ann (Tennant) Ayer
C G  
Ayer, Lydia Ann (Tennant)
Nov. 26, 1835Aug. 24, 1891
w/o Darius Ayer Adjacent Stone to : Darius Ayer Grouped With 2 other graves: Frank T. Ayer and Darius Ayer
SecPicGFOSurnames Starting with BBirth DateDeath DateNotes