Oak Lawn Cemetery Directory Table

Oak Lawn Cemetery Layout

This cemetery table of over 3400 entries is currently based on an Oak Lawn cemetery directory that Darlene Hall WOLCIA@gmail.com provided on Dec. 5, 2013. Thank you Darlene! In August of 2013 I photographed all of the gravestones in the Oak Lawn cemetery.
I plan on a major Oak Lawn update during the spring of 2014. At that time I will provide links to all of the Oak Lawn cemetery gravestone photos as well as links to many Oak Lawn obituaries.
Cover page of the Oak Lawn cemetery Directory
Welcome to Oak Lawn Cemetery
Forty-seven townspeople formed the Oak Lawn Cemetery Association on December 8, 1874.
Each member donated $20.00 for the land and upkeep. The Women's Oak Lawn Improvement Association was formed in 1894.
Tryphena Towne (South Section Lot 67), wife of Deacon Arad Towne, was the first burial at Oak Lawn in 1874. Her remains were relocated to Oak Lawn as she had passed away in 1871.
The Women's Oak Lawn Cemetery Improvement Association relies upon donations to complete projects at the cemetery. To name a few: the gateposts have been replaced,
the "hairpin" fence along the road has been painted, the building has been remodeled to house the directory, the paved driveway has been extended and trees have been maintained or replaced.
Volunteers assist with spring cleanup and gravestone cleaning.
We have prepared the directory to assist you in finding the grave sites for your friends and family. Every effort has been made to make it as accurate as possible. In some cases, information not found on the marker has been included.
This information has been verified either by family or public records. The directory will be updated periodically. However, if you have corrections, additions or wish to send a donation please direct your correspondence to Women's Oak Lawn Cemetery Improvement Association P.O. Box 515, Cresco, Iowa 52136 or WOLCIA@gmail.com
Thank you for visiting Oak Lawn Cemetery