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85 | Protivin 1 | 0148 | 1 | 1 | Pechota | Frank | Head | Male | White | 78 | Married | Yes | 66 | 50 | Bohemiea | Joseph Pechota | Bohemia | | Fraah Koller | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1847 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0148 | 2 | 1 | Pechota | Mary | Wife | Female | White | 71 | Married | Yes | 66 | 50 | Bohemia | Frank Polarna | Bohemia | | Barbara Bechel | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1854 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0148 | 3 | 2 | Praska | Frank | Head | Male | White | 74 | Married | Yes | 54 | 52 | Bohemia | Frank Praska | Bohemia | | Kate Hiyek | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1851 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0148 | 4 | 2 | Praska | Mary | Wife | Female | White | 63 | Married | | | 68 | Spillville, IA | Wenzel Kobelisha | Bohemia | | Mary Kafilsh | Bohemia | | | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1862 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0148 | 5 | 2 | Praska | Lulu | Daughter | Female | White | 22 | Single | | | 22 | Cresco, IA | Frank Praska | Bohemia | 74 | Mary Koblisha | Spillville, IA | 63 | Spillville, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1903 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0148 | 6 | 3 | Moudry | Anna K | Head | Female | White | 53 | Widowed | | | 53 | Chicago, IL | Frank ProCharleska | Bohemia | | Mary Ptacnik | Bohemia | 76 | Spillville, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1872 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0148 | 7 | 4 | Landa | Mary | Head | Female | White | 54 | Widowed | | | 53 | Bohemia | Frank Krall | Bohemia | | Mary Belek | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1871 |
Vol | Book | Scan # | Line # | Family # | Last Name | First Name | Relation to Head | Sex | Race | Age | Status | Nat | No Years in US | No Years in IA | Birth Place | Father Name | Father Birth | Father Age | Mother Name | Mother Birth | Mother Age | Parents Marriage | Locality | Residence County | Residence State | Birth Year | 85 | Protivin 1 | 0148 | 8 | 5 | Polashek | William | Head | Male | White | 66 | Married | Yes | 43 | 43 | Bohemia | Joe Polashek | Bohemia | | Theresa Honosh | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1859 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0148 | 9 | 5 | Polashek | Rose | Wife | Female | White | 64 | Married | Yes | 43 | 43 | Bohemia | John Bikmer | Bohemia | | Anna Dolarha | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1861 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0148 | 10 | 5 | Novak | William | Grandson | Male | White | 11 | Single | | | 11 | Chelsea | Anton Novak | Bohemia | 48 | Agnes Polishek | Chelsea | | Chelsea | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1914 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0148 | 11 | 5 | Novak | Agness | Granddaughter | Female | White | 9 | Single | | | 9 | Chelsea | Anton Novak | Bohemia | 48 | Agnes Polishek | Chelsea | | Chelsea | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1916 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0148 | 12 | 6 | Polishek | Will J | Head | Male | White | 22 | Married | | | 22 | Chelsea | William Polishak | Bohemia | 76 | Mary Bihner | Bohemia | 62 | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1903 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0148 | 13 | 6 | Polishek | Rose | Wife | Female | White | 23 | Married | | | 14 | Ft. Atkinson, IA | Vencel Praska | Bohemia | | Mary Kadlec | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1902 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0148 | 14 | 7 | Prochaska | Mary | Head | Female | White | 76 | Widowed | | 55 | 55 | Bohemia | Matthews Ptacnik | Bohemia | | Anna Maleceh | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1849 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0148 | 15 | 8 | Jenelik | Wenzel | Head | Male | White | 67 | Single | Yes | 35 | 30 | Bohemia | Henen Jenelik | Bohemia | | Josephine Petreh | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1858 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0148 | 16 | 9 | Vachta | Cehas | Head | Male | White | 36 | Married | | 36 | 36 | Spillville, IA | George Vachta | | | Mary Vetseha | Bohemia | 58 | Chicago, IL | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1889 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0148 | 17 | 9 | Vachta | Lulu | Wife | Female | White | 35 | Married | | 35 | 30 | Chicago, IL | Charles Bufle | Bohemia | 57 | Mary Krel | Bohemia | 58 | Chicago, IL | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1890 |
Vol | Book | Scan # | Line # | Family # | Last Name | First Name | Relation to Head | Sex | Race | Age | Status | Nat | No Years in US | No Years in IA | Birth Place | Father Name | Father Birth | Father Age | Mother Name | Mother Birth | Mother Age | Parents Marriage | Locality | Residence County | Residence State | Birth Year | 85 | Protivin 1 | 0148 | 18 | 10 | Buble | Charles | Head | Male | White | 58 | Married | Yes | 38 | 30 | Bohemia | Frank Buble | Bohemia | | Kate Slapka | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1867 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0148 | 19 | 10 | Buble | Anna | Wife | Female | White | 68 | Married | | 38 | 30 | Bohemia | Venczel Kerl | Bohemia | | Mary Hedenek | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1857 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0148 | 20 | 10 | Buble | Helena | Daughter | Female | White | 24 | Single | | | 24 | Spillville, IA | Charles Buble | Bohemia | 57 | Mary Kerl | Bohemia | 58 | Chicago, IL | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1901 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0148 | 21 | 10 | Buble | Celia | Daughter | Female | White | 18 | Single | | | 18 | Spillville, IA | Charles Buble | Bohemia | 57 | Mary Kerl | Bohemia | 58 | Chicago, IL | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1907 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0148 | 22 | 10 | Buble | Charles J | Son | Male | White | 27 | Single | | | 27 | Spillville, IA | Charles Buble | Bohemia | 57 | Mary Kerl | Bohemia | 58 | Chicago, IL | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1898 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0148 | 23 | 10 | Buble | Helen | Grandaughter | Female | White | 6 | Single | | | 6 | Protivin, IA | | Iowa | | Alfina Buble | Spillville, IA | 29 | Marion, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1919 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0148 | 24 | 11 | Bader | John | Head | Male | White | 57 | Married | | | 57 | Spillville, IA | Jacob Bader | Swenland | | Mrs. Jacob Bader | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1868 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0148 | 25 | 11 | Bader | Anna | Wife | Female | White | 49 | Married | | | 49 | Spillville, IA | Jon Skoda | Bohemia | | Lenora Meshek | Bohemia | 78 | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1876 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0148 | 26 | 11 | Bader | Evelyn | Daughter | Female | White | 17 | Single | | | 17 | Protivin, IA | John Bader | Spillville, IA | 57 | Anna Skoda | Protivin, IA | 49 | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1908 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0148 | 27 | 11 | Bader | Clara | Daughter | Female | White | 12 | Single | | | 12 | Protivin, IA | John Bader | Spillville, IA | 57 | Anna Skoda | Protivin, IA | 49 | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1913 |
Vol | Book | Scan # | Line # | Family # | Last Name | First Name | Relation to Head | Sex | Race | Age | Status | Nat | No Years in US | No Years in IA | Birth Place | Father Name | Father Birth | Father Age | Mother Name | Mother Birth | Mother Age | Parents Marriage | Locality | Residence County | Residence State | Birth Year | 85 | Protivin 1 | 0148 | 28 | 11 | Bader | Adela | Daughter | Female | White | 10 | Single | | | 10 | Protivin, IA | John Bader | Spillville, IA | 57 | Anna Skoda | Protivin, IA | 49 | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1915 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0148 | 29 | 11 | Bader | Alice | Daughter | Female | White | 7 | Single | | | 7 | Protivin, IA | John Bader | Spillville, IA | 57 | Anna Skoda | Protivin, IA | 49 | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1918 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0148 | 30 | 11 | Bader | Edward | Son | Male | White | 3 | Single | | | 3 | Protivin, IA | John Bader | Spillville, IA | 57 | Anna Skoda | Protivin, IA | 49 | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1922 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0151 | 31 | 11 | Skoda | Lenora | Mother | Female | White | 78 | Widowed | | 57 | 57 | Bohemia | Josh Meshek | Bohemia | | Anna Androshek | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1847 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0151 | 32 | 12 | French | John A | Head | Male | White | 42 | Married | | | 42 | Protivin, IA | John French | Bohemia | | Rose Tupy | Spillville, IA | | Spillville, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1883 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0151 | 33 | 12 | French | Emma | Wife | Female | White | 41 | Married | | | 39 | Protivin, IA | Frank Shores | Bohemia | 67 | Josephine Mara | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1884 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0151 | 34 | 12 | French | Richard | Son | Male | White | 18 | Single | | | 18 | Protivin, IA | John A. French | Protivin, IA | 42 | Emma Shores | Chicago, IL | 41 | Little Turkey, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1907 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0151 | 35 | 12 | French | Leonard | Son | Male | White | 15 | Single | | | 15 | Protivin, IA | John A. French | Protivin, IA | 42 | Emma Shores | Chicago, IL | 41 | Little Turkey, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1910 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0151 | 36 | 13 | Skoda | John | Head | Male | White | 57 | Married | | | 57 | Spillville, IA | Joseph Skoda | Bohemia | | Lenora Meshek | Bohemia | 78 | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1868 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0151 | 37 | 13 | Skoda | Leuisa | Wife | Female | White | 63 | Married | | | 63 | Spillville, IA | Henry Frey | Germany | | Leuisa Frey | Spillville, IA | 53 | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1862 |
Vol | Book | Scan # | Line # | Family # | Last Name | First Name | Relation to Head | Sex | Race | Age | Status | Nat | No Years in US | No Years in IA | Birth Place | Father Name | Father Birth | Father Age | Mother Name | Mother Birth | Mother Age | Parents Marriage | Locality | Residence County | Residence State | Birth Year | 85 | Protivin 1 | 0151 | 38 | 13 | Skoda | Emma | Daughter | Female | White | 24 | Single | | | 24 | Protivin, IA | John Skoda | Spillville, IA | 57 | Leuisa Frey | Spillville, IA | 53 | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1901 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0151 | 39 | 13 | Skoda | Celia | Daughter | Female | White | 17 | Single | | | 17 | Protivin, IA | John Skoda | Spillville, IA | 57 | Leuisa Frey | Spillville, IA | 53 | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1908 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0151 | 40 | 14 | Kalishek | Frank | Head | Male | White | 61 | Married | Yes | 55 | 55 | Bohemia | Martin Kalishek | Bohemia | | Katerine Christof | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1864 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0151 | 41 | 14 | Kalishek | Josephine | Wife | Female | White | 59 | Married | | 54 | 54 | Bohemia | Frank Novotny | Bohemia | | Josephine Novotny | Bohemia | | | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1866 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0151 | 42 | 15 | Kacer | Anton | Head | Male | White | 68 | Married | Yes | 63 | 63 | Bohemia | Anton Kacer | Bohemia | | Anna Davarik | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1857 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0151 | 43 | 15 | Kacer | Anna | Wife | Female | White | 58 | Married | | | 58 | Spillville, IA | John Novak | Bohemia | | Mary Krech | Bohemia | | Spillville, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1867 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0151 | 44 | 16 | Andera | James | Head | Male | White | 44 | Married | | | 44 | Spillville, IA | Joseph Andera | Bohemia | | Mary Kovorik | Bohemia | 71 | Spillville, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1881 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0151 | 45 | 16 | Andera | Rose | Wife | Female | White | 37 | Married | | | 37 | Protivin, IA | Jacob Svestka | Bohemia | 80 | Kaliahek | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1888 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0151 | 46 | 16 | Andera | Leonard | Son | Male | White | 18 | Single | | | 18 | Protivin, IA | James Andera | Spillville, IA | 44 | Rose Svestka | Protivin, IA | 37 | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1907 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0151 | 47 | 16 | Andera | Edward | Son | Male | White | 16 | Single | | | 16 | Protivin, IA | James Andera | Spillville, IA | 44 | Rose Svestka | Protivin, IA | 37 | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1909 |
Vol | Book | Scan # | Line # | Family # | Last Name | First Name | Relation to Head | Sex | Race | Age | Status | Nat | No Years in US | No Years in IA | Birth Place | Father Name | Father Birth | Father Age | Mother Name | Mother Birth | Mother Age | Parents Marriage | Locality | Residence County | Residence State | Birth Year | 85 | Protivin 1 | 0151 | 48 | 16 | Andera | Irena | Daughter | Female | White | 9 | Single | | | 9 | Protivin, IA | James Andera | Spillville, IA | 44 | Rose Svestka | Protivin, IA | 37 | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1916 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0151 | 49 | 18 | Svestka | Jacob | Head | Male | White | 89 | Widowed | Yes | 55 | 55 | Bohemia | Joseph Svestka | Bohemia | | Anna Hoffa | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1836 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0151 | 50 | 19 | Adamec | James | Head | Male | White | 57 | Married | | | 57 | Spillville, IA | John Adamec | Bohemia | | Mary Tek | Bohemia | 89 | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1868 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0151 | 51 | 19 | Adamec | Mary | Wife | Female | White | 53 | Married | | | 53 | Spillville, IA | Joseph Puffer | Bohemia | | Mary Enderholt | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1872 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0151 | 52 | 19 | Adamec | Mary | Daughter | Female | White | 16 | Single | | | 16 | Cresco, IA | James Adamec | Spillville, IA | 57 | Mary Puffer | Spillville, IA | 53 | Spillville, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1909 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0151 | 53 | 20 | Schmidt | Andrew | Head | Male | White | 32 | Married | | | 32 | Spillville, IA | Anton Schmidt | Spillville, IA | 57 | Mary Dych | Spillville, IA | 53 | Spillville, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1893 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0151 | 54 | 20 | Schmidt | Laura | Wife | Female | White | 21 | Married | | | 21 | Protivin, IA | Joseph Bouska | Protivin, IA | | Lizzie Maleh | Cresco, IA | 54 | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1904 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0151 | 55 | 21 | Koudlek | Wenzel | Head | Male | White | 75 | Married | Yes | 58 | 55 | Bohemia | John Koudelka | Bohemia | | Anna Kolar | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1850 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0151 | 56 | 21 | Koudelek | Mary | Wife | Female | White | 72 | Married | | 71 | 71 | Bohemia | Mike Vayek | Bohemia | | Kate Vayek | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1853 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0151 | 57 | 22 | Kalishek | Martin | Head | Male | White | 67 | Married | Yes | 56 | 56 | Bohemia | Martin Kalishek | Bohemia | | Katrine Christof | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1858 |
Vol | Book | Scan # | Line # | Family # | Last Name | First Name | Relation to Head | Sex | Race | Age | Status | Nat | No Years in US | No Years in IA | Birth Place | Father Name | Father Birth | Father Age | Mother Name | Mother Birth | Mother Age | Parents Marriage | Locality | Residence County | Residence State | Birth Year | 85 | Protivin 1 | 0151 | 58 | 22 | Kalishek | Lizzie | Wife | Female | White | 64 | Married | | 64 | 64 | Bohemia | Frank Novotny | Bohemia | | Katherine Vita | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1861 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0151 | 59 | 22 | Kalishek | Richard | Son | Male | White | 18 | Single | | | 18 | Protivin, IA | Martin Kalishek | Bohemia | 67 | Lizzie Novonty | Bohemia | | Spillville, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1907 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0154 | 61 | 23 | Kalishek | William | Head | Male | White | 43 | Married | | | 36 | Protivin, IA | Martin Kalishek | Bohemia | 67 | Lizzie Novonty | Bohemia | 64 | Spillville, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1882 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0154 | 62 | 23 | Kalishek | Carrie | Wife | Female | White | 41 | Married | | | 34 | Spillville, IA | John Kovarik | Spillville, IA | | Barbara Feud | Protivin, IA | 62 | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1884 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0154 | 63 | 23 | Kalishek | Richard | Son | Male | White | 15 | Single | | | 12 | Lisbon, Dakota | William Kalishek | Protivin, IA | 43 | Carrie Kovarik | Spillville, IA | 41 | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1910 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0154 | 64 | 23 | French | Victoria | No Relation | Female | White | 30 | Single | | | 30 | Protivin, IA | Frank J. French | Protivin, IA | 67 | Mary Pecinovsky | Protivin, IA | 54 | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1895 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0154 | 65 | 24 | Ciser | Wenzel | Head | Male | White | 68 | Married | Yes | 54 | 54 | Bohemia | Jacob Ciser | Bohemia | | Ann Loujenka | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1857 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0154 | 66 | 24 | Ciser | Rose | Wife | Female | White | 62 | Married | | 30 | 30 | Bohemia | John Hovasha | Bohemia | | Anna Riznar | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1863 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0154 | 67 | 25 | Klima | Frank | Head | Male | White | 49 | Married | Yes | 23 | 23 | Bohemia | Joseph Klima | Bohemia | | | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1876 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0154 | 68 | 25 | Klima | Mary | Wife | Female | White | 53 | Married | | | 53 | Protivin, IA | Frank Lukes | Bohemia | | Barbara Zahaska | Bohemia | | Spillville, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1872 |
Vol | Book | Scan # | Line # | Family # | Last Name | First Name | Relation to Head | Sex | Race | Age | Status | Nat | No Years in US | No Years in IA | Birth Place | Father Name | Father Birth | Father Age | Mother Name | Mother Birth | Mother Age | Parents Marriage | Locality | Residence County | Residence State | Birth Year | 85 | Protivin 1 | 0154 | 69 | 25 | Klima | Frank | Son | Male | White | 18 | Single | | | 18 | Protivin, IA | Frank Klima | Bohemia | 49 | Mary Lukes | Protivin, IA | 53 | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1907 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0154 | 70 | 26 | Novonty | Wenzel | Head | Male | White | 75 | Married | Yes | 55 | 55 | Bohemia | Frank Novonty | Bohemia | | Anna Novonty | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1850 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0154 | 71 | 26 | Novonty | Mary | Wife | Female | White | 68 | Married | | 55 | 55 | Bohemia | John Plaha | Bohemia | | Anna Meyer | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1857 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0154 | 72 | 27 | Novak | Louis | Head | Male | White | 59 | Widowed | | | 59 | Spillville, IA | Thomas Novak | Bohemia | 80 | Fannie Phillip | Bohemia | 78 | Spillville, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1866 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0154 | 73 | 28 | Chyle | Thomas | Head | Male | White | 58 | Married | | | 58 | Protivin, IA | Frank Chyle | Bohemia | | | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1867 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0154 | 74 | 28 | Chyle | Mary | Wife | Female | White | 59 | Married | | 52 | 52 | Bohemia | Frank Sabilik | Bohemia | | Eva Reba | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1866 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0154 | 75 | 28 | Chyle | Frank H | Son | Male | White | 36 | Single | | | 36 | Protivin, IA | Thomas Chyle | Protivin, IA | 58 | Mary Sabilik | Bohemia | 59 | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1889 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0154 | 76 | 29 | Mikesh | John J | Head | Male | White | 47 | Married | | | 47 | Spillville, IA | John M. Mikesh | Bohemia | | Mary Janousk | Bohemia | 74 | Spillville, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1878 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0154 | 77 | 29 | Mikesh | Mary T | Wife | Female | White | 41 | Married | | | 41 | Protivin, IA | Wenzel Ciser | Bohemia | 68 | Lizzie Karbal | Bohemia | | | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1884 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0154 | 78 | 29 | Mikesh | Clara | Daughter | Female | White | 21 | Single | | | 21 | Protivin, IA | John J. Mikesh | Spillville, IA | 47 | Mary Ciser | Protivin, IA | 41 | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1904 |
Vol | Book | Scan # | Line # | Family # | Last Name | First Name | Relation to Head | Sex | Race | Age | Status | Nat | No Years in US | No Years in IA | Birth Place | Father Name | Father Birth | Father Age | Mother Name | Mother Birth | Mother Age | Parents Marriage | Locality | Residence County | Residence State | Birth Year | 85 | Protivin 1 | 0154 | 79 | 29 | Mikesh | Otila | Daughter | Female | White | 18 | Single | | | 18 | Protivin, IA | John J. Mikesh | Spillville, IA | 47 | Mary Ciser | Protivin, IA | 41 | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1907 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0154 | 80 | 30 | Mikesh | Mike | Head | Male | White | 56 | Married | | | 56 | Spillville, IA | Frank Mikesh | Bohemia | | Mary Trisha | Bohemia | | Spillville, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1869 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0154 | 81 | 30 | Mikesh | Mary | Wife | Female | White | 38 | Married | | | 38 | Protivin, IA | J. J. Lukes | Protivin, IA | 68 | Anna Nohale | Bohemia | | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1887 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0154 | 82 | 30 | Mikesh | Mildred | Daughter | Female | White | 5 | Single | | | 5 | Protivin, IA | Mike Mikesh | Spillville, IA | 56 | Mary Lukes | Protivin, IA | 38 | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1920 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0154 | 83 | 30 | Mikesh | Milton | Son | Male | White | 4 mos. | Single | | | 4 mos. | Protivin, IA | Mike Mikesh | Spillville, IA | 56 | Mary Lukes | Protivin, IA | 38 | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1925 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0154 | 84 | 31 | Tupy | Frank J | Head | Male | White | 61 | Married | | | 61 | Spillville, IA | Frank Tupy | Bohemia | | Mary Tupy | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1864 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0154 | 85 | 31 | Tupy | Mary | Wife | Female | White | 61 | Married | | | 61 | Spillville, IA | Thomas Kruchek | Bohemia | | Mary Zahoras | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1864 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0154 | 86 | 31 | Tupy | Clara | Daughter | Female | White | 17 | Single | | | 17 | Protivin, IA | Frank J. Tupy | Spillville, IA | 61 | Mary Kruchek | Spillville, IA | 61 | Spillville, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1908 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0154 | 87 | 32 | Peshek | Charles | Head | Male | White | 63 | Married | | | 46 | Texas | Jacob Peshek | Bohemia | | Mary Malachek | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1862 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0154 | 88 | 32 | Peshek | Mary | Wife | Female | White | 67 | Married | | | 67 | Spillville, IA | John Eral | Bohemia | | Mary Sladech | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1858 |
Vol | Book | Scan # | Line # | Family # | Last Name | First Name | Relation to Head | Sex | Race | Age | Status | Nat | No Years in US | No Years in IA | Birth Place | Father Name | Father Birth | Father Age | Mother Name | Mother Birth | Mother Age | Parents Marriage | Locality | Residence County | Residence State | Birth Year | 85 | Protivin 1 | 0154 | 89 | 33 | Jirah | Wenzel A | Head | Male | White | 60 | Married | | | 60 | Calmar, IA | Jones Jirah | Bohemia | | Mary Darih | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1865 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0154 | 90 | 33 | Jirah | Katie | Wife | Female | White | 58 | Married | | 57 | 57 | Bohemia | Frank Kappa | Bohemia | | Katey Hushek | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1867 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0157 | 91 | 34 | Ira | Joseph | Head | Male | White | 64 | Married | | | 64 | Spillville, IA | Joseph Ira | Bohemia | | Mary Praska | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1861 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0157 | 92 | 34 | Ira | Mary | Wife | Female | White | 63 | Married | | 61 | 61 | Bohemia | John Riha | Bohemia | | Anna Sweha | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1862 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0157 | 93 | 35 | Stika | Frank | Head | Male | White | 71 | Married | Yes | 47 | 47 | Bohemia | John Stika | Bohemia | | Mary Vapa | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1854 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0157 | 94 | 35 | Stika | Helen | Wife | Female | White | 62 | Married | | | 62 | Protivin, IA | Frnak Pecinovsky | Bohemia | | Mary Zahasha | Bohemia | | Spillville, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1863 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0157 | 95 | 36 | Riha | Joseph J | Head | Male | White | 67 | Married | Yes | 62 | 62 | Bohemia | John Riha | Bohemia | | Anna Swela | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1858 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0157 | 96 | 36 | Riha | Lizzie | Wife | Female | White | 55 | Married | | | 55 | Spillville, IA | Frank Brom | Bohemia | | Mary Brom | Bohemia | 80 | Spillville, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1870 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0157 | 97 | 36 | Riha | Adela | Daughter | Female | White | 19 | Single | | | 19 | Protivin, IA | Joseph J. Riha | Bohemia | 67 | Lizzie Brom | Spillville, IA | 55 | Spillville, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1906 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0157 | 98 | 36 | Riha | Ben | Son | Male | White | 21 | Single | | | 21 | Protivin, IA | Joseph J. Riha | Bohemia | 67 | Lizzie Brom | Spillville, IA | 55 | Spillville, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1904 |
Vol | Book | Scan # | Line # | Family # | Last Name | First Name | Relation to Head | Sex | Race | Age | Status | Nat | No Years in US | No Years in IA | Birth Place | Father Name | Father Birth | Father Age | Mother Name | Mother Birth | Mother Age | Parents Marriage | Locality | Residence County | Residence State | Birth Year | 85 | Protivin 1 | 0157 | 99 | 37 | Bader | Will | Head | Male | White | 25 | Married | | | 25 | Protivin, IA | John Bader | Spillville, IA | 57 | Anna Skoda | Spillville, IA | 49 | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1900 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0157 | 101 | 37 | Bader | Marnie | Wife | Female | White | 25 | Married | | | 25 | Spillville, IA | Anton Tupy | Spillville, IA | 52 | Mary Jirah | Spillville, IA | 60 | Spillville, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1900 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0157 | 102 | 38 | Shimeh | John F | Head | Male | White | 30 | Married | Yes | 29 | 29 | Bohemia | James Shimeh | Bohemia | 54 | Anna Horeysh | Bohemia | 53 | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1895 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0157 | 103 | 38 | Shimeh | Stella | Wife | Female | White | 26 | Married | | | 26 | Chelsea, IA | William Polishek | Bohemia | 66 | Rose Rittner | Bohemia | 64 | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1899 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0157 | 104 | 38 | Shimeh | Valeria | Daughter | Female | White | 1 mos. | Single | | | 1 mos. | Protivin, IA | John F. Shimeh | Bohemia | 30 | Stella Polashek | Chelsea, IA | 26 | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1925 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0157 | 105 | 39 | Michelec | Joseph | Head | Male | White | 46 | Married | Yes | 21 | 21 | Bohemia | Frank Michelec | Bohemia | 61 | Sophia Kallicha | Bohemia | 74 | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1879 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0157 | 106 | 39 | Michelec | Bozna | Wife | Female | White | 41 | Married | | | 41 | Spillville, IA | Joseph Andera | Bohemia | | Mary Kovorik | Bohemia | 71 | Spillville, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1884 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0157 | 107 | 39 | Michelec | Adela | Daughter | Female | White | 14 | Single | | | 14 | Protivin, IA | Joseph Michelec | Bohemia | 41 | Bozna Andera | Spillville, IA | 41 | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1911 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0157 | 108 | 40 | Andera | Mary | Head | Female | White | 71 | Widowed | | 57 | 57 | Bohemia | Joseph Kovorik | Bohemia | | Mary Kovorik | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1854 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0157 | 109 | 40 | Amdera | Joseph | Son | Male | White | 51 | Single | | | 51 | Spillville, IA | Joseph Andera | Bohemia | | Mary Kovorik | Bohemia | 71 | Spillville, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1874 |
Vol | Book | Scan # | Line # | Family # | Last Name | First Name | Relation to Head | Sex | Race | Age | Status | Nat | No Years in US | No Years in IA | Birth Place | Father Name | Father Birth | Father Age | Mother Name | Mother Birth | Mother Age | Parents Marriage | Locality | Residence County | Residence State | Birth Year | 85 | Protivin 1 | 0157 | 110 | 41 | Amdera | Frank S | Head | Male | White | 30 | Married | | | 30 | Protivin, IA | Joseph Andera | Bohemia | | Mary Kovorik | Bohemia | 71 | Spillville, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1895 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0157 | 111 | 41 | Amdera | Mary H | Wife | Female | White | 32 | Married | | | 32 | Protivin, IA | Thomas Chyle | Protivin, IA | 58 | Mary Sobolek | Bohemia | 60 | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1893 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0157 | 112 | 42 | Sobolek | Frank | Head | Male | White | 57 | Married | Yes | 56 | 56 | Bohemia | Frank Sobolek | Bohemia | | Eva Reba | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1868 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0157 | 113 | 42 | Sobolek | Anna | Wife | Female | White | 57 | Married | | | 51 | Protivin, IA | Joe Zahaska | Bohemia | | Anna Kubik | Bohemia | | Spillville, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1868 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0157 | 114 | 43 | Vachta | Fred | Head | Male | White | 32 | Married | | | 32 | Protivin, IA | George Vachta | Bohemia | | Mary Vetouseha | Bohemia | 53 | Chicago, IL | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1893 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0157 | 115 | 43 | Vachta | Regina | Wife | Female | White | 30 | Married | | | 30 | Protivin, IA | Frank Sobolek | Bohemia | 57 | Anna Zahasha | Bohemia | 51 | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1895 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0157 | 116 | 43 | Vachta | Morcella | Daughter | Female | White | 9 | Single | | | 9 | Protivin, IA | Fred Vachta | Protivin, IA | 32 | Regina Sobolek | Protivin, IA | 30 | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1916 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0157 | 117 | 43 | Vachta | Milo | Son | Male | White | 1 | Single | | | 1 | Protivin, IA | Fred Vachta | Protivin, IA | 32 | Regina Sobolek | Protivin, IA | 30 | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1924 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0157 | 118 | 44 | Kubik | James | Head | Male | White | 54 | Married | | | 54 | Spillville, IA | Joseph Kubik | Bohemia | | Christina Tupa | Bohemia | 72 | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1871 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0157 | 119 | 44 | Kubik | Rose | Wife | Female | White | 43 | Married | | | 43 | Spillville, IA | Frank Mikesh | Bohemia | | Mary Mikesh | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1882 |
Vol | Book | Scan # | Line # | Family # | Last Name | First Name | Relation to Head | Sex | Race | Age | Status | Nat | No Years in US | No Years in IA | Birth Place | Father Name | Father Birth | Father Age | Mother Name | Mother Birth | Mother Age | Parents Marriage | Locality | Residence County | Residence State | Birth Year | 85 | Protivin 1 | 0157 | 120 | 44 | Kubik | Louis | Son | Male | White | 18 | Single | | | 18 | Protivin, IA | James Kubik | Spillville, IA | 54 | Rose Mikesh | Spillville, IA | 43 | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1907 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0160 | 121 | 45 | Tuchek | Louis | Head | Male | White | 38 | Married | | | 38 | Spillville, IA | John Tuchek | Bohemia | | Mary Volka | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1887 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0160 | 122 | 45 | Tuchek | Mary | Wife | Female | White | 36 | Married | | | 36 | Elma, IA | Anton Zobeck | Bohemia | 75 | Anna Beneedick | Boehemia | 65 | Cresco, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1889 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0160 | 123 | 45 | Tuchek | Mary | Daughter | Female | White | 8 | Single | | | 8 | Protivin, IA | Louis Tuchek | Spillville, IA | 38 | Anna Zobeck | Elma, IA | 36 | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1917 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0160 | 124 | 45 | Tuchek | Louis | Son | Male | White | 6 | Single | | | 6 | Protivin, IA | Louis Tuchek | Spillville, IA | 38 | Anna Zobeck | Elma, IA | 36 | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1919 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0160 | 125 | 45 | Tuchek | Mildred | Daughter | Female | White | 2 mos | Single | | | 2 mos. | Protivin, IA | Louis Tuchek | Spillville, IA | 38 | Anna Zobeck | Elma, IA | 36 | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1925 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0160 | 126 | 45 | Tuchek | John | Father | Male | White | 75 | Widowed | Yes | 43 | 42 | Bohemia | John Tuchek | Bohemia | | Mrs. John Tuchek | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1850 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0160 | 127 | 46 | Tuchek | Charles | Head | Male | White | 41 | Married | | | 41 | Protivin, IA | John Tuchek | Bohemia | 75 | Mary Volka | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1884 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0160 | 128 | 46 | Tuchek | Stella | Wife | Female | White | 35 | Married | | | 35 | Protivin, IA | Thomas Blazek | Bohemia | | Anna Dvarik | Bohemia | 75 | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1890 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0160 | 129 | 46 | Tuchek | Edward | Son | Male | White | 11 | Single | | | 11 | Protivin, IA | Charles Tuchek | Spillville, IA | 41 | Stella Blazek | Protivin, IA | 35 | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1914 |
Vol | Book | Scan # | Line # | Family # | Last Name | First Name | Relation to Head | Sex | Race | Age | Status | Nat | No Years in US | No Years in IA | Birth Place | Father Name | Father Birth | Father Age | Mother Name | Mother Birth | Mother Age | Parents Marriage | Locality | Residence County | Residence State | Birth Year | 85 | Protivin 1 | 0160 | 130 | 46 | Tuchek | Ruben | Son | Male | White | 9 | Single | | | 9 | Protivin, IA | Charles Tuchek | Spillville, IA | 41 | Stella Blazek | Protivin, IA | 35 | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1916 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0160 | 131 | 46 | Tuchek | Arther | Son | Male | White | 6 | Single | | | 6 | Protivin, IA | Charles Tuchek | Spillville, IA | 41 | Stella Blazek | Protivin, IA | 35 | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1919 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0160 | 132 | 47 | Landa | Paul | Head | Male | White | 30 | Married | | | 30 | Protivin, IA | Frank Krall | Bohemia | | Mary Krall | Chicago, IL | 54 | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1895 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0160 | 133 | 47 | Landa | Agnes | Wife | Female | White | 24 | Married | | | 3 | Abie, Nebraska | Jacob Palansky | Bohemia | 61 | Mary Palacek | Bohemia | 59 | Abie, Nebraska | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1901 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0160 | 134 | 47 | Landa | Willie | Son | Male | White | 4 | Single | | | 3 | Crete, North Dakota | Paul Landa | Protivin, IA | 30 | Agnes Palansky | Abie, Nebraska | 24 | Stirum, North Dakota | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1921 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0160 | 135 | 47 | Landa | Paul Jr. | Son | Male | White | 3 | Single | | | 3 | Protivin, IA | Paul Landa | Protivin, IA | 30 | Agnes Palansky | Abie, Nebraska | 24 | Stirum, North Dakota | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1922 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0160 | 136 | 48 | Dlahy | Frank | Head | Male | White | 69 | Single | | 44 | 44 | Bohemia | John Dlahy | Bohemia | | "Don't Know" | Bohemia | | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1856 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0160 | 137 | 49 | Kalishek | Frank J | Head | Female | White | 40 | Married | | | 27 | Spillville, IA | Martin Kalishek | Bohemia | 67 | Lizzie Novonty | Bohemia | 64 | Spillville, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1885 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0160 | 138 | 49 | Kalishek | Maud | Wife | Wife | White | 43 | Married | | | 30 | Protivin, IA | Jon Zahasha | Bohemia | | Anna Zahasha | Bohemia | 43 | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1882 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0160 | 139 | 49 | Kalishek | Marjorie | Daughter | Female | White | 7 | Single | | | 5 | Lisbon, North Dakota | Frank J. Kalishek | Spillville, IA | 40 | Maud Zahasha | Protivin, IA | 43 | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1918 |
Vol | Book | Scan # | Line # | Family # | Last Name | First Name | Relation to Head | Sex | Race | Age | Status | Nat | No Years in US | No Years in IA | Birth Place | Father Name | Father Birth | Father Age | Mother Name | Mother Birth | Mother Age | Parents Marriage | Locality | Residence County | Residence State | Birth Year | 85 | Protivin 1 | 0160 | 140 | 50 | Holichek | John | Head | Male | White | 35 | Married | | 14 | 10 | Bohemia | Thomas Holichek | Bohemia | 88 | Anna Patrisah | Bohemia | 85 | Bohemia | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1890 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0160 | 141 | 50 | Holichek | Regina | Wife | Female | White | 34 | Married | | | 34 | Protivin, IA | Joe Zahaska | Bohemia | | Anna Kubik | Bohemia | | Spillville, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1891 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0160 | 142 | 50 | Holichek | Tillie | Daughter | Female | White | 6 | Single | | | 6 | Protivin, IA | John Holichek | Bohemia | 35 | Regina Zahasha | Protivin, IA | 34 | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1919 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0160 | 143 | 51 | Mikesh | Albert | Head | Male | White | 56 | Married | | | 56 | Spillville, IA | Albert Mikesh Sr. | Bohemia | | Frances Janus | Bohemia | 80 | Spillville, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1869 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0160 | 144 | 51 | Mikesh | Mamie | Wife | Female | White | 51 | Married | | | 51 | Spillville, IA | Thomas Novak | Bohemia | 80 | Veronica Philla | Bohemia | 78 | Spillville, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1874 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0160 | 145 | 51 | Mikesh | Leopold | Son | Male | White | 19 | Single | | | 19 | Protivin, IA | Albert Mikesh | Spillville, IA | 56 | Mamie Novak | Spillville, IA | 51 | Spillville, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1906 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0160 | 146 | 52 | Schmitt | Louis | Head | Male | White | 26 | Married | | | 26 | Spillville, IA | Anton F. Schmitt | Spillville, IA | 64 | Mary Dietch | France | 62 | Spillville, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1899 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0160 | 147 | 52 | Schmitt | Edith O | Wife | Female | White | 25 | Married | | | 25 | Protivin, IA | Albert Mikesh | Spillville, IA | 56 | Mamie Novak | Spillville, IA | 51 | Spillville, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1900 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0160 | 148 | 52 | Schmitt | Dalmer | Son | Male | White | 14 mos. | Single | | | 14 mos. | Calmar, IA | Louis Schmitt | Spillville, IA | 26 | Edith O. Mikesh | Protivin, IA | | Protivin, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1924 |
85 | Protivin 1 | 0160 | 149 | 53 | Snopek | Mary | Head | Female | White | 47 | Widowed | | | 47 | Protivin, IA | Frank ProCharleska | Bohemia | | Mary Ptacnik | Bohemia | 76 | Spillville, IA | Protivin | Howard | Iowa | 1878 |
Transcribed by Paul Maruska from a PDF that he paid Advantage Companies, 1035 33rd Ave. SW, Cedar Rapids, IA. to produce from
the 1925 Iowa Census Box 100040, Howard County, Books 77-98 Oakdale to Saratoga Townships
Paul has submitted his transcription to IAGenWeb for
publication, Thank you Paul for this comprehensive transcription. Paul retains copyright privileges for his transcription.