
Iowa State Gazetteer.
and Business Directory
Volume XIV

R. L. Polk & Co.



BAGLEY. Population, 400. An incorporated town on the C. M. & St. P. Ry. in Dodge township, Guthrie county, 16 miles n. e. of Guthrie Center, the county seat. Has Christian, Dunkard and Methodist Episcopal churches, a graded public school, a bank and weekly newspaper, the Gazette Exp., U. S. Tel., W. U. Telephone connection. J. J. Chapman, postmaster.
Bagley Gazette, F. H. Plumb publisher.
Burgess, Elsie, teacher.
[From Page 240]

NOTE: The left side of this page was quite faded and very hard to read. Some entries could not be fully read.

C???? Rev J D (Methodist).
CHAPMAN J J, Insurance and Postmaster.
(?)Chase George W, livery.
??? & Smith, milliners.
??? & Busch, general store.
First National Bank (capital $25,000), H L Moore? pres, F N Jenkins cashr.
(?)Fouster G G, tank mnfr.
(?)Franklin E E, principal of schools.
F??? Stella, teacher.
F??? Stella, teacher.
(?)Gilbert G B, railroad, exp and tel agt.
G??? Eva, teacher.
(?)Gilliland & Son, clothing.
G??? Loren, teacher.
Hess Wm C, physician.
(?)Horine George, lumber and coal.
Howard Hotel, A V Tyler propr.
???sen Fern, teacher.
??? Clyde, drayage.
(?)Machesney Drug Co.
M??? E C, drugs.
(?)Morris Bert, general store.
M??? Laura, teacher.
(?)Muir & Becher, general store.
(?)Neola Elevator Co, E C Phipps mngr.
(?)O'Malley William, harness.
(?)Peters Charles A, barber.
(?)Peters George, mason.
(?)Plumb F H, publr Bagley Gazette.
??? Grace, teacher.
(?)Pringle Jesse A, physician.
(?)Rider & Peterman, hardware and furn.
(?)Shank Reuben, carpenter.
??? Bert, teacher.
??? Eve, teacher.
??? Mayme, teacher.
(?)Skinner Wm U, blacksmith.
(?)Sprague E H & Son (Eugene H and Frank? W) hardware and implements
THOMPSON JOHN W, General Store.
(?)Thyberg Louis J, shoes.
(?)Tyler A V, propr Howard Hotel.
(?)Tyler H B, restaurant.
(?)Vaux Geo B & Bro (Geo B and Frank T), meats.
???? Laura, teacher.
(?)Wright & McWhinnery, grain.

[From Pages 240-241]


BAYARD. Population, 500. An incorporated town located on the C., M. & St. P. Ry. in Highland township, Guthrie County, 16 miles n. of Guthrie Center, the judicial seat. Has Catholic, Christian and Methodist churches, a graded public school, 2 banks and a weekly newspaper, the Advocate. Tel., W. U. Exp. U. S. Telephone connection. Owen M. Corrigan, postmaster.

NOTE: The left side of this page was quite faded and very hard to read. Some entries could not be fully read.

(?)Adamson O B & C S, proprs Banner Pub ??.
(?)Baliah N, hotel.
Banner Publishing Co, O B and C S Adamsen proprs and pubs Bayard Advocate.
??? Jessie, teacher. Bayard Advocate Banner Pub Co publrs.
Bayard Savings Bank (capital $15,000), M McDonald pres, Charles P McDonald asst.
(?)Boots Bros, blacksmiths.
(?)Boots James, veterinary surgeon.
(?) Earl S, drugs.
(?)Capple John J, carpenter.
(?)Cappel & Kirkman (John J Capple, Geo H Kirkman) carpenters.
CITY SAVINGS BANK (Capital $15,000), Thomas C Lundy Cashr. (See card.)
City Savings Bank
Collections Promptly Attended to
Farm Loans Made
??? E H, well borer.
??? Peter H, drugs.
??? Margaret, teacher.
??? Harry, teacher.
??? Joan W, restaurant.
CORRIGAN OWEN M, Postmaster.
??? ???, teacher.
??? H, teacher.
??? Maurice M, produce.
??? ??a?n, dray.
??? ??? teacher.
??? ??? teacher.
(?)Gaunt Mrs Josephine, dressmaker.
???(?)Gilmore Isaac, blacksmith.
(?)Guthrie Center & Northwestern Telephone Co, H??? Carothers, mngr.
(?)Hall John, carpenter.
Hancock Rev A (Methodist).
Halliman Martin J, lawyer.
Heese J C Lumber Co.
Hancox Rev J (Methodist).
Hidelbaugh Frank O, general store.
Hill John W, apiarist.
Hill P W, jeweler.
Hull Warren W, insurance.
Iowa Telephone Co, O M Corrigan mngr.
Jack Thomas, marshal.
Jackson Alfred, blacksmith.
Jackson Mrs. Sarah, carpet weaver.
Jencks D J & Son (Clarence), grain and coal.
Lewis Andrew J, junk.
Lockwood Edward H, physician.
Love Z T, carpenter.
McCord Susie, teacher.
McHugh Daniel, restuaurant.
Marquette Rose, dressmaker.
Maxwell Charles J, harnessmaker.
Maxwell Joseph L, teacher.
Mayer Earl B, painter.
Milhaus Bros, general store.
Munger Frank E, dentist.
Murphy John F, jeweler.
Neola Elevator Co, G Miller mngr.
Ocheltree Albert D, barber.
Ocheltree C F, grocer and shoes.
Ocheltree L A, thresher.
Ocheltree Orchestra, A D Ocheltree mgr.
Ocheltree & Hess (H D Ocheltree, G Hess), general store.
Quinn Rev George (Catholica).
Rawlings George C, mason.
Rawlings George W, mason.
Regan Charles R, auctioneer.
Riggs G, photographer.
Rowe Ella, teacher.
Rowe kate, teachers.
Rowlings Lorena, teacher.
Russel Ruth E, teacher.
Selley Charles, live stock.
Senteney Bros (Stephen and Millard), flour mill.
Smith & Garnes, meats.
Strauser E E, insurance.
Strauser Isaac, furniture.
Strauser Wm H, hardware.
Thompson Wm L, physician.
Vader Daniel, hardware.
Vader Golda, teacher.
Wright Rev. J W (Christian).

[From Page 247]


BEAR GROVE. Population, 90. A small village in Bear Grove township, Guthrie county, 8 miles southwest of Guthrie Center, the county seat, nearest railroad station and banking point. Telephone connection. Mail daily. John F. Brock, postmaster.

Armstrong A E, teacher.
BROCK JOHN T, General Store.
Christensen Wm, blacksmith.
Harwood Ed, carpenter.
King Rev Willet D (Congregational).
Lowen W E, live stock.
Scott W T, teacher.
Woolf Edward, justice.

[From Page 248]


CASEY. Population, 800. An incorporated town on the C., R. I. & P. Ry., and on the Middle river, in Thompson township, Guthrie county, 14 miles s. of Guthrie Centre, the county seat, and 52 from Des Moines. Has Catholic, Friends, Lutheran, Methodist Episcopal and Presbyterian churches, a graded public school, 2 banks and 2 weekly newspapers, the Casey Vindicator and the Casey Record. Telephone connection. Exp., U. S. Tel., W. U. E. D. Gundrum, postmaster.

Abram Rutt National Bank (cap $25,000), Abram Rutt pres, S Lincoln Rutt cashr.
Allen Nannie, teacher.
Askren Isaac M, photographer.
Ball H L, furniture.
Beam Holt, mason.
Belmont House, Wm Warren propr.
Berry Charles E, lawyer.
BETTS W C & CO (Wm C and Ellis A Betts), Grocers.
Blackmar Wm A, painter.
Blackmar W W, painter.
Burns T J, general store.
Byrne John, veterinary surgeon.
Casey Flour and Feed Exchange.
Casey Band, Martin Varley leader.
Casey Orchestra, W Warren leader.
Casey Record, M S Varley publr.
Casey Vindicator, Wm P Cowman & Son publrs.
CITIZENS' BANK (Capital $15,000), W Gray Pres, Fred Gray Cashr.
Condon May, teacher.
Corrigan Patrick S, general store.
Cowman Wm P & Son (Wm P and Claude), publrs Vindicator.
Crandal Bert, livery
Davenport Elevator Co, R W Griffith manager.
Doop James O, meats.
Duncan Wm T, physician.
Fagan Augustine M, lawyer.
Farmers' Co-operative Creamery, H ? Smith sec.
Farrell Sisters (Mary and Etta), dressmakers.
Folsom A B, carpenter.
Fuller Isaac N, carpet weaver.
Gardner E C, propr Park Hotel.
Giles Edna, teacher.
Goodman Bros, restaurant.
Goodwin Frank, painter.
Grinnell Edward, apiarist.
GUNDRUM E D, Postmaster.
Harden Blanche, teacher.
Harden Hattie, teacher.
Harden Maude, teacher.
Hollenbeak R W, cattle and hog breeder breeder.
Iowa Telephone Co.
Ivers, Ettinger & Co (E A Ivers, F and C E Ettinger), general store.
Jefferson Bros (Edmund A and Elmer E), barbers.
Jones David R, auctioneer.
Keefe Emmet M, dentist.
[From Page 318]

NOTE: The left side of the above page was quite faded and very hard to read. Some entries could not be fully read.

L???Lenora, teacher.
L??? Bessie, teacher.
McConkey John A, carpenter.
Maulsby Ellis P, physician.
Miller Elmer W, grain and coal.
Morey? M S, dray.
Mowry? Tena, teacher. Ottis? Ross, restaurant.
Overmeyer George, livery.
Owens Anna, teacher.
Park Hotel, E C Gardner propr.
Park Rev W F (Methodist).
Robertson? Francis, teacher.
Robinson Edward, poultry breeder.
Ruppert? Joseph, dray.
Russell L B, carpenter.
Schaffer Bros (John F and Oliver W), general store.
S??? Bertha, teacher.
Smith? Evelyn, teacher. Smith? Geroge, teacher.
Smith John T, general Store. Smith? Wm, dray.
Starkey? Rev (Lutheran).
STOFFEL & EARL (Nicholas Stoffel, ??? Earl), Clothing.
Thompsen Albert, hardware.
Thompson Clara I, teacher. Thompson Mary, teacher.
Thompson Sisters (Anna and Amanda), dressmakers.
Valentine Wm & F R, lumber and hdwre.
Varley Martin S, publr Casey Record.
Varley Mrs Mary, dressmaker.
Warren Alfred, physician.
Wagner Josephine, teacher.
Warren Wm, propr Belmont House.
Wilson? & Co, live stock.
Woodruff Lula, teacher.

[From Pages 318-319]


DALE. Population, 60. In Jackson township, Guthrie county, 13 1/2 miles s. e. of Guthrie Center, the county seat, 8 from Stuart, the nearest banking point and 3 1/2 from Glendon, the nearest shipping point. Has a Methodist church. Improved farm land averages $60 per acre. Telephone connection. Mail, daily. Charles Lonsdale, postmaster.

Bricker & Boots, general store.
Crowl J H, hotel.
Dales Mut Co-operative Assn, creamery.
Lonsdale Charles, postmaster.
Lonsdale James, physician.
Lonsdale's John Sons, woolen mill.
McCare J C, blacksmith.
Waller J W, mnfr carpets and rug.

[From Pages 493-494]


ERASTUS. A discontinued postoffice in Orange township, Guthrie county, 15 miles n. w. of Guthrie Center, the seat of justice, and 7 s. of Coon Rapids, the nearest shipping and banking point, whence mail is supplied by rural delivery.

[From Page 718]


FANSLEARS. Population, 100. On the Middle Coon river, in Victory township, Guthrie county, 7 miles n. of Guthrie Center, the county seat, and 5 from Yale, the nearest railroad station and banking point. Telephone connection. Mail, daily.

LEWIS MRS W H, General Store.
Marchant Bros, coal.

[From Page 733]


GLENDON. Population, 56. On the C., R. I. & P. Ry., in Beaver township, Guthrie county, 9 miles s. e. of Guthrie Center, the county seat, and 6 from Menlo, the nearest banking point. Tel., W. U. Exp., U. S. Telephone connection. George J. Moore, postmaster.

Barker E E, general store.
Cotteral & Ire, grain and stock buyers.
Glendon Creamery Co.
Johnson Wm, R R, exp and tel agt.
Miller Edward, blacksmith.
Nelson L W, general store.
Thompson June, teacher.
Wells Bros & Clay, brick and tile mnfrs.

[From Page 788]


GUTHRIE CENTER. Population, 1,500. The judicial seat of Guthrie county, is an incorporated town located on the South Coon river and Guthrie br., Iowa div., C., R. I. & P. Ry., 14 miles n. w. of Menlo, the junction with the main line, and 59 n. w. of Des Moines. Has an excellent system of water works, a well equipped fire department, electric light, 2 banks, an opera hall, 6 churches and a good public school system. Two weekly newspapers, the Guthrian and the Guthrie Times, are published. Tel., W. U. Exp., U. S. Telephone connection. George W. Cook, postmaster.

Aldrich Edna, teacher.
Applegate J H, district court judge.
Arledge J M, teacher.
Bayles Frank A, stock breeder.
Beers Samuel, shoemaker.
Biggs W W & Son (Wm W and Clyde C), groceries and shoes.
Boggs I M, county supt of schools.
Bower Edward L, physician.
Brown James B, vet surgeon.
Brown Joseph D, lawyer.
Brown Mrs Lillian, music teacher. Brown M O, sheriff.
Cahail Bros (Wm H and David L), real estate.
Chase Mrs Sarah, dressmaker.
CITIZENS' NATIONAL BANK (Capital $25,000, Surplus $5,000), J W Foster Pres, F R Jones Cashier.
Cleveland House, Mrs L Cleveland propr.
Cleveland Wm, carpenter.
Compton Stephen, grain and live stock.
Connor, Smith & Lenhart (Washington T Connor, W T Smith, Abner J Lenhart), real estate.
COOK GEORGE W, Postmaster.
[End Page 812]
Cooper & Son (Nicholas J and Cephas), livery.
Cornish J W, chairman board of county supervisors.
Corwin Bessie, teacher.
Cottage Hotel, Thomas L Knap propr.
Crawford David A, physician.
Cristy Fred M, shoes.
Daugherty Thomas E, dentist.
Dellitt Frank, grocer.
DEWEY HENRY K (Member Abstracters' Association of Iowa), Real Estate and Abstracts.
De Witt James, restaurant.
Dolan Wm, county surveyor.
Dowd Susie, music teacher.
Dowdall Ed, barber.
Downing I T & M E, livery.
Duffield Robert E, lawyer and mayor.
Dunley Bros (P H and Ed), genl store.
Earl Stephen, carpenter.
Eby Harriet, milliner.
EDMAND A G, County Auditor, Court House.
Farmers' Co-operative Creamery Assn.
Farrel Lyda, teacher.
FIRST NATIONAL BANK (Capital $40,000), Edgar C Lane Pres, Carl H Lane Cashr.
Fordyce Chester, dentist.
Fordyce Oscar, physician.
FOSTER THOMAS J, Real Estate and Vice-Pres Citizens' National Bank.
Frank Wm C, marble and granite.
Gillespie & Son (Arthur B Gillespie), dry goods.
Glassner Fred, bill poster.
Green Bay Lumber Co, R M Crane mngr.
Grisell Alexander H & Son, publrs The Guthrian.
Guiles Ethlyn, teacher.
Guthrian The, Alexander H Grisell & Son publrs.
Guthrie Center Co-operative Creamery, John A McLaughlin sec.
Guthrie Center Electric Light Co, C T Harvey supt.
Guthrie Center Flour Mill, Clearchus Reed propr.
Guthrie Center Military Band, Grant Motz mngr.
Guthrie County Fair Assn, T E Grisell sec.
GUTHRIE COUNTY LAW AND ABSTRACT COMPANY (Incorporated; Capital Stock $5,000), Edward R Sayles Pres and Counsel, Abstracts of Titles to All Real Estate in Guthrie County, Thoroughly Organized Collection Department. Experienced Trial Lawyer in Charge of All Litigated Business, Long Distance. Both Phones No 14. (See adv.)
Guthrie Loan and Trust Co, E C Lane pres.
Guthrie Times, H W Stoy & Son publrs.
Hafner Edith, teacher.
Hammond Maggie I, milliner.
Hamilton Mae, teacher.
Hanson Sven, lumber.
Harned Rev C J (Methodist).
Harrison Joseph W, physician.
Hartz Sherman, painter.
Hawkeye Telephone Co, J M Goodson mngr.
Hazelett Edith, teacher.
Hess H J & Son (Henry M Hess), hardware.
Hill Charles W, lawyer.
Hoeglin I E, painter.
Hogg Rev Joseph (Presbyterian).
Holsman Henry B, lawyer.
Huguet Alice, teacher.
Iowa Telephone Co, E B Nelson mngr.
Jacobs Wm C, general store.
James Lillie, teacher.
Jenkins Margaret, teacher.
Jones Byrde, teacher.
Judson Newton A, harness.
Kenworthy Maurice P, baker.
Kidney Edward, veterinary surgeon.
Kilgore Edward J, meats.
Knap Thomas L, propr Cottage Hotel.
Kneeland Ethel, teacher.
Kneeland Jessie G, teacher.
Lambert Ina, teacher.
Lansing Lulu, restaurant.
Lant & Nesselroad (A Lant, E L Nesselroad), real estate.
Lemmon Albert D, drugs and jewelry.
Lemon Etna, teacher.
LONGACRE & ALEXANDER (Eva D Longacre, Samuel R Alexander), general store.
Love Zura, teacher.
McCarty Mae, teacher.
Guthrie County Law and Abstract Co.
Guthrie Center, Iowa
Abstracts of Titles to all Real Estate in Guthrie County.
Incorporated. Capital Stock, $5,000.
E. R. SAYLES, President and Counsel. Both Phones No. 14.
EDWARD R. SAYLES, Attorney-at-Law, Guthrie Center, Iowa.
[End of Page 813]

McClelland Wm H, grocer.
McLuen James, contractor.
McLuen John E, barber.
McLuen J Samuel, real estate.
McLuen T V Powderly, pianos.
Mack Lena, teacher.
Mahan Albert L, livery.
Mahan H B, undertaker.
Mahan & Nesselroad (H B Mahan, E L Nesselroad), furnitire [sic furniture].
Mallett Bertha, teacher.
Masters & Son, grocers.
Mercer Harry H, clerk district court.
Miller Elmer W, grain.
MILLIGAN & MOORE (Wm D Milligan, Wm F Moore), Attorneys and Counselor-at-Law, (See adv in Legal Blue Book Dept.)
Moore Mrs L B, milliner.
MOORE W M F (Milligan & Moore), Lawyer and County Attorney. (See adv in Legal Blue Book Dept.)
Morris Myrtle, teacher.
Moss Grace, teacher.
Moss Roy, teacher.
Motz Opera House, Grant Motz mngr.
Mount Ethyl, teacher.
Nelson Charles H, drugs and jeweler.
Netherow David I, pianos.
Netherow Mrs Florence, music teacher.
Newton A J, harness.
Nugent Cecilia, teacher.
Parry Charles W, photographer.
Paullin Ida, teacher.
Pennock Luther I, harnessmaker.
People's Store The, H T Clampitt pres, Charles H Pryor sec, John S Fisk mngr, department store.
Phelps Grace, teacher.
PILGRIM HOUSE, M A Tillinghast Propr. Rates $2 Per Day, Headquarters for Commercial Men.
Public Library, Mrs J E Mercer librarian.
Pyles Kittie, teacher.
Rape Lenna, teacher.
Reed Bonnie, teacher.
Reed Carolina, teacher.
Reed Silas J, live stock breeder.
Reese Floyd E, teacher.
Reynolds Effie, teacher.
Ritchie Christine, teacher.
Robertson Ethel, teacher.
Rooker Mabel, teacher.
Roos & Son (John W and Farmer), livery.
Ruch Wm W, general store.
SAYLES EDWARD R (Established 1881), in General Law Practice with Thoroughly Organized Collection Department in Charge of Efficient Manager, Notary Public, Counsel for Guthrie County Law and Abstract Company and R G Dun & Co, Refers Without Permission to Local Banks, District Judges, R G Dun & Co. Long Distance Both Phones No 14. (See page 813.)
Sayre A H, country treasurer.
Scane F M, clothing.
Selby-Lyle Co, H S Selby pres, W C Lyle sec, agrl impts.
Sellman Dora, teacher.
Shearer Daniel, contractor.
Shreves Milton, county recorder.
Shreves & Phillips (James F Shreves, Harry Phillips), barbers.
Smith Lulu B, teacher.
Smith Ollie, teacher.
Smith Wm D, lawyer.
Southwick W C, court reporter.
Stover James P, grocer.
Stoy H W & Son (Henry W and George G), publrs The Guthrie Times.
Swain Henry A, mason contractor.
Swank Isaac, wagonmaker.
Swank Samuel, restaurant.
Tallman Carrie Mae, teacher.
Taylor Frederick, broom mnfr.
Tearney Nellie, teacher.
Thomas Edward Y, live stock.
Thornton Henry S, painter.
Tillinghast Beatrice, teacher.
Van Cleef Joseph W, carriages.
Van Cleef C Wilbur, pumps.
Wallace Guy R, grocer.
Webb Frank C, hardware.
Webb John T, livestock and feed barn.
Weeks & Hughes (Elbert W Weeks, Charles B Hughes), lawyer.
Wilcox Rev ___ (Wesleyan).
Williams Albert R, R R and U S exp agt.
Williams C V, principal of school.
Williams David P, meats.
Williamson M M, harnessmkr.
Yeager Edward R, cigar mnfr.
Young L B, blacksmith.
Younger & Co, poultry.

[From Pages 812-814]


HERNDON. Population, 125. Located on the C., M. & St. P. Ry., in Richland township, Guthrie county, 21 miles n. e. of Guthrie Center, the county seat. Has a Methodist Episcopal church and a bank. Exp., U. S. Tel., W. U. Telephone connection. G. C. Booth, postmaster.

Atchison Mary, hotel.
BOOTH GUY C, Drugs, Cigars, Confectionery, Paints and Oils.
Booth H C, real estate.
Boyd G J, justice of peace.
Cue W, barber and pool hall.
Hulbert S Z, restaurant.
Jones H, carpenter.
Kenyon P, veterinary surgeon.
Kinney Benjamin, livery.
Lockwood W C, junk.
Neola Elevator Co.
Oleson C J, R R, exp and tel agent.
Russell C S, general store.
Sawyes N J, constable.
Shorey P G, house mover.
Wind Carl, blacksmith.
Yale Savings Bank (branch).

[From Page 833]


JAMAICA. Population, 500. An incorporated town on the C., M. & St. P. Ry., in Richland township, Guthrie county, 22 miles n. e. of Guthrie Center, the county seat, and 50 from Des Moines. Has Catholic, Christian, Methodist Episcopal and United Brethren churches, a graded public school, an opera house, 2 banks and a weekly newspaper, the Journal. Exp., U. S. Tel., W. U. Telephone connection. Minnie A. Witter, postmaster.

Adams J W, general store.
Aylsworth T M, grocer.
Citizens Bank, George W Heater propr.
Coone J J, meats.
Crimmegan B, harness.
Dunn T A, hardware.
Exchange Bank, John Lee propr.
Farmers' Grain & Coal Co.
Fisher Oscar, blacksmith.
GARRITY J E, General Store.
Gustafson H C, R R, exp and tel agent.
Heater George W, propr Citizens Bank.
Heater & Kinney, insurance.
Hill F J, hardware.
Hahanschelt George, barber.
Hohanschelt Hiram, jeweler.
Jamaica Journal, O E Trombley publr.
Jamaica Opera House.
Kinney E C, teacher.
Kistler Jesse, teacher.
Lee John, propr Exchange Bank.
Lilja Eric, blacksmith.
Lundy C W, drugs.
Marquis Lumber Co.
Parmeter Smith, mayor.
Searis Mrs Norma, hotel.
Seidler W A, physician.
Shannon Rev L B (Methodist).
Smith D S, furniture.
State Savings Bank (capital $10,000), John Lee pres, W R Lundy cashr.
Thompson & Simpson, general store.
Towne E L, grocer.
Trombley O E, publr Jamaica Journal.
Wilcox Joseph, livery.
WITTER MINNIE A, Postmaster.
Young J M, physician.

[From Page 875]


JOBES. A discontinued postoffice in Guthrie county. Send mail to Exira.

[From Page 879]


MENLO. Population, 500. An incorporated town on the C., R. I. & P, Ry., in Beaver township, Guthrie county, 16 miles s. e. of Guthrie Center, the county seat, and 45 w. of Des Moines. Has a bank, Methodist Episcopal and Presbyterian churches and a weekly newspaper, the Menlo Journal. Tel., W. U. Exp., U. S. Telephone connection. Wm. J. Kirkpatrick, postmaster.

Ahrens H, physician.
American Express Co, Robt Shipley agt.
Barton Rev H H (Methodist Episcopal).
Beebe Norma teacher.
Bell Telephone Co.
Bolger Mabel M, teacher.
Bosold John, teacher.
Buckley George C, hardware.
Cappis J L, hotel.
Colbert Quince, barber.
Delaney Agnes J, teacher.
Downey James, teacher.
[End Page 1019.]

Exchange Bank, M J Sanborn propr.
Cherokee County State Bank (cap $30,000), H H Lamreux pres, W V Andrews cashier.
Fullerton Lumber Co, Wilton Willey mgr.
George Rev J C (Presbyterian).
Gibson A L, mayor.
Harkins L W, restaurant.
Hitchcock Emily, teacher.
Iowa Telephone Co, McCabe Sisters mgrs.
Irwin Kate, teacher.
Lawrey Mrs James, music teacher.
McCabe James N, real estate.
McCabe Thomas, insurance.
McCabe Sisters, mgrs Iowa Telephone Co.
McDaniel Martha, teacher.
Mains & Bartlett, grocers and restr.
Manwell & Freese, real estate.
Menlo Co-operative Creamery Assn, A C Curtiss sec.
Menlo Drug Co, C M Porter proprietor.
Menlo Journal, H G Smith proprietor.
Moorehead & Messenger, general store.
Morton Cyrus, teacher.
Morton Stella, teacher.
Morton Stiles B, teacher.
Nargaard Anna, teacher.
Poling T, blacksmith.
Porter C M, physician.
Presbyterian Church, Rev J C George.
Reid Robert, livery.
Sanborn & Johnson, live stock.
Schenck Mrs Lillian, mngr Hawkeye Telephone Co.
Shaver & McMillen (Robert B Shaver, Samuel S McMillen), drugs.
Shipley Robert, railroad, exp and tel agt.
Smith H G, propr Menlo Journal.
Snow Edwin J, carpenter.
State Bank (capital $25,000), M J Sanborn propr.
Van Duzer Roy, teacher.
Washburn Jennie, milliner.
Whetzel W Archer, general store.
Wildman C A, grain buyer.
Wilson Bros, meats and live stock.

[From Page 1019-1020]


MONTEITH. Population, 75. On the C., R. I. & P. Ry., in Valley township, Guthrie county, 5 miles from Guthrie Center, the judicial seat and banking point. Exp., U. S. Tel., W. U. Charles Masters, postmaster.

Clampitt Rev H T (Christian).
Finnigan Anna, teacher.
Finnigan Josie, teacher.
Finnigan Mary, teacher.
Haskins A J, mason.
MASTERS, WEBB & CO, General Store.
Parrish Harmon, blacksmith.
Reed Bros, grain.
Willey Perry, carpenter.
Lightfoot J C, express agent.
Hawkeye Telephone Co.
Farmers' Mutual Telephone Co.

[From Page 1034]


NELSON. In Bear Grove township, Guthrie county, 13 miles w. of Guthrie Center, the seat of justice, shipping and banking point, whence mail is supplied by rural delivery.

[From Page 1068]


NORTHBRANCH. Population, 75. In Bear Grove township, Guthrie county, 14 miles w. of Guthrie Center, the county seat, railroad station and banking point. Mail, daily.

BAKER & SHOESMITH, General Store.
North Branch Co-operative Creamery Co.
Smith Rev P A (Methodist).
Wardendyke Stella, teacher.

[From Page 1087]


PANORA. Population, 1,200. An incorporated town, located on the Middle Coon river and on the C., M. & St. P, Ry., in Guthrie county, 8 1/2 miles e. of Guthrie Center, the county seat, and 41 e. [error: 41 w.] of Des Moines. Has 3 churches, a graded public school, an opera house, 2 banks, electric light plant, telephone exchange and a weekly newspaper, the Vedette. Mail stage daily to Guthrie Center. Ships coal, live stock, grain, produce, butter and poultry. Tel., Postal and W. U. Exp., U. S. James T Ellis, postmaster.

Armagast Frank, barber.
Ballou Rosa, teacher.
Batchlett & Merchant (James Batchlett, John Merchant), coal miners.
Beller Andrew, thresher.
Bokirk Manning, mason.
Brown Calvin A, carpenter.
Brown Samuel J, physician.
Brown Thomas J, shoemaker.
Brumbaugh Henry, sorghum mnfr.
Burrichter Wm C, drugs and jeweler.
Campbell C E, jeweler.
Campbell Lee E, jeweler.
Carpenter Jacob B, photographer.
Carter M T, grocer.
Citizens' State Bank (cap $25,000), S C Culvertson pres, G A Goetzman cashr.
Clark Wm J, farm impts and hardware.
Clift Jesse & Co, drugs.
Davis John R, live stock.
Diehl Rev J W (Dunkard).
Dolan Thomas, teacher.
Dunlavy Zona, teacher.
Dygert Louis, thresher.
ELLIS JAMES T, Postmaster.
Emery Walter, mason.
Evans Edgar, real estate.
Fisher S, live stock.
Frazier Mrs Mary, dressmaker.
Funk Samuel G, drugs.
Garrett Pearl, milliner.
Guthrie Co. High School Library.
Guthrie County National Bank (cap $50,000, surplus $10,000), M M Reynolds pres, Beaumont Apple, cashr.
Haden Eugene B, physician.
Hanson Lumber Co.
Hanyon Sylvester E, hardware.
Happ Mrs George, restaurant.
Harris James, house mover.
Hart John, city marshal.
Hart J Frank, barber.
Hart Oliver P general store.
Hart Wm S, live stock breeder.
Hawkeye Telephone Co, Winnie Leinbach manager.
Healey Michael C, merchant tailor.
Heasley Cecile teacher.
Heise J C, thresher.
Hemphill Albert J, ins and mayor.
Hensal Bros (Elmer and Rolland), threshers.
Hogelin Samuel C, blacksmith.
Hooper Lizzie, teacher.
Hoover Henry J, livery.
Hotel Dean, Fred Jackley propr.
Houghtelin Rev D M (Methodist).
Houghtelin Rev J D (Dunkard).
Houghtelin Rev Irving (Dunkard).
Howe John, carpenter.
Hummer Benjamin D, general store.
Hutchinson Rev (Christian).
Ilsley H E, prin Guthrie County High School.
Iowa Telephone Co, Edward O Jennings agent.
Jackley Fred, propr Hotel Dean.
Jennings Edward D, painter.
Jennings George H, furn and undertkr.
Kee Jim, laundry.
Kimball C W, drayage.
King Robert, auctioneer.
Knowlton Mame, dressmaker.
Kramer C F, general store.
Lahman David D, drayage.
Lake Zene, carpenter.
La Pettit Oscar B, barber.
Lennon James B D, flour mill.
McDowell Mae, teacher.
Maddich J F, livery.
Maddich Thomas, horse dealer.
Margalia Tony, shoemaker.
Miller Albert N, farm impts.
Moore Horace C, general store.
Morris Jasper W, lawyer.
Mount James R, lawyer.
Neola Elevator Co, S C Devilbiss agt, grain and coal.
Newport Leroy U, carpenter.
Nichols Oliver C, carpenter.
Nichols Samuel D, lawyer.
Nichlin Mabel, teacher.
Ossman Belle, teacher.
Panora Electric Light Co.
Panora Opera House, M M Reynolds mngr.
Panora Savings Bank (capital $20,000) Wm G Roberts pres, Benj E Finley cashr.
[End of Page 1160]

Panora Tile and Brick Works, H M Pentecost propr.
Panora Vedette (Weekly), A T Whitmer Publisher.
Parks Amsey, painter.
Parmenter Almon B, dentist.
Parry David, drayage.
Pentecost H M, propr Panora Tile and Brick Works.
Peterson Charles E, livery and sewing machines.
Rees David D, coal miner.
Rees D D jr, flour and feed mill.
Reynolds M M, insurance.
Richter Herman, meats.
Roberts Isam, painter.
Roberts Wm G, drugs and meats.
Rogers Irving W, meats.
Ruch & Kirkendall (A Ruch, O Kirkendall), restaurant.
Rutledge & Clark (Blackburn Rutledge, Wilford R Clark), general store.
Shaffer Wallace, carpenter.
Sones Calvin O, physician.
Spencer Rev J E (Presbyterian).
Standard Oil Co, H A Furman agt.
Stultts John S, lumber.
Sullivan M, R R, exp and tel agt.
Summy Esther, music teacher.
Summy Miles J, harnessmaker.
Thomas Horace D, dentist.
Trent Louis, thresher.
Turner Gill J, live stock.
Turpin Nora, teacher.
Ward Thomas, well borer.
Warner Harry E, blacksmith.
Warner Isaac, blacksmith.
Warren Grain Co, W W Eaton mngr, grain and seeds.
Wells Warren, prin of school.
WHITMER ALLEN T, Publr Panora Vedette.
Wilcox Frank F, creamery.
Wilson David, poultry breeder.
Winslow Myrtle, dressmaker.
Yontz Grace, music teacher.
Yontz Mrs Louisa M, milliner.

[From Pages 1160-1161]


SAFESIDE. A discontinued postoffice, in Thompson township, Guthrie county, 10 miles s. of Guthrie Center, the county seat, and 8 from Casey, its banking and shipping poin t. Has rural delivery from Casey.

[From Page 1227]


STUART. Population, 2,200. An incorporated city located on the C., R. I. & P. Ry., partly in Guthrie and partly in Adair counties, the postoffice being in the former, and is 18 miles s. e. of Guthrie Center, the judicial seat, 41 s. w. of Des Moines, and 215 w. of Davenport. The town is lighted by electricity, has 7 churches, 4 public schools, 2 telephone exchanges, 2 weekly newspapers, 2 grain elevators, and 3 banks. Ships grain, live stock, poultry, butter, eggs and produce. Telephone connection. Exp., U. S. Tel., W. U. J. R. Smull jr, postmaster.

Armstrong A M, auctioneer.
Armstrong Edna, teacher.
Backus & Kirlin (John S Backus, Jesse Kirlin), real estate and insurance.
Ball Frederick E, lumber and coal.
Ball John, general store.
Ball Joseph A, physician.
Barrett Wm T, grocer.
Bates Hall, Mrs J R Bates propr.
Boatright George W, R R and exp agt.
Briggs Rev W S (Congregational).
Brinton W H, supervisor.
Brooks Rufus G, blacksmith.
Brown Ed R, county attorney.
Brown John J, harnessmaker.
BUCK HARLEY H, Propr South Side Livery. (See adv.)
Buckmaster Mabel, teacher.
Caldwell Joseph R, carpenter.
Clark H F, physician.
Clarkson R L, grocer.
Coffin J N, teacher.
Compton Bros, live stock.
Conway Mary, teacher.
Conway Theresa, teacher.
Crocket James M, justice of peace.
Crosby I F, physician.
DAVENPORT BUSINESS COLLEGE, James C Duncan Principal, 112-116 E 2d, Davenport, Iowa. (See right side lines and page 506.)
Diebold Clara L, teacher.
Diebold Lawrence, meats.
Dosh Jacob R, physician.
Edwards Ira, veterinary surgeon.
Exchange State Bank (capital $25,000), Mrs J E Savage pres, George B Irick cashr.
FIRST NATIONAL BANK (Capital $25,000), John W Foster Pres, A C Curtis Cashr. (See adv.)
Flaugher Mary E, teacher.
Foltz Joseph B, livery.
Fritz John, barber.
Fry Wm F, grocer.
Gray L A, barber.
Gray Lewis B, dentist.
Green Bay Lumber Co, Charles A McCrea mngr.
Grove J B, dry goods and furniture.
Hartman G W & Sons (George W, Jones L and Walter), hardware.
Hartsell E, real estate.
Hawkeye Telephone Co.
Hawthorn Iva, teacher.
Herriott John, drugs.
Hill Susie, teacher.
Hinkson Fred O, lawyer.
Holmes & Williams (Thomas Holmes, J Williams), hardware.
Hong Minnie, teacher.
Hornby Benjamin, carpenter.
Hotel Pilgrim, James Tilton propr.
Johns Frank, painter.
Jones Alma, teacher.
Kail & Schlaib (Emmett E Kail, Charles Schlaib), barbers.
Kenyon Wm B, apiarist.
Kiety James P, city clerk.
Knox Carl P, lawyer.
Knox J A, physician.
Laird George A, city marshal.
Lewis Mary E, teacher.
Livingston, Albert W, justice of peace.
McBride James D, feed mill.
McCracken Clarence C, supt of schools.
McFarland E C & Son (Roy A), notions.
McGrew W R, physician.
McHee Myrtal, teacher.
McIntire Lizzie, teacher.
McMullen F J, photographer.
McMurray Faith, teacher.
McMurray J T, auctioneer.
McNamara Rev Michael S (Catholic).
McNary Minnie E, teacher.
McNichols Ella, teacher.
McNichols Elsie, teacher.
Martin George A, clothing.
Martin John R, jeweler.
Miles Wm & Son, furniture.
Miller Rev A R (Methodist).
Moberly Howard W, live stock.
MONAHAN STEPHEN, Real Estate, Law and Loans, Office over First National Bank. (See adv.)
Montgomery A A, mayor,
Montgomery & Zenor (Albert A Montgomery, Howard T Zenor), cigar mnfrs.
Mount Alice M, teacher.
Mount Hattie B, teacher.
Myers Lizzie, teacher.
Myers Minnie, teacher.
Nelson John Q, carriagemaker.
O'Brien Alice teacher.
O'Brien Shoe Store.
Oldham Marble Works.
Paul John, barber.
Pease Avis, teacher.
Peers Lida, teacher.
Peers Wm, billiards.
Perry Jane, teacher.
Piner Henry E, dentist.
Piner John, brick mnfr.
Pippin Charles A, laundry.
Pote Daniel C, blacksmith.
Public Library, Mrs E Hubbard librarian.

[End of Page 1316]

H. H. Buck, Propr.
Feed, Boarding and Sale Stables, Special
Accommodations for Traveling Men
Good Rigs     Prices Right
Phone 163     Stuart, Iowa
Jno. W. Foster, President
J. F. Blackman, Vice President
A. C. Curtis, Cashier
J. F. McLaughlin, Asst. Cashier
The First National Bank of Stuart
Capital $25,000 Surplus $5,000
Undivided Profits $54,848
Prompt Attention to Collections
Real Estate, Law and Collections
A Large Number of Farms for Sale, Lands Bought
and Sold for Non-residents.
Office Over First National Bank, Stuart,Iowa
Reuben Tassell, Propr.
Feed, Boarding and Sale Stables
Commercial Travelers' Trade a Specialty
Superior Horses     Careful Drivers
New Rigs     Prices Reasonable
Phone 28
One Block West of First National Bank on Main St., Stuart, Iowa
[End of Page 1317]

Purdy, Rev John (Christian).
Raber Arthur S, drugs.
Raber Charles R, engraver.
Reineck John F, tailor.
Rhodes Florence, teacher.
Richardson James B, publr Stuart News.
Ritchie-Markey Sisters, milliners.
Russell Abraham, coal.
Ryan George, dry goods.
Ryan George jr, clothing.
Ryan Michael, general store.
Sayre Harriet, teacher.
Schwitzer Katherine, teacher.
Seeley Bros (John and M L), jeweler.
Sever Preston L, lawyer.
Seward F O, veterinary surgeon.
SEXTON THE, J P Sexton Proprietor, Opposite Depot, New, Up-to-Date Brick Hotel, Steam Heat and Electric Lights, Rate $2.00 Per Day.
Smith Frank, drayage.
Smith Lon, drugs.
Smull J R & Son (Elmer and Charles), general store.
SOUTH SIDE LIVERY, Harley H Buck Propr. (See page 1317.)
Stanton Maude, teacher.
Starr Rev L F (Adventist).
Stuart Electric Light Co J C Harris electrician.
Stuart Granite & Marble Works.
Stuart Herald, J E Thode publr.
Stuart News, J B Richardson publr.
Stuart Produce Co, F A Glawe mngr.
Stuart Savings Bank (capital $25,000), M S Kile pres, F M Kile cashr.
Swartz Jacob A, plasterer.
TASSELL REUBEN, Propr West Livery Stable. (See page 1317.)
Taylor A A, undertaker.
Taylor Charles H, lawyer.
Taylor & Emmons, real estate.
Thode J E, publr Stuart Herald.
Throp Charles W, shoemaker. [sic? Thorp?]
Tilton James, propr Hotel Pilgrim.
Treat Dr Joseph A, drugs.
Van Hemert Josephine, teacher.
Van Syoc Wiltimina, teacher.
Walker & Males (George Walker, Vinton Males), meats.
Wallace Wm, restaurant.
Weesner Florence, teacher.
WEST LIVERY, SALE AND BOARDING STABLE, Reuben Tassell Propr, One Block West of First National Bank. (See page 1317.)
Wight Florence, teacher.
Williams Charles E, billiards.
Wilson Charles L, lawyer.
World Wonder Worker Liniment Co, W H Goss propr.
Wright Laura, teacher.
Wright Nellie, teacher.
Yeager Jacob, carpenter.
Young T Bruce, teacher.

[From Pages 1316-1318]


WICHITA. A country postoffice in Seely township, Guthrie county, 8 miles n. w. of Guthrie county, 8 miles, n. w. of Guthrie Center, the seat of justice, shipping and banking point. Mail daily.
Johnson Ada B, teacher.
LATHROP F E, General Store.
Smith Goldie, teacher.

[From Page 1421]


YALE. Population, 500. An incorporated town on the C., M, & St. P. Ry., in Cass township, Guthrie county, 16 miles n. e. of Guthrie Center, the county seat and 50 from Des Moines. Has Christian, Dunkard and Methodist churches, a graded public school, a bank and a weekly newspaper, the Yale Tribune. Exp., U. S. Telephone and telegraph facilities. Grace L. Mathison, postmaster.
Adkins Grant, livery.
Altman J C, barber.
Atkinson Jessie, teacher.
Auspitz M, general store.
Bartholow Bros, hardware and impts.
Bartholow Elizabeth, teacher.
Beck H G, barber.
Caple M M, hardware and furniture.
CLOUSE P & SON, General Store.
Coe Rev A J (Methodist).
Deardoff Rev Moses (Dunkard).
Deardoff V G, propr Yale Drug Co.
Fisher Ethelyn, teacher.
Fisher Louie, teacher.
Fisher & Co, live stock.
Flansburg R J, mayor and harness.
Galbreath J M, insurance.
Hamilton Owen, teacher.
Hanson Lumber Co.
Howell E C publr Yale Tribune.
Johns Wilbur, carpenter.
Lakin A M, physician.
Lookingbill A C, vet surgeon.
Marschant A, chairman bd supervisors.
Marquis Millinery Co.
Murphy E E, blacksmith.
Neola Grain Co, Joseph Erb agt.
Pierce Charles, bowling alley.
Pierce Mrs L G, hotel.
Price & Co, general store.
Richey Fern, teacher.
Rowley Audrey, teacher.
Rowley Bina, teacher.
Rundburg D, R R, exp and tel agt.
Sheets W A, grocer.
Slothower Henry, mason.
Stotts & Son, drugs.
Strock W T, hardware.
Sturdevant Orpha, teacher.
Thornburg W V, physician.
Voux Henry, hotel.
Wagner B, blacksmith.
Wagner John, shoemaker.
Warren Grain Co, S K Caslow agt.
Weigle Samuel G, carpenter.
Yale Creamery Co.
Yale Drug Co, V G Deardorff propr.
YALE SAVINGS BANK (Capital $20,000), Charles Yale Pres, L M Swindler Cashr.
Yale Tribune, E C Howell publr.

[From Page 1433]


Index to Advertisements.
A List of Prominent and Successful Men of Iowa.

16City Savings Bank247
20Guthrie County Law & Abstract Co.813
20Milligan & Moore1758
24Buck Harley H1317
24First National Bank of Stuart1317
24Monahan S1317
24Tassell R1317


from pg. 92

Guth-rieGuthrie CenterA. G. EdmondH. H. MercerA. H. Sayre???ston
W. E. MorrisonJ. D. AdamsA. E. CraryE. E. Crary

Chairmen of Boards of County Supervisors.

from pg. 96

GuthrieA. MarchantYale


from pg. 145-146


*Guthrie Center (c. h.)

ch = county seat
* = International as well as Domestic Money-Order Offices


from pg. 104-143

BagleyFirst National BankH. L. MooreF. N. Jenkins25,000
BayardBayard Savings BankM. McDonaldC. P. McDonald15,000
BayardCity Savings BankJ. J. O'MalleyT. C. Lundy15,000
CaseyAbram Rutt National BankAbram RuttS. L. Rutt25,000
CaseyCitizens' Savings BankJ. W. GrayFred Gray15,000
Guthrie CenterCitizens' National BankJ. W. FosterF. R. Jones25,000
Guthrie CenterFirst National BankE. C. LaneC. H. Lane40,000
HerndonYale Savings BankJas. Pollock  
JamaicaCitizens' Bank(G. W. Heater)  
MenloExchange Bank(M J ??Sanborn)
PanoraCitizens' State BankS. C. CulbertsonH. M. Culbertson25,000
PanoraGuthrie County National BankM. M. ReynoldsB. Apple50,000
StuartExchange State BankJ. E. SavageG. B. Irick25,000
StuartFirst National BankJ. W. FosterA. C. Antes 
YaleYale Savings BankChas. YaleL. M. Swindler20,000

Transcribed and contributed by Cheryl Siebrass, March, 2024 from Iowa State Gazetteer and Business Directory 1908-1909 Volume XIV, Des Moines: R. L. Polk & Co., 1908. Original images may be viewed offsite at:

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