Compliments of The Estherville Democrat
October 1907
1907 Estherville City Directory Index: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H,
I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Name |
Occupation |
Address |
Ladd, W. A. & wife Eva |
attorney |
603 S. 9th |
Lande, Ben & wife Eliza |
laborer |
215 E. Maple |
Lande, Lewis & wife Annie |
carpenter |
202 E. Maple |
Langsdale, S. K. & wife |
telegraph operator |
302 S. 7th |
Larson, P. T. & wife T. M. |
Supt. Elec. Light Plant |
327 W. Pleasant |
Larson, Anna |
domestic |
802 S. 8th |
Larson, Miss Anna |
teacher |
508 N. 7th |
Lee, H. N. & wife Clara |
fireman |
709 N. 10th |
Lee, Josie |
teacher |
514 N. 7th |
Lee, N. J. & wife Maud |
attorney |
601 N. 8th |
Lein, Betsy |
compositor |
803 N. 7th |
Lein, T. A. & wife C. |
retired |
803 N. 7th |
Leo, Elsie |
student |
304 N. 2nd |
Leonard, J. A. & wife E. M |
painter |
West side |
Lesher, Clara |
student |
402 N. 8th |
Lesher, Roy |
clerk |
402 N. 8th |
Lesher, W. A. & wife Eugenia |
real estate |
402 N. 8th |
Letchford, Geo. & wife Callie |
grocer |
220 N. 7th |
Library |
Court House Square |
Lindsell, Elizabeth |
East Lawn |
Lindsell, Mrs. W. |
East Lawn |
Link, E. & wife Nettie |
laborer |
1200 N. 10th |
Linke, P. |
laborer |
107 N. 1st |
Linke, Wm. & wife Bertha |
laborer |
107 N. 1st |
Littell, E. R. |
merchant |
810 E. Howard |
Littell, Edith |
student |
1223 E. Main |
Littell, Henry & wife Grace |
feed store |
737 S. 9th |
Littell, J. P. & wife Mary |
Ins. Agt. |
1223 E. Main |
Littell, Mrs. Will |
widow, clerk |
810 E. Howard |
Littleton, J. F. & wife Ellen |
521 N. 4th |
Littleton, Joe & wife Anna |
409 E. Des Moines |
Lough, A. & wife Mary |
mail clerk |
403 N. 8th |
Lough, Emma C. |
widow |
501 N. 7th |
Lough, L. & wife Mary |
engineer |
307 W. Lincoln |
Lough, Martha |
dressmaker |
1009 E. Roberts |
Lough, Mrs. J. W. |
widow |
1009 E. Roberts |
Lovell, J. C. Jr., & wife M. |
feed yard |
815 S. 8th |
Low, Mrs. E. |
widow |
406 N. 8th |
Lowe, George |
laborer |
1225 E. Howard |
Lucas, C. E. & wife C. J. |
fireman |
205 E. Howard |
Lucas, D. W. & wife Anna |
fireman |
503 N. 4th |
Lucas, J. W. & wife |
West side |
Lucas, John & wife Viola |
laborer |
103 E. Main |
Lucas, Perey |
student |
103 E. Main |
Lucas, Roy & wife Eva |
brakeman |
103 E. Main |
Lucas, S. & wife M. L. |
laborer |
West side |
Lyman, F. R. & wife M. E. |
retired |
West side |
Lyman, George & wife Anna |
grocer |
419 S. 10th |
Lyman, Kate |
West side |
Lyman, Louie |
clerk |
West side |
Lynch, A. F. & wife Mary |
drayman |
800 N. 8th |
Lyon, A. W. & wife Mary |
conductor |
516 S. 10th |
Lyon, Chas. |
druggist |
Orleans Hotel |
Lyon, G. A. & wife Cora |
lumberman |
401 N. 7th |
Lytle, Chas. & wife Florence |
paper hanger |
221 E. Walnut |
Lytle, Floyd |
meat cutter |
221 E. Walnut |
Lytle, John |
paper hanger |
221 E. Walnut |
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