Grand River SchoolRichland Twp., Decatur County, Iowa |
Yearbooks |
Alumni Booklets
Wade Ackerley | Floyd McDowell | Bernadine Morrell |
Harold Burchett | Mabel McDowell | Mendle Brammer |
Sherman Allen | Doyle Hukill | Cleo Brown |
Clarence Bohall | Raymond Hukill | Clarence Burchett |
Burl Briner | Maxine Snyder | John Gale |
Katy Briner | Calvin Spray | Edgar Harger |
Woodrow Crees | Naomi Spray | Lester McDowell |
Lawrence Crees | Harriette Switzer | Howard Shay |
Frances Day | Wellington Taylor | Cloyd Street |
Raymond Gilreath | Marjorie Vanderpool | Elmer Shields |
Nellie Harger | Addie Young | Hazel Morrell |
Emma Hileman | Agnes Liles | Bernice Foland |
The Leon Reporter Leon, Decatur County, Iowa Thursday, January 27, 1917, Page 1 Study Center at Grand River Saturday, Jan. 27th.The regular study center work in the manual training for teachers in the northwest part of the county will be held in the shop at Grand River on Saturday, January 27. Regular work with tools on the bench will be given. This is work closely related to the boys' club work of the state, and will be continued at the special study center to be held in Grand River two weeks later, Feb. 10. For this and other reasons a full attendance of rural teachers is urged. Unless more teachers attend at Grand River this manual training center will be taken to another point in the county. CHAS. B. WOODSTOCK, Manual Training Instructor. Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, March of 2015 |
The Leon Journal-Reporter Leon, Decatur County, Iowa Thursday, May 14, 1936 The senior class of the Grand River High School presented the play "Cat of Nine Tails." The high school entertained the 8th graders of Richland Township with a picnic and an afternoon ball game. Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, June 2011 |
Hot Lunch Project Under Way In G. R. School [Page 3, November 13, 1941] The hot lunches for the Grand River school children are being served and a exceptional large number of children are receiving the lunches. The number will greatly increase as the weather becomes more unfavorable. This has been a very worth while project and has met with real favor from the students and parents. Mrs. Margaret Bright and Mrs. Della Woodard will again be in charge of the project with Mrs. Viola Nuzum, Home Ec. teacher as overseer. This summer a garden project was sponsored and was tended by Alva Hileman and Elmer Munyon. This was not only an exceptionally fine looking garden, but a large quantity of vegetables were realized. Mrs. Bright and Mrs. Woodard spent most of the summer canning them. Space was secured under the Green Corner Store and used in storing the canned goods and vegetables. It would be well worth anyone's time to see this exceptional fine display of goods. The N. Y. A. girls are helping with the lunches and are doing various work around the school building. Mr. Barnhouse is their supervisor. Transcription by Sharon R, Becker, November 2015 |
![]() Class of 1930-31 50th Anniversary Dan Day, 1st from right, back row Margaret Pennock Schoonover, 1st from right, front row Courtesy of Ken Day |
![]() Grand River Class of 1959 50th Class Reunion, May of 2009 |
Back Row, L-R: Melvin MULLEN, Bill BONE, Harry TINNELL, Bernard
STOGDILL Front Row, L-R: Karon (ANDREWS) GILES, Glenda (WILLIAMS) McNEAL, Sharilyn (STARK) GARCIA, Marilyn (MOOBERRY) SEARS, Carolyn (STARK) SPICER Submission by Sharon R. Becker, June 2011 |
Original page created by Sharon Becker 2013, updated 2015; updated and reformatted by Conni McDaniel Hall Oct 2019; updated Aug 2020. |
Schools Directory *** Decatur County IAGenWeb |