Grand River Yearbook ~ "1957 Echoes" |
click on images for larger views |
![]() "1957 Echoes" |
![]() 1957 Grand River Yearbook |
![]() Dedication | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() Jackie Briner |
![]() School Board |
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Walter Roberts, Harold Ackerly, Dean Fear, Geral Hewlett, G.W. Evans, Russel Boles, Paul Ireland, Ralph Andrew | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() 1956-57 Faculty |
![]() 1956-57 Staff |
![]() Annual Staff | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Walter E. Roberts, Dale Gibson, Elosie Brodbeck, Marjorie Irving, Zona Smithson | Mrs. G. Boles, Lloyd Briner, Mrs. W. Briner, Harold Blades, Darrel Houck | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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![]() Class of 1957 |
![]() Class of 1957 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Merna Kay Brown, Bruce Daughton, Rosalie Harger, Betty Greenland, Larry Hewlett | Kenlyn Kirkpatrick, Nancy McKee, Marion Stark, Gary Newton, Rita Hewlett, Mary Jane Brown | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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![]() Junior Class |
![]() Sophomores & Freshman | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Jim O'Grady, Sheila Daughton, Lorene Palmer, Kay German, Gene Hewlett, Rodney Boles, David Stuck, Donald Adams, Bernell Boles, Donald Havard, Mardean Fear, Merna Wookey, Linda Hailey, Randall Taylor | Wanda Hailey, Jim Adams, Garry Boles, LaVern Adams, Robert Taylor, Ronald King, Dixie Davis, Donita Jones, Mary Brown, Marlena McKee, Suellen Pickering, Gary Jimmerson, Randall Andrew, Judy Dodd, Judith Jimmerson, Glenda Williams, Merwyn West, Janice McDowell, Dora Fitzgerald, Sherilyn Stark, Carolyn Stark, Karen Andrew, Donna Reed, Melvin Mullen, Ronnie Brown, Bernard Stodgill, Bill Bone, Rodney Evans, Harry Tinnell | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() 7th & 8th Grades |
![]() 5th & 6th Grades |
![]() 3rd & 4th Grades | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Peggy Baker, Jean Adams, Judy Reed, Carol Fear, Jimmy Harris, Phyllis Richie, Ronald Brown, Mary Jane Borne, Harold Foland, Irvan McDaniel, Sharon Glazebrook, George Sego, Donald Hewlett, Mrs. Flaggard, Anne Burchett, Jackie Briner, James Bone, Bonnie Baker, Carol Hewlett, Bobby Weeter, Bobby Ward, Lester Barton, Jane Girdner, Carl Priest, Wayne Brown, Shirley Adams, Keith Andrew | Gary Toney, Bonnie Reed, Jane Sego, Patsy Greenland, Waneta Hailey, Ronald Jimmerson, Jerry Vanderflute, Ronald Stark, Danny Moren, D.F. Snook, Johnny Brown, Helen Boles, Irene Brown, Gloria Baderow, Nancy Harris, Mary E. Peterson, Diane Moren, Mrs. Dufty, Rodney Stark, Donald Ireland, Linda German, Gordon Williams, Kathy Boyd, Martel Poore | Clarence Foxworthy, Kristen Andrew, Ronald Toney, Rita Fear, Eldon Thomas, Linda Burchett, Peggy Girdner, Connie Glazebrook, Jean Moren, Cathy Burchett, Mrs. Brown, Doris Peterson, Ingrid Fear, Burnell Jimmerson, Diane Thomas, Rex Glazebrook, Janet McDaniel, Janet Peterson, Monte Baker | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() 2nd & 3rd Grades |
![]() Primary & 1st Grades |
![]() Grand Valley Blue Dragons |
Mark Gibson, Lynne Daughton, Danny Jimmerson, Joyce Stark, Keith Toney, Frances Jimmerson, Danny Young, Rosalyn Ellis, Mrs. Schwalbe, Marla Taylor, Bobby J. Adams, Karon Priest, Eula Jimmerson, Glen Foland, Dixie Ellis, Gene Reed, Marcia Badgerow, Darwin Stark | John Compton, Patty Daley, Freddie Weaver, Kay Keller, Junior Ellis, Betty L. Hopkins, Janet Moren, Vickie Peterson, Marieta Poore, Retta Griffin, Carolyn Foxworthy, Mrs. Dentier, Linda Edwards, Kayla Gibson, Deanna Baker, Barbara Jimmerson, Lana S. Nichols, Virginia Shields, Rex Hileman, Shirley Baker, Roland Peterson, Janice Overholtzer, Robert Stark | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() Class of 1956 |
![]() Class of 1956 |
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Richard O'Grady, Frances McGraw, Albert Hewlett, Mary Joyce Green, Joyce Brown, Max German, Norma Fitzgerald, Jon Crees, Marla McDowell, Merlin Stark | Robert Hewlett, Merna Davis, Richard Schwalbe, Ronald Boles, Danny Greenland, Doyle Wookey, Ralph Evans, Harry Hopkins | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() Boys Basketball |
![]() Boys Basketball & Cheerleaders |
![]() Girls Basketball | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Back: Coach - Dale Gibson, Ronald King, Bernard Stogdill, Gary Jimmerson, Gerald Hailey, Bill Bone, Randall Andrew, Randall Taylor, Scorekeeper - Don Adams. Front: Jim Adams, Gene Hewlett, Marion Stark, Larry Hewlett, Bruce Daughton, Rodney Boles, Manager - Bernell Boles. | Front: Merna Wookey, Donita Jones, Karon Andrew, Suellen Pickering, Carolyn Stark. Back: Glenda Williams, Janice McDowell, Merna Kay Brown, Rosalie Harger, Sheila Daughton, Betty Greenland, Lorene Palmer, Kenlyn Kirkpatrick-manager, Dale Gibson-coach. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() Baseball |
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![]() Chorus | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Back: Rodney Evans, Duane Weeter, James Adams, Merwin West, Rosalie Harger, Nancy McKee, Sharilyn Stark, Donna Reed, Suellen Pickering, Wanda Hailey, Judith Jimmerson. Middle: Larry Hewlett, Bruce Daughton, Donald Adams, Rita Hewlett, Kenlyn Kirkpatrick, Glenda Williams, Carolyn Stark, Doris Fitzgerald, Judy Dodd, Donita Jones, Marlena McKee, director-Miss Brodbeck. Front: Melvin Mullen, James Boe, Mardean Fear, Merna Wookey, Betty Greenland, Janice McDowell, Karon Andrew, Linda Hailey, Kay German, Sheila Daughton, Lorene Palmer. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() Band |
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![]() Snapshots | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Front: Phyllis Ritchie, Suellen Pickering, Karon Andrew, Rosalie Harger, Jane Girdner, Bonnie Baker, Larry Hewlett, Keith Andrew, Peggy Baker. Middle: Director-Miss Brodbeck, Martell Poore, David Stuck, Lorene Palmer, Rodney Evans. Back: Ronald Brown, Wayne Brown, Anne Burchett, Bruce Daughton, Bill Bone, Duane Mooberry, James Bone. | Surnames: Stuck, Daughton, McClure, Weinniger, Taylor, Brown, Wadell, Driskill, Boyd, Redman, Fear, Palmer, Stubbs, Harger, Fry, Davis, Mollison, Hewlett, Hanner, Schwable, German, Roberts, McGraw, Burchett, Reed, Pickering, Fitzgerald, Greene, Dodd, McKee, Glazebrook, Crees, Boles, Burchett | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() Snapshots |
![]() Snapshots |
![]() Snapshots | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() Snapshots |
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![]() Autographs | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Class History When school opened, August 31, 1953, there were 13 shy, bashful, but ambitious and forward looking freshmen enrolled. Having heard of the difficult paths of high schoolers from upper classmen, we were filled with anxiety. Our class officers were Rita Hewlett - President, Larry Hewlett - Secretary-Treasurer, and Mrs. Roberts - Class Sponsor. We met our first challenge when we were initiated, and required to humble ourselves by carrying out the orders and wishes of our "so-called" superiors, the sophomores. During the year Jim Hartinger, Anna Belle Gloshen, and Vera Gallagher enrolled, increasing our class to 16, but Carl Grimm and Jim Hartinger left us bringing it back to 14. We returned next August 30th, with 15 members. We were more confident than before. We started our sophomore year with a bang, by initiating the freshmen. Class officers were Marion Stark - President, Betty Greenland, Secretary-Treasurer, and Mrs. Irving - Class Sponsor. Jo Ann Warren and Walter Harriman left us this year, but we gained Kenlyn Kirkpatrick and Roger Brandt. On August 29, 1955, twelve, still more confident and power students filed into the "ole" school building. Our officers were Rosalie Harger - President, Mary Jane Brown - Vice-President, Marion Stark - Secretary, Larry Hewlett - Treasurer, Mrs. Irving was again our sponsor. We had two highlights that year -- our play, "The Redheaded Step Child", and the Junior, Senior banquet, in our gym. We are now seniors, 1956-57, taking the last steps in our high school career. Our officers are Mary Kay Brown - President, Nancy McKee - Vice-President, Larry Hewlett, Secretary-Treasurer. Our sponsor is Mr. Roberts. Mary Jane Brown married and moved away the first of the year cutting our class enrollment to 10. We feel that we have had more fun this year than ever before and are looking forward to our class play, "Peggy Parks", the Junior-Senior banquet, skip day, and last but not least, GRADUATION!! Our caps and gowns will be navy blue, class flower is pink rose, our class motto, which we all hope to achieve, "Success and Nothing Less." |
Class Prophecy We, the mature wizards of the Junior Class of 1956-57, do hereby set forth the following predictions for the Senior Class as seen 10 years henceforth from this day. As we conjure our magical vision, we see: Rita Hewlett circling Ellston Airport in her private Saber-Jet. As she taxis down the runway we see . . . one henpecked Quinten and three little co-pilots! Bruce Daughton, a well known veterinarian by day, and a man about town by night, extending into the next morning. He has just returned from a political campaign, a Democratic one of course! Nancy McKee with her Ph.D., teaching the theory of nuclear fusion to four-year-old children ready to appear on that fabulous quiz show, "Shoot for the Moon!" Gary "Drip" Newton has now risen to the exalted position of janitor at the "Drippy Faucet Company" at Davis City! Merna Kay Brown with her husband, a well paid agriculture teacher, a former high school student from here. Right now she is busily trying to train their own little beasts! Larry Hewlett and an Irish girl wrapped in furs, whizzing by in a super-duper "Rocket Rambler" that he designed himself! Betty Greenland, now known as "Bruiser Betty" the famous basketball star. Right now she is busily signing her autographs for her fan club! Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No. It's Marion Stark flying low in his Jet-Mobile. This is the farmer who seems to specialize in collecting beautiful blondes! Kenly Kirkpatrick, throwing her garbage from her twenty-story, penthouse window. Heaven forbid! It hit her husband, Daddy-O Kelso, as his intimate friends call him. Rosalie Harger teaching a room-full of red-heads. Seems as if they resemble a certain famous red-head business tycoon! As the vision fades away, we hop aboard our time machine and head back for good old '57! Class Will We, the members of the senior class of 1956-57, being of sound mind and memory, do hereby make, publish, and declare this to be our last will and testament. To all future senior classes we leave our empty seats in the assembly, we hope you have as many good times there as we have had. We also will all of our cuds of gum, inscribed initials, and a lot of sympathy and good advice -- do not study too hard! Nancy wills her ability to get along with Mr. Roberts and all other teachers to Donald Havard. The Senior Basketball girls will to Rodney Boles their interest in Grand River Basketball teams and to the Junior girls we will all our water fights! Rosalie wills to Linda Hailey her front seat in Mr. Gibson's Economics Class and her ability to work Physics problems. Kenlyn wills her giggles and "gift of gab" to Sheila Daughton, although we think Sheila gets along fine without it! Merna Kay wills her upper plate to Kay German in case she might need it, and also her mischievousness and bad habits to Bernell. Betty wills her basketball ability and her bruises to Donald Adams and her love for school to Randall Taylor. Marion wills his good grades and ability to always get into trouble to Gene Hewlett, who we think is doing right well for himself without them! Rita wills her ability to attract red-headed men to Merna Wookey. Gary wills his wonderful typing ability to Lorene Palmer -- (The Poor Girl). Bruce wills his ability to work algebra to Mardean and his modesty to Jim O. Larry does hereby bequeath his ability to always say and do the wrong things at the wrong time to the whole Junior Class and his curly hair and rough beard to David Stuck! |
The Senior Class Play | ||
"Peggy Parks" | ||
Peggy Parks | A self-reliant girl | Rita Hewlett |
Jessica Harris | her girl friend | Rosalie Harger |
Samanthy Boggs | makes many "dramatical" errors | Merna Brown |
Lizzie Boggs | her daughter | Nancy McKee |
Mrs. Tillinghast | the town's social leader | Kenlyn Kirkpatrick |
Cecil Tillinghast | her precious son | Bruce Daughton |
"Shorty" Pike | who runs the filling station | Gary Newton |
Oscar Hammond | from across the road | Randall Taylor |
Ernest Emerson | Prospector | Larry Hewlett |
Lem Hawkins | Can't be pinned down | Marion Stark |
Starlight | a beautiful Indian girl | Betty Greenland |
Synopsis of Scenes The entire action of the play takes place in the lunch room of "Shorty" Pike's filling station and tourist camp just outside of Golden City, Colorado. Time . . . . . The Present. ACT ONE: Noon of a day in early spring. ACT TWO: Six days later, noon. ACT THREE: The following day. |
Yearbook contributed by Sharon R. Becker 2015. Transcribed by Sharon Becker, 2015, and Conni McDaniel Hall, 2019. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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